
news Covid19-Coronavirus updates and news

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Mister Funsky

Top Member
Having relatives and friends scattered all over the globe, I am getting an overload of input (some on the record and some off the record).

My intention for this thread is for community members from around the world to post first hand stories and/or links to information sources that, for the most part, should be reliable.

In my community, just outside a major southeastern city, 'assets' have been placed. Only because I have friends in both high and low places have I heard about some of this. At this point it is only some basic medical supplies that should be equally distributed anyway in preparation for a natural emergency (hurricane/wildfire/etc.).

I will start with posting a link to a site with current data that seems to come from an aggregate of sources and hope others will do the same as they come across similar sites/pages.

Because of the 'typhoid Mary' spread-ability of this disease, I feel we may be in for a really large spread globally which will impact the global economy and through extension, retail domain prices.

One thing is for sure...things will get worse before they get better.

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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Awww i see, so your approach to this is to live for today and wait until things arrive to deal with them, If everyone of us is over preparing we can live with that, If we under prepare, suffer the consequences.

What do you mean deal with them? There is nothing for me to do. I have plenty of food, I work from home. Last time I even got the flu was 1995. I remember that because it was the first time I missed work and it kicked my butt, lost 10 pounds in 4 days. I'm going to live my life, normal routine. Not sit and watch 24/7 coverage on this and obsess about it. And let's say for example I get this, then I feel like shit for a couple of weeks, then get on with life.
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Gotcha! Some things don't add up!

When a whole country is sick and weak + going broke, they are a soft target to meet demands of others. even the possibility of an enemy walking into their country is possible if is bad enough.

How the history is going to be written on all of this is going to be so spectacular to the plays made throughout the complete pandemic.
Now the CDC is saying events of 50 minimum ppl should be postponed for 8 weeks...

looks like they also think that in 1 - 2 months there will be a preliminary vaccine.

At the same time, it's not long before they say gatherings of 50 minimum people should be avoided... when that happens, no more work, no more stores... and then prices will fall even more :/
When a whole country is sick and weak + going broke, they are a soft target to meet demands of others. even the possibility of an enemy walking into their country is possible if is bad enough.

How the history is going to be written on all of this is going to be so spectacular to the plays made throughout the complete pandemic.

Not gonna happen because the younglings will be well within days... so whoever tries that stupidness will be sure to feel the wrath of the cheetoh.
If the escalation of this continues by the hour like it is right now, Trump will remain office far past the election, if you really want to help, help us get rid of this virus.

Wut??? Who are you talking to?

tRump told people to go to the wrong URL and inadvertently sent them to a site run by the domainer who sold Ebola dot com back when Ebola was a “thing.”

he meant to send people to Coronavirus dot com, which redirects to the WHO page.
Now the CDC is saying events of 50 minimum ppl should be postponed for 8 weeks...

looks like they also think that in 1 - 2 months there will be a preliminary vaccine.

At the same time, it's not long before they say gatherings of 50 minimum people should be avoided... when that happens, no more work, no more stores... and then prices will fall even more :/

I can tell you this, I have lost more than 150K so far with this, I expect more tomorrow and the days following, My family business is more than likely gone as it wont be able to sustain for long in our current situation, many countries are just barely hanging on.

with all that said, i am not worried about money at all, i am worried about the state of the of countries, what you are talking about is my main concern right now as far as collapsing from within with no work , large amounts of store closings , the currencies having no value.
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If anybody has issues with getting groceries and you live in an Amazon Prime Now area, it's working again. Got another order in, it's a beautiful thing if you've never used it. Pick a 2 hour window for delivery, has always been on time.

Amazon.com Inc. suffered a technical glitch on Sunday affecting online grocery orders through its Whole Foods and Amazon Fresh delivery services, which have become lifelines for household essentials for people looking to avoid stores due to the coronavirus outbreak.
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I am not sure how this will play out, but thought I would jump in for a couple of comments.
1. I agree with @henrypcyeung comments on the stats and believe he is correct from an academic and epidemiology point of view.
2. The swine flu was awful and seeing children and healthy young people die was scary. Corvid is not swine in that sense, but there is a 40 year old doctor in critical condition here in Seattle and several chinese healthcare pros under 50 died or in critical condition due to this virus. It is dangerous in its own way.
3. Healthcare organizations are already receiving warnings about supply shortages.
4. The night the guy shot up vegas per a trauma nurse I know, local hospitals “ran out of everything”
5. 1% fatality rate in just a few months is really scary. Flu is 1/10th of that over several months
6. If the curve is not flattened enough, our hospitals will be over run and doctors will have to decide who gets the resources. Most doctors I know find that troubling. See article in opinion section of Boston globe about Italy.
7. I am optimistic that scientist will develop a vaccine and/ or retroviral intervention that will lessen the future but not current impact of this virus.

Thanks, feels good to share my thoughts on this thread. Stay safe, stay distant and order carry out from the local small business.
Virus-hit Wuhan has two laboratories linked to Chinese bio-warfare program


Lets see, Bio Warfare Lab, In Wuhan China, Wuhan China is first in , first out with the virus, China has now conquered the virus, there allies hardly have any virus at all, all the while the US, Canada, UK and other allies have just started and countries are collapsing financially.

@JB Lions

Somebody in this thread, said it was 5G. Now Keri Wilson is getting dragged for saying it:

People have been trying to warn us about 5G for YEARS. Petitions, organizations, studies...what we’re going thru is the affects of radiation. 5G launched in CHINA. Nov 1, 2019. People dropped dead. See attached & go to my IG stories for more. TURN OFF 5G by disabling LTE!!!
Keri Hilson
· 5h
https://twitter.com/search?q="Keri Hilson"&src=trend_click

So the current contenders are:

1. North Korea Christmas present
2. Chinese bio-warfare
3. 5G
4. Hoax
5. "wet market" in Wuhan which sold both dead and live animals
6. Did I miss something? We'll call this Other or post up some more contenders

Should we have a poll on this since they work so well here. I think the great minds here can figure out what caused this.
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Somebody in this thread, said it was 5G. Now Keri Wilson is getting dragged for saying it:

People have been trying to warn us about 5G for YEARS. Petitions, organizations, studies...what we’re going thru is the affects of radiation. 5G launched in CHINA. Nov 1, 2019. People dropped dead. See attached & go to my IG stories for more. TURN OFF 5G by disabling LTE!!!
Keri Hilson
· 5h
https://twitter.com/search?q="Keri Hilson"&src=trend_click

So the current contenders are:

1. North Korea Christmas present
2. Chinese bio-warfare
3. 5G
4. Hoax
5. "wet market" in Wuhan which sold both dead and live animals

Should we have a poll on this since they work so well here. I think the great minds here can figure out what caused this.

You must connect North Korea Christmas Present with the two bio warfare labs in Wuhan China, they are one in the same, the maker, the deliverer, that will knock your poll down to 3 answers.

5G is a waste to put in the poll, but if you must

The Wuhan market and the wild animal shit as well, they have been eating that stuff for 200 years without any problems.

Hoax - refer to the Wuhan market junk

This covid-19 tracking website is developed by Microsoft. I think it is great for people who like to track the coronavirus in map view, so I share it here.
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Excellent overview of COVID-19 by a group of physicians. This pretty much says it all.

From the article.

Mitigation measures for COVID-19

  • Support your schools’ decisions to close: Proactive school closings save more lives than reactive school closings. Your schools should close now … before infections are present. Closed schools do not mean playdates for children – this counteracts the social distancing the school closures are meant to create in the first place.
  • 6 feet: The COVID-19 virus spreads through droplets. They can move 6 feet before gravity brings them to earth. Stay 6 feet away from people if you need to go outside.
  • Meticulous hand washing: Wash thoroughly and wash often. Alcohol-based hand sanitizer works well if your hands are otherwise clean.
  • Do not touch your face. This is hard. This is a learned skill: Practice often.
  • Clean doorknobs, toilets, cellphones, countertops, refrigerator handles, and so on many times each day. The virus could live on certain surfaces for 4-72 hours.
  • If you can work from home, work from home.
  • No tournaments, no sports events, no soccer, baseball, dance, volleyball, softball, gymnastics, concerts, martial arts, etc. We don’t care how much they claim they will clean the equipment.
  • Cancel vacation travel. We know you planned this for a long time. You will be saving many lives by doing so … perhaps someone you know.
  • Cancel weddings/ bar/bat mitzvahs, birthday parties, and so on. Help other people live so they can celebrate future events too.
  • If you are over 60 years old, you should stay home. You should only go out if there is a critical need.
  • If you have parents/grandparents in a nursing home, you should consider moving them home for now.
  • Do not congregate in a restaurant, bar, etc. Again, you will save the lives of people you will never meet.
  • If you feel sick, stay home. It doesn’t matter if you don’t feel too sick. Going to work will put countless other people at risk of suffering or dying.
  • Cancel all business travel. Your life and the lives of others are more important.
  • Expect supply chain issues: Work with your doctor to try to get a three month supply of medication.
  • Many grocery stores have order ahead options with either pick up or delivery. There are online grocery delivery services available in many areas. Wash your hands thoroughly after unpacking groceries.
are you asking because I think I was making it up? or did you really want to find out more. I had to google below.

(china coronavirus video ran out of body bags 3 dead kids in one bag) remove the parentheses at the ends and enter to Google. You could have done this and so can anyone else.

six links down and you will see the Twitter.

XXXXXXXXX Warning The Video is pretty graphic. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX


"While US MSM naively interviewed Chinese ambassador CUI to get the truth about vitus, Chinese were being put into body bags. Now, CCP ran out of body bag and had to put 3 children into one! Yet, you are passionately talking about 1000 deaths!"

I really feel disgusted linking to this. Very sad but I don't like being thought of as a liar. I don't even know why anyone would make this up really.



That's why a had you post links to confirm More fake sh*t being posted. This thread and it's conspiracy theorists have ruined this thread. Loosen your aluminum hats people and confirm your sources.
Current death numbers are below from the source in my original post.

I haven't read through all the recent posts but spotted a couple exchanges re: conspiracy theories. I'm thinking of starting another thread just for that...I've got my own theories and I have info from 'speculative' sources that might make some peoples toes curl, but this thread is intended to share factual news and updates by individuals that may have direct information from their state or country...or individuals that are 'current event' buffs and can update us all in real time to breaking stories.

PLEASE keep posts limited to facts as much as possible and provide links to articles and/or sources. If you have a video of something graphic or 'fringey' just put in a link (broken if necessary) so an image wont show something someone may not want to see with a non-inflammatory description of what to expect.

Trolls are not welcome here, regardless of who you are, so please resist the urge to be combative. I urge the community posting here to chastise anyone getting out of hand properly and then use the ignore button if the troll does not get the message. This thread is intended to be as factual as possible and encouraging for those looking for information or support.

Total: 6,665
US: 69
UK: 35
AU: 5
Canada: 1
Indonesia: 5
India: 2

ADD: Spend the time to view a video before posting a link unless it is from a reputable source. I just went to a ewetube link someone sent me and it started out factual...about 2 mins it became a spliced in rant from a fruitcake looking for clicks and exposure.
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Covid is not just an 'elderly person' issue...Anyone that thinks so is just fooling themselves.

806 new cases and 3 new deaths in Spain: two women, a 26-year-old international student who had traveled to France, and a 30-year-old flight attendant on a flight to the United Kingdom


The article below has lots of info and charts...worth taking a look.

Covid is not just an 'elderly person' issue...Anyone that thinks so is just fooling themselves.

806 new cases and 3 new deaths in Spain: two women, a 26-year-old international student who had traveled to France, and a 30-year-old flight attendant on a flight to the United Kingdom


The article below has lots of info and charts...worth taking a look.


So, immunity matters, not age?
So, immunity matters, not age?

I am not a doctor (although I did play one in a high school skit!) but the overall health of an individual and their genetic make up are probably the two most important factors. This is pretty much the case with any illness or disease. Naturally, as we age, more underlying conditions exist that weakens the body overall.

The best preventative measures are cut out sugary drinks and refined sugar in any form, get pre and pro biotics the next time you venture out to the store and eat as much fresh fruit and veggies as possible.
immune system is everything.
the virus doesn't care about ages.
the only connection between virus and age is that on average immunity goes down as we age.
but its still a virus+immune system connection
I am not a doctor (although I did play one in a high school skit!) but the overall health of an individual and their genetic make up are probably the two most important factors. This is pretty much the case with any illness or disease. Naturally, as we age, more underlying conditions exist that weakens the body overall.

The best preventative measures are cut out sugary drinks and refined sugar in any form, get pre and pro biotics the next time you venture out to the store and eat as much fresh fruit and veggies as possible.

true but there is also a cure all thing known for millenia before they even knew about our fancy probiotics and other bs we indulge in today... and its called fasting.

doesn't get much simpler than not eating at al for a period of time. let your body return to its balance.

it was scientifically proven (if you don't believe in plain logic) that our bodies are for millions of years genetially designed to keep going and well with not enough food or minimal food... whereas we have zero genetic capabalities to deal with TOO MUCH food. and too much food is precisely what most of us do today.

Yep. fasting is a good thing and although I do it daily (the 12 hours from the time I eat my last meal of the day to when I wake up in the morning) it can be helpful in resetting the body to do a full day (24 hours) fast from time to time.

ADD: I am adding this because to keep from putting another post in the thread but there is no doubt that a 24 hour fast can drastically reset the body in a positive manner. It is surprisingly easy to do...knowing there is food at the end of the road helps...by drinking lots of water. The extra water consumption helps flush out toxins in the gut.
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