news Covid19-Coronavirus updates and news

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Mister Funsky

Top Member
Having relatives and friends scattered all over the globe, I am getting an overload of input (some on the record and some off the record).

My intention for this thread is for community members from around the world to post first hand stories and/or links to information sources that, for the most part, should be reliable.

In my community, just outside a major southeastern city, 'assets' have been placed. Only because I have friends in both high and low places have I heard about some of this. At this point it is only some basic medical supplies that should be equally distributed anyway in preparation for a natural emergency (hurricane/wildfire/etc.).

I will start with posting a link to a site with current data that seems to come from an aggregate of sources and hope others will do the same as they come across similar sites/pages.

Because of the 'typhoid Mary' spread-ability of this disease, I feel we may be in for a really large spread globally which will impact the global economy and through extension, retail domain prices.

One thing is for sure...things will get worse before they get better.
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The death rate for coronavirus will not transfer to western countries.
Chinese hospitals and doctors are horrible and they have been
told by the Chinese government to use traditional medicines
to treat coronavirus, such as buffalo horn.
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N 95 is "adequate" for short duration exposure. e.g. you had to run to a store to buy food and come right back. say an hour or 2 use before it wont stop oily particles anymore (virus)

P - is long term, like respirators for poison applications, car spay paint etc. & will work for virus too.

I think there is an R rating as well - no good, dust and smog only, wont stop virus at all.
(I AM NOT A DOCTOR, FOR THE RECORD - dont take any thing I say as advice)

I write for the healthcare industry, for a bunch of companies . I just did an article and this is cut from an M.D. notes to me on the article. The Medical Drs. here are not really all that worried, from the info I get from them (tiny sample size, so not relevant really to outside my area).

But - here are comparable historical virus outbreak scenarios - these are fact, so this isnt something Drs. are unaware of.

Hope you find it interesting

Is the world in danger?

Possibly. When a new disease arrives on the scene—one for which we are not immunologically prepared for—it spreads so quickly and extensively that it is referred to as a “pandemic.” Some examples are
• Bubonic plague in the 6th Century, killing half the population of Europe,
estimated to range from 75-200 million people. Fleas on merchant
ships were the villains.

• Cholera pandemic in the 1850s killed a million people. Contaminated
water was the cause.

• Flu Pandemic of 1890 killed 1 million people. It was caused by the
H2N2 influenza A virus, what is commonly prevented by the “flu shots”
given today.

• Cholera pandemic in 1910, killed nearly a million people, much
reduced by what was learned in the 1850s cholera outbreak.

• Flu pandemic of 1918 killed a range of between 20 and 50 million
people, infecting over a third of the world’s population. It had a 20%
mortality rate. This flu pandemic was different, because unlike the
previous 1890 pandemic, this one even killed healthy young adults.

• Asian flu of 1956—again H2N2. Of the 2 million deaths, 70,000 were in
the USA.

• Flu pandemic of 1968 (the “Hong Kong Flu”) was caused by a different
strain of influenza A—the N3N2, which probably evolved from the H2N2
strain. It killed a million people.

• HIV/AIDS pandemic of 2005-2012 killed 36 million people since it
originated in 1981 (or before). Today, advances have turned it from a
guaranteed killer to—in many instances—a chronic, manageable

So, yes, the world could be in danger. Does that mean you? If you’re in good
health otherwise, probably not.
Obviously the mortality rate will vary from country to country, but it's too early to say how much difference there will be. There are so many factors to consider.

China's healthcare system was clearly overloaded, but if this continues on, the healthcare systems of most countries would be overloaded. In the U.S. for example, hospitals are already struggling just with the seasonal flu. Add COVID-19 to that, and the result could be dramatic.

For one, it's already been stated by the U.S. government that we only have something like 10% of the respirators that our medical workers need on hand in our stockpile (~30 million vs a need of ~300 million). IF this holds true, and we have difficulty manufacturing/acquiring more in a very timely matter, our healthcare workers on the front lines could suffer greatly, to disastrous effect.

Already, in just one SINGLE case in California, 124 healthcare workers have been sent home to quarantine themselves for 2 weeks (the title of the union's press release from 2/28 is literally "Nation’s hospitals unprepared for COVID-19"). Can you imagine if this is repeated time and time again??

Second, the steps taken by China have been more extreme than would (could?) likely be undertaken in the U.S., as well as probably many other countries. As I've stated previously, I do believe that we could see entire cities locked down in the U.S., should this virus continue to spread. However, how likely is it that Trump will take such steps - even if deemed necessary by experts - given the effect it would have on the economy in an election year where his #1 "success story" is the economy? Aside from his willingness to do it, how likely is it that it would actually be effective? In China, apartments have literally been welded shut to keep people inside. Such measures just aren't gonna fly in a country where half the country has a serious distrust of the government and its handling of this.
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@cbd A deep breath and some relaxing CBDdrink and you will be fine. Actual MDs are not freaking out (in the US) only the media is.
By the way, here's a map by Johns Hopkins of the world's known coronavirus cases.

Keep in mind that these are of course stats provided by individual countries themselves, which will have varying degrees of accuracy; certain countries have been known to vastly underreport their numbers in the past, and of course in general there are many many cases that have so far gone totally undetected.

In the U.S. specifically, it almost seems like the CDC doesn't want to know the truth. Testing here has been EXTREMELY limited, and they've bungled a number of things already, even with the very limited number of confirmed cases.

For example, the rollout of flawed test kits: Coronavirus test kits sent to states are flawed, CDC says

Also: CDC says ‘mix-up’ led to early release of coronavirus patient in California

How on earth are the American people supposed to trust that the CDC is capable of handling a large number of cases? They've had a full 6 to 8 weeks to prepare, and it sure doesn't look like they actually took the initiative to address the many challenges that come with a massive outbreak.
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@cbd A deep breath and some relaxing CBDdrink and you will be fine. Actual MDs are not freaking out (in the US) only the media is.

Sure, I'll be fine, personally; I'm young, healthy, stocked up, etc. I have zero concern for MY health. And I'm not saying anyone should be "freaking out"; we shouldn't. But we should be far more prepared than we generally are in this country, and a vast percentage of our population does NOT have the same luxury I do with regards to health. A common theme from our government has been "If you are healthy and young, you have nothing to be concerned about".... oh, great, so we're just going to ignore the tens of millions in our country that do not fit this description??

And I really don't think it would be accurate to state that actual MDs are not concerned about this. Again I'll refer to this: Nation’s hospitals unprepared for COVID-19. As you stated, I think your sample size is too small.
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The death rate for coronavirus will not transfer to western countries.
Chinese hospitals and doctors are horrible and they have been
told by the Chinese government to use traditional medicines
to treat coronavirus, such as buffalo horn.

You are correct...death rate in Western countries will likely be lower than others. Just returned from a meeting at our local 'city hall'. Estimates for US infection is currently running from between 20% to 30%. So, whip out your calculator and multiply that times the number of US citizens and multiply that times 2.3% (current rate of death for flu/covid). Nothing to worry about.

btw, in third world countries, there is speculation that it could be 60% or even higher.
Estimates for US infection is currently running from between 20% to 30%. So, whip out your calculator and multiply that times the number of US citizens and multiply that times 2.3% (current rate of death for flu/covid). Nothing to worry about.

..... this is sarcasm, right? Hard to tell for sure. EDIT: (y)

20% of 330 million = 66,000,000
30% of 330 million = 99,000,000

2% of 66 million = 1,300,000
2% of 99 million = 1,980,000
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@cbd A deep breath and some relaxing CBDdrink and you will be fine. Actual MDs are not freaking out (in the US) only the media is.

I've got a fairly invasive procedure next Friday and yesterday the surgeons nurse called to let me know that in the event I have any signs of the 'flu', they would prefer I not come. At this same hospital last week, when I went in for pre-procedure screening, they checked my temp in the lobby BEFORE I approached the regular 'check-in' desk. Then they asked me about ten questions and had me sign the form. I am sure the MD's there were misinformed. (level 1 trauma center at one of the most noted facilities in the region).
..... this is sarcasm, right?

Of course. I'm losing my tolerance for ignorance on this subject. An ignorant person is not stupid or lacking of intellect, just missing some information or insight.
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A handful of US cities and states are FINALLY able to start testing for COVID-19 themselves (many many weeks into this), and, lo and behold!, we're seeing a number of cases quickly indentified already, just in the first days.

Just now I'm seeing that Illinois has announced another presumptive positive case (presumptive meaning they tested positive locally, but CDC must confirm).

"Illinois was the first state to provide COVID-19 testing and Gov. Pritzker announced two more IDPH labs in central and southern Illinois that will be able to test specimens next week."

How many medical workers will be sent into quarantine this time, I wonder?

REMINDER: If anyone is meaning to present themselves to get checked for potential infection, CALL AHEAD!

We seriously need PSA's blasted all over our TV's and Internets like never before. Will they do this? Not a chance.
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REMINDER: If anyone is meaning to present themselves to get checked for potential infection, CALL AHEAD!

This was also covered at the meeting. Once you think this through, it is very unnerving.
Meanwhile, the U.S. president - the most powerful man in the world - just keeps tweeting childish insults all day, every day.... a full EIGHT MONTHS before the election. Absolutely unreal.

And some people wonder why so many have ZERO faith in his COVID-19 "response"...

THIS is why we have to fend for ourselves


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I truly hope our President reins himself in...I voted for him and as of now, would do it again (considering the current opposition) but I'm not sure what his motive(s) are with some of his comments. Is he trying to keep everyone calm until the need to be calm has passed (whatever that means)? I truly don't have any firm thoughts and probably is enough for me to think about keeping home and business on an even keel till this mess passes.

The story below, from a Forbes columnist, is a little tongue in cheek which makes for not such a 'doom and gloom' story, but closing schools on a local or regional basis is something else that may have to be dealt with...the economic impact would be significant.
I expect many schools will essentially be forced to close in the coming week or two as more cases emerge.

Once you know the virus is circulating in specific communities, it would be pretty irresponsible to keep them open, imho.

I expect we'll also see more students testing positive as well, such as the WA high school student that just tested positive Friday. Once that happens, I personally see very little choice. Then again, it almost sounds like they're planning to "sanitize the school" and then re-open.... hopefully they're smarter than that??
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"Panic" is the worlds worst enemy with this, panic leads to irrational decisions, irrational decisions can lead from a few deaths to millions of deaths.

Alcohol , any alcohol. rubbing, wipes, beverage whiskies and vodka can be used very efficiently as well , the inexpensive bottle of clothes bleach mixed one part bleach to 5 parts water is effective.

They have never cured a virus, i don't expect their will be a cure for this virus, vaccines, medication to lower the effects, perhaps. just as influenza vaccines are a preventive measure, these vaccines aren't a sure thing by any means. they have been hit and miss since they began creating them.

although not an influenza virus, people are recovering in similar fashion as a influenza virus, that is a very positive and encouraging IMO.

People testing positive but staying Asymptomatic is encouraging and troubling at the time to me, that leads me to believe there may be carriers of this virus, much like their are carriers of the Staph and streptococcus, one leading to Strep throat and the other leading to MRSA and Staph infections to vulnerable recipients.

This is another "wait and see virus" we just have to be patient and due diligent with it right right now IMO.

If i were to end up getting the COVID-19, I will bed down, take meds to control the fever and wait it out like any other virus, it's a virus in a long list of viruses, fear or panic will only make the situation more difficult IMO.
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The current thinking is covid may have been spreading in Washington State for up to 6 seem there is a nursing home with an outbreak and the CDC has a team on the way to investigate (may be there by now). Now 80 labs have signed on to help find a solution...Godspeed to them all.

"The findings suggest that the virus has been spreading in the community for close to six weeks"
Wow..just when it seemed things could not get any stranger, this lunatic seems to have encouraged his 'flock' to spread the virus.

"Coronavirus: South Korea sect leader to face homicide probe over deaths"
Interesting thread. I registered a few weeks ago and asked for appraisal. Was told that I should drop it and "the virus will be gone soon".

We now have +1500 cases in 17 EU countries ... :doctor:
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