
news Covid19-Coronavirus updates and news

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Mister Funsky

Top Member
Having relatives and friends scattered all over the globe, I am getting an overload of input (some on the record and some off the record).

My intention for this thread is for community members from around the world to post first hand stories and/or links to information sources that, for the most part, should be reliable.

In my community, just outside a major southeastern city, 'assets' have been placed. Only because I have friends in both high and low places have I heard about some of this. At this point it is only some basic medical supplies that should be equally distributed anyway in preparation for a natural emergency (hurricane/wildfire/etc.).

I will start with posting a link to a site with current data that seems to come from an aggregate of sources and hope others will do the same as they come across similar sites/pages.

Because of the 'typhoid Mary' spread-ability of this disease, I feel we may be in for a really large spread globally which will impact the global economy and through extension, retail domain prices.

One thing is for sure...things will get worse before they get better.
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
You'll have to prove the across the plane 6% less death rate before it gets believed.
I posted the proof in the video at 21:30 That stat is actually US only.***
It's a statistic from the CDC

They're being laid off where? Talking the US only? Laying off because of hospitals losing $?.

Yes because elective surgeries are cancelled the hospitals are hemorrhaging funds and have had to lay off a lot of people. There is a lot of info about this. Here is one portal to that info:

"In California, thousands of nurses, doctors and other medical staff have been laid off or furloughed or have taken a pay cut since mid-March. The pain has been felt broadly, from major facilities such as Stanford Health Care to tiny rural hospitals to private practitioners. Across the nation, job losses in the healthcare sector have been second only to those in the restaurant industry, according to federal labor statistics.

Hospitals and doctors’ offices lost billions in revenue when they canceled elective surgeries and non-emergent visits to prepare for a possible surge in COVID-19 patients and to reduce the spread of the virus."
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This 124-page thread seems to have drifted away from the intent of the original poster. In his very first post, @Mister Funsky stated his reason for creating the thread:

My intention for this thread is for community members from around the world to post first hand stories and/or links to information sources that, for the most part, should be reliable.

He didn't invite us to discuss the viability of allopathic medicine or long theories about alternative therapies, or assertions about the mind control we've all become slaves to. He asked us to post first-hand stories or links to information about the Corona virus. Period.

Mister Funsky has put a lot of time into creating and maintaining this thread, and I think we should adhere to his request. In that way we can thank him for his efforts.
This 124-page thread seems to have drifted away from the intent of the original poster.

We can all agree we want win-win-win scenarios for humanity and we don't want unnecessary suffering - yes?

The world is in a strange time of suffering, confusion and we are all navigating unprecedented circumstances.

Regarding the coronavirus - We can all provide the best and most accurate information that we each know how to provide in anticipation we can help others in the short term, or perhaps we are helping someone reading this thread in twenty years or one hundred and twenty years.

There is a great opportunity within this "crisis" ya?

The Chinese word for crisis depicts two symbols ..... DANGER + OPPORTUNITY

Wéijī in Pinyin
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This 124-page thread seems to have drifted away from the intent of the original poster. In his very first post, @Mister Funsky stated his reason for creating the thread:

He didn't invite us to discuss the viability of allopathic medicine or long theories about alternative therapies, or assertions about the mind control we've all become slaves to. He asked us to post first-hand stories or links to information about the Corona virus. Period.

Mister Funsky has put a lot of time into creating and maintaining this thread, and I think we should adhere to his request. In that way we can thank him for his efforts.

Thank you for your kind words and continuing support.

I've spoken with a few members privately, and more than one has stopped posting because of the input of some (that is when I started encouraging the ignore button use). It is unfortunate they have stopped posting, but I know they stop in from time to time and I encourage them to join in at any time and post a story/experience they find interesting or informative.

There was a point recently that I felt it was time to let it (the thread) fall away a bit. I thought we (US) and the rest of the world would cooperate in driving this bug into obscurity, but it is proving to be more determined than most thought it would be. Because of information that has been shared with me from friends and family, it is clear this thing has just started. My hope is that this year, 2020, will be the worst...but now I think 2021 will be much worse for humanity (globally/3rd world) with an increase as much as 50% or more in death rates...with or without a vaccine.

So, I will continue posting the daily numbers for a while as long as a 'thank' or 'like' is being generated showing that others still have an interest in that info. Brazil and Indonesia are poised for significant outbreaks unless protective measures are taken...and the US is going to have a more than a few 'hot spots' over the next several months.

As long as at a few people find the info/stats in the thread helpful, I will keep it current as time permits. All opinions and perspectives are welcome, but ideally we will have some of the old posters, current posters and some new ones come along to add useful information and news stories...specifically personal experiences or information that is local in nature that may not make to the top of the 'highlight' list of a given country.
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Don't be gullible to those to profess "Science" and "Scientists" as having all the answers and blindly adhere to their agendas. "Science says". Scientists agree". blah blah, all Orwellian mind control.

Instead of being gullible to what others say, do a favour to yourself, and go study some serious science.
You are an anti-science apologist, but you don't have a clue about science because you just haven't studied anything serious besides your acupuncture and dao alternative pseudo-science.

You are talking about very serious issues, like the current pandemic, and mocking about it like in this comment:



You mix your ignorance with misinformation and lie. Where the heck do you come saying that less people are dying now than a year ago?! Tell it to the New Yorkers.

And again, you make it very clear that you don't belive in science and you are just an anti-medical system:

The barbaric ineffective medical system is responsible for killing about 250,000 Americans annually! (Iatrogenesis)

Well, I hope that you will be coherent with what you say, and next time you get sick (hopefully never) but if it happens and you must go to hospital, just tell the doctors you don't belive in the medical system, and that you want to be treated with acupuncture and dao stuff because you are a dao priest.
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Because of information that has been shared with me from friends and family, it is clear this thing has just started. My hopes is that this year, 2020, will be the worst...but now I think 2021 will be much worse for humanity (globally/3rd world) with an increase as much as 50% or more in death rates...with or without a vaccine.

Yes, I've started to get that sinking feeling that Covid is for the long-term, which is why it seems important that we stick to your original intent. It's annoying to those of use who are looking to this thread as a source of information we can't get anywhere else (global news and first-hand accounts), but it keeps going off-course onto topics that aren't relevant here.

Keep up the good work - and thanks to everyone who has contributed useful content.
I post this one because I think this is really interesting to know the importance of Blood thinners (anticoagulants) in COVID-19 patients.

Blood thinners may improve survival among hospitalized COVID-19 patients

The study found that hospitalized COVID-19 patients treated with anticoagulants had improved outcomes both in and out of the intensive care unit setting. The research also showed that the difference in bleeding events among patients treated with and without anticoagulants was not significant. The Mount Sinai researchers say their work outlines an important therapeutic pathway for COVID-19 patients.

A team of investigators evaluated records of 2,773 confirmed COVID-19-positive patients admitted to five hospitals in the Mount Sinai Health System in New York City (The Mount Sinai Hospital, Mount Sinai West, Mount Sinai Morningside, Mount Sinai Queens, and Mount Sinai Brooklyn) between March 14 and April 11, 2020.

"As a cardiologist who has been on service caring for COVID-19 patients for the last three weeks, I have observed an increased amount of blood clot cases among hospitalized patients, so it is critical to look at whether anticoagulants provide benefits for them," says co-researcher Anu Lala, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine (Cardiology) at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.
Where the heck do you come saying that less people are dying now than a year ago?! Tell it to the New Yorkers.

I have plenty of New Yorker friends, none of them actually know anyone that has died with a COVID label. And I posted it before, but I know three is the magic number so perhaps after three times it will sink in . .


and you can hear all about here around 21:30 into it or find the info elsewhere I'm sure. . . The source the MD is mentioning for his stats THE CDC.

Identifying health threats is done by noting a spike in the number of deaths. logical right?

In the USA, numbers are the OPPOSITE of a spike! They are lower!!!!!!!

Original video for backup purposes is here:
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Instead of being gullible to what others say, do a favour to yourself, and go study some serious science.
You are an anti-science apologist, but you don't have a clue about science because you just haven't studied anything serious besides your acupuncture and dao alternative pseudo-science.

You are talking about very serious issues, like the current pandemic, and mocking about it like in this comment:

You mix your ignorance with misinformation and lie. Where the heck do you come saying that less people are dying now than a year ago?! Tell it to the New Yorkers.

And again, you make it very clear that you don't belive in science and you are just an anti-medical system:

Well, I hope that you will be coherent with what you say, and next time you get sick (hopefully never) but if it happens and you must go to hospital, just tell the doctors you don't belive in the medical system.

I spent a lot of my childhood being maimed, drugged, cut open and injected with poisons by doctors that couldn't figure out the root cause of disease 8 times out of 10 . . .

how else do you think I woke up and got nudged onto the path of a holistic dr?

Even Wikipedia discusses iatrogenesis:


Iatrogenesis is the THIRD leading cause of death (

*and this fact is fairly well known in the medical community.*
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I spent a lot of my childhood being maimed, drugged, cut open and injected with poisons by doctors that couldn't figure out the root cause of diease 8 times out of 10 . . .

how else do you think I woke up and got nudged onto the path of a holistic dr?

Even Wikipedia discusses iatrogenesis:


Iatrogenesis is the THIRD leading cause of death (

*and this fact is fairly well known in the medical community.*

I am not going to discuss about latrogenesis because that's a fact. But what you don't say, is that without the medical assistance at Hospitals, it would be 100 times more deaths yearly.

Well, in fact, without the current medicines, the current healthcare system and the current medic advances, people would just live up to 50 years old, if they are lucky!

So yes, latrogenesis is a collateral effect, but nothing compared if the current medical system would not exist.
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I'm not going to get into checking this out, but for whoever wants to:

Partly false claim: The total death count in the U.S. is “way down” during the new coronavirus pandemic
Thanks for the link. That clearly explains the poor misleading intent of the pandemic deniers to say there's no coronavirus pandemic.
I am not going to discuss about latrogenesis because that's a fact. But what you don't say, is that without the medical assistance at Hospitals, it would be 100 times more deaths yearly.

Well, in fact, without the current medicines, the current healthcare system and the current medic advances, people would just life up to 50 years old, if they are lucky!

So yes, latrogenesis is a collateral effect, but nothing compared if the current medical system would not exist.

Western medicine shines in acute trauma scenarios....

and falls short for chronic issues, often causing harm, permanent damage or premature death.

USA lifespan has been decreasing

and the USA is ranked LAST in healthcare statistics of all first world nations. This is not indicative of a healthy healthcare model - is it?
I have plenty of New Yorker friends, none of them actually know anyone that has died with a COVID label. And I posted it before, but I know three is the magic number so perhaps after three times it will sink in . .


and you can hear all about here around 21:30 into it or find the info elsewhere I'm sure. . . The source the MD is mentioning for his stats THE CDC.

Identifying health threats is done by noting a spike in the number of deaths. logical right?

In the USA, numbers are the OPPOSITE of a spike! They are lower!!!!!!!

Original video for backup purposes is here:

I just had enough reading the description:

"Dr. Kaufman has stated that a virus is not causing a new disease, there is no evidence of increased mortality and modern medicine is the leading cause of death."

Enough to know how serious is this doctor.

You just have to read the article just previously posted to dismantle the nonsense of that claim:

Partly false claim: The total death count in the U.S. is “way down” during the new coronavirus pandemic

As of April 16, for the week ending on March 21, there are 51,428 rather than 47,649, recorded U.S. deaths from all causes; for the week ending on March 28, there are 51,602, rather than 41,353, deaths; and for the week ending on April 4, there are 46,917, rather than 20,281, deaths. The number of COVID-19-related deaths for each of those weeks is also higher now than it was when this screenshot was taken. For the week ending March 21, there are 447 recorded COVID-19 deaths rather than 385; for the week ending on March 28, there are 2,205 rather than 1,406; and for the week ending on April 4, there are 4,462 deaths, rather than 1,450.
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Well, in fact, without the current medicines, the current healthcare system and the current medic advances, people would just life up to 50 years old, if they are lucky!

How do you think this famous herbalist lived to be 197 or 256 years old?? :wideyed: (yes I know, my old mind controlled mind may have dismissed that before investigating for two seconds)

Li Ching Yuen

His advice?

“Keep a quiet heart, sit like a tortoise, walk sprightly like a pigeon, and sleep like a dog”
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How do you think this famous herbalist lived to be 197 or 256 years old?? :wideyed: (yes I know, my old mind controlled mind may have dismissed that before investigating for two seconds)

Li Ching Yuen
lol very good one... if you really believe that a man can live 256 years.... good for you. Hope is the last thing you lose!

“Keep a quiet heart, sit like a tortoise, walk sprightly like a pigeon, and sleep like a dog”

And he forgot to say... and eat like a canary! (the more you eat, the faster you get old... it is about the cellular metabolic cycle). So just eat what you need, nothing less, and nothing more.. but the lesser the better, and you will get more chances to get to the 256 mark!
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lol very good one... if you really believe that a man can live 256 years.... good for you. Hope is the last thing you lose!

Yep, easy to predict your cognitive dissonance bubble is far too fortified to even think anything is possible besides whatever your indoctrination has lead you to believe thus far . . .

Ever wonder why humans die off only 4x to 5x after reaching adulthood and most animals die off 8x to 10x + after reaching adulthood?

i.e. a 20 year old is an adult --- dies at 100
a 1.5 year old dog is an adult --- and dies at 15
a 3 year old monkey is an adult --- and dies at 35

Maybe someday you'll remember you read this.
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So just eat what you need, nothing less, and nothing more.. but the lesser the better, and you will get more chances to get to the 256 mark!

I do like this post, you get it!

There is a famous Asian proverb about maintaining optimal health:
Eat until you are 80% full.


Intermittent fasting is helpful too.

I didn't eat yesterday and in all honesty all of the issues I'm dealing with now feel incredibly healed today.
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I posted the proof in the video at 21:30 That stat is actually US only.***
It's a statistic from the CDC

Going back, it looks like you've edited some previous posts of yours to what looks like cover your having been misinformed, or misleading, or both, on things like this - where you were claiming the 6% was worldwide:

And for those who like truth more than propaganda, there is this MD to teach you about topics such as the microbiome, virome and exosomes . . . and remind you about FACTS such as there are LESS WORLDWIDE DEATHS to date in 2020 than the 2017-2018-2019 average to date (94% of that average)


Yes because elective surgeries are cancelled the hospitals are hemorrhaging funds and have had to lay off a lot of people. There is a lot of info about this. Here is one portal to that info:

"In California, thousands of nurses, doctors and other medical staff have been laid off or furloughed or have taken a pay cut since mid-March. The pain has been felt broadly, from major facilities such as Stanford Health Care to tiny rural hospitals to private practitioners. Across the nation, job losses in the healthcare sector have been second only to those in the restaurant industry, according to federal labor statistics.

Hospitals and doctors’ offices lost billions in revenue when they canceled elective surgeries and non-emergent visits to prepare for a possible surge in COVID-19 patients and to reduce the spread of the virus."

Seems to make sense that some US hospitals would lay off if $ aren't there. It happens elsewhere, as well. So why was it necessary to post this, in this manner - to make it sound like it's a worldwide thing, and with a hidden reason/agenda for it?

as the hospitals are empty - did you know that? NURSES AND MDS are being laid off in groves during this "pandemic" - does that make ANY sense?


But maybe I'm missing something and you can clarify.
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Current Covid19 death numbers as of 9:00 am EST are below, primarily from the source in the original post ( Please copy and place the list to correct any wrong numbers and/or to add your country of origin.

Total: 293,827
US: 83,491
UK: 32,692
France: 26,991
Spain: 27,104
AU: 98
Italy: 30,911
Canada: 5,169
Brazil: 12,461
Indonesia: 1,028
India: 2,440
Japan: 657
Mexico: 3,926
Netherlands: 5,562
We (in US and globally) have to be smart as lockdowns ease. Just because we are 'allowed' to do some things doesn't mean we should. If we are not smart, we may face much more restrictive directives.

Lebanon to reinstate total lockdown amid spike in infections
My county began a partial reopening yesterday, even though the number of cases is still going up. I think in the long run it would be cheaper for the federal government to provide a universal basic income for everyone so people can survive financially without risking their lives to go to work.
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