
discuss To Approach or Wait with a Billion Dollar LLLL company?

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
Ever grabbed a cool .Net or .org domain and then had that "wait a minute..." moment when you realize it's kinda like a big brand's name? Feels like you've just hit the jackpot, doesn't it? But here's where things get tricky.

Say you got that domain way before the company even popped up on the scene. Before all the legal trademark stuff. You're good to go, right? But hold on a sec.

Shoot them an email offering the domain, and boom! You're suddenly the bad guy, trying to shake them down for cash. They might be all like, "Nice try, buddy!" But if they come knocking first? Whole different story. Now you're just two folks having a chat, maybe talking numbers.

So, here's the dilemma: Do you patiently wait for them to initiate, or do you boldly make the first move? How would you play it? Especially when the company doesn't own the .COM, .NET, or .ORG, and resorts to their LLLL name + an additional word.
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Alright, domain enthusiasts, remember that story I spun about the ABCD Inc. and our potential domain goldmine? The saga continues, and it's wilder than ever.

Quick recap for the uninitiated: Grabbed a hot .ORG domain (let's call it created years before a billion-dollar company – ABCD Inc. – even thought of stepping into the big leagues. They miss out on, .net, and my .org, and now they're stuck with the extra-wordy

Fast forward, and the gears in my brain start whirring: The ultimate play? Team up with the little company owning and, bundle our domains, and serve them on a silver platter to ABCD Inc. But with a twist – convince that little company to rebrand. Perhaps to or something in that ballpark.

Now, here's the crux: Remember our earlier chat? The one where I debated on making the first move versus waiting? That still hangs in the balance. The dance continues: Is it our cue to step forward, or should we lay in wait, hoping ABCD Inc. realizes what's missing from their digital crown?

We're not just talking about URLs here; it's about digital legacy. The plot thickens, and every move could be a game-changer.

So, fellow domain wranglers, as I stand on this digital precipice, weighing my options... the story is still unfolding.

To be continued...

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Sounds to me that you'll be waiting a long time for a contact from this company if it's the .Org your holding.

Can't see any reason for the .com holder to want to pair-up either. I think your letting this imaginary scenario play-out a little to far. The vast majority of Businesses operating on the .com don't own the .net or .org and probably wouldn't want them anyway unless they were free to register.

Don't forget we are in the realm of a Thousand extensions. The .org and .net hardly represent second or third choices anymore
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Sounds to me that you'll be waiting a long time for a contact from this company if it's the .Org your holding.

Can't see any reason for the .com holder to want to pair-up either. I think your letting this imaginary scenario play-out a little to far. The vast majority of Businesses operating on the .com don't own the .net or .org and probably wouldn't want them anyway unless they were free to register.

Don't forget we are in the realm of a Thousand extensions. The .org and .net hardly represent second or third choices anymore
Absolutely get your point! But here's the kicker: we're talking about a billion-dollar LLLL company, which, mind you, is trademarked — yet they don't have any of their prime domains(COM,NET,ORG) in their arsenal. And to add a pinch of spice, my domain well predates their TM.

Whether they take action, I go solo with my .ORG, or the whole bundle deal fantasy plays out, it's all a bit of a shot in the dark. Just riding the wave and seeing where it takes me. I'm just here for the ride and the memes.

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Well enjoy the fantasy, I can assure you it isn't ever going to progress beyond that.
Well enjoy the fantasy, I can assure you it isn't ever going to progress beyond that.
You're probably right! I'll keep dreaming and report back if the unexpected happens. Until then, cheers!
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Based on my experience, it is best to wait them to approach, I have try to contact many companies, and I got only ignored and a couple of reject replies.
That is why it's better to wait, if they are interested they will come on their own, of course this does not mean you should not try to make the first move, but most of them will have a closed door no matter how much you knock at it.
Based on my experience, it is best to wait them to approach, I have try to contact many companies, and I got only ignored and a couple of reject replies.
That is why it's better to wait, if they are interested they will come on their own, of course this does not mean you should not try to make the first move, but most of them will have a closed door no matter how much you knock at it.

Decided to wait and sit on it. Its taken in over 50+ TLDS, so might get something soon. I will renew for 5 years, list it, and and hit snooze until I get a serious offer.
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