
Looking for Domain Name Developers to Start a Group in 2022

Spaceship Spaceship


Mug RuithTop Member
Are you a successful domain name developer or seriously interested in domain name development? I'm looking for highly-skilled domain name developers to start a discussion where can share tips about how to develop domain names for profit in 2022. If you have an established skillset in this area and are serious about making money from your domain name investing (by developing your domain names) then please post a list of your three main domain name development skills. No timewasters please. This will be a public discussion, not private messages. Cheers. My three main domain name development skills are 1> Finding high quality local (C.C.T.L.D.) domain names to use for website development 2 > Coming up with profitable traffic and product strategies 3 > Creating websites which get a lot of local traffic from search engines.
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Where is this group discussion going to take place?
Are you a successful domain name developer or seriously interested in domain name development? I'm looking for highly-skilled domain name developers to start a discussion where can share tips about how to develop domain names for profit in 2022. If you have an established skillset in this area and are serious about making money from your domain name investing (by developing your domain names) then please post a list of your three main domain name development skills. No timewasters please. This will be a public discussion, not private messages. Cheers. My three main domain name development skills are 1> Finding high quality local (C.C.T.L.D.) domain names to use for website development 2 > Coming up with profitable traffic and product strategies 3 > Creating websites which get a lot of local traffic from search engines.

PHP developer, scraping data, SEO.
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Where is this group discussion going to take place?
I hope if there is enough of an interest in this group then @Alfa Mod Team will create a new thread called " Developing Domain Names for Profit " or similar. Let's see how many people contribute to this thread by end of December. Cheers.
scraping data
This is a very useful skill from what I've heard and one that I also know very little about. Exactly the kind of thing that spurred me to start this discussion. Cheers.
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Just to be clear. The objective of this thread is to convince @Alfa Mod Team that enough interest is present to create a section within the Domain Name Monetization section called " Developing Domain Names for Profit " which is not about parking domain names but about creating websites and monetising those websites (primarily with advertisements). The aim of such a thread is to help domain name investors to share and learn skills which help us to actively aim to make a profit in 2022 from domain name purchases/investments, through website development.
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Just to be clear. The objective of this thread is to convince @Alfa Mod Team that enough interest is present to create a section within the Domain Name Monetization section called " Developing Domain Names for Profit " which is not about parking domain names but about creating websites and monetising those websites (primarily with advertisements). The aim of such a thread is to help domain name investors to share and learn skills which help us to actively aim to make a profit in 2022 from domain name purchases/investments, through website development.

looks like you have an "objective" and an "aim"

still, the section below appears to best place for it.



looks like you have an "objective" and an "aim"
"The objective of this thread is to convince @Alfa Mod Team that enough interest is present to create a section within the Domain Name Monetization section called " Developing Domain Names for Profit " which is not about parking domain names but about creating websites and monetising those websites (primarily with advertisements)." You are welcome to play an active part in the thread @biggie. All are welcome. It's always good to have critical opinion in an open debate. Namaste brother.
Thank you for your suggestion @biggie. I don't think "domain parking" adequately covers domain traffic monetisation. Do you? What's your objective in there not being a section within Domain Name Monetization section called " Developing Domain Names for Profit "?
Automation is a great thing @biggie. Since you add "imo" to the end of all your posts why not just add it to your signature rather than manually typing it out in all your messages? I want to help you maximise your time here on our planet by not having to repeat these mundane tasks.
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Godaddy agrees that website development is a key part of domaining and domain investment (@Bob Hawkes, @biggie, et al)


What is domaining and how can it make you money?​

Domaining is generally defined as investing in domain names with the intention of making a profit. A profit is most often realized by selling or leasing a domain for more than you purchased it for. However, there are other methods of monetization during the time you are actively renewing a domain name.

A renewed and active domain name may be “parked” on a landing page with relevant advertising or built into a website selling products and services for a profit.

The demand for domain names continues to grow as more internet users bring their businesses, apps, portfolios and ideas online.

Remember how we used the term “internet real estate market” earlier? That’s the simplest way to think of domaining. A real estate investor hopes to buy a piece of land (i.e., domain name) in order to resell it for a profit or to construct a building (i.e., website) on it to sell products and services.
You don't need to spend any money except domain name and hosting. It's just about dedicating your time. I wish @biggie and others would be more supportive. I think I understand the wall - if you are a beginner and don't understand website development then you won't understand this thread. If you successfully develop domain names already then you won't need this thread. If you only sell or park domain names then you will disagree with this thread. If you are a registrar or auction house then you won't want this thread to be successful because people will buy and sell less domain names. So I understand the wall. I just know that when smart people join forces great things can happen. That won't change even if this idea doesn't take off.
Thanks for initiating the discussion, @redemo.

I agree that really developing and monetizing a site is different, involving different techniques and approaches, from monetizing it via parking or even paid redirection.

I also agree that it is something more domain investors should consider as a possible approach.

I don't have any association with NamePros beyond writing for the blog, and as a happy member of this community, so have no inside view as to what is needed for starting a discussion section. I suspect they get numerous requests and need to be cautious to make sure there is broad enough interest before approving new sections. Which is your purpose in this thread, I guess. Will be interesting to see how many respond.

Look forward to seeing more discussion.

@Bob Hawkes
Thank you for posting your 3-part domain investing series:

Domain Investing: Just The Basics – Part 1 - Registering, buying, renewing, researching, and listing domain names

Domain Investing: Just The Basics – Part 2 - landers, types of domain names, pricing, tracking interest, promotion, fast transfer networks, transferring, and easy ways to create your own marketplace

Domain Investing: Just The Basics – Part 3 - Outbound, Promotion, UDRP, Parking, Website, Resources

I really appreciate all of your time and research that went into compiling and editing these three excellent resources. Hopefully a similar quality of guide for domain name development for profit will be created very soon. Been really difficult to find the time recently so hopefully after Xmas.
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This thread is too broad if you want actual discussion. You need to narrow it down and focus on a specific topic, like: "monetization methods", or "picking your niche" etc.
I'd be interested

This thread is too broad if you want actual discussion. You need to narrow it down and focus on a specific topic, like: "monetization methods", or "picking your niche" etc.
You are absolutely correct. My intention is to convince @Alfa Mod Team to create a section called "Developing Domain Names for Profit" which can have sub threads or posts all related to the parent section. This will only happen if enough people show interest and @Alfa Mod Team decide to take action. Domain name traffic monetisation is not just parking. That is the issue which I am presenting to @Alfa Mod Team and the community. There are hundreds of ways to monetise domain name traffic. Not saying you are going to become a millionare but you can easily earn $ 50 or $ 100 (which is 28 cents multiplied by 365 days) every year from most sensible domain names through different forms of advertising and promotion. The idea is that this section contains either sub threads or posts relating to some of these methods. Learned member @biggie is 100% incorrect that I have any hidden agenda or commercial plan. I have decided not to accept any more unfounded accusations from @biggie as it's wasting my time here so @biggie is now on my ignore list (it's very rare I do this) but if he wants to change his behaviour and be more constructive the door is always open. What he does is make an unfounded accusation, and when I return the favour questioning his motives he reports me to the admin team. All I'm trying to do is create a public place for people to meet, discuss and be more successful in 2022.
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This thread is too broad if you want actual discussion. You need to narrow it down and focus on a specific topic, like: "monetization methods", or "picking your niche" etc.
I have reflected upon the original idea and I'd like to re-present it more simply. There is a forum discussion called "Domain Parking and Traffic Monetization" which I believe is misleading for the following reason: "Traffic monetization" is an appropriate name for the section, however "Domain parking" should be omitted from the title and placed in a sub category, since domain parking is a type of traffic monetization and therefore it is a subset and belongs in a sub category folder - alongside other types of traffic monetization. I'll leave that request with @Echo Mod Team and @Bravo Mod Team. Perhaps they don't wish to create more sub categories for whatever reason, or perhaps these types of requests are reviewed on set dates. In my opinion, developing domain names into websites in order to monetize them is a subset of traffic monetization as represented below:
  • Traffic Monetization
    • Domain Parking
    • Developing Websites for Profit
I think that the above change will help Namepros members to more easily find highly useful threads and posts which will educate them in more ways to make money from domain name investments. And now, rather than rambling on about this I'll humbly leave the idea to the powers that be to make their decision.
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I'm great at the building websites part but not so great at the coming up with good ideas or getting traffic parts. I like Laravel and Vue but can learn anything. I'm interested in participating.
Laravel and Vue
Hi @wilfra and welcome to the mix. Can a beginner use Laravel and Vue as a C.M.S. without any prior knowledge of programming or coding?
I would like to learn more on the options, and I suspect I am not alone. I think most know Wordpress to some degree at least. I have used Blogger, and Wix somewhat in past, and see the names Joomla and Drupal but don't actually know much on them. My hosting platform allows me to use them. Are there advantages to using something other than Wordpress?

@Bob Hawkes was asking about the best C.M.S. to use for domain name development and monetisation. Which C.M.S. do you recommend for domainers? Personally I don't have a favourite. It's found through trial and error so whatever works for the individual. Some people dig Wix and that's cool while other people dig Drupal or Wordpress (which I think @Corey uses and I myself use and constantly test other C.M.S.) or even code from a blank page using C.S.S. and J.S. and H.T.M.L. Interested to know. I searched Namepros thread for " cms " and the sole result was by @PatrickV who started a thread about the best C.M.S. https://www.namepros.com/threads/wich-cms-youre-using-for-your-portfolio-website.1243851/ back in June of this year but that was about domain name portoflios rather than monetised domain names. He mentioned Kirby C.M.S., Grav C.M.S., Statamic C.M.S. and Bolt C.M.S. Has anybody used these and if so are they worth trying out? I'm agreeing with @dncafe that this thread could get too broad and @karmaco's point about this being good for the website development thread. Which is exactly why I think there should be a unique area for domain name development for profit as opposed to website development generally. I could be wrong. All points have merits.
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Hi @wilfra and welcome to the mix. Can a beginner use Laravel and Vue as a C.M.S. without any prior knowledge of programming or coding?

No, those are programming frameworks. Basically I said I like to use PHP and JavaScript to build things. If you want a no-code CMS, there are lots of those out there. Laravel and Vue could certainly be used to build a custom CMS.

You asked what we can do to build stuff, I can build stuff. Any kind of stuff. Now you ask if no-coding is required. Sorry but that seems like a contradiction to me. You want people who can build stuff without writing any code? :)
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You want people who can build stuff without writing any code?
You don't need to know how to code to build a website. But it's a big plus. Saves a lot of time if you can code view as well as design view. For me the best C.M.S. to build profitable domain names is on the easiest and most time efficient C.M.S. which is why I'm constantly trying out new platforms. Wordpress does seem to be the simplest but it has a lot of code which slows down page loading times. I don't think Google or users care what the C.M.S. is called so long as the website is easy to use and humans and bots can both accomplish their tasks. Also a C.M.S. must be have all of it's main admin features accessible from a mobile phone. As the world goes mobile that's non-negotiable in my book of magic spells and potions.
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You don't need to know how to code to build a website. But it's a big plus. Saves a lot of time if you can code view as well as design view. For me the best C.M.S. to build profitable domain names is on the easiest and most time efficient C.M.S. which is why I'm constantly trying out new platforms. Wordpress does seem to be the simplest but it has a lot of code which slows down page loading times. I don't think Google or users care what the C.M.S. is called so long as the website is easy to use and humans and bots can both accomplish their tasks. Also a C.M.S. must be have all of it's main admin features accessible from a mobile phone. As the world goes mobile that's non-negotiable in my book of magic spells and potions.

It entirely depends on what you want on the user-facing portion of the websites. Is it just static content (text and images) and ads? Then sure, Wordpress or even something simpler is fine.

If you want dynamic content and you want to build these into larger sites and businesses, then at some point custom becomes the only way to do it. Because no matter which CMS you choose, you are going to be restricted by that platform. Try to take your Wordpress site and turn it into a social network. It would be far better to just throw it in the trash and start from scratch than to try and make Wordpress do what you want it to do (and that's exactly what will happen at some point if you start with Wordpress and are successful at building a huge business). That's not necessarily a knock on Wordpress, it's just the nature of building something according to the choices someone else made building their CMS. If you do it yourself, you are the one making those choices and you can craft it to do exactly what you want it to do.

I would start by identifying exactly what user-facing functionality you are going to need, now and in the future. And determining how much flexibility and customization you're going to need. Then see if there is a CMS that can accommodate that.

Start with what you need and want.
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