
domains Chrome browser will now detect URL typos and suggest websites based on the corrections

Spaceship Spaceship


____Top Member
When you type a website into the Chrome address bar, it will now detect URL typos and suggest websites based on the corrections. This increases accessibility for people with dyslexia, language learners, and anyone who makes typos by making it easier to get to previously visited websites despite spelling errors. This feature is now available on Chrome desktop and will roll out to mobile in the coming months.

read more (Google)
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Pretty sure it's already on mobile, at least it auto-completes often used URLs. It also wants to remember pws which is highly creepy.
Pretty sure it's already on mobile, at least it auto-completes often used URLs. It also wants to remember pws which is highly creepy.
Browsers are asking me to remember my cc info, which was already creepy but then after that it tricked me into saving my bank login... like i clicked but a popup came up DO U WANT TO SAVE UR BANK LOG IN INFO? YES? OK! BECAUSE THe popup happened as i was clicking :/ they place it annoyingly on top of hte login button...
E & E

(evilness and excuse as usual)
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after that it tricked me into saving my bank login

I'm not a conspiracy nut, but the sum of these types of things is turning me into a certifiable conspiracy nut.
conspiracy theories grow up a lot when institution or entities lose their credibility
I'm not a conspiracy nut, but the sum of these types of things is turning me into a certifiable conspiracy nut.
If this is live, what does it do? I haven't noticed anything different. I just see the dropdown of suggestions from the search field. That's been there. Are there examples of this in action?
If this is live, what does it do? I haven't noticed anything different. I just see the dropdown of suggestions from the search field. That's been there. Are there examples of this in action?

Yeah, I must be asleep at the wheel because what I've noticed is autofill of usernames, not URLs (which as you note have been there long term).

But then Chrome also wants to save passwords, cc numbers and geolocation. What's the point of protecting sensitive information?

What's the worst that could happen? /s
I have seen it correct web addresses or to suggest ones if it thinks you've typed it wrong for a while now.
Google is now one of the worst companies out there, and I was once a beta-tester for them.
  • The sidebar remains visible by scrolling at a speed relative to the page’s height.