
Is Adam Dicker a criminal? You decide.

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This story starts with DNF; a barren wasteland that once was a leading forum within the domain industry. While the forum itself played a huge role in propagating the myth that is Adam Dicker, the story really begins with DNF College in the summer of 2011.

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Updates / Reports
These are in no particular order.

From what I understand, Adam still owes north of $33,000 to previous customers and business partners. As I receive more information, I will update this figure.
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
I don't have permission to close the thread.

Further, I think it's important to leave it open incase more wish to come forward.

It's only been 3 days.

Shane I am not saying it should be closed, others have been asking and I was saying that mods cannot and will not do that. Eric would be the person to make the decision. As a thread starter we respect the request of someone asking to close a thread they started unless it is dealing with some issue of fraud here on Namepros that is unresolved.
Shane I am not saying it should be closed, others have been asking and I was saying that mods cannot and will not do that. Eric would be the person to make the decision. As a thread starter we respect the request of someone asking to close a thread they started unless it is dealing with some issue of fraud here on Namepros that is unresolved.

Misunderstood you. Thank you for the clarification.
Completely agreed. The NDA's signed with Adam can easily be contested if properly checked , with the company name and everything. So far , non of the ex-employees mentioned anything or any secrets about the company other than saying they were not paid and they used to work on many projects.
Adam can you put the issue to rest about NDA's and other litigation threats ? I think it would help everyone to know and remove that topic from the discussion.
Adam can you put the issue to rest about NDA's and other litigation threats ? I think it would help everyone to know and remove that topic from the discussion.
It's none of my business but I would think it's a bit premature for him to comment on this. This is pretty detrimental to his business and character. We also don't know what else Shane's group may release or may not release that could cause further damage. Just my .02
It's none of my business but I would think it's a bit premature for him to comment on this. This is pretty detrimental to his business and character. We also don't know what else Shane's group may release or may not release that could cause further damage. Just my .02

Fair enough but I was just talking about toward legitimate gripes. If someone is blackmailing him not apart of the real people with real issues crowd, well of course he will go after those claims as blackmail is a crime.

I am talking about people with legitimate claims that they can easily prove.
The other point I would make is that if WebCorp does not exist as a registered corporation, then anyone with an NDA with a non existent company has no worry about an NDA.

These are things that should be cleared up IMO.
The other point I would make is that if WebCorp does not exist as a registered corporation, then anyone with an NDA with a non existent company has no worry about an NDA.

These are things that should be cleared up IMO.

Thank you ... That is exactly what I said :)
The other point I would make is that if WebCorp does not exist as a registered corporation, then anyone with an NDA with a non existent company has no worry about an NDA.

These are things that should be cleared up IMO.

It doesn't appear to be incorporated. I checked all of the government sites.
It doesn't appear to be incorporated. I checked all of the government sites.

Just a thought, I dont know about you if you saw the NDA the victims signed with him or not and for me I saw nothing, but what if he used another name and not WebCorp? I just got this thought that maybe we might be missing. Can it stand? I still think NO even if the company is real because the ex-employees did not reveal any trade secrets but just revealed their case which is that they were NOT PAID . This alone removes and dismisses the validity of the NDA IMHO.
It doesn't appear to be incorporated. I checked all of the government sites.

NDA before Articles of Incorporation filing?
Atlanta, GA | on Jan 10, 2011
Filed under: Incorporation Business contracts NDAs for businesses Business NDAs (non-disclosure agreements) and employees Starting a business
If a contractor signs an NDA or NCA 3 months before the company that issued the documents filed for their Articles of Incorporation, would those documents be enforceable?

Dean Richard Fuchs

Employment / Labor Attorney

  • Atlanta, GA
  • GA licensed
Posted on Jan 10, 2011
I will assume that NDA = Non-Disclosure Agreement and that NCA= Non compete agreement. If these documents were signed BEFORE the company's articles of incorporation were SIGNED (as opposed to filed), then the corporation/contracting party did not formally exist and the agreements SHOULD NOT BE enforceable. Basically, a corporation cannot contract with anyone until it is formed/created, and it is not formed/created until its Articles of Incorporation are signed. If your sequence of events is correct, it sounds like the contractor entered into an agreement with a non-entity which is incapable of entering into contracts.
I think that 46+ page thread dedicated entirely to how much of a jerk Adam Dicker has been is a rather fitting punishment for his actions, considering the internet is his domain and how much he cares about his online reputation and the reputation business in general. The reputation of a self-proclaimed reputation management expert lies in tatters, its a fitting end.

I do think that this lynch mob baying for the ultimate revenge has started to get a little bit out of control though. Adam Dicker is guilty of gross exaggeration, living in a bit of a fantasy land and overcharging people. His reputation has been severely damaged, justifiably.

Comparisons with Bernie Madoff, mentions of the FBI, and the emergence of a particularly vicious anonymous user who seems to be baying for blood, is taking things too far. If you support things going quite that far then honestly, my impression of you was better than that too.

Most of the criticisms of Adam Dicker seem to be that he is a fantasist, manipulative, at times threatening, and a general unsavoury character. Now we are seeing the exact same traits being displayed from some other individuals sitting on the other side of the fence. Particularly this anonymous user who has appeared, who I'd like to think the mods would do an IP check on for multiple accounts.

I've also seen the phrase "ruined my life" being used quite a bit. That's hyperbole too. A crack cocaine habit ruins a life, an affair ruins a life, stepping on a land mine ruins a life. Not really seen many convincing arguments that a life has been ruined, Beezy presented the only half serious one I've seen and Adam Dicker wasn't the perpetrator.

It appears that the agenda has progressed somewhat. It started with people wanting the industry to know the truth about Adam Dicker and for his 'victims' to be made good. Now that those objectives have been achieved the bar has been raised, now the objective seems to be to try and leave Adam Dicker in jail, destitute or dead. Not sure that punishment would fit the crime. Its going too far and people are getting far too intense.

I genuinely feel sorry for some of his victims, primarily the two employees who have shared their story. They have had their platform to air their grievances, people have given them support, they've got what was owed to them, even if they had to put a fight up for it, they've done everybody a service by going public and helping others avoid the same misfortune. But they have their health and the rest of their lives to look forward to, and they can move on with some valuable life lessons having been learnt. They even got an apology, even if it were a half-hearted and begrudging one. Adam Dicker has confirmed that he isn't going to hold them to their NDA's.

Whether they carry on the rest of their life with a big chip on their shoulder or get over it and move on is their own prerogative.

What more do they want or need exactly? Is there anything else they need?

Perhaps Adam Dicker could reiterate once more that he isn't going to pursue a legal avenue for NDA, once he's done that, what else do they want?

I think everyone is both capable and entitled to determine for themselves what course of action to pursue. I'm not in their shoes so I'm not going to substitute my judgment for theirs. A resource was presented for anyone wanting to file a complaint. I'm not endorsing the idea nor am I encouraging anyone to pursue that course. I'm just confirming that it is the correct resource for anyone interested.
Since people have been so wronged, why doesn't everyone link to this thread or the article with keywords "Adam Dicker"? That should accomplish the intended goal.
I have personal knowledge that a lot of the Inner circle members didn't sign a NDA as Adam has alluded to. Adam wont be able to do anything to Lanny B as he thinks has has what he doesn't.

Let's just hope he just sticks to buying and selling domains and doesn't hook a lot of domain newbies into buying websites for their domains with promises that they will make thousands of dollars.

The thread should also stay open... This is to keep Adam accountable if he continues to create bad websites for those he is selling them to.
I am learning a tonne from this thread!
Just missed being here for under 24 hours and the blows up to page 47. :)

There are not as many as you think, you need to remember that this story that was sent to Shane was all started by employees that were terminated/left the company and yes that I tried to grow it too fast with some good people and some of the wrong people. My fault, I was the CEO. Businesses fail.
Incidentally, it took way too long, but all these employees are paid in full. It's no surprise that they day after the last one was paid the story came out.

I hope you realize this post was not merely about you owing people some money.

The bigger issues that have been brought forward by your former employees are the ones that need to be responded to and worked on. You should also realize that these past actions of yours can still entail legal investigation, should one or more of these ex employees decide to launch a formal complaint against you:

1) That you prey on new domainers
2) That you (mal)influence them and extract investments which would otherwise not be made
3) That you promise them the moon as return on investment
4) That you mistreat your employees
5) That you try to project a larger-than-life image of yourself in hopes of attracting victims
6) That you buy Fiverr comments to artificially inflate the value of your businesses

These are the bigger issues you need to issue clarification on / owe up to / and issue apology for. Going forward, I hope you mend your ways in mind, body and action.

All other
Done and all other legitimate complaints are being dealt with.

Much different, lessons learnt, I will learn to say no and be 100% truthful.
This post has actually been very helpful for me to make positive changes that are needed.

It's good to know that you seem to have settled all your debts, here at least. But, as we all know, even a thief, when caught, would offer back what he stole to obtain pardon for his life. I hope, you don't come out like that thief without this incident rousing a real positive change in your soul.

Please also take care to refund all other people out there about whom we still mayn't know but may have been conned out of their money by way of wrong influence.

Hopefully, no one will ever need to know.

I have my reasons and they aren't any of your business. This isn't about ruining a man but about reparations. I did what I had to do and he's doing what he has to do. We don't have to be enemies. We don't have to brawl in the streets.

They talked on the phone. They probably agreed on a deal between the two so Shane won't go to phase 2. Shane was aggressive the first day, but now sounds like a little puppy when referring to Adam. He must have received what he wanted "behind the scene".

Shane got nothing and was paid nothing, nor did he ever ask for anything.

My own suspicion: Part 2 never existed in the first place.

Shane, this was clearly not expected of you. When you promised, there was a part 2, you should have let people on here decide if it was worth revelation or not.

Now, it seems like Shane is the prosecution, Shane is the defence lawyer and Shane is the judge. Even though Adam says nothinng was paid you but noting the change in tone of your posts, people are bound to wonder if one of your motivations behind this expose was not extracting a substantial pound of flesh from Adam.

What about the Part 2 victims who might have been influenced / conned? Now, you are decided by yourself that they are not influenced anymore? Or there was never a Part #2 and was only mentioned to blackmail Adam into submission?

Though Adam may have owed upto his financial defaults and is still to owe upto other larger issues brought forward, in the end, it will come out good for him if it forces a positive change in him.

But, with your Flippa thing, and now this amazingly fast behind-the-scenes settlement with Adam would go very far in discrediting you. People never trust a person who flip-flops too much and too often.

I only hope the Part 2 never really existed.
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Just a thought, I dont know about you if you saw the NDA the victims signed with him or not and for me I saw nothing, but what if he used another name and not WebCorp? I just got this thought that maybe we might be missing. Can it stand? I still think NO even if the company is real because the ex-employees did not reveal any trade secrets but just revealed their case which is that they were NOT PAID . This alone removes and dismisses the validity of the NDA IMHO.

As a few people have already stated, NDA's are not a tool to hush people that have been duped or defrauded in a business arrangement. They are to protect trade secrets and IP and not to sweep criminal activity under the rug.
I think everyone is both capable and entitled to determine for themselves what course of action to pursue. I'm not in their shoes so I'm not going to substitute my judgment for theirs. A resource was presented for anyone wanting to file a complaint. I'm not endorsing the idea nor am I encouraging anyone to pursue that course. I'm just confirming that it is the correct resource for anyone interested.

That wasn't your only point, you also said this:

"Imagine being Lanny or one of the others and reading how you've summarized their claims and made them look silly after everything they've been put through. Do you really feel right about doing that just to avoid acknowledging a mistake? My impression of you is that you're better than that"

My post addressed your questions. Apparently not to your satisfaction, but seemingly to the satisfaction of the individual you decided to speak up for....

That wasn't your only point, you also said this:

"Imagine being Lanny or one of the others and reading how you've summarized their claims and made them look silly after everything they've been put through. Do you really feel right about doing that just to avoid acknowledging a mistake? My impression of you is that you're better than that"

My post addressed your questions. Apparently not to your satisfaction, but seemingly to the satisfaction of the individual you decided to speak up for....

Show attachment 17036

Yes, I've made a lot of points over the course of this thread and they weren't all about whether or not the FBI is the right agency to contact. The quote you cited was about my feeling that your comment trivialized some of the claims against Adam. I still don't see how your comment could be read as an accurate representation of the complaints but that issue is separate from the question of whether or not the FBI could act on a complaint against a foreign national.
FBI, NSA, KGB... why not throw in CIA, DOJ and all the cool acronyms while we're at it?

Some of the posts here are totally lame and out of the spirit of making things right. Sorry...
but that issue is separate from the question of whether or not the FBI could act on a complaint against a foreign national.

Oh I get it, you want us to go round and round in circles endlessly discussing the exact same thing. Sorry, can't be bothered, no more time to waste.

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What about the Part 2 victims who might have been influenced / conned? Now, you are decided by yourself that they are not influenced anymore? Or there was never a Part #2 and was only mentioned to blackmail Adam into submission?

I only hope the Part 2 never really existed.

You think I decided by myself not to release part 2?

This isn't about me and it's a complicated situation.

Just leave it alone.
Oh I get it, you want us to go round and round in circles endlessly discussing the same thing.

Actually my preference would have been that this had ended hours ago with a simple "Sorry, I was wrong. The FBI can handle this complaint." Not sure why all this effort was necessary to avoid that. Anyway, I agree that this is a waste of time so let's get back on track.
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