
Above.com Review

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Where was I? I had all my .com domains at Parked and everything else at Bodis. Back in February I was waxing lyrical about Parked being back on top of their game. I had 2 months where I received almost record payouts (of all time... maybe in 3-4 years of parking). Then everything fell off a cliff and I was getting approx 2/3rds less. On 7th July I received only about $6.50 in revenue, which was abysmal. The day before that I had decided to try Above.com.

What is Above.com? In short, it's a traffic forwarder to your Parking Accounts. It decides where to send the traffic for each domain based upon which parking service gives the best returns. This sounds great. No longer do you need to park a group of domains with company A for a couple of months, enter the results into a spreadsheet, then park them at company B for a couple of months, enter the results in a spreadsheet. And so on. Now all this is done in Real Time, by Above.com.

Who are Above.com? They are part of the Trellian network of companies, who I first came across using their KeywordDisovery.com tool. So, I had confidence in them from the getgo.

It was easy to setup an account. You then go to Manage Accounts and setup the Parking Companies you wish to use from the list of companies they support. I chose Bodis, Parked, TrafficZ, DomainSponsor. The latter two I probably haven't used in a couple of years. You need to provide your username and password for each account. Of course there is a slight risk in this, but given the size of Trellian, I didn't have a real problem with this.

You can then go to Manage Folders and setup Folders for groups of domains. I however, imported everything into the default folder. Subsequently, I created two other folders, 1) Revenue, and 2) No Revenue. I moved everything from the default folder to No Revenue, and then moved them to Revenue, once Above.com reported revenue. You do this by downloading the .CSV file for the Non-Revenue domains, sort the SpreadSheet by Revenue, and then copy/past these into the Add Domains to the Revenue Folder. There is no copy/move command in Above.com. You either Add or Remove Domains, and Above.com moves the domains to the new Folder.

You of course have to add all your domains to each Parking Service individually (even if this can be done in bulk).

What is Maximizer? This is Above.com's inhouse Parking Service. They say that by some complex algorythms they monetize visitors which are poorly monetized by regular parking companies. For example, Asian traffic. When I look at the stats compared to the other parking companies (which is easy to do by clicking on Statistics and choosing what you want), I see mostly very low rates per click, like $0.02, significantly less than the rates/click for the same domain from the other parking companies. Who is to say that Above.com got it right or not? Maximizer provided about 1/5th of my Total Revenue for August. I've turned it off for Sept to see how the portfolio perform without it.

The Statistics are very comprehensive. You can select one or more parking services and a whole slew of stats like clicks, revenue, EPC etc.

How is support? I think there is only 1 support personnel. I usually get answers to my questions in about 1-3 days. So not the speediest support in the world, but I can't think of any support question which requires an immediate reply. So i'm reasonably satisfied.

How did I do? Well Above.com say it takes about 2 months to get your portfolio optimized. It's now been just two months for me. So maybe my best month will be Sept. But anyhow, in August, my 2nd month, Above.com managed to give me returns just below my record earnings of February. So, about 80-100% better than my earnings in June. This is a significant jump in earnings. It was split (in approx terms) 20% each from Bodis, Maximizer, DomainSponsor, and most of the rest from Parked. Almost nothing from TrafficZ, barely making the minimum payment for both July and August.

The website is sometimes a bit flakey. Not really surprising considering the amount of data they must be churning out. But usually it works itself out within a short time, usually minutes. My biggest gripe is that the Statistics Reports only allow you report 100 domains per page (whereas the Reports allow 1000). Also that there is no portfolio total reported in the Stats. You have to add up each page total.

Am I going to continue with Above.com? You betcha! I've disable the Maximizer to see how my portfolio performs without it and I'll probably disable TrafficZ also. I'd recommend to anyone to try Above.com. It really take away the drudgery of manually testing domains at different parking services.
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Thanks for all of the great info on above.com. I had mainly used parked.com for the last year or so, and while I don't have any great domains that have a ton of traffic, I was pleased with how parked.com did for the domains that do have traffic.

Lately though the numbers have been about 30% or less of what I'd been getting. This started about a month or two ago :(

I'm definitely looking forward to trying above.com and using them to see which parking service performs better for the various domains I have.

I do have one question though that I couldn't seem to find an answer on. How does Above.com make money for themselves with this free service?
Thru their own parking service, Maximizer. And, like all parking companies, they get traffic from domains which are in nobody's account.
how good is whypark compared with the above.com solution? Would bing/yahoo de-index any parking type domains?
whypark is completely different to above. whypark is a parking solution, whereas above lets you test out various parking solution to see which performs best. So you could redirect from above to whypark as well as other parking providers, to see which pays the most. It's done automatically. I can't comment (at least intelligently) on bing/yahoo strategies.
May jumped back from my terrible April numbers to be 81% of my Dec 2010 record earnings. The Revenues by Parking company were relatively stable at Bodis 45%, DomainSponsor 30%, Parked 20%, and Maximizer 5%.

But 1st half of June is looking very bad again. We shall see at the end of the month.
i don't have understand some things....
1)so does above.com pay only the maximizer revenues?? because the others are given by each company we have subscribed.

2) How the rotation works?
does above test a domain each day with all parking service we have enabled and take the best revenues service for each day?
or it choose a company each day and is it whatching which pay the most?
in all case meanwhile maximizer works!

i have an above account.. but when i check my revenues on it they are different with the other i watch on relative parking company and i talk about also many days ago not in real time so could be the little refresh delay..
i will be happy to have a service like above and i'm going to use it if it works because i spend too many time to do all manually.
i hope to understand these things because i'm very sceptical now.
thanks to all for the help
1) Yep
2) It takes about 2 months to optimize. After which the hits go to the best paying company for that domain. Then if the revenue drops at that domain at that parking company, they optimize again. Also, they check a small percentage of the domains on a rotating basis.
3) The figures in red can be different from the parking companies because they are not in real time (they only check the revenue a few times a day) but I have found the black figures are always agreeing with the parking companies.

I'd say you can use Above.com with confidence. I do.
2) It takes about 2 months to optimize. After which the hits go to the best paying company for that domain. Then if the revenue drops at that domain at that parking company, they optimize again. Also, they check a small percentage of the domains on a rotating basis.
3) The figures in red can be different from the parking companies because they are not in real time (they only check the revenue a few times a day) but I have found the black figures are always agreeing with the parking companies.

2) ok but i don't understand how the optimization work.. do they try the domain each single day for each different parking service have we enabled? or they test every day with our enabled service and take the better, or other methods?
ok for 2 months optimization and for changing if revenues drop i have understood.

3) yeah, sorry my fault because i have checked with error. revenues stream are equal the single service provide.
You will have to ask Above.com if you want specific info on how their optimization works. I don't work for Above.com. I'm only a very satisfied user. (But it's my understanding that they will send different uniques to different parking companies all in the same day, but I don't know how long they do this before they decide which is the best company to use).
For the past two days Above.com has been rerouting all my traffic to some other landing page and my revenue is down to zero. I called their US office and they said they are under a DoS attack and needed to take that measure to minimize losses.

Well at least for me a 100% loss is far from minimal. What really surprises me is that there is NO official announcement on their site regarding this very critical situation which can potentially impact a lot of customers.

Has anyone here experienced the same problem?
My revenue ups and downs have been within the normal tolerances over the same time period. So, I'd say I haven't noticed any problem, if there has been one.
I've put 4 of my domain on above.com
stub where could I see my stats and the parking provider changes and the different revenue stream?
in report section? coz i click but is all empty...
Have you tried Dashboard, Reports and Statistics?
OK June '11 Revenues are as bad as April at only 69% of my best month. Revenue split about the same as May, Bodis 45%, DomainSponsor 28%, Parked 18% Maximizer 9%. July looking like my worst month ever.

1 change I made in July was to send all my non-com domains to their own for sale pages, but since they didn't generate any revenue, that doesn't explain the drastic drop in July revenues.
i will try it now. thanks
July11 was as bad as June11 at only 71% of my best month and even 10% down on July10. The split was Bodis-42% DomainSponsor-31% Parked-15% Maximizer-12%. So everyone performed badly apart from Domain Sponsor.
OK 2 months to report.

Aug11 was substantially better than the last 2 months at 83% of my best month. The split was Bodis-36%, DomainSponsor-35% Maximizer-20%, Parked-9%. Maximizer took an absurdly large proportion of revenues, which just goes to show how Parking has tanked in recent months. Parked is an absurdly low 9%

Sept11 continues to show some improvement at 88% of my best month. The split was Bodis-38% DomainSponsor-38% Maximizer-19% Parked-5%. DomainSponsor has shown considerable growth in the last 2 months. Maximizer still absurdly strong. Parked had dropped to a level where I have now excluded them from my thinking. I guess the Yahoo/Bing feed isn't working too well.

As of Today, only Bodis, DomainSponsor, and Maximizer get a share of my revenues.
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1st half of October is on track to be the same or better than September :)
Wow! Getting rid of Parked.com as a provider has proved a huge bonus. Although I need a couple more days to finalize the figures for Oct11, I'm already at the same level as my best month ever of Dec10, with the two best months of the year still to come.
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As reported in my last post, Revenue for Oct11 was 100% of my best ever month of Dec10. Split was 50%-Bodis 35%-DomainSponsor 15%-Maximizer. Split was about what I expected, but Revenue was way above expectations. This is the first time Bodis has grabbed 50% of all my revenues. Parked is done, imho. But I will try Voodoo when it is added by Above because Donny claims it pays way better than other Google feeds. Anyone still using a Bing feed nowadays, will be deeply suffering, imho.
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Stub, when you use Above.com, could you clarify if when you import all your domains into each parking company (which is how I understand Above.com to work) whether you then spend time optimizing each domain in each parking company? Like selecting templates, images, keywords, keyword exclusions etc...? Thanks for any input.
Well yes and no. I set Bodis-keywords, DS-nothing, and Parked-mostly was fully optimized (before I dropped them). But, for the best results, I think you should optimize all domains at all parking companies you use with Above.com
changes at above

I have noticed several things in the last month 1]earnings are up for the maximizer service which may or may not be related to 2]there is no longer an option to blacklist the maximiser in the above control panel.So you cant opt out of the above ad system.If I had to guess I would say that they have been able to take advantage of the strong market for full page ads by redirecting to these to increase earnings.I am wondering if their service will still function after the new redirect policy takes effect next week.I have not been able to get a answer from the parking companies
What new redirect policy? Google's? It's already implemented.

I've noticed Maximizer revenues have gone up also. I'm sure it would be related to not being able to block it (although I hadn't noticed that). Earlier in this thread I experimented with blocking Maximizer and my revenue went down. So it's an option with value. But I sure don't think it should be mandatory.

Voodoo.com being added today or tomorrow, according to both Voodoo & Above.
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