
opinion Owning Multiple Domain Names for the same website

Spaceship Spaceship
If we already have a website with a very good domain name, why would we want another domain for the same website? In this post, I will outline some benefits of owning multiple domain names that forward to the same website.

Understand Where Our Website Visitors Come From

Before looking at the value of pointing multiple domains to the same website, we should look at how visitors get to our site. This knowledge is essential for every website developer to understand. Do visitors type the URL into the browser (direct navigation)? Click a link from another website (link exchange)? Did they perform a Google search and find your site in the results? It is important for us to know and understand where our website’s traffic comes from without relying on search engine optimization professionals to tell us. Once we understand where the traffic comes from, we can look at ways that we can enhance it by using multiple domain names for one main website.

Traffic and Search Engine Optimization

Most websites’ traffic comes from a variety of sources, so we’ll continue down that avenue. The next logical step is to increase traffic by increasing the amount of sources it will arrive from. For example, if our website sells toys, and visitors find us when they Google search “toys” then we may benefit from appearing in the search results for as many relevant keywords results as possible. It stands to reason that showing up in the search results for “children’s toys,” “toddler toys,” and “educational toys” would lead to our website receiving more traffic. If our domain name is “GreatToys.com” then we could capture more traffic by owning “ChildrensToys.com,” “ToddlerToys.com,” and “EducationalToys.com,” and redirecting those domains to our main website “GreatToys.com.” The same principle works for “.net,” “.org” and “.info” domains. Acquiring multiple domains that our customers will search for and then pointing them to our main website can increase traffic.

The Early Bird Gets The Worm

If we don’t buy those domains, it’s likely that someone else will. To compound matters, our competitors may be the ones to purchase those domain names. Using the same example as above, if we don’t buy “ChildrensToys.com” to forward to our website, our competitors might, and send that traffic to their competing website. At that point, it will be too late to buy the domain, and our competitor may not be looking to sell it, especially if they have gained revenue since purchasing the domain. With the valuable names unavailable, we’ll have to settle for less desirable names.

Specialty Marketing Campaigns

Often times a website will launch a specialty marketing campaign that revolves around a domain name that relates to their business. A good way to use this method is to send that name to a “landing page.” Generally a landing page is a website with only one page that details a special promotion. It is particularly effective when used with an easy to remember domain name.

Here is a good example of how this may be used. I personally own the domain name “BikerSociety.com.” Once I develop the website I will strategically place several signs around biker rallies like Daytona Bike Week or Sturgis. I will receive thousands of hits in a matter of days because the name is memorable and targeted to my specific demographic. Those thousands of hits will convert into newsletter subscriptions, merchandise sales, and even future motorcycle sales referrals.

How Will You Enhance Your Web Presence?

Take some time to personally review your web presence and determine if you can benefit from other outlets to drive traffic to your website. You may very well be missing some simple opportunities to increase your web presence and ultimately your bottom line.
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Most excellent article - it is true that you should ideally "compete with yourself" by owning multiple websites about the same topic in a sense to really dominate the search engines for competitive keywords. :tu:

But, is it really worth sharing this kind of information for free? :p

*sees more competition to arise* ;)
Yeah owning multiple domain names can complement your main website better. The company I work in owns almost all the keyword variations and company name specific domains for their brand.
It's a great article but owning multi domains can be expensive. Not everyone can afford variations when budget is tight.
Agreed. I wish to own more domains too but budget is too tight. Domain + hosting >.<
Yes... I know that several websites have double even multiple domain name.
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