
other Multi-faith prayer request (Editable thread)

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Rob Monster

Founder of EpikTop Member
Epik Founder
NamePros created a new thread category where your posts remain editable after you post. I have an immediate thought for how to put that capability to use, and that is an ongoing thread for prayer requests.

Prayer warriors from any faith are welcome to follow this thread and intercede for folks who are running into some adverse circumstance or challenge, are at an important crossroad, etc.

Even if you have no faith, send kind thoughts.

Since the posts are editable, posters can come back later and add a post-script to about whether some issue was resolved or was otherwise overcome, or posted can just white it out.

The main thing is to just send good thoughts to whoever needs them. If others want to PM someone about their challenge or circumstance, by all means have at it.

That's it. If the thread goes nowhere, no worries.
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
This is my post #4000 at NamePros. I was saving it for something special. Well, I think this counts -- a prayer request for an old friend named Cliff Beer who was recently diagnosed with leukemia and is starting what could be up to 30 days of chemo treatment.

As context, Cliff was the CFO and General Counsel of Global Market Insite (GMI), the company I founded in 1999 and later sold to WPP Group. He is the rare guy who was both a great attorney and also a great finance expert. He was my wing man, and though we were very different, I valued his partnership greatly.

As for faith, I don't believe he previously had a particular faith. However, as he was heading into the hospital earlier this evening, Cliff did give me permission to pray for him. And so am coming to the brothers and sisters here on NamePros with a prayer request for Cliff's miraculous healing and restoration.

May the Lord have mercy on Cliff, forgiving him of all sins and trespasses. May His grace be sufficient. May all curses that are at work in Cliff's life be broken in Jesus' name. May Cliff be healed of his diseases and afflictions. May Cliff have the opportunity to do something mighty with his remaining time on earth.

May the Lord have mercy on Cliff, forgiving him of all sins and trespasses. May His grace be sufficient. May all curses that are at work in Cliff's life be broken in Jesus' name. May Cliff be healed of his diseases and afflictions. May Cliff have the opportunity to do something mighty with his remaining time on earth.


I will pray for him to have strength in this battle, both physically and spiritually...also for the doctors and nurses that will use their God given gifts to fight the disease in him.
Many of you may not be familiar with Christian apologist Ravi Zacharias but he has terminal cancer. Nobody knows how much longer he has left on this earth but Jesus still answers prayer so we pray for a mighty healing of the cancer in his body in the name above all names, Jesus!
My prayer is that the Netizens of the world will work together to bring the Internet to the next 1 billion over the next 5 years and to all of humanity within the next 10 years.

I pray that access to knowledge will empower humanity to realize their potential but also provide the means to ask questions and seek answers, overcoming those who wish to deny them this opportunity.

I pray that I personally can empower a vast increase in the participants in the domain economy, but also that I can secure the means to deploy the first 1 million Toki servers over the next 3 years.

I firmly believe that people underestimate what they can get do. History is full of examples of people who overcame adversity, defied the odds, and delivered impact. Here are 3 examples:

Dr. David Livingstone
This man's entire life was a miracle. He grow up in poverty and managed to teach himself Latin, Greek and Hebrew before becoming a missionary doctor in Africa. He survived danger over the next 40 years and helped end the African slave trade. He inspires me to have courage, determination and to be selfless.

Rev. Ian Paisley
This is a man who opposed what he saw as tyranny. He used time, talent and treasure to navigate all manner of challenges, setbacks, defamation and even imprisonment to stand for his beliefs. He inspires me to have determination, tempered with pragmatism, and to be fearless in the court of public opinion.

Derek Prince
He came to Christ as an adult. I believe he was used mightily by God through his mission work around the world as speaker, author, and missionary before retiring in Jerusalem. He inspires me to not give up and to take authority over spiritual adversaries (see Ephesians 6).

My Calling

As some here know, when the Lord saved me in the Fall of 2013, He showed me this verse:

But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. - Daniel 12:4

It is actually the verse I read out loud at the 1st Christian Domainer Breakfast in Las Vegas that I led in January 2015. It has guided ever me since. More context here:

On most days, I believe I have the coolest job in the world. I am humbled by the opportunity to work with so many awesome people to perhaps be able to do this really crazy thing. Lord-willing it happens!

So thank your very much for your prayers! I appreciate them more than I can express in words!

I want to share something about this specific prayer request to illustrate the power of prayer for folks who might doubt its importance, and to also thank mightily those who sent their prayers up in response to this prayer request. Your efforts are eternally appreciated.

Timing-wise, I posted this prayer request on February 23. Approximately 2 days later on February 25, I get an inbound from @Intelliname on Twitter. This ultimately leads to a phone call on February 27.


Rob started work with Epik on March 6. What happened since has been pretty notable. As will eventually be apparent, his contribution is actually really far-reaching across various facets of the company.

For those who don't know him, let me just say that Rob Davis is a hurricane.

Since he joined, Rob and I probably talk 2-4 hours per day on the phone, 7 days a week. We are both logging 100+ hour weeks.

Here are a few highlights:

- We began with a focus on using social media to convey love and compassion at a time when many folks were stressed out about COVID. One highlight has been what we call the Miracles video which has been viewed more than 2 million times and shared more than 15,000 times:

- Rob has also conceived and produced high impact pitches for MANY super-premium domains like that are rapidly coming to Epik as part of integrated agency services for marketing premium inventory to corporate buyers.

The blessings have continued. I have barely scratched the surface. We have both adopted a spiritual practice of "Practicing His Presence", which involves both focused prayer and continuous gratitude. This is a case of iron sharpening iron.

So, please pray for the continued anointing of the @epik staff including Robert Davis, aka @Intelliname, whose work ethic exceeds my own and whose capacity for output is almost other-worldly.
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Well, I think this counts -- a prayer request for an old friend named Cliff Beer who was recently diagnosed with leukemia and is starting what could be up to 30 days of chemo treatment.

Even if I'm a little late to reading this, I will send sincere thoughts to a friend of Robs. For the things that there are no answers to, or such an answer hasn't presented itself, I am happy to open up my communication line up for this cause.

- Rob has also conceived and produced high impact pitches for MANY super-premium domains like that are rapidly coming to Epik as part of integrated agency services for marketing premium inventory to corporate buyers. ICYMI, here is the promo.

The blessings have continued. I have barely scratched the surface. We have both adopted a spiritual practice of "Practicing His Presence", which involves both focused prayer and continuous gratitude. This is a case of iron sharpening iron.

So, please pray for the continued anointing of the @epik staff including Robert Davis, aka @Intelliname, whose work ethic exceeds my own and whose capacity for output is almost other-worldly.

Am I reading this incorrectly?

That the multi-faith prayer request thread has turned into an avenue for epik to market their brokered domains?

Then, by virtue of using words, such as anointing, and prayer, epik is utilizing religion as a way to market themself?

I'm asking this question with sincerity. I didn't think prayer worked like that. I've been under the belief that I am supposed to pray for others, and not necessarily to use prayer to empower my own greed. That is why I don't pray for domain sales. Sure, I could use one. But would you suggest I open my channel up to my almighty, and pray for a domain sale? I'd much rather utilize that channel for others. Or when I need it most. I never thought I needed a sale enough that my almighty would take it serious enough, and that the powers that be, will deliver a sale, as intended. Then again, this is coming from somebody who first entered this forum with a different username, and different avatar.
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That the multi-faith prayer request thread has turned into an avenue for epik to market their brokered domains?

I think you missed the point.

In my objective assessment, Rob Davis is one mighty talented guy.

I am mighty thankful for his partnership, his wisdom, and his insane work ethic. He has connected a lot of dots along the way, which has been helpful to me personally.

If you are underwhelmed by Rob Davis' talents, you are certainly entitled to your opinion. As an experienced entrepreneur, who has seen much, I can tell you that such talents are extremely rare finds.

On the other hand, if you want to make a mockery of matters of faith, or my strong belief that a prayer was answered mightily, you do it at your own risk as "God is not mocked". See Galatians 6:7.

Perhaps you wish to invite the good folks here to pray for you. I think they would be happy to do so. I believe your choice to engage in this thread would be technically sufficient in God's eyes.

Nevertheless, know that you are absolutely loved. Know also that I remain hopeful that your remarkable gifts will be used mightily by the Lord.

Indeed, you have already helped me. Do you know how?

On the Cyger call last Friday, I made reference to the .TEL ad in poor taste. At that time, you came at me. It was at that moment that it dawned on me that my comment was off the narrow path.

So, I freely accept you as being part of God's plan and that your own unique gifts are important in God's greater tapestry, in ways that I can only imagine but not see or discern.
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<< pause from the marketing drama for a second >>

Many of you may not be familiar with Christian apologist Ravi Zacharias but he has terminal cancer. Nobody knows how much longer he has left on this earth but Jesus still answers prayer so we pray for a mighty healing of the cancer in his body in the name above all names, Jesus!

Hearing Ravi Zacharias has terminal cancer (especially reading it first in this thread) is quite surreal.

I just google searched for an update. Turns out he passed away two days ago. Making this moment in time feeling a little more surreal.

Ravi Zacharias recordings are/were a ritual for my father. I can recall many early morning car rides, be it riding with him to work, or otherwise, where even before I was awake, Ravi Zacharias was there with a lively uplifting podcast. Regardless of the spiritual differences between my father and I, there was something special about Ravi, be it my ability to tolerate him better than other religious based speakers, or if maybe there was something more.

Whatever it was that Ravi Zacharias possessed, I am saddened to hear his passing. Definitely a grounding moment, going from wanting to respond to @Rob Monster's above comment, then to the sense of sadness, to the point now, where responding to the bullshit epik marketing mockery that was included above (mixed in with some valid opinions), seems pointless (all things considered.) That said, I'd probably be better off listening to some of the many Ravi Zacharias recordings he left behind, than continue down the rabbit hole that this thread was/is seemingly opening up to be.

<<and no, strategic marketing or not, that doesn't mean exploiting this forums target audience with another epik tweet promoting a domain name being brokered by the chosen registrar or whatever the next marketing tag line may be>>
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Regardless of the spiritual differences between my father and I, there was something special about Ravi, be it my ability to tolerate him better than other religious based speakers, or if maybe there was something more

There was something special indeed about Ravi. When he speaks, I have to listen. Having lost my Mother myself last August, it’s assuring to know that without a doubt we will meet again and Ravi just like my Mom, is more alive than ever before. Ravi will hear “Well done good and faithful servant”. We need to put “religion” aside and focus on what matters the most. I am a Christian so for me it’s Jesus!
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I'd like to pray that certain people are shown a path of clarity and peace, but given many perspectives are generally a complex culmination of everybodys experiences and opinions, I don't wish to interject my perspective to prayer. Nor do I consider posting this to be a prayer, merely sharing where my thoughts will be / are at.

So while I will give extra attention in thought to hope certain individuals resolve their troubles, I want to also recognize all the other domainers struggles who make public quarrels seem like child's play.

I think like most things on the internet, domainers only see the tip of the iceberg when it comes to interacting with other domainers. Even with the help of conferences and forums, it's still hard to get to know one another in this industry. Yet alone be friends with everyone or attempt to appease an entire international culture.

While I take the time to take inventory of my own affairs, I wanted to comment at least one last time in this thread, as I am hoping the domain community comes together and sets a shining example for the world to follow. ✌️💗🤙🙏
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So tonight I was grocery shopping and was witness of an armed robbery right in front of me. Fortunately nobody got hurt.

Register was emptied and I backed off as soon as the guy started swinging a huge knife. I'm not easily scared but I feel for the girl at the counter and will be praying for her that she will recover from this incident and be able to process this mentally. Also for everybody else falling victim to senseless violence. Especially these days. #AllLivesMatter
So tonight I was grocery shopping and was witness of an armed robbery right in front of me. Fortunately nobody got hurt.

Register was emptied and I backed off as soon as the guy started swinging a huge knife. I'm not easily scared but I feel for the girl at the counter and will be praying for her that she will recover from this incident and be able to process this mentally. Also for everybody else falling victim to senseless violence. Especially these days. #AllLivesMatter

Thanks @NameDeck.

As circumstances become adverse for some, there may be temptation to covet or steal, particularly by those who don't have faith in an all-knowing Creator to provide for those who are faithful and have humility.

This is one notable verse:

I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread. - Pslam 37:25

Hopeful that there is charity in this world, but also that those who feel called to lawlessness are shown an alternate path rather than curse themselves. We really are all in this together.

As for the woman, may she find peace!
I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread. - Pslam 37:25

That's actually a great quote. Thank you. It reminded me to pick up the bible more often and study it. I know the bible, I read the bible, but don't study it as frequently as I should.
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Am a Aussie expat based in the Philipiines looking after my 13 year old son and prayer that we can get some cash to help us out .
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I am a Twitter philanthropist, I give away 90% of the money I make from domaining as I am well versed with my gambling and crypto businesses.

I started domaining very recently
The reason I started domaining was to make my Twitter philanthropist idea real and working consistently and to not put any money out of my pocket.

@NamePros @Darryl Lopes @Busyfather_dot_com @Josh R @Keith DeBoer Podcasts helped me a lot in understanding the whole market and industry in general and this was the result.

The domaining industry has show me a good welcome.. I wouldnt imagine any other industry where competitors appreciate competitors as much as the domain industry.

Love this space and will never leave it!!


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I am a Twitter philanthropist, I give away 90% of the money I make from domaining as I am well versed with my gambling and crypto businesses.

I started domaining very recently
The reason I started domaining was to make my Twitter philanthropist idea real and working consistently and to not put any money out of my pocket.

@NamePros @Darryl Lopes @Busyfather_dot_com @Josh R podcast helped me a lot in understanding the whole market and industry in general and this was the result.

The domaining industry has show me a good welcome.. I wouldnt imagine any other industry where competitors appreciate competitors as much as the domain industry.

Love this space and will never leave it!!

That's awesome.

I do strongly believe that all is grace and providence. When one door closes, another opens. One man's lemons is another man's lemonade. We really are all in this together.

And this:

It is more blessed to give than to receive -- Acts 20:35

As you scale your giving, you will likely find that there are a lot of people who will have their hand out. If you can figure out a way to give them a hand UP, your philanthropy can have an even more lasting impact.

Good luck and thanks for sharing!
YIKES - Be Careful everyone!

My suggestion would be to be very careful in a thread like this.

If I want to trap you into saying something all I have to do is quote you after you say it and there is no way for you to delete it.

So please do not think having an editable topic makes a hill of beans difference.

Anything you say can and will forever be used against you so be careful !!

YIKES - Be Careful everyone!

My suggestion would be to be very careful in a thread like this.

If I want to trap you into saying something all I have to do is quote you after you say it and there is no way for you to delete it.

So please do not think having an editable topic makes a hill of beans difference.

Anything you say can and will forever be used against you so be careful !!

Show attachment 179174

The logic of making it editable was two-fold:

- Some prayer requests can be intensely personal. It should be possible to strike the official record, though you are right that the New York Times rule applies in an era of screen shots.

- Some people may want to follow up with a personal remark of how the prayer was answered so that those who wish to follow the story can do so.
The logic of making it editable was two-fold:

- Some prayer requests can be intensely personal. It should be possible to strike the official record, though you are right that the New York Times rule applies in an era of screen shots.

- Some people may want to follow up with a personal remark of how the prayer was answered so that those who wish to follow the story can do so.

No problems Rob, I was just responding to the first post because some people might think editable means they can erase anything they say.

I was not commenting on your topic itself, I think free expression is a good thing but with all the censoring going on right now entities are digging back into people online profiles to use innocent things they say against them. It is amazing how you can take one sentence out of context and turn it into something completely different. CNN is a master of that yet strangely they are still on air.

Prayer will be next, it started in school because someone took offence, soon it will be held against you and you cannot be the head of a corporation because you belong to the wrong religion. We will start by banning ideas, then people, then opinions and for sure religion. I mean do we really need any other gods than the google gods?
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No problems Rob, I was just responding to the first post because some people might think editable means they can erase anything they say.

I was not commenting on your topic itself, I think free expression is a good thing but with all the censoring going on right now entities are digging back into people online profiles to us innocent things they say against them. It is amazing how you can take one sentence out of context and turn it into something completely different. CNN is a master of that yet strangely they are still on air.

Prayer will be next, it started in school because someone took offence, soon it will be held against you and you cannot be the head of a corporation because you belong to the wrong religion. We will start by banning ideas, then people, then opinions and for sure religion. I mean do we really need any other gods than the google gods?

Thanks -- you gave great practical advice.

On the other hand, some things are a leap of faith.

As for prayer, I believe it is the single greatest tool given to us in this life by the Creator of the Universe.

Best wishes!
This is my post #4000 at NamePros. I was saving it for something special. Well, I think this counts -- a prayer request for an old friend named Cliff Beer who was recently diagnosed with leukemia and is starting what could be up to 30 days of chemo treatment.

As context, Cliff was the CFO and General Counsel of Global Market Insite (GMI), the company I founded in 1999 and later sold to WPP Group. He is the rare guy who was both a great attorney and also a great finance expert. He was my wing man, and though we were very different, I valued his partnership greatly.

As for faith, I don't believe he previously had a particular faith. However, as he was heading into the hospital earlier this evening, Cliff did give me permission to pray for him. And so am coming to the brothers and sisters here on NamePros with a prayer request for Cliff's miraculous healing and restoration.

May the Lord have mercy on Cliff, forgiving him of all sins and trespasses. May His grace be sufficient. May all curses that are at work in Cliff's life be broken in Jesus' name. May Cliff be healed of his diseases and afflictions. May Cliff have the opportunity to do something mighty with his remaining time on earth.

Grateful for a lot of things.

Always, maintain Optimism.

Never lose sight ultimate purpose.
I hope i live a life proud of, and i feel the best yet to come. Keep building solid foundation.

Thanks @Rob Monster thread; Cheers :)

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I am grateful for those who are devoted to god and to upleveling the vibrations of the world during the onslaught of satanic mind control attempts we are all enduring....

I request a prayer to eradicate the satanic spells from all of humanity so the truth can be seen and beings can be liberated from the dark spells and a golden age reigns supreme.
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