XYZ is like Doge coin

Spaceship Spaceship


Domain InvestmentsTop Member
Totally overvalued and pumped. Change my mind.
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Totally overvalued and pumped. Change my mind.

First off, you’re the one talking about .xyz so there must be some interest or curiosity on your behalf

That said, no .xyz is not fueled by “skepticism” with out any application usage / like Doge coin ... the (application usage) comes down to the fact that .xyz is the only domain .extension that is DNS recognized and can be used as a blockchain address like an ENS domain (.eth) etc. which is not ICANN authorized and requires users to have special plugins to even access ENS domains / where as .xyz is ICANN authorized and therefore can easily be found with no plugins

2nd - all of this craziness with .xyz started when Google renamed themselves Alphabet Inc and bought from Daniel Negari to represent the change ^ and as we all know, Google knows everything we want to know 10 years before it’s the case ^ hence they invest before us / look at the private bidding of Fortune 100 companies who want to own certain .extensions ... they aren’t investing, because they think it’s a fluke ... they know what’s to come next ^

3rd - major domain investors like Swetha and Elliot Silver have managed to sell .xyz domains for 4 figures one year ago to 5 figures + today ^ the market is evolving and why ? Look at web3, look at NFTs, look at the metaverse ... Some of these individuals who have invested in these topics have gotten very wealthy in a very short period of time ^ and let us say that they want the .com (yes) ?

So they chase down the owners of the .com name that they want / only to be quoted a ridiculous amount or the owner doesn’t want to sell ... so they have 3 options - buy the name at a ridiculous amount - forget about it altogether - choose another .extension with the same keyword ^

And then it comes down to this decision making process - does the name with the new .extension effect their rankings online (Google) or (Bing) -

No, no it doesn’t

Does the name effect their credibility or their brand image ? And there’s many ways to look at this question ^ for the last 40 years, the normal everyday average citizen has known about .com / they’ve seen it everywhere and anywhere - stickers, billboards, mugs, pens, shirts, magazines, newspapers, televised media ... etc etc etc - previous to those 40 years though, we didn’t have the internet, we had phone books ... Domains was a foreign topic, reserved to the military ... And now look where we are ^

“time will tell”

Some companies understand this better then others and have taken advantage of the opportunity to set themselves different apart from everyone else >>> points to .tv


And some companies have invested but don’t quite understand “usage”


And so if you’re going to invest in .xyz today - single keyword asking prices and short names have expensive asking prices ^ however given what we are seeing in the market / I imagine that these price tags will only go up in value especially with the rise of web3 / crypto / blockchain / ai / metaverse / etc ^ and as we see further adoption / there is a new chapter of the domain market to be had / if only the pro .com investors understood this ^

Happy investing
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I only about 20 XYZ names and a couple I will probably keep longterm. I'm not sure it's the next big thing but was smart enough to want exposure.
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Overall a good reposté, but this is absolutely bs:

2nd - all of this craziness with .xyz started when Google renamed themselves Alphabet Inc and bought from Daniel Negari to represent the change ^ and as we all know, Google knows everything we want to know 10 years before it’s the case ^ hence they invest before us / look at the private bidding of Fortune 100 companies who want to own certain .extensions ... they aren’t investing, because they think it’s a fluke ... they know what’s to come next ^
Their domain is just a play on their name, alphabet.

That said I'm not underestimating your arguments in general, some are pretty valid.

Web3 is a complete non-starter though if we're looking towards the big tech giants to implement it, cause they are all about knowing exactly who you are, it's their bread and butter. They aren't up for changing that any time soon. It'll be the same old same old masquerading as "web3"/decentralised etc.
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What's so great about XYZ?

Still waiting.

Keep in mind they were practically giving away XYZ domains for a dollar not too long ago.
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I agree with you unfortunately and I learned that the hard way😑
Xyz Dropping really sooon
First off, you’re the one talking about .xyz so there must be some interest or curiosity on your behalf

That said, no .xyz is not fueled by “skepticism” with out any application usage / like Doge coin ... the (application usage) comes down to the fact that .xyz is the only domain .extension that is DNS recognized and can be used as a blockchain address like an ENS domain (.eth) etc. which is not ICANN authorized and requires users to have special plugins to even access ENS domains / where as .xyz is ICANN authorized and therefore can easily be found with no plugins

2nd - all of this craziness with .xyz started when Google renamed themselves Alphabet Inc and bought from Daniel Negari to represent the change ^ and as we all know, Google knows everything we want to know 10 years before it’s the case ^ hence they invest before us / look at the private bidding of Fortune 100 companies who want to own certain .extensions ... they aren’t investing, because they think it’s a fluke ... they know what’s to come next ^

3rd - major domain investors like Swetha and Elliot Silver have managed to sell .xyz domains for 4 figures one year ago to 5 figures + today ^ the market is evolving and why ? Look at web3, look at NFTs, look at the metaverse ... Some of these individuals who have invested in these topics have gotten very wealthy in a very short period of time ^ and let us say that they want the .com (yes) ?

So they chase down the owners of the .com name that they want / only to be quoted a ridiculous amount or the owner doesn’t want to sell ... so they have 3 options - buy the name at a ridiculous amount - forget about it altogether - choose another .extension with the same keyword ^

And then it comes down to this decision making process - does the name with the new .extension effect their rankings online (Google) or (Bing) -

No, no it doesn’t

Does the name effect their credibility or their brand image ? And there’s many ways to look at this question ^ for the last 40 years, the normal everyday average citizen has known about .com / they’ve seen it everywhere and anywhere - stickers, billboards, mugs, pens, shirts, magazines, newspapers, televised media ... etc etc etc - previous to those 40 years though, we didn’t have the internet, we had phone books ... Domains was a foreign topic, reserved to the military ... And now look where we are ^

“time will tell”

Some companies understand this better then others and have taken advantage of the opportunity to set themselves different apart from everyone else >>> points to .tv


And some companies have invested but don’t quite understand “usage”


And so if you’re going to invest in .xyz today - single keyword asking prices and short names have expensive asking prices ^ however given what we are seeing in the market / I imagine that these price tags will only go up in value especially with the rise of web3 / crypto / blockchain / ai / metaverse / etc ^ and as we see further adoption / there is a new chapter of the domain market to be had / if only the pro .com investors understood this ^

Happy investing

It's an ok extension, but I don't get the hype.

I mean, even is alright. But try explaining to someone why an .XYZ is worth $50,000

Most people can't even grasp a .com being worth 5 figures.

Just like alt coins, at the end of the day everyone cashes out BTC or USD. Same with domains, companies eventually get the COM.
Xyz is money laundering like crypto , when the bubble bursts lots of pain
I mean, even is alright. But try explaining to someone why an .XYZ is worth $50,000

Most people can't even grasp a .com being worth 5 figures.
You started the thread, why don't you tell all of us here on NP, and the sellers and the buyers of .xyz, why it isn't worth the 5 figures they sold and paid?

While you're at it, go and message the hundreds if not thousands of startups that have based their business on the extension. Tell em' even though there's no hope in hell for them to acquire the dot-com, they should have went with a domain that's not blockchain-friendly, and added a hyphen or an extra keyword to the equation just to say it's a dot-com.

Not saying there's not a bit of a bubble in this, but at the same time there were many survivors of the bubble-burst back in 2000. .XYZ fits a new generation just fine and they are happy with it.
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You started the thread, why don't you tell all of us here on NP, and the sellers and the buyers of .xyz, why it isn't worth the 5 figures they sold and paid?

While you're at it, go and message the hundreds if not thousands of startups that have based their business on the extension. Tell em' even though there's no hope in hell for them to acquire the dot-com, they should have went with a domain that's not blockchain-friendly, and added a hyphen or an extra keyword to the equation just to say it's a dot-com.

Not saying there's not a bit of a bubble in this, but at the same time there were many survivors of the bubble-burst back in 2000. .XYZ fits a new generation just fine and they are happy with it.

The same reason .Top isn't worth 5 figures.

There's no mindshare. It's just a random extension. It screams "My company can't afford a .com"
The same reason .Top isn't worth 5 figures.

There's no mindshare. It's just a random extension. It screams "My company can't afford a .com"
I remember when .top was the top new gtld and everyone was getting excited.
It's an ok extension, but I don't get the hype.

I mean, even is alright. But try explaining to someone why an .XYZ is worth $50,000

Most people can't even grasp a .com being worth 5 figures.

Just like alt coins, at the end of the day everyone cashes out BTC or USD. Same with domains, companies eventually get the COM.

Great Brands or Domains are essential for branding for building authority and trust in your company. Branding means communicating directly with your customers about your value, vision, products, and services, and in the process building trust and goodwill in the market and creating a perception that helps in the favorable decision making. In short, if your brand is good you can command a premium or generate better results with relatively less marketing and sales efforts.

Now coming back to your core question about the domain extension. If your story or communication strategy is supported and further amplified by the domain extension it is the best option for any branding team. Have you observed why many companies use gTLD or ccTLD as their main domain and use their .com only for delivering traffic for example Zoom company is using as their main domain and although they own .com; its .com extension is only used for forwarding purposes? Because using Zoom with us extension amplifies their stories about their product and service in the customer's mind more strongly than the .com. That is also the reason why Alphabet (Google's holding company) is using which means covering entire letters in the alphabets starting from a. b, c to x, y, z; in sort, positioning their brand like we have everything available whatever you want now or in future.

Now, why .XYZ is getting so hyped especially among crypto and web3 if you remember these cryptos and web3 are mainly a revolt against the corporate and centralized government system and here X, Y, and Z play a very important role in amplifying their story and communication strategy. It represents diversity, inclusiveness, community engagement, and more important decentralized system. XYZ also represents three different dimensions X, Y, Z, and also three different generations. No wonder, US$16 Billion crypto and web3-centric venture capital company choose Paradigm.XYZ instead of .com or any other extension as their domain for their brand.

Paradigm is shifting from Web2 to Web3, from Corporate to COmmunity and from Centralized System to Decentralized system so does the culture and trend.

All the best!
Great Brands or Domains are essential for branding for building authority and trust in your company. Branding means communicating directly with your customers about your value, vision, products, and services, and in the process building trust and goodwill in the market and creating a perception that helps in the favorable decision making. In short, if your brand is good you can command a premium or generate better results with relatively less marketing and sales efforts.

Now coming back to your core question about the domain extension. If your story or communication strategy is supported and further amplified by the domain extension it is the best option for any branding team. Have you observed why many companies use gTLD or ccTLD as their main domain and use their .com only for delivering traffic for example Zoom company is using as their main domain and although they own .com; its .com extension is only used for forwarding purposes? Because using Zoom with us extension amplifies their stories about their product and service in the customer's mind more strongly than the .com. That is also the reason why Alphabet (Google's holding company) is using which means covering entire letters in the alphabets starting from a. b, c to x, y, z; in sort, positioning their brand like we have everything available whatever you want now or in future.

Now, why .XYZ is getting so hyped especially among crypto and web3 if you remember these cryptos and web3 are mainly a revolt against the corporate and centralized government system and here X, Y, and Z play a very important role in amplifying their story and communication strategy. It represents diversity, inclusiveness, community engagement, and more important decentralized system. XYZ also represents three different dimensions X, Y, Z, and also three different generations. No wonder, US$16 Billion crypto and web3-centric venture capital company choose Paradigm.XYZ instead of .com or any other extension as their domain for their brand.

Paradigm is shifting from Web2 to Web3, from Corporate to COmmunity and from Centralized System to Decentralized system so does the culture and trend.

All the best!
Still wait to sell at resale price this PREMIUM .xyz that realy meaning something not random
But one want to buy
Hmmmm 🤔...where is "paradigm" ?!? Or is one 😉
Still wait to sell at resale price this PREMIUM .xyz that realy meaning something not random
But one want to buy
Hmmmm 🤔...where is "paradigm" ?!? Or is one 😉
Wishing you good luck dear and I am sure you will get a good sale. Domain is game of patience and a focused approach. Also if you follow XYZ carefully till date only good one and two English dictionary words domains are selling, 3L and brandable are very rare. I hope it will change in the future with mass adoption.

I will suggest you play in your strong area which is .US and you will realize that you are sitting on goldmines. Once you become a brand for dot US you will have the same kind of success as Swetha.

Best wishes!
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Wishing you good luck dear and I am sure you will get a good sale. Domain is game of patience and a focused approach.

I will suggest you play in your strong area which is .US and you will realize that you are sitting on goldmines. Once you become a brand for dot US you will have the same kind of success as Swetha.

Best wishes!
In my dreams maybe :ROFL: but thanks for your nice words 🤗
idk, but i do know that i think of a few extensions when im looking something up on the net, and dot xyz is one of them. I dont even think dot net or dot org.
When I search for a domain on, xyz is showing at fourth position after .com .net and .org. I don't have the exact numbers but it seems a lot of people are registering these names.
.XYZ is freedom of internet. Those who can not afford 10 USD can try investin 0.98 USD and begin internet entrepreneurship. 0.98 USD is in fact discounted offer, and will not stay forever as it is now.
You need to pay same amount as .COM when you renew. That means, .XYZ is a chance for new web entrepreneurs. And one can link this with FREE Blogspot/Blogger. I do not know how domaining work. I tried to sell few domain here. But, to my frustration, no outcome.
.XYZ is freedom of internet. Those who can not afford 10 USD can try investin 0.98 USD and begin internet entrepreneurship. 0.98 USD is in fact discounted offer, and will not stay forever as it is now.
You need to pay same amount as .COM when you renew. That means, .XYZ is a chance for new web entrepreneurs. And one can link this with FREE Blogspot/Blogger. I do not know how domaining work. I tried to sell few domain here. But, to my frustration, no outcome.
same thing could be said about .site and it is a much better extension in my opinion doesn't look nearly as spammy
I find the .xyz a bit hyped, but if you are an engineer, you simply have to love it. XYZ represents the 3 dimensions in a clever way, so I would rate it savvy and tech at the end of the day - no wonder high tech startups like it.
I think email deliverability is a big question mark for a lot of domains, including .xyz. There was a blog post about .xyz specifically that I saw about it a while ago.

I personally like it as an extension, but I only use it for small, non-commercial things that don't require email and where short rhyming names make it easy to remember and type URLs.
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