
New DomainHop Features

Spaceship Spaceship
Meta Keyword(s):
Our Domain partners can now choose keyword(s) that best describe their Domain or the Domain name’s intent. This will improve the sites rankings in select Algorithmic engines.

Meta Tag Description:
Our Domain Partners can now create a description that best applies to their Domain name’s intent. This will improve the sites rankings in select Algorithmic engines and present a concise Search Results Description within those engines.

Our Domain Partners may choose deliver a pop-under or exit-pop of one of their other Domains they can choose DomainHop’s Hotlinks Template, which is a listing of all the ContextTarget Categories, giving the surfer a wide range of choices.

For Sale Price:
Our Domain Partners may post that their Domain(s) are for sale, which includes the sale price (in whole dollars – no cents) and their email address (required) for prospective buyers to contact them. This will be listed on the specific Domain’s template. The best part is that DomainHop does not take a cut of the sale like other broker sites.

Show Other Domains:
Our Domain Partners may choose to list all of their other Domains, as links, on their displayed templates. This will assist in giving their sites a better ranking in regards to algorithmic engines that factor in link popularity.

I hope this improves your revenues at DomainHop!

Best Regards,

Michael Feeley
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Looks like some nice new features there Michael. Do you have an example URL you could give that shows a page with a For Sale notice and response link on it?
  • The sidebar remains visible by scrolling at a speed relative to the page’s height.