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Bodis.comTop Member Staff
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Something wrong with At 9:24 PM Eastern Daylight Time the reports, payment history, etc is nothing but a blank page with a header and footer but nothing in between.

Hello Agame,

Thank you for notifying us. We seem to be experiencing some temporary API difficulties, however, parked domain names are unaffected.

I have notified management, so we should have this matter resolved shortly.

Apologies for this inconvenience.

Something wrong with At 9:24 PM Eastern Daylight Time the reports, payment history, etc is nothing but a blank page with a header and footer but nothing in between.

Show attachment 95562
Hello Agame,

We appreciate the update. This issue has now been fully resolved.

Thank you for your patience.

Looks OK now, thanks!
Anyone else notice that there are no advertisements displaying on their domains? Every domain that I checked is showing zero ads! No wonder the past several days have been low CTR and revenue. The traffic is still the same, the ads are gone though.

We do apologize for this temporary inconvenience. Earlier today our Tier1 ad provider encountered an issue that appears to be affecting their related terms feed.

We believe that this issue isn't just affecting Bodis, but also other parking platforms too. Right now our ad providers are looking into this, so it shouldn't take very much longer to resolve.

But we are attempting to set our own fixed related terms, so this should temporarily circumvent this problem so that Bodis members can continue to monetize these affected domains in the meantime.

Also, this issue wouldn't have impacted any of your parking earnings prior to today. But if you would like me to take a closer look at your Bodis account, please open a support ticket.

Thank you.

Anyone else notice that there are no advertisements displaying on their domains? Every domain that I checked is showing zero ads! No wonder the past several days have been low CTR and revenue. The traffic is still the same, the ads are gone though.

It is an issue that began today and is affecting all parking companies. The issue is with the upstream ad provider.

We are waiting for an update from the upstream ad provider. As soon as we hear back we will let everyone know. We plan to send a notification to everyone in the next few hours.
We have found a way to resolve this temporarily by adjusting some upstream ad provider parameters to render terms/ads on the page. We are deploying shortly on virtually almost all Bodis parked domains (approx. 99%+ of domains parked).

This should temporarily resolve issue until G is able to sort the problem out.
Update: We have rolled out the temporary fix. Most domains should now be showing terms/ads. This will have to do until G resolves the issue.
Update: We have rolled out the temporary fix. Most domains should now be showing terms/ads. This will have to do until G resolves the issue.

Can confirm it looks OK! Thanks!
Hello Everyone!

Excited to announce something new today for all you that are using Bodis! (And maybe to those that have yet to start using us after reading this :) )

We’ve launched an updated domain Manage UI that allows you to better filter your domains and Advanced Search functionality to enable you to endlessly refine your domains.

We’ve also added much requested sales options, including styles, multiple placement options, aftermarket URL integration etc.

Here's an overview of everything we've added:
  • Advanced Search that allows you to endlessly refine your manage domains list. Use the and/or operators and an infinite number of refinements.
  • Folder-level sales settings and an easier way to manage folders. We've removed support for multiple folders. We found some users were confused by it. Each domain can belong to a single folder. The domain itself can be assigned a setting. Also, a folder can have default sale settings that can be applied or adjusted and applied to all domains that are assigned to that folder.
  • New sales banners. We have the following types: Blend In text (the one we used to support), Highlight (new), and Penetrating (new).
  • Sale banner locations: Top, Bottom, Floating Top Right, Floating Bottom Right.
  • Custom sales text
  • External market integration (aftermarket URL integration). We have currently integrated UniRegistry Market and Sedo into our system. We're looking for feedback for any others our users would like us to integrate.
  • Ability to disable "zeroclick" aka "cpv" aka "direct advertisers" on a domain by domain basis.
  • We've removed 'ACTIVE/INACTIVE' indicators as they were confusing to many. We replaced with 'Visits This Month' and 'Visits Last Month'.
  • Ad Provider Status (G/Tier2), and Adult Status classification. As well as the following statuses/values for each domain: TLD, IDN, DNS Setting, and more.
  • Ability to enable a legal policy imprint on bottom of parked pages, called the 'Imprint' option.
  • All columns should now be sortable
  • Quick and easy way of copying domains. Whether that is a single on (simply click on it and it is copied to clipboard), or thousands (see the Copy All Domains button). We've placed this throughout the interface as we think this is a handy feature.
  • Updated the G domain status checker tool. You can now check upto 1,000 domains accurately per day directly with our upstream ad provider.
  • We've updated our user interface design and functionality utilizing modern web standards and technology. What this means is, technology has come along way since we've started Bodis in 2007. And we've implemented these new standards and utilized the newest technology to help develop an easier to use user interface, that should be far less buggy than ever before.

Hopefully this excites you as much as it does us!

The good news is - this is only the beginning! In the next months we plan to add many more requested features as well as an overhaul of the reporting functionality as well!

Every feature we've ever received, we've logged and evaluated. And a lot of these features will be implemented in coming weeks and months. We have a new and highly motivated development team that is able to bring to life the vision of Bodis that we have set for ourselves and our users.

I hope you guys like what you see. Thanks.
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Hello Everyone!

Excited to announce something new today for all you that are using Bodis! (And maybe to those that have yet to start using us after reading this :) )

We’ve launched an updated domain Manage UI that allows you to better filter your domains and Advanced Search functionality to enable you to endlessly refine your domains.

We’ve also added much requested sales options, including styles, multiple placement options, aftermarket URL integration etc.

Here's an overview of everything we've added:
  • Advanced Search that allows you to endlessly refine your manage domains list. Use the and/or operators and an infinite number of refinements.
  • Folder-level sales settings and an easier way to manage folders. We've removed support for multiple folders. We found some users were confused by it. Each domain can belong to a single folder. The domain itself can be assigned a setting. Also, a folder can have default sale settings that can be applied or adjusted and applied to all domains that are assigned to that folder.
  • New sales banners. We have the following types: Blend In text (the one we used to support), Highlight (new), and Penetrating (new).
  • Sale banner locations: Top, Bottom, Floating Top Right, Floating Bottom Right.
  • Custom sales text
  • External market integration (aftermarket URL integration). We have currently integrated UniRegistry Market and Sedo into our system. We're looking for feedback for any others our users would like us to integrate.
  • Ability to disable "zeroclick" aka "cpv" aka "direct advertisers" on a domain by domain basis.
  • We've removed 'ACTIVE/INACTIVE' indicators as they were confusing to many. We replaced with 'Visits This Month' and 'Visits Last Month'.
  • Ad Provider Status (G/Tier2), and Adult Status classification. As well as the following statuses/values for each domain: TLD, IDN, DNS Setting, and more.
  • Ability to enable a legal policy imprint on bottom of parked pages, called the 'Imprint' option.
  • All columns should now be sortable
  • Quick and easy way of copying domains. Whether that is a single on (simply click on it and it is copied to clipboard), or thousands (see the Copy All Domains button). We've placed this throughout the interface as we think this is a handy feature.
  • Updated the G domain status checker tool. You can now check upto 1,000 domains accurately per day directly with our upstream ad provider.
  • We've updated our user interface design and functionality utilizing modern web standards and technology. What this means is, technology has come along way since we've started Bodis in 2007. And we've implemented these new standards and utilized the newest technology to help develop an easier to use user interface, that should be far less buggy than ever before.

Hopefully this excites you as much as it does us!

The good news is - this is only the beginning! In the next months we plan to add many more requested features as well as an overhaul of the reporting functionality as well!

Every feature we've ever received, we've logged and evaluated. And a lot of these features will be implemented in coming weeks and months. We have a new and highly motivated development team that is able to bring to life the vision of Bodis that we have set for ourselves and our users.

I hope you guys like what you see. Thanks.

Looks great so far!!! Cant wait for more!
is it just me or now we can't AUTO REDIRECT to bodis inquiry form?

Sorry. That has been accidentally left out as being a visible option. It will appear there tomorrow. Domains that were set to it are still on auto redirect, so please do not worry.

Sorry. That has been accidentally left out as being a visible option. It will appear there tomorrow. Domains that were set to it are still on auto redirect, so please do not worry.
Can we now define/set keywords for each parked domain, just like at Sedo

Sorry. That has been accidentally left out as being a visible option. It will appear there tomorrow. Domains that were set to it are still on auto redirect, so please do not worry.

ok thanks. yeah it'll be nice to have that optioin back.. and also to indicate which are redirect to form with a circle like before.

i think you'll have some bugs ot fix cause right now when I do bulk change inquiry.. and click save it keeps spinning and never completes.. it does not matter if I do it for 2 names or 100 names. works good on one name only though.

I also asked couple more things in support ticket.. so I'll let u reply there.. so you don't have to double post. thanks!
@alcy thanks being looked at. Will be resolved shortly.

I hate to make promises because we've made so many in the past that were never delivered on time or the ideas were changed along the way. But the setting keywords is THE MOST requested feature according to @TroyBodis . We got in trouble once from our upstream ad provider for letting users set completely irrelevant high paying terms. Last thing we want to do is hurt the overall revenue by having a few bad users set terms that hurt the good users. Since then we really put the idea off. But we're definitely bringing it back, however, the terms will have to go through a rather quick 24-48 hrs approval process by our team depending on your account status and other factors. That is part of the next update, which includes things like Reporting functionality update (Adv. Search in Reporting, Dashboard update, message center update, keyword seeding, as well as being able to see keyword performance, etc). You can call that part 2. Timeframe, I hate to give these, but that's what we're starting work on next week. So gradually you should see these updates come in over the coming weeks.

Edit: Sorry edited the post and accidentally deleted prior message.
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Fair enough. Thanks @matt_bodis


I hate to make promises because we've made so many in the past that were never delivered on time or the ideas were changed along the way. But the setting keywords is THE MOST requested feature according to @TroyBodis . We got in trouble once from our upstream ad provider for letting users set completely irrelevant high paying terms. Last thing we want to do is hurt the overall revenue by having a few bad users set terms that hurt the good users. Since then we really put the idea off. But we're definitely bringing it back, however, the terms will have to go through a rather quick 24-48 hrs approval process by our team depending on your account status and other factors. That is part of the next update, which includes things like Reporting functionality update (Adv. Search in Reporting, Dashboard update, message center update, keyword seeding, as well as being able to see keyword performance, etc). You can call that part 2. Timeframe, I hate to give these, but that's what we're starting work on next week. So gradually you should see these updates come in over the coming weeks.

Edit: Sorry edited the post and accidentally deleted prior message.
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Sorry. That has been accidentally left out as being a visible option. It will appear there tomorrow. Domains that were set to it are still on auto redirect, so please do not worry.

oh wow that was quick fix.. looks like bulk edit and modify now working

now I wish you had option to set redirtect to inquiry on/off... so I can try the new ads pages with new banners... instead of having all my names redirect to inquiry form now from before ;)

let us know when that's reconfigured.. ty.

p.s. is captcha optional somewhere?

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Just got informed from dev that the mass edit is fixed! Thanks for spotting that. Was a production-only related issue.

As far as the redirect, yes expect that tomorrow. That's next in queue. Apologies for leaving that out.

Only functionality that no longer should be there that was before the update (aside from sales only redirect that will be visible sometime tomorrow):
-Multiple folders per domain. (Users that domains set to multiple folders now have had their folders changed to a single folder upon the release today. Example, if your domain was in folder1 and folder2, now it is located in 'folder1-folder2'.
-Template selection (we only had 3-4 templates. We've talked about keeping it but ultimately removed it. Just not sure if this makes sense. Adds clutter to dashboard. We only had 3-4 templates and honestly most domains do best on our default template which is always being optimized and changed anyway. We don't want you to lock in a template only to miss out on a future template that performs 10% better). Also, we've improved our templates quite a bit lately anyway and I think most should be happy with what we have now.
-Active/inactive indicator - replaced by Visits This Month / Visits Last Month.
-URL redirect only. We're taking this away. You can set your domain to 'URL' option, but cannot have it on redirect only. Although, 99% of the users that had this option were spammers anyway using us as a free gateway for spam redirects. So don't think this affects anyone here.

Should be all I believe.

Just got informed from dev that the mass edit is fixed! Thanks for spotting that. Was a production-only related issue.

As far as the redirect, yes expect that tomorrow. That's next in queue. Apologies for leaving that out.

Only functionality that no longer should be there that was before the update (aside from sales only redirect that will be visible sometime tomorrow):
-Multiple folders per domain. (Users that domains set to multiple folders now have had their folders changed to a single folder upon the release today. Example, if your domain was in folder1 and folder2, now it is located in 'folder1-folder2'.
-Template selection (we only had 3-4 templates. We've talked about keeping it but ultimately removed it. Just not sure if this makes sense. Adds clutter to dashboard. We only had 3-4 templates and honestly most domains do best on our default template which is always being optimized and changed anyway. We don't want you to lock in a template only to miss out on a future template that performs 10% better). Also, we've improved our templates quite a bit lately anyway and I think most should be happy with what we have now.
-Active/inactive indicator - replaced by Visits This Month / Visits Last Month.
-URL redirect only. We're taking this away. You can set your domain to 'URL' option, but cannot have it on redirect only. Although, 99% of the users that had this option were spammers anyway using us as a free gateway for spam redirects. So don't think this affects anyone here.

Should be all I believe.

so no url redirect only?
can u at least offer redirect 4 market urls?
thats hardly spam

did u make captcha optional?

@alcy there will be URL still. Just not URL without parking. Just making sure we're clear on that. Are you using the URL with redirect (aka sales only) option? If so, can you message me an example domain? Just want to make sure we're talking about the same thing?

As far as CAPTCHA, I hate those things tbh. But on the sales pages they seem to be required else there comes forth a lot of spam. We already got rid of captcha on the Google Status Tool and simply made it available for users only with a daily limit count. That I think will be welcomed. So I'm all for removing as much of that as we can without getting bombarded with spam.

What is your idea on it?
@alcy there will be URL still. Just not URL without parking. Just making sure we're clear on that. Are you using the URL with redirect (aka sales only) option? If so, can you message me an example domain? Just want to make sure we're talking about the same thing?

As far as CAPTCHA, I hate those things tbh. But on the sales pages they seem to be required else there comes forth a lot of spam. We already got rid of captcha on the Google Status Tool and simply made it available for users only with a daily limit count. That I think will be welcomed. So I'm all for removing as much of that as we can without getting bombarded with spam.

What is your idea on it?

well... I asked for captcha optional (exactly like they have on parking crew) for lng time. was looking forward to it. I thnk you shoudl do it. if anyone feels it will bring them more spam inquiries then they'll leave it on. you can also leave it on by default.. so its just those that hate it like me.. and feel it makes buyers play puzzle games with pictures like 5 years old thta'll disable it. can you do it?

as for url redirect... well.. I meant url redirect bypassing the ads page. you had that before. countless namepros domainers etc must have used it to redirect some names directly to their forsale landers.. whether sedo or godaddy or undeveloped etc..
now it may feel you are kinda forcing everyone to go through your ads pages... which you have right to do.. but you were basically the only company left when you had that let us redirect to url and bypass ads pages if we wnted... voodoo or park crew didn't offer it.. now if you remove it... your (figure of speech) just like everyone else ;)

this is why I suggested if you must remove it for url redirect then at least leave it on for your premade market urls section... but ideally.. just leave it on for any url like before. I relaly have no idea how or why you call that feature nearly useless or used only or mostly by spammers :) when this is how domainers sent their names directly to sedo slae landers or what not :)


I see. Thanks for the feedback. We've looked over today everyone that used URL for the auto redirect, and not all, but a good percentage (most) used it for spam that lead to things like Viagra pages, etc. Basically, using us as the hosting provider and our IP address/servers would be a target of anti spyware/anti malware. Perhaps in between all that bad stuff, there is quite a few good uses like you mention.

How about we keep it implemented with the EXTERNAL MARKET option so that you guys can continue to use it for Sedo, UniRegistry Market, etc? I think that's a fair compromise!

Captcha - great idea. We will def give you that option as soon as we get to the 'account level' settings in the next set of updates.
  • The sidebar remains visible by scrolling at a speed relative to the page’s height.