advice The best investment strategy for 2020

A dad was in his home office on an important phone call when his 5-year-old son came in and asked him if he could play. The dad said, "Not right now son, I’m busy." The young boy left and came back a few minutes later with a hopeful expression, "Now are you ready?" The dad tried to stay calm and replied, "Give me a few minutes." The young boy lowered his head and sauntered out, and before the dad could finish apologizing to the other person on the phone for the interruption, the young boy came back and said, "Has it been a few minutes?"

Not wanting to upset the boy and instigate a meltdown, the dad scrambled for a newspaper and ripped off a map of the world. He shredded it into dozens of pieces of paper and said, "Here, go put this map of the world back together and when you bring it back finished, I will be done with my call." The young boy’s eyes lit with excitement and eagerly took the pieces of paper and a roll of tape. Relieved he would have plenty of time to finish his call, the dad settled back into his chair.

Less than 3 minutes later the young boy came back with the paper neatly taped together with the map of the entire world put back together correctly. Intrigued by how his son had done this so quickly, the dad wrapped up the call, examined the paper closely, and then asked, "Son, how did you put this together so quickly?" The young boy said, "Well, there was a picture of a person on the other side of the paper so I just put the person back together. I knew if the person was right, the world would be right."

So often in life and especially in new beginnings like the start of a new year, we have aspirations that hinge on the success or failure of things or events that we can’t control. We end up falling short, and the story is always the same “Well, I couldn’t do it because I wasn’t expecting this to happen first” or “If it weren’t for that mishap, then I could have reached my goal” or “I would’ve done this at work if it weren’t for that person.” However, if we can focus our efforts on what we can control and focus on "getting ourselves right" like the boy suggested, then it’s incredible how all of a sudden the world becomes right, too.

And that is why the best investment strategy for 2020 is to invest in yourself. Whether it’s personal or professional, it doesn’t matter. Maybe it’s investing in your physical health with a fitness regiment or healthier foods; maybe it’s that certification or course you have been wanting to take; or it could even be that coach, mentor, or therapist you have been meaning to enlist.

How can you apply that same mentality to your involvement in the domain industry? How can you further educate yourself and increase your inherent value to the great visionaries that make up this unique industry? We have a daunting task of educating the world on this fascinating industry of which we are all an integral part of, and if we individually take the initiative to improve ourselves, then we can all achieve more. I am curious to hear in the comments below what other suggestions you have on how to invest in yourself this coming year. Don’t be shy!

In closing, my challenge to each of us, regardless of events and changes in 2020 that we can’t control, let’s invest in ourselves because if we can get ourselves right, then the world will be right.
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
I agree that if we feel better about ourselves it does reflect on the earth and there is something to say about karma which is very similar to the golden rule that what we do unto others others will do to us. Plus positive feels better than negative. Lol.
So what happened after the 3rd paragraph. The lesson I would get from such a(n incomplete) story would be: by inventing your own way, you can make progress much faster than expected.
Once there was a fantastic horror movie, tension was built, things got complicated, and then the movie ended suddenly and for no reason.
Brian...all good stuff I remember we connected on Linkedin a little over a year ago, and I remember you're a Bulldog. Here's my UGA, and I'd like to share some of my plans for 2020 if you care to hear them. Thanks,

Biscuit (1).jpg
If your in an airplane and the cabin air pressure drops, putting the oxygen masks in front of your face, always put your mask on first, before assisting others.

Point being if you take care of yourself first you are then in a better position to help others.
Thats a beautiful way of putting it.

Agree 100%. Its sometimes not that easy, one needs to constantly keep pulling oneself out of the comfort zone.

Some thoughts/dreams/ideas that could motivate oneself come in very handy.

Excellent points! It was a gentle reminder to better myself everyday and continue to learn.
Thank you
Thank you for the creatively written and meaningful message. Often in the haste of life we overlook making sure that we are investing in ourselves.

I like that you gave the clear message that we should invest in ourselves, but left it to each person to define what that was exactly. Among other things I hope to read more, both related to domain investing (like branding, naming and marketing) but also read outside that (just finished a memoir on reinventing yourself that was inspirational. I think the main two other things I hope to concentrate on are balance and reflection. Domaining can be addictive and it is always good to balance different aspects in our lives. I think reflecting on where we are, in some regular and somewhat structured way, is always beneficial.

Thanks again for delivering an important message. If you are attending NamesCon I hope you have a fantastic conference. It was my honour to meet you last year.

Also, very best wishes for Grit. It seems like a comprehensive and worthy program.

Thanks again,

This post was very timely. Twice a year, I do a performance review of myself. The one at the beginning of the year is very extensive, gruesome and tedious. As much as I detest the process, I admit it is very necessary. I access my progress in the 5 different departments of my life, during which I assign a score of 1-10, among other steps. It gives me a yardstick with which to measure my personal growth and development. Without it, my entire compass will be out of kilter.

@equity78 , I'm curious to know what you found unappealing about the article.
Thanks for the contributions, perspectives, and value add so far

Yes, @ThatNameGuy please share your top 3 plans for 2020
Thanks for the contributions, perspectives, and value add so far

Yes, @ThatNameGuy please share your top 3 plans for 2020

Brian...i needed to give this a little thought, but my top three plans for 2020 are;

1. Revolutionize the "Secondary Market" of the domain industry. I started a thread on NP about a week ago titled; "Why are Hundreds of Thousands of Quality Domains not sold?" Without giving anything away, I got my answer:xf.wink: So now it's time to formalize my plan, recruit believers and "Make Something Happen"

2. Revolutionize This is a mission that's currently underway because;

1. Golf takes too long - 9Time™ takes half the time
2. Golf is too expensive - 9time is half the cost
3. Golf is too freak'n hard - a PGA Professional and myself have formulated rules that will simplify the game

3. Have fun, and "Smile for No Good"

#3 is easy, and #1 and #2 are very reasonable as long as I can; "Get by with a Little Help from my Friends"
invest in yourself is best investment instead of spending materialistic thing.
On point!
Maybe you're that mentor I am meaning to enlist :xf.wink:
Thanks for this insightful share.The best investment is self development.
Hello Brian, hope you are doing good.

This post of yours is a great motivational post for everybody for the start of this year!

This blog post is about setting yourself goals and working towards them in actionable steps for the results which you want/desire.

Investing in yourself is something that should be done by everyone, every month, every week, every day infact.

You can develop a set of big goals, and then make a list of mini tasks which you can work at, towards achieving those big goals.

Whether it be:
  • Making more domain sales,
  • Improving your physical health,
  • becoming a better person,
  • reducing your ego,
  • being more helpful to others,
  • etc.

Here are answers to your questions:

How can you apply that same mentality to your involvement in the domain industry?

My Answer

I can help other domainers who are starting out by providing them answers to their questions on this forum.

I can keep in touch with other people whom I have had connections with in the past.

I can make new connections in the industry which can potentially make more opportunities for them.​

How can you further educate yourself and increase your inherent value to the great visionaries that make up this unique industry?

My Answer

I can further educate myself by reading other peoples success stories, their strategies, and tips.

Aswell as reading their strategies I can also provide and share my knowledge to them too which will have a reciprocal effect.

This is not only to be applied in this industry but to the whole make money online industry, and even offline business.​

I am curious to hear in the comments below what other suggestions you have on how to invest in yourself this coming year.

In closing, my challenge to each of us, regardless of events and changes in 2020 that we can’t control, let’s invest in ourselves

I can carry out your personal challenge by me working to improve myself in these following personal areas:

I am Improving myself:

1) Mentally

2) Emotionally,

3) Physically,

4) Personal habits

I continue to improve myself on my habits and improve myself and my health on the 3 main levels mentally, emotionally and physically,

in the following ways:

MENTALLY (Improving myself)
  • Meditate, morning and at night
  • Connect with nature more often (spend time in parks, forests,the beach, mountains)
  • Do tasks which improve my mental mindset (puzzles, sudoku etc)
  • Go for fresh air walks daily
  • Read more material which will increase my knowledge

EMOTIONALLY (Improving myself)
  • Meditate, morning and at night
  • Forgive and forget incidences
  • Love myself more and more
  • Help others
  • Deal with past incidences which haven't been cleared up or resolved
  • Talk with people to I have to resolve anything with

PHYSICALLY (Improving myself)
  • Improve the diet (more fruit and veg)
  • Increase the water intake daily
  • Do some more detoxes, flushes to get the gunk out of the body.
  • Reduce the consumption of unhealthy food.
  • Be in the company of positive people.
  • Do new exercises
  • Starting some new sports.

There are just some of the ways I am looking at myself to improve habits, becoming a better human being for myself and also helping out others around me.

Brian these are some of my ways which I am 'investing in myself'.

Matt Morgan

Oh and before I go Brian, this exact Namepros comment of mine has made exactly my 100th forum post on this forum (y)
@Matt Morgan Thanks for you input and contribution to the domain industry. We look forward to more of your value-add thoughts and ideas!
The best investment in 2020 or in the future is learn more and do more based our historical action.
1. Trade BCH (Bitcton Cash), sell at $3 margin. Capital $100k, profit $1k per rotation. 3 rotation max possible in a day.

2. Buy good names for $10k per week.

3. Don't sell those good names, not less than $25k, higher the better.

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