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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

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2. No fighting
3. Respect the views of others.
4. US Political views, No Religious views
5. Have fun :)

The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
But to be clear, you're OK with the abuse... you just don't want to see it.

Are you ok with that pic or not? You just called it abuse but here you are spreading it.

Maybe...........leave transgenders alone and mind your own business. What we talked about earlier.
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Are you ok with that pic or not? You just called it abuse but here you are spreading it.

Maybe...........leave transgenders alone and mind your own business. What we talked about earlier.

Ahh.. there the real post. You don't have a problem with a nine year old being pimped.. just people calling it child abuse.
Ahh.. there the real post. You don't have a problem with a nine year old being pimped.. just people calling it child abuse.

Same answer I gave last time. Not something I would do but I'm not the parents or the law.

You think it's abuse, other people are reporting the pic and here you are yourself spreading it around, you're pimping the kid yourself for your own beliefs.
Same answer I gave last time. Not something I would do but I'm not the parents or the law.

You think it's abuse, other people are reporting the pic and here you are yourself spreading it around, you're pimping the kid yourself for your own beliefs.

When you don't know the difference between abuse and pornography



When you're OK with abuse and really triggered when someone points it out.

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Are you thinking of a response to edit in later?

it's child abuse.

So, you think it's child abuse, so you decide to go post it on the internet. If you felt it was, then why not report it, instead of passing it around?

I never said porn once. The sites where you get this from called it pedo stuff. You posted it here.

Yes, you can highlight my posts, highlight the question you're running from.

You done yet white knight?

Are you? Or are you going to stay obsessed with other people's lives?
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You done yet white knight?

Are you thinking of a response to edit in later?

So, you think it's child abuse, so you decide to go post it on the internet. If you felt it was, then why not report it, instead of passing it around?

I never said porn once. The sites where you get this from called it pedo stuff. You posted it here.

Yes, you can highlight my posts, highlight the question you're running from.
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Doing a quick check of the news today, a service to those on the right watching Fake News all day, so thread might be updated:

Sara Netanyahu will be indicted in corruption case: report
"Both Sara and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu have denied the allegations and decried a “witch hunt” against their family, which is embroiled in several other corruption and fraud investigations."

Oh, a witch hunt. That's the hot word for corrupt people to use nowadays.

It's Sunday, slow day. Just the normal whining from Trump today:

Why didn’t the 13 Angry Democrats investigate the campaign of Crooked Hillary Clinton, many crimes, much Collusion with Russia? Why didn’t the FBI take the Server from the DNC? Rigged Investigation!

Why didn’t President Obama do something about the so-called Russian Meddling when he was told about it by the FBI before the Election? Because he thought Crooked Hillary was going to win, and he didn’t want to upset the apple cart! He was in charge, not me, and did nothing.

Who’s going to give back the young and beautiful lives (and others) that have been devastated and destroyed by the phony Russia Collusion Witch Hunt? They journeyed down to Washington, D.C., with stars in their eyes and wanting to help our nation...They went back home in tatters!



Dazed & Confused Giuliani and Mr. Trump’s fabricated “spygate” will be the ruse they use to deceive the American people and shut down the Mueller investigation. But WE are not going away. And WE will not be shut down. Ever. #BuckleUp #LongHaul #Basta
Michael Avenatti @MichaelAvenatti

Chinese-based companies are circulating solicitations to dozens of wealthy entrepreneurs in China offering access to Trump at Republican fundraisers, WaPo reports. https://wapo.st/2KTMidO
Kyle Griffin @kylegriffin1

And the usual Mr.x still triggered with his next post, typical day. Doesn't know the difference between a tweet and a post, and can't count.
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A dozen tweets into being triggered... and you still don't understand the difference between actual exploitation and talking about it.

Are you? Or are you going to stay obsessed with other people's lives?
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I was searching for something else and I came upon the 2008 Election thread where Obama won his first term. First, beating Hillary for the Dem nod, then beating McCain/Palin for the Presidency. And I didn't think it could get worse than Palin, my goodness the people you guys pick.

If I asked you, who might be one of the biggest Hillary Clinton fans, would you say.............Gilsan?

Some of these old posts:
As you've noticed I'm extremely biased towards the media :( because of their bias in favor of Obama against both Hillary (my favorite) and McCain. The media needs to be taught a good lesson in democracy again. :kickass:

Like I said before my favorite was Hillary, but the media succeded in putting her out of the race. :(.

Lets get some facts straight. First of all in the past 3-4 months I've been the strongest critic here at NamePros of the biased US media. First they were biased against Hillary (my favorite) now they are even more biased against McCain. Totally unfair and undemocratic in my opinion. :td:


I also enjoy Anderson Cooper, but even his show is biased in these elections. The majority of the so called polical experts in his show are pro Obama, since the beginning.
Great way to spend a weekend.

I was searching for something else and I came upon the 2008 Election thread where Obama won his first term. First, beating Hillary for the Dem nod, then beating McCain/Palin for the Presidency. And I didn't think it could get worse than Palin, my goodness the people you guys pick.

If I asked you, who might be one of the biggest Hillary Clinton fans, would you say.............Gilsan?

Some of these old posts:

Great way to spend a weekend.

Waiting for the pizza guy. Better than posting transgender kid pics and sitting around your computer waiting for my posts to reply to.
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Donald Trump Jr.‏ Verified account @DonaldJTrumpJr
Donald Trump Jr. Retweeted Kurt Schlichter

Reason #1776 for the original #brexit. Don’t let America follow in those footsteps.

Kurt Schlichter‏Verified account @KurtSchlichter
Man arrested and imprisoned in England for reporting on a court case. Reporting on his case is also illegal. The US media doesn't care. Why? Because they support it, because they disapprove of his politics. They want the same thing here.
9:51 AM - 26 May 2018

lloydo‏ @Dept_of_Just_Us 14h14 hours ago
Tommy reports on a Muslim child sex ring. Tommy is arrested and put in prison for 1 year. UK Gov puts gag order on story. #FreeTommyRobinson #FreeTommy #FreeSpeech #MAGA

Ezra Levant 🇨🇦‏ Verified account @ezralevant 10h10 hours ago
Has anyone seen a single word about journalist Tommy Robinson being jailed for 13 months from: @ACLU, @pen_int, @RSF_en or @amnesty? From arrest to prison in hours; all covered by a secretive gag order. How is that not their top global priority now? #FreeTommy

I Won't Be Around For Much Longer". Tommy Robinson...

British Police have become a bunch of cowards
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Waiting for the pizza guy. Better than posting transgender kid pics and sitting around your computer waiting for my posts to reply to.

Not surprised to find out you're more upset about people exposing deviants exploiting a child than you are about exploited children.

**He's not playing dress up. He's being used to promote an adult sex shop.
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Three New Jersey cops beat up a 140 girl. These guys should be embarrassed for doing their job so badly.

Anyone with a little training knows how to subdue a person like this using pressure on a joint or nerve. Punching her was just for fun I guess.

Three New Jersey cops beat up a 140 girl. These guys should be embarrassed for doing their job so badly.

Anyone with a little training knows how to subdue a person like this using pressure on a joint or nerve. Punching her was just for fun I guess.


Maybe she should have just followed law enforcement commands. Just do as you’re told and this won’t happen.
Three New Jersey cops beat up a 140 girl. These guys should be embarrassed for doing their job so badly.

Anyone with a little training knows how to subdue a person like this using pressure on a joint or nerve. Punching her was just for fun I guess.


Bad cops exist. They are on desk duty pending an investigation. There is body cam footage, which should show exactly what happened start to finish. The force is handling it correctly.

There are unverified reports she spat on them and may have kicked one in the nuts. She pled guilty to charges of assault and endangering another person in Philly two years ago, so this is not her first run in with the cops.
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Three New Jersey cops beat up a 140 girl. These guys should be embarrassed for doing their job so badly.

Anyone with a little training knows how to subdue a person like this using pressure on a joint or nerve. Punching her was just for fun I guess.

She was drunk, belligerent and resisting arrest. She should be thankful she wasn't shot! When will people realize that when you resist arrest with violence, you more than likely will get arrested violently! Most laws allow police to exert an equal amount of force in subduing someone as is being exerted against them. Does a kick in the groin equal a punch in the head? Humans are animals and when attacked most will either fight back or retreat. Cops have to fight back, they're sworn to! A lot of suspects in scrums with police will go for the cops gun, That's when many people are shot by cops, when resisting arrest. She got exactly what she deserved in my opinion! Cops have a very tough job these days in the U.S., they have to walk a fine line during searches and arrests, as rule of law gets ignored more and more on a daily basis. Most departments if they haven't already, will eventually employ body cameras for the safety of both police and the general public. I love police body cam and dashboard footage as it shows you how disrespectful, lawless and hostile many people are in their interactions with police! Here are some examples from my state alone in the last few weeks!

She was drunk, belligerent and resisting arrest. She should be thankful she wasn't shot! ....

She was lucky. We have a problem with police abuse in this country and it comes directly from the culture. Obvious she wasn't armed, may have been drinking, probably an asshole.

Police are the professionals and there are better ways to put a person in custody than beating them into submission.

** First two videos cops did a great job.
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They are professionals and there are better ways to put a person in custody that beating them.

She was 20, drinking on the beach, was asked to provide identification so she could be issued a summons for drinking on the beach and underage drinking. When she failed to "comply" to provide ID, she was arrested. She supposedly spit and kicked an officer in the groin during the arrest. I don't know very many police officers (or people for that matter) that would have the self control to not strike anyone that had just kicked them in the balls. I hear you, that police in this country are angry, and it's our culture of lawlessness and entitlement that perpetuates it! This is a perfect example of that! A simple request by a police officer to provide identification to someone breaking a law, escalates into an international incident of supposed police brutality with a few officers careers on the line and a litany of charges against a young woman with a history of lawlessness!

Here is her now deleted FaceBook post about the incident:

So, I decide to go on the beach with my daughter, her father and friend. I had alcohol, it’s Memorial Day weekend and 90 percent of people are underage drinking on the beach, without a doubt. Two cops approach me on a their four wheelers and ask me and my friend how old we are, we gave them our ages. Then, we got breathalized, and it came back negative. I told them I wasn’t drinking and the alcohol was clearly closed/sealed, which the cops seen. They still stayed, the one cop following me when I walked away to go make a phone call after they did what they had to do.. like okay, they did their job and I cooperated🤔🤦🏻‍♀️ Therefore I asked them don’t they have something better to do as cops than to stop people for underage drinking on the beach, saying to that there’s so much more serious stuff going on… the cop said, “I was gonna let you go but now I’ll write you up” and he asked my name.

I did not do anything wrong and anything could’ve been written down on that paper so I wouldn’t give it to him. At that point I was told if I don’t give it to him he’s going to arrest me. I told him I have my 18 month old daughter with me and there’s no need for all of it and that again, I’m not gonna give him my information knowing I didn’t do anything wrong. He told me he’s arresting me and started coming towards me to put handcuffs on me. I cautiously was backing up from him (facing him) and yelled for my daughters father. (he was playing in the ocean with our daughter at the time).. I tripped and fell and the cop tackled me to the ground and smashed my head into the sand. At that point I blacked out and fought any way possible trying to get up and push him off me. Thats when he head locked me me by his arm around my neck, punched on me in my head and then he head locked me again but this time choking me, I was gasping for ear.

Yes, i know I should’ve gave him my name.. I was partly wrong in a way but I was scared; Like I said I didn’t do anything wrong and anything could’ve been written on that paper, the whole situation was iffy and I didn’t trust it.. especially being aware of the fact of how grimy law enforcement can be now a days. & honestly, I can say if I took even a sip, then I would’ve gave them my information and called it a day; I’m underage, so I know better. But this whole situation was handled wrongly and blew out of proportion all because these pigs didn’t do their jobs the way they were TRAINED to do so. maybe that’s just how they train them nowadays, who knows with the world we live in today🤷🏻‍♀️

Now, I’m over here with a sore body, banging headache and the thought of ever trusting a police officer again if anything were to happen in the future. That’s what we call them for right?🤦🏻‍♀️ We are supposed to feel safe and trust our police officers for anything. Oh, did I mention that they didn’t even take the beer (like they’re supposed to since we were underage) and finish getting my friends info?? They obviously were there to stir the pot. I know I’m not the first this happened too and definitely am sure that I will not be the last!!
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I hear you, that police in this country are angry, and it's our culture of lawlessness and entitlement that perpetuates it! This is a perfect example of that!
Too much violence and intolerance in the US have created too many violent, minus zero tolerance, paranoid cops. It will not change... it will get even worse.
Here is her now deleted FaceBook post about the incident:

So, I decide to go on the beach with my daughter, her father and friend. I had alcohol, it’s Memorial Day weekend and 90 percent of people are underage drinking on the beach, without a doubt. Two cops approach me on a their four wheelers and ask me and my friend how old we are, we gave them our ages. Then, we got breathalized, and it came back negative. I told them I wasn’t drinking and the alcohol was clearly closed/sealed, which the cops seen. They still stayed, the one cop following me when I walked away to go make a phone call after they did what they had to do.. like okay, they did their job and I cooperated🤔🤦🏻‍♀️
So if what she is saying is true, with the breathalizer test coming out negative, why would the cops still need her name afterwards?

Seems a bit exagerated by the cops to me. Still, I'd rather have US Cops, than their embarassing counterpart pussies in the UK...

11 British police officers versus one guy with a knife...
None of us were there, let’s let the investigators and the body cam footage sort it out before jumping to conclusions.

On another note:

“Happy Memorial Day! Those who died for our great country would be very happy and proud at how well our country is doing today. Best economy in decades, lowest unemployment numbers for Blacks and Hispanics EVER (& women in 18years), rebuilding our Military and so much more. Nice!”
So inappropriate - yet another self-aggrandizing message on a somber day when we should be honoring those who made the ultimate sacrifice.
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