discuss Professional Outbound

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Someone could make a website where a domain owner can post his domains, then a broker or outbound artist posts a request on one domain, owner accepts, broker with active request at time of sale receives a commission.
This can be done on established platforms.

For example if it sells privately through Afternic fast transfer, broker won't know. So Afternic would be a good platform to offer that type of service because you'd be able to post a request on any domain with Fast Transfer active and receive your commission from Afternic at time of sale.
If domain sells elsewhere like on Sedo, broker doesn't get a commission.
Domain DNS has to point to Afternic. Broker with active request receives an alert if domain points elsewhere. All can be stated in Terms.
From my non-technical knowledge point of view, all this seems easy to implement.
I think that would be interesting @Joe Styler

@Undeveloped could also make this, broker posts a request on a domain on Undeveloped, owner accepts, owner and broker share the listing, both see the messages, broker handles communication and receives commission at time of sale. If domain points elsewhere, broker receives an alert.
If it sells on Sedo, no commission. Terms can state that domain has to be removed from Afternic DLS and Sedo MLS, for example.

The Undeveloped model can also be applied to registrars. @Rob Monster

I thought about it after ready these posts below from @Ali , basically outbound for professionals.
So no, if you own a nice domain, it doesn't necessarily have to be a hoard of brand new inexperienced spammers disgracing your domain as you publicly own it. You can view requests and select the broker you want.
Daily Dose: Outbound techniques.
Daily Dose: Outbound Negotiation Tactics. Part 1.
Negotiation Tactics | Part 2: Inbound - A Few Different Approaches

For example I have

Its on Afternic Fast Transfer $5,500.
20% afternic commission, $1,100.
15% to broker with active request. $825.
I get 65%, it's low, but it's my choice since I'm the owner.

9% Undeveloped commission, $495.
15% broker commission $825.
I get 76%, it's low, but etc..

I think that would be a great idea.
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Give us some insight on how to do "professional outbound"

If memory serves me correctly, @rohitgoyal did create an extensive post, outlining his methods, techniques, and tactics he uses for outbound marketing. It was a trending post at the time as well. Should take a look. It was quite helpful for me, and I feel it will be just as useful to you.
If we ever caught @fbi our leader is @Kate . I want half sentence double dinner be careful she wears disguise.

You don't say!
The @fbi 's account has been raided. @Kate, the "Domainosaurus Rex", and the rest of us are all going to go extinct if we continue to wander down the old, beaten stomping grounds. We're doomed. Doomed I tell you! Haha

Now about that disguise, I think you mistook @Kate with @mistressbellek for a second there. Hehe

Mid sized domainers all want this.
Beginners want it too, but wtv.
Rich domainers could have concierge looking after their property LOL!

Spot on!
Gonna be a new sheriff in town, and I see it deals with mid-sized domainers. Look out rich domainers, here we come. :wideyed: :hungry: :sneaky: :xf.wink:
I have no doubt that there would be many domainers wanting this type of feature but the only way it will work is if there are enough brokers that would want it.

If you are a broker and this sounds like something you would be interested in then please let me know, you can post your interest rather than PM just so everyone else can see if this is a popular idea with brokers,

The biggest question in mind, and the one I am dying to know: how many domain brokers are registered with NamePros? Like does anyone even know?
If memory serves me correctly, @rohitgoyal did create an extensive post, outlining his methods, techniques, and tactics he uses for outbound marketing.
And as far as I know, the people who have had success with outbound, for example people like @Federer or never bothered selling other people's domains. Surely, they have enough work with their own.
And as far as I know, the people who have had success with outbound, for example people like @Federer or never bothered selling other people's domains. Surely, they have enough work with their own.

I (almost) stopped outbound marketing about 1,5 years ago. For a very special name, I can send an email or two, but that’s rare nowadays.
Hi @Windoms,

I think the idea is good and I have heard others talk about something similar but never seen it become a reality. I don't think you need much to validate this idea so if you're looking for support to make a prototype happen, let me know and I'll help with the process where I can.

I don't think you're referring to brokering high-end names but more in the $100-$2500 ballpark but correct me if I'm wrong.

If you can create an ecosystem, where the quality of outreach is managed, I do think you could attract people that will start using the platform to generate an income. If you standardize some processes, like which templates the broker can choose from (all optimized for conversion of course) and introduce a strong broker guide to help your brokers get better that could work. Alternatively, the brokers could only be allowed to pick up brokerage tasks on the marketplace once they pass a general exam to prove that they have studied accordingly and can actually sell domains.

Creating a feature out of your proposal at Undeveloped will be a bit hard since the outreach methods can't be offered on scale legally due to anti-spam and privacy regulations just to name two. When one single broker performs outreach via email or phone this isn't noticed however if we'd do it at our scale, it will be definitely noticed and that complicates settings this up at Undeveloped.

Sometimes all it takes is to just do it. So you might be able to validate this idea and when you do the companies you mentioned, including ours, would be interested to work with you. So that's also a route you can take to make your idea a reality :).

Hope this helps,

Hi @Windoms,
I don't think you're referring to brokering high-end names but more in the $100-$2500 ballpark but correct me if I'm wrong.
More like being able to collaborate on $2,500-$10,000 type of domains on evolved outbound techniques.

Hi @Windoms,
If you can create an ecosystem, where the quality of outreach is managed, I do think you could attract people that will start using the platform to generate an income. If you standardize some processes, like which templates the broker can choose from (all optimized for conversion of course) and introduce a strong broker guide to help your brokers get better that could work. Alternatively, the brokers could only be allowed to pick up brokerage tasks on the marketplace once they pass a general exam to prove that they have studied accordingly and can actually sell domains.
Strong points, I guess you've studied this idea before.
My idea wasn't really a marketplace with brokerage tasks but rather being able to hop onto any domain and earn a commission; Improving features available to us on a trusted platform rather than eagerness to make a living.
Hi @Windoms,
Creating a feature out of your proposal at Undeveloped will be a bit hard since the outreach methods can't be offered on scale legally due to anti-spam and privacy regulations just to name two. When one single broker performs outreach via email or phone this isn't noticed however if we'd do it at our scale, it will be definitely noticed and that complicates settings this up at Undeveloped.
Fair enough.
Buying a "great: domain is only the half if it. Selling is the real art. What you would really like to know is the transcripts so you could see how the negotiation is handled. There are plenty of industries with similar sales tactics. If you going to mail out you need to know what creates interest and what will burn your client and how to retain margins. Over coming their objections and building value.

If you want a broker for a domain post it on namepros if others are interested in marketing it then you have achieved the same thing but as mentioned nobody wants to broker hundred dollar domains.
Buying a "great: domain is only the half if it. Selling is the real art.
Domainers focus too much on 'how to sell the domain' when in fact they should focus more on buying right...
If you only buy right and have lots of quality domains you can afford to wait.
If you don't and you have a few you have to make things happen.
Both can also happen, we need a collaborative space.

Look at this perfect example.
@uglydork has, he's been trying to sell it.
Maybe someone, somewhere, because of his connections or environment, has a chance of selling it.

If that someone is not a broker, is not interested in brokerage, and has a very easy way of hopping onto that domain and selling it; that person is going to think about it, and eventually do it. It makes things a billion times easier than having to manually contact the owner, talk for a while, negotiate a fee, etc.. etc.. those are deterrents.

We need a collaborative space that'll make things easier for everyone. Thinking about it, it would be best for domains $5,000 and up, manually approved, limited number of domains submitted/day.

@Joe Styler and @Undeveloped are right to be worried about laws and regulations. Having beginners on that platform could cause quite some chaos. So let's say domains $5,000 and up, they have to be manually approved, and only those with approved domains are able to hop onto other domains, even put a limit on # of brokered domains per month could force people to be selective, minimum duration of 1 week, etc..

1/ You submit your quality domain, $5,000 and up
2/ It's approved, broker guides available to you
3/ You can apply to any domain, with a limit on applications / month

Other platforms also have limits on applications / month to keep spammers out.
Limit on applications / month forces you to be selective, and with domains that number can be very low.

It would probably get quickly flooded, and so many entries no one would look through it, so it would have to have great search and probably some sort of moderation to accept names to be listed
If you can create an ecosystem, where the quality of outreach is managed
There are solutions to everything, it's already looking better and it's still basic ideation.

Interested to see what others think.

Thank you Reza @Undeveloped for your constructive arguments.
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Like already pointed above by a few members working on outbound for a 6 figure domain and 5 and even 4 figure domain is almost same in terms of effort, could even argue it is harder on some of the lower end names as they are (no offense) just not that good. With any sale it’s not just about the price so just because something is cheaper it doesn’t make it more sellable by default.

Clearly brokers don’t have interest in working with domains that are on the lower end, that is understandable, that is their job, it is a business not a charity. And without meaning to offend anyone but looking across threads here there is that underlying negativity towards brokers, like chill guys, just because they don’t want to work with your name/s doesn’t make them « bad » brokers. You don’t go to a shop and pick all the shoes you see, you buy what fits your taste, budget, the occasion you want the shoes for etc., you can’t be annoyed at people because they don’t want to work with you for whatever reason, it is their right. And they wouldn’t be in business for long if they were to take on every name and put effort in trying to sell them all the same. I digress though.

What Ali has described is great, hats off for the effort he has put in writing and sharing this with everyone (and you still get that outbound question over and over again here - people don’t even bother searching and reading). You should consider after checking it out the time it takes though, for one domain - the research, the personal approach to each potential buyer you find, the follow up etc. And the fact that none of that can be done on the cheap as it will end up being spam, everything from targeting the right prospects to the discussion that goes with them, the ability to make the judgment - what tone to use, what approach, what channel for contact, which person in the organisation etc. Ali mentioned that - you need to be human, chat freely, adapt to the response you get, use different negotiation techniques etc. - not everyone can do that. So imagine the person/people qualified to do that (their rate per hour), the time it takes them and then you ask them to work on %. Your domain might not sell, you might sell it elsewhere whilst they work on it, it might not sell not due to something they have done or not done - maybe you price it unrealistically, maybe it is just not the right time, maybe it is just not a great domain etc. With brokers working on higher end names the commission covers that and the commission on one name can pay for the effort they put in another 10 or more that don’t sell. With lower end that is not the case.

So bottom line, I don’t see any quality outbound services working on commission only, especially for under 6 figure domain names, it is unfair to ask brokers (or anyone) to do that. There are many marketplaces who offer the exposure to get inbound traffic cheap or free so that’s already something, there are also tons of resources on how to go about outbound if one wants to do it themselves.
@Tatiana Bonneau
Do you think domainers could use collaborative features like this
Look at this perfect example.
@uglydork has, he's been trying to sell it.
Maybe someone, somewhere, because of his connections or environment, has a chance of selling it.

If that someone is not a broker, is not interested in brokerage, and has a very easy way of hopping onto that domain and selling it; that person is going to think about it, and eventually do it. It makes things a billion times easier than having to manually contact the owner, talk for a while, negotiate a fee, etc.. etc.. those are deterrents.

It seems the issue is quality of outreach. Filtering bad apples.
Quality domains $5,000 and up, manually approved, and only accepting such owners on the platform, with a limited # of applications and brokered domains /months.
You could even be asked to provide a specific number of $5,000 & up domains.
I have a hard time imagining owners of such portfolios engaging in random spam, especially with a limited number of collaborated brokered domains / month.

But then, using the example, I could see 10 different individuals over 10 months contacting the CEO of Pacemaker Corporation, each with his own identity and professional outbound techniques lol..
That'd be harassment.

Unless your domain becomes ''inactive'' to future applications (90 days) after someone has used it. That would also force the owner to be selective with applicants.
The collaborator, supposedly confident with selling the domain, could pay an application fee.
That would force him/her to be extra selective.

When you are not serious a small fee is all you need as a deterrent. I'm not talking about spammers (at this point they are long gone), but rather knowledgeable outbound artists who could be looking to sell any domain.
A limited number of applications/month is also nice.
And it keeps things focused on being collaborative ( example), rather than attracting people actively looking to sell domains.

Still basic ideation.
@Windoms domaines between themselves - totally, basically you can do that with a simple database or even well done xls sheet - you want a list of domains with categories that each can be relevant to, in a way it is using more personal connections, authority etc. rather than brokering skills, so I wouldn't really call that outbound, it's more like networking. I wouldn't limit it to domainers actually, there are (extreme random example follows) Facebook groups with bored housewives wondering where to spend their time and earn a $, if anyone can easily flick through domains that match their area of knowledge, expertise, connections, personal interest then it costs them nothing/close to nothing to drop a mail or pick up the phone and say "hey Bill, you know you wanted to open that flower shop, look at that cool name for $300!". Betty (yah I have no imagination for housewife names) is getting $30 for making a call/sending an email, Bill gets a cool name, everyone is happy. Not sure that would work for high end but low end totally (actually would for high too but you need a lot more filtering on the entry level and other things related to more money, responsibility etc. but yes..)
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I can speak to the work it takes to do outbound. And yes, I work with @Ali, whose article is the guiding force behind the idea presented in this thread.

Let me go through our process for 10% of the sales price for a domain name. (If your domain is $5000, I/our team will only be making $500 for this)

  1. Sometimes premium domain owners come knocking at our door; sometimes we find them. There is obviously work that goes into convincing a premium domain owner to have you rep their domain name.
  2. But tally hoooo, let's say an EBA is signed. Forward ever with outbound!
  3. I'd need to determine which type(s) of companies might benefit the most from owning the domain name. If I choose wrong, I'll be working in vain.
  4. Find a comprehensive list of this type of company. Let's say I have a list of 100 top companies in a certain space, time to begin outbound
  5. Company 1, find executives. This might be easy if the executives are listed on the website. If they are not, I'm gonna have to dig through LinkedIn
  6. Find email address. This can take me 10 seconds or 10 minutes depending on how easy the email addresses are to find. Remember if you're using a service or fiverr to find the email addresses, you have to pay them. In other words, somebody is dipping into your comish.
  7. If I'd like to contact multiple people within the company, some companies use the same email format for all their employees, others use different formats. If a company uses a different format for some employees, I'd need to search and find that format.
  8. Send an email that actually gets opened, or make a phone call that actually gets answered. Easier said than done.
  9. If no reply, follow up
  10. If no reply, follow up again.
  11. If there are no favorable replies/negotiations, repeat steps 4-9 for as many companies on your list of 100 companies.
  12. If you get a favorable reply, start negotiations.
  13. Lots of back and forth between buyer-brokerage-seller to get a domain sold. We're talking emails, phone calls, escrow headaches etc, etc. One perceived mistake or real mistake can easily cost us the sale. People have also changed their minds about buying the domain name right before they funded escrow.
  14. Some premium domains never get sold until the time is right.

No its not a good deal. But.
Proven track record of success + Experience = Competition on premium domains.
This is not good for existing brokers.
It will only benefit us.

But it might hurt known brokers of the cartel. I mean establishment.
Like new up and comers with proven track of records. From all over the world.
Panic attack.

$5,000 being the minimum on the platform.
15% being the commission.

Platform for collaborators brokers
Own a specific number of $5,000+ domains to be able to use the platform. Experienced collaborators only.
Limited number of applications / month. Forces collaborator to be selective.
Domain application fee. Forces collaborator to be extra selective.
Domain becomes frozen for 90 days after last collaboration. Forces owner to be cautious with collaborators brokers .

Another problem is work. Since domains are manually reviewed.
Given reviews are added to each account, having multiple accounts won't be very brilliant, but still.
Limited number of domains / account. Forces all users to be extra selective with the domains they submit. Better domains on the platform.
Limit number of domain submission / month. People won't be able to upload thousand domain spreadsheets, less work for platform, better domains submitted.
Another solution is to pay 1$ for every domain submitted, and still keep the # of submissions / month. In case someone wants to create multiple accounts.
+ Good domainers know for a fact when a domain is worth over $5,000.

So that it keeps things collaborative.
While allowing space for serious up and comers.
If you have a premium domain and there's a way to feature your domain on the platform, and select among the the top brokers (collaborators :) ) , some people won't be going to brokerage firms anymore.

The collaborators (top collaborators), they can also communicate and make use of each others knowledge.
Collaboration is cool.
It sure is but then what is the difference between the collaborators and brokers? Seems like it is just the level of experience so as soon as they get good at what they don you fall into the same thing - why bother selling $5k domains if it takes the same effort to sell $150k? So you will basically facilitate some service for beginners in the industry which is cool as they get to practice and the domain owners get some chance at selling their domains (not counting the possible negative outcomes though, spamming, bad reputation etc) but don't know if it warrants a full on platform to do it.
Creating a feature out of your proposal at Undeveloped will be a bit hard since the outreach methods can't be offered on scale legally due to anti-spam and privacy regulations just to name two

Bingo! Outbound hell, here it comes. A very dangerous road to travel. There are enough outbound cowboys as it is.
Smart barriers to entry can manage all the issues regarding quality of outreach.
And 15% commission limit is nonsense on a collaborative platform.
It's my right to give 50% to someone who is able to explain why he/she can sell my domain instantly.
Especially when I know I paid $xxx.
In case someone ever decides to go ahead with this.
Only lower-tier and self-proclaimed brokers would work for lower priced domains and they could do irreversible damage to marketplaces--and to the domain owner.

Give me a top one word domain and I'll sell it for a 2% fee, assuming price is reasonable...a cheesy domain cannot even be given away. Top names sell themselves is the idea.

Look at this perfect example.
@uglydork has, he's been trying to sell it.
Maybe someone, somewhere, because of his connections or environment, has a chance of selling it.

Look for companies making pacemakers and for lawyers suing them. But companies don't advertise to "ask your doctor for x pacemaker," so on top of my head, law firms would be best. Maybe write 2-3 articles about pacemakers and then have a live feed of lawsuits. And email lawfirms and their web managers.
Only lower-tier and self-proclaimed brokers would work for lower priced domains and they could do irreversible damage to marketplaces--and to the domain owner.

Give me a top one word domain and I'll sell it for a 2% fee, assuming price is reasonable...a cheesy domain cannot even be given away. Top names sell themselves is the idea.

Look for companies making pacemakers and for lawyers suing them. But companies don't advertise to "ask your doctor for x pacemaker," so on top of my head, law firms would be best. Maybe write 2-3 articles about pacemakers and then have a live feed of lawsuits. And email lawfirms and their web managers.
These things you are mentioning are happening in all industries, no need to be scared/fearful.
Seller is responsible for due diligence before working with someone.
Broker is only hurting his reviews/reputation if he misbehaves.
Owner-broker can negotiate the commission, whatever it is. 2%, 50%, they decide.

This is not about being famous or low-tier broker working with random names. It's about adding features.
Many are acquiring xxx xxxx$ domains and go about selling them.
Those can certainly benefit from a list of readily available domains.

Marketplace is providing a service, they have their TOS, vast majority of users are happy and benefiting, if someone wants to misbehave, let it be. Happens everywhere, all the time, no need to be fearful.
Marketplace is providing a service, they have their TOS, vast majority of users are happy and benefiting, if someone wants to misbehave, let it be. Happens everywhere, all the time, no need to be fearful.

what I'm saying is that no serious, existing marketplace is going to do that, because of what I and others said. Nothing is broken. Good names attract brokers. Post a "broker wanted" here or fiverr or FB for lower tiers.
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