advice The Truth About Domaining

I have been domaining for awhile now. Buying and selling domain names can certainly be fun. It's a thrill when you scan a list for hours to find 1-2 domain names that show "promise" and then you're able to acquire them through an auction or you successfully drop catch them straight into your account.

However, this article is not about all the great aspects of domaining, but rather, to focus on some of the things that are often left out. Some people need a slight wake-up call as to what they should expect when getting into this business or any business for that matter.

I have seen too many eBooks making false claims about how you can get "rich" off of domaining; how everybody can do it; and how all you need to do is buy their eBook or pay them for their domain course so that you too can sell a domain name that only cost you $10 for a 100,000,000% return on your investment, they say.

Come on. Let's stop trying to find an easy way out. There is no easy way. If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is.

Since we've started making videos on YouTube regarding the domain name space, we've received several emails from people who enjoy what we’re doing and how "real" we are with the information we provide. In the spirit of being real, let's talk more about what you can actually expect working in this business.


A lot of time will be spent scanning lists of domain names in search of the best domains to buy. No, these lists will not be pretty. Actually, there will be tons of garbage domains to go through that will make you scratch your head as to why they were ever registered in the first place. You'll see everything from random characters, which look like the registrants pressed random keys on their keyboard, to outright bad domain names that make us wonder what the registrants were thinking when they registered them.

Combing through lists of domain names every single day isn't the most glamorous thing to do, but it could prove to be very rewarding. If someone asks you what you are doing and you reply, "Looking through some expired domains," you're most likely not going to get the same response from them as somebody else who instead replied, "Traveling to Hawaii for business." Domaining is hard work that most people aren't willing to do.


We should strive to be consistent in everything we do where consistency is important, and that's especially true when it comes to scanning lists for domains. It requires that we be consistent and persistent. You never know which great domain name(s) you might miss if you don't scan and filter domains each day. One day of being lazy could result in someone else’s fortune. We can't afford to lack consistency.

Personally, this is something I still battle with from time to time. This business is a constant grind.

It's a good idea to set reminders of drop times, ending auction times, days scanned, etc. Get organized. Develop a system. Start writing things down, set alarms, and make it happen. No excuses.


For the most part, people don't like being solicited to buy things, especially when they aren't actively looking to buy. When you begin to partake in outbound marketing to try to find potential suitors for your domain names, you will get plenty of responses that will make you scratch your head.

You will get emails from people calling you a cybersquatter, telling you to get a real job or how much of a piece of "poop" you are, etc. It's all part of the game. Many of the top people in this industry and other industries in the world deal with rejection on a continual basis.

Why should we be any different? It may take 100 no's to get to 1 yes, but that's the name of the game in outbound sales and why consistency is so important.

Risk of Losing Money

If you’re scared to lose your money, don't enter this business. It’s as simple as that. You're going to need to shell out some of your hard-earned cash to see if you can successfully make money with domain names. No, I am not talking about $10 or $20 bucks either. It will take more than that just to learn what does and does not work. Every buy is a risk, and as a domain investor, the goal is to make sure that your reward far outweighs your risk. Calculated risks are an important part of every business.

That's the thing with starting a business online: most people seem to forget how much money it takes in the offline world to get started in a business. It often costs hundreds of thousands of dollars in loans for a business to get off the ground in the physical world with a storefront, proper licensing, and much more.

The great thing about the Internet is that you may not need hundreds of thousands of dollars in loans to get started. However, expecting that you'll be able to see if this business works for you with only a few bucks is unrealistic. That mentality isn't going to get you anywhere, and it's probably best to quit while you’re ahead.

The Long Haul

I've been involved in some way, shape, or form on the Internet since 2008. It's 2016 now, and I am still grinding away. I've made great money and lost a lot too. You have to learn to enjoy the journey. It may sound cheesy, but nothing in any endeavor that’s worthwhile is going to be easy or come quickly.

I remember when I first heard about buying and selling domains: I wanted to look into it but for some reason I didn't. In 2013, @Willox Perez and I decided to give it a shot. We read a lot on it and still do today. We bought some worthless domains, but we also kept following and learning about the top people in the industry, occasionally bothering them with questions regarding the industry via email and private messages.

So what’s the point?

It's all a process. Enjoy it. Learn from it. Grow from it. Get better at it. Find people who are better than you, and instead of resenting them, let it motivate you to become the best domainer or whatever it is in life that you want to become.

Is there anything else that I missed when it comes to the truth about domaining? Let us know!

Check out the supplementary video of this article:

Note: This video contains profanity in the beginning; you may skip past it.​

Which of these points are most important to know about domaining?

Share your thoughts in the comments.
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Great post! Will subscribe to your Youtube channel :)
Thanks for the great article
This is an excellent article. Full of truth.

I'm in domaining since nearly 6 years, and it took me 5 years to start earning money. And this is because I've been lucky.

It's a HUGE workload EACH day. In fact, I have my day to day job + a part-time job: domaining.

But: domaining is also an excellent intellectual hobby, a very funny (but expensive) game. It's also the hope for a better life in the future. It's a community with friendly people.
Nice article. And you're right, it's like anything else. It requires dedication, a commitment to learn, a "putting into practice" what you've learned. And relationships are key as well.
I agree. There are eBooks as well as virtual coach's who teach domaining as a get rich opportunity. But, it's not like that at least in the short-run. Well, a good article.
This is an excellent article. Full of truth.

I'm in domaining since nearly 6 years, and it took me 5 years to start earning money. And this is because I've been lucky.

It's a HUGE workload EACH day. In fact, I have my day to day job + a part-time job: domaining.

But: domaining is also an excellent intellectual hobby, a very funny (but expensive) game. It's also the hope for a better life in the future. It's a community with friendly people.

Thanks for reading and thanks for sharing your experience!

Nice article. And you're right, it's like anything else. It requires dedication, a commitment to learn, a "putting into practice" what you've learned. And relationships are key as well.

Yes very true.

I agree. There are eBooks as well as virtual coach's who teach domaining as a get rich opportunity. But, it's not like that at least in the short-run. Well, a good article.


Damn good article!

Thank you!

Truth, Omar!

Thanks Keith!
Nice one guys. Behind 99% of every wild success there are a lot of early mornings, late nights, hard work and an ongoing learning process which includes making a lot of mistakes.
Nice one guys. Behind 99% of every wild success there are a lot of early mornings, late nights, hard work and an ongoing learning process which includes making a lot of mistakes.

Yes, very true!
Succinctly put up Mr Omar!Thanks for the tips.I have to paste this on my office wall.
Nicely said mate, awesome article. Gonna subscribe to you guys channel as well
Nice first person, first hand account of the trials and tribulations a domineer will experience on their elusive journey to " instant wealth " with domain names!
liked this article man...Bitter truth of domaining.....I highly your hard work.
Nice first person, first hand account of the trials and tribulations a domineer will experience on their elusive journey to " instant wealth " with domain names!


liked this article man...Bitter truth of domaining.....I highly your hard work.

Thank you, I appreciate it.
Good post. I still think it's possible to find some great and overlooked domains by "getting your hands dirty." Most domainers used various methods of filtering out lists so they won't have so many names to pick through. Every filter used means some good names are eliminated, and sometimes you will find excellent names that have fallen through almost everyone's filter.

Unless you get lucky, though, the only way to find these names is to spend hours combing unfiltered or lightly filtered lists. But since a lot of beginning domainers have more time than money, this is a good way to spend it.
Good post. I still think it's possible to find some great and overlooked domains by "getting your hands dirty." Most domainers used various methods of filtering out lists so they won't have so many names to pick through. Every filter used means some good names are eliminated, and sometimes you will find excellent names that have fallen through almost everyone's filter.

Unless you get lucky, though, the only way to find these names is to spend hours combing unfiltered or lightly filtered lists. But since a lot of beginning domainers have more time than money, this is a good way to spend it.

Yes very true. Thank you!
I enjoyed your article...

I just subscribed to your YouTube Page

I hope you make lots of vids...

I try to post something useful for others every day on dropgrabs.

I think I'll try to also do a page for NamePros - with my leftover cream...

~Patricia -- Ohio USA -- DomainBELL

Very good straightforward article. This business just like any other takes a lot of hard work. Ask a lot of questions and learn from your mistakes.
One other thing I would add to this is as you begin to find names to resell start with things you know. If you know cars and what car dealers would buy start there, if you know cell phones or model toys whatever you know focus there first. You probably already know the right contacts in that industry and what they are looking for and that will help you to determine more quickly what names are valuable and what names you just think are valuable to someone else :)
Thanks again for the great article Omar.
I like what you two are doing, as you're venturing into your business lives together. I think as long as you don't try to come across as experts (yet) ;) which it doesn't seem; a vlog almost.

Nice beats to end with too!
I enjoyed your article...

I just subscribed to your YouTube Page

I hope you make lots of vids...

I try to post something useful for others every day on dropgrabs.

I think I'll try to also do a page for NamePros - with my leftover cream...

~Patricia -- Ohio USA -- DomainBELL

Thanks for the sub!

Yes, we will continue to make vids along the way. I'll check out your website as well.

Very good straightforward article. This business just like any other takes a lot of hard work. Ask a lot of questions and learn from your mistakes.
One other thing I would add to this is as you begin to find names to resell start with things you know. If you know cars and what car dealers would buy start there, if you know cell phones or model toys whatever you know focus there first. You probably already know the right contacts in that industry and what they are looking for and that will help you to determine more quickly what names are valuable and what names you just think are valuable to someone else :)
Thanks again for the great article Omar.

Nice hearing from you Joe!

Thank you and good advice.

I like what you two are doing, as you're venturing into your business lives together. I think as long as you don't try to come across as experts (yet) ;) which it doesn't seem; a vlog almost.

Nice beats to end with too!

Yes, I like the music too. It's "smooth".

Thanks for the support!
the one key thing I found to be an important ingredient in the recipe for success is you need to spend money to make money.

Some of you will argue that handregging domains is still a profitable tactic for domaining and I will agree it can be for certain niches or for domains that have dropped.

On average I have found that a $1000 investment in a single name can yield a quick flip for $4,000 - $10,000. By "quick flip" I mean within one month. Sure you can register 100 names for the thousand dollars, but the likelihood of being able to flip even one of those for a 3k - 9k profit within 30 days is very slim. I don't know how many times I have said it and how many times I have seen folks on here say it, but it is better imo to save up and buy 1-2 really good domains than it is to go and spend thousands of dollars on domains that may or may not sell. Trust me I know, my first year I spent $1200 registering domains and sold $300 worth, the other domains I let drop and started building up a portfolio of good domains.
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