
Business name vs trademark: Can I register some domain

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
I found a free domain name that is the plural form of the name of one company (.com, the single form is registered). The company is not in the US, and there is no such trademark listed in Trademark Electronic Search System.
I really like this name, it is well-pronounced and defines some class of services, especially in the plural form.
What do you guys think I should do: take it or not?
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knock yourself out :)

(yes go for it)
If I understand well, your risk is ~10$ registration fee, so, why not ?

Now, do you have an idea of whom you could sell the domain to ? If your only prospect is the corporation itself, you may run into legal difficulties.
Well, I've bought it.
The name of the domain is RoboCoders(.)com. While the name of the company is Robocoder Corporation.
I think there should not be any problems. For example, there is a company named CodeForce, but there is also a popular service for competitive programmers named Codeforces(.)com.

If I understand well, your risk is ~10$ registration fee, so, why not ?

Now, do you have an idea of whom you could sell the domain to ? If your only prospect is the corporation itself, you may run into legal difficulties.
The corporation itself is definitely not the target.
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