
showcase New gadget / emerging tech domains

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Andreas B.

Top Member

from time to time, there are new gadgets & emerging tech coming out.

Sometimes, it is possible for us domainers, to participate and be part of that movement.

If you would have regged 'mp3player' before mp3 had become a thing, you surely would have made a fortune by this one domain.

That is the same for other tech and its buzz-words, which cannot be trademarked...

This thread is dedicated to showcase new tech, new trends, aso. that might occur in near time, and which buzz- & keywords are taking part in it.

I want to showcase one example:

One gadget that I see in future, are Neural Wristbands.

Meta Inc. and others are researching wristbands, that can understand not only your handgestures & moves, but even very small contractions -

you do not even have to move a single finger, just think about something you want to do, and that neural wristband actually understands it,
and does it for you
(on the computer, in AR/VR).

Really astonishing stuff happening on the field of neural science;
likewise with neuralink (neurochips, that are wired to your brain somehow).

This is why I decided to reg. the domain NeuroBands .com , for example.

Meta and others are aiming at combining the AR/VR experience with those bands.

I will keep this domain for 3-5 years, pricing it for a much higher price, than I actually would price a (new) domain. -
And raise the price from year to year.

- Because this is my strategy, when it comes to emerging tech:
You do some research, get to know what is actually happening and how likely a commercial mass adoption is,
and then you try to reg. one or two domains in this field, that come as close to the main buzz-word as they can -
if not the buzz-word itself.

Then you price it accordingly.

In the case of Neural Wristbands, I could argue that I have regged the buzz-word itself.

Apart from that, there are many other new gadgets & tech out there:

Just look at the appearance of Ai Robots, that are now becoming real.

Delivery will take place in coming years; and as for amazon, they plan to deliver their factory robots next year.

That is a crazy pace...

What other emerging tech do you have an eye on?

And did you reg. any interesting domains in this field?

Let us know in the comments.
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from time to time, there are new gadgets & emerging tech coming out.

Sometimes, it is possible for us domainers, to participate and be part of that movement.

If you would have regged 'mp3player' before mp3 had become a thing, you surely would have made a fortune by this one domain.

That is the same for other tech and its buzz-words, which cannot be trademarked...

This thread is dedicated to showcase new tech, new trends, aso. that might occur in near time, and which buzz- & keywords are taking part in it.

I want to showcase one example:

One gadget that I see in future, are Neural Wristbands.

Meta Inc. and others are researching wristbands, that can understand not only your handgestures & moves, but even very small contractions -

you do not even have to move a single finger, just think about something you want to do, and that neural wristband actually understands it,
and does it for you
(on the computer, in AR/VR).

Really astonishing stuff happening on the field of neural science;
likewise with neuralink (neurochips, that are wired to your brain somehow).

This is why I decided to reg. the domain NeuroBands .com , for example.

Meta and others are aiming at combining the AR/VR experience with those bands.

I will keep this domain for 3-5 years, pricing it for a much higher price, than I actually would price a (new) domain. -
And raise the price from year to year.

- Because this is my strategy, when it comes to emerging tech:
You do some research, get to know what is actually happening and how likely a commercial mass adoption is,
and then you try to reg. one or two domains in this field, that come as close to the main buzz-word as they can -
if not the buzz-word itself.

Then you price it accordingly.

In the case of Neural Wristbands, I could argue that I have regged the buzz-word itself.

Apart from that, there are many other new gadgets & tech out there:

Just look at the appearance of Ai Robots, that are now becoming real.

Delivery will take place in coming years; and as for amazon, they plan to deliver their factory robots next year.

That is a crazy pace...

What other emerging tech do you have an eye on?

And did you reg. any interesting domains in this field?

Let us know in the comments.
Going for the big bucks... :xf.wink:

Yes, aiming at main / highlevel terms is a good strategy.
Many fields, most of them occupied as well.

Not that easy.
Going for the big bucks... :xf.wink:

Yes, aiming at main / highlevel terms is a good strategy.
Many fields, most of them occupied as well.

Not that easy.
Yeah, not easy, but: The only possibility to actually find a top category / niche domain.

Only with new tech, as everything common is already taken years ago...

So I better keep an eye on new emerging stuff, if I aim for the best ROI / for category killer domains.

This is not (expensive) investment, this is sheer speculation on the outcome of certain technologies.

But let it be: I better go with new opportunities.
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