
debate Donald Trump is smart ?

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Donald Trump is smart

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Michael Ehrhardt

Top Member
I subscribed for his newsletter and i just got this email

He asked the people what should be priority

I don't like all of these but to ask the people is smart - or not ❓

Source : https://gop.com/2017-priorities/?ut...inh-t-t-hf-e-1&utm_source=e_t-t&pgtype=simple
  1. Begin constructing the wall along the Southern border.
    • High priority
    • Low priority
    • No opinion
  2. Repeal and replace ObamaCare.
    • High priority
    • Low priority
    • No opinion
  3. Appoint a strong constitutionalist to the Supreme Court in the mold of the late Justice Antonin Scalia.
    • High priority
    • Low priority
    • No opinion
  4. Sign into law the Senate’s existing bill to build the Keystone Pipeline.
    • High priority
    • Low priority
    • No opinion
  5. Introduce an infrastructure package to modernize our country.
    • High priority
    • Low priority
    • No opinion
  6. Unleash the Middle Class Tax Relief and Simplification Act, which will cut taxes for middle-class families and simplify the tax brackets in order to streamline the process.
    • High priority
    • Low priority
    • No opinion
  7. Announce our official withdrawal from the TPP.
    • High priority
    • Low priority
    • No opinion
  8. Renegotiate NAFTA into terms that protect the American worker.
    • High priority
    • Low priority
    • No opinion
  9. Propose a constitutional amendment to impose terms limits on all members of Congress.
    • High priority
    • Low priority
    • No opinion
  10. Lift the restrictions on the production of $50 trillion dollars worth of American energy, including shale, oil, natural gas, and clean coal.
    • High priority
    • Low priority
    • No opinion
  11. Cancel billions of dollars in payments to U.N. climate change programs, and use that money to fix our own country.
    • High priority
    • Low priority
    • No opinion
  12. Allow Americans to deduct childcare and eldercare from their taxes.
    • High priority
    • Low priority
    • No opinion
  13. End all federal funding to sanctuary cities that circumvent the law in order to provide protection to illegal immigrants.
    • High priority
    • Low priority
    • No opinion
  14. Begin removing the more than two million criminal illegal immigrants.
    • High priority
    • Low priority
    • No opinion
  15. Suspend immigration from regions compromised by terrorism and where vetting cannot safely occur.
    • High priority
    • Low priority
    • No opinion
  16. Introduce plan to defeat ISIS.
    • High priority
    • Low priority
    • No opinion
  17. Set the standard for an “America First” foreign policy that ends regime-change, nation-building, and instead focuses on a motto of peace through strength.
    • High priority
    • Low priority
    • No opinion
  18. End bans on offshore drilling in order to end our dependence on Middle East oil and make America energy independent.
    • High priority
    • Low priority
    • No opinion
  19. Establish tariffs to discourage companies from moving out of the country.
    • High priority
    • Low priority
    • No opinion
  20. Cut the government regulations that lead businesses to leave our country in the first place.
    • High priority
    • Low priority
    • No opinion
  21. Enact a five-year ban on White House and congressional officials becoming lobbyists after they leave government service.
    • High priority
    • Low priority
    • No opinion
  22. End the defense sequester in order to rebuild our depleted military.
    • High priority
    • Low priority
    • No opinion
  23. Pass the Restoring Community Safety Act in order to reduce crime, drugs, and violence in our cities, and provide funding for programs that train and assist local police.
    • High priority
    • Low priority
    • No opinion
  24. End Common Core and bring education supervision to local communities.
    • High priority
    • Low priority
    • No opinion
  25. Pass school-choice measures that redirect education dollars to give parents the right to send their kids to the public, private, charter, magnet, religious, or home school of their choice.
    • High priority
    • Low priority
    • No opinion
  26. Reform the Department of Veterans Affairs in order to provide proper treatment to America’s forgotten heroes.
    • High priority
    • Low priority
    • No opinion
  27. Let veterans receive public VA treatment or attend the private doctor of their choice.
    • High priority
    • Low priority
    • No opinion
  28. Direct the Secretary of the Treasury to label China as a currency manipulator.
    • High priority
    • Low priority
    • No opinion
  29. Pass the Clean Up Corruption in Washington Act in order to “drain the swamp” that has polluted our capital for decades.
    • High priority
    • Low priority
    • No opinion
  30. Cancel every unconstitutional executive action, memorandum, and order issued by Obama.
    • High priority
    • Low priority
    • No opinion
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It's smart to ask after being elected.

Our government gives you promise for getting votes, to maybe just do the exact opposite the day after election...

IMO it's a good sign that he's asking the people (and all the folks who where not voting him .. are being asked too.)

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I love his business suavé, side funding besides taxes in what the people want. Did you see the contribution effort at the end of the questionnaire?
i would like to see the current results on this voting
Did you see the contribution effort at the end of the questionnaire?
Of course - that was the point. And segmenting the newsletter to improve targeting.
Too easy for bots to sway the results, it's not a serious survey, it's just a marketing tool.
One thing is sure though, is that for us canadians, he his no good news at all.

He hates us, he already made a priority to break the free trade agreement between US and CAN. That will cost several thousands of jobs on our side and will probably push the country into a deep recession. It will obviously jeopardized the general peace between the two countries bringing a lot of tension among citizens.

We'll begin to see the country where we enjoyed going on vacation being the country were we are no longer welcome. Its sad.

But for you he could be good.
Sooooo... he's also gonna build a Northern Wall?
Donald, build that Wall and make it Nice and Tall...
Sooooo... he's also gonna build a Northern Wall?

ahah. No he won't build a wall between Canada and USA.

But he calls us canadians the "snow mexicans" so we can expect the same kind of respect or lack of respect.
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He's a puppet and he doesn't realize it. He talks of draining the swamp while appointing swamp monsters to his administration. He wants to give veterans single payer healthcare while repealing the ACA for everyone else and replacing it with nothing. The Republicans have had 8 years to brainstorm a replacement and they've come up with nothing. He should stop using Twitter. As far as the questionnaire, how about none of the above. We already get a childcare/dependent care deduction on taxes & everyone should have single payer healthcare. His plan is to take the country back, not forward. Not smart.
Oh it could in fact be a fake news. The guy says so many insane sh*t, its hard to know what is true or not.
Of course it's Fake News, NOT from Trump, but from some Trump hating obscure website. You can bet that the Main Stream Media (who hate Trump) would have been salivating to bring out the "Canadians are Snow Mexicans" news if it was true and even they didn't want to touch that FAKE NEWS.
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Is it really that smart to use daddy's money to buy up properties and extort rents from less fortunate families, for what should be a basic living right for all?

(Unless you're "black", then you're not even allowed one of daddy's shelters.)

Gambling? Casinos? So smart!


How many people have the luxury to afford to buy a golf course and then charge people to play on it?

Does Trump even run any of these so called 'businesses'? Or does he just throw money around and pay actual 'smart' people to do it all for him?

Like the book he "didn't write a single word of"?

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"Trump's first major real estate deal in Manhattan was the remodeling of the Grand Hyatt Hotel in 1978, located next to Grand Central Terminal. The building was remodeled from an older Commodore Hotel, and was largely funded by a $70 million construction loan jointly guaranteed by Fred Trump and the Hyatt hotel chain."

How many have the same opportunity to borrow $70 million (against daddy's assets)?

The fact that he has so much money and still goes bankrupt shows how spoilt and careless he is.

"Ultimately, in the early 1990s, Trump’s winning streak ground to a halt. The national economy started to slow down, and New York's economy stalled, causing Trump’s income streams to dwindle. Soon, he found it difficult to make the interest payments on the debt he'd accrued to finance his different businesses. Trump's annual loan payments were $300 million. The Trump Organization and its subsidiaries owed $9 billion, and Trump's personal debt totaled $975 million."

Evidence Trump's success is off the back of the success of everyone else around him!
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Compared to his voters he is probably a genius.Listening to him speak and seeing his actions, truly speaks of a remarkable mind. I mean he must have an IQ of 100!
Compared to his voters he is probably a genius.Listening to him speak and seeing his actions, truly speaks of a remarkable mind. I mean he must have an IQ of 100!
Soooo... according to you, almost half the population of the US are ignorant idiots. Right?
It's time you took your head out of your... and see where the light is shining from.
Donald Trump dont smart. Hes new president.
Soooo... according to you, almost half the population of the US are ignorant idiots. Right?
It's time you took your head out of your... and see where the light is shining from.

Where would humanity be without the likes of the Einsteins?

Take a good look at US history (like theft, slavery, brutality, murder, etc.)

Are you telling me that the majority of Americans were smart when they were shipping African people to the US to be treated like nothing?

And then just "under half the country" fighting for their 'rights' to keep the abhorrent slavery alive?
How about the majority of the German people that turned into Nazis?
Look in the mirror and ask yourselves, after slavery was abolished, if the "black" people were treated with respect, welcomed into society, shared the wealth of the ill-gotten gains, rather than discriminated, hated, bullied, tortured, murdered, segregated, etc. (you know like Donald Trump and his father's actions with housing) would there be the same issues with e.g. crime in certain places/ghettos today?
Donald Trump is a smart manipulator alright!


But more Adolf Hitler than Einstein.

Where would humanity be without the likes of the Einsteins?

Take a good look at US history (like theft, slavery, brutality, murder, etc.)

Are you telling me that the majority of Americans were smart when they were shipping African people to the US to be treated like nothing?

And then just "under half the country" fighting for their 'rights' to keep the abhorrent slavery alive?
You still talking about slavery? Are you a slave? The only slavery I know that still exists today is in Africa. How about you bitch and complain about slavery in Africa in the 21st century, practiced by mostly Muslim Arabs.

Virtually every race in the world have been victims of slavery sometime in their past, centuries ago, but the only ones still talking about it are Black Americans. Can't you get over it? Everyone else has!

I could give you a history lesson about how whites were victims of slavery by North Africans, but I'm not gonna bother with you, 'cause we've gotten over that a long, long, long time ago.
Just google "Barbary Pirates" if your'e so interested in slavery... in this case the victims were white, which should make you happy.
You still talking about slavery? Are you a slave? The only slavery I know that still exists today is in Africa. How about you bitch and complain about slavery in Africa in the 21st century, practiced by mostly Muslim Arabs.

Virtually every race in the world have been victims of slavery sometime in their past, centuries ago, but the only ones still talking about it are Black Americans. Can't you get over it? Everyone else has!

I could give you a history lesson about how whites were victims of slavery by North Africans, but I'm not gonna bother with you, 'cause we've gotten over that a long, long, long time ago.
Just google "Barbary Pirates" if your'e so interested in slavery... in this case the victims were white, which should make you happy.
You didn't answer my questions, all you are doing is spouting anything that supports your own agenda.

According to you, half the population of America are 'smart' or how would you describe it?

Or in other words, that many people can't be "ignorant idiots" because it's a big number? Or what?


Seems you yourself are ignorant about how many people even live in the US!
The lefties can call Trump all the names they want, but one thing is for sure... even before he is in the White House, he is helping create jobs in the US, thanks to his hard, tough stance, (by threatening high tariffs on their products once they enter the US) on companies that leave the US to build plants in Mexico and elsewhere.

The latest company to feel the "Trump Effect" is Hyundai-Kia from South Korea:

Hyundai-Kia to spend $3.1B in U.S. over 5 years
Hyundai Motor Co. and affiliate Kia Motors Corp. said they will spend $3.1 billion in the U.S. in the next five years, joining other vehicle manufacturers in announcing investment plans amid threats from President-elect Donald Trump of higher levies on auto imports from Mexico.

The planned U.S. investment by South Korea’s two largest automakers is about 50 percent more than the $2.1 billion they spent in the previous five-year period, Hyundai Motor President Chung Jin-haeng told reporters in Seoul on Tuesday. The group is considering building a new factory in the U.S. and may produce Hyundai Motor’s upscale Genesis vehicles and a U.S.-specific SUV in the country, said the executive, who also oversees the strategic planning for Kia.


Trump will be fantastic for the US economy. Of course lefties will never acknowledge this.
I wonder if it is smart to ask if Donald Trump is smart....?
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