
news Covid19-Coronavirus updates and news

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Mister Funsky

Top Member
Having relatives and friends scattered all over the globe, I am getting an overload of input (some on the record and some off the record).

My intention for this thread is for community members from around the world to post first hand stories and/or links to information sources that, for the most part, should be reliable.

In my community, just outside a major southeastern city, 'assets' have been placed. Only because I have friends in both high and low places have I heard about some of this. At this point it is only some basic medical supplies that should be equally distributed anyway in preparation for a natural emergency (hurricane/wildfire/etc.).

I will start with posting a link to a site with current data that seems to come from an aggregate of sources and hope others will do the same as they come across similar sites/pages.

Because of the 'typhoid Mary' spread-ability of this disease, I feel we may be in for a really large spread globally which will impact the global economy and through extension, retail domain prices.

One thing is for sure...things will get worse before they get better.
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
I think this will be a rough winter for many.

I think it will be a rough go for the golf course to actually turn a profit this decade since they have gone to such lengths to be a draconian tentacle in your location.

There will be golf courses providing a much more calming, natural experience blowing them out of the water.
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I think it will be a rough go for the golf course to actually turn a profit this decade since they have gone to such lengths to be a draconian tentacle in your location.

Your thinking is incorrect.

The course is the busiest it has been since being built 30 years ago. They have raised the standard round from $40 to $68 and are sending off a group of 2, 3 or 4 every ten minutes from sunup to 3 hours before sundown. They just spent $140,000 on two new tractors (wrote a check) and the accountant tells them (us) that another 200K needs to be spent by years end. Additionally, beer and food sales are up over 200 percent (a six pack of beer starts at $19 and goes up to $27, ice included of course).

Now, be good and post about what you know about...I don't want to have to block you again.
What's getting me ATM is the overuse of noxious cleaning supplies, chlorine and ammonia in particular, burns my lungs and makes me nauseous. :vomit:. These chemicals were developed during the WW1, used to clear enemy soldiers in the trenches. Later, formulas were applied to cleaners.
Your thinking is incorrect.

The course is the busiest it has been since being built 30 years ago. They have raised the standard round from $40 to $68 and are sending off a group of 2, 3 or 4 every ten minutes from sunup to 3 hours before sundown. They just spent $140,000 on two new tractors (wrote a check) and the accountant tells them (us) that another 200K needs to be spent by years end. Additionally, beer and food sales are up over 200 percent (a six pack of beer starts at $19 and goes up to $27, ice included of course).

Now, be good and post about what you know about...I don't want to have to block you again.

Gentleman's wager that they will be struggling in a few years?

Sounds like inflation is showing itself there....

Here is what I in Santa Barbara the residents would not put up with that nonsense.

The rich people here are largely awake to the true nature of the world (let's face it, a large percentage of the people you watch on TV live here)

....though most are not so vocal like me to expose the truth and calmly go about their lives unimpeded by the zombie apocalypse.
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I think it will be a rough go for the golf course to actually turn a profit this decade since they have gone to such lengths to be a draconian tentacle in your location.

There will be golf courses providing a much more calming, natural experience blowing them out of the water.

But why put money above people's health? I'm bleeding money like crazy atm to do my part but I don't care, and no I'm not rich by any standard. If that would save just even one life I'm ok with that.
But why put money above people's health? I'm bleeding money like crazy atm to do my part but I don't care, and no I'm not rich by any standard. If that would save just even one life I'm ok with that.

If people laid off the sodas, alcohol, fast food, cigarettes, pornography addiction, lethargic lifestyle, iphone addictions, etc . . .

This would save lives IMHO.

Mathematically you have a statistically higher chance of dying from falling down than you do from Covid 19.

Fact Check That ;)

Heck the people actually dying from this coronavirus are almost all deficient in VITAMIN D.

Perhaps if those who died from complications of comorbidities because they contracted a vicious cold had GONE INTO THE SUNLIGHT MORE . . . Their immune response would have been sufficient to return them to homeostasis.
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If people laid off the sodas, alcohol, fast food, cigarettes, pornography addiction, lethargic lifestyle, iphone addictions, etc . . .

This would save live IMHO.

Mathematically you have a statistically much higher chance of dying from falling down than you do from Covid 19.

Fact Check That ;)

Agreed. Given my age and health status I would not be very likely to die from covid. I've got my guilty pleasures but within limits. Less positive things to be said about my parents who are of age, deal with age related health issues.

But why so egocentric? It's not about me and you, it's about people you can protect. The decision is yours. People who lack the education and/or knowledge to live a healthy life or are just unlucky to have health issues don't deserve to die because I lack the decency to abide by some regulation that can save their life.

In the grand scheme of things you could argue it's survival of the fittest but I don't want to go there as that opens up the box of pandora, although it would be an interesting debate and I'm sure from a philosophical point of view we would agree on a lot of things.

That being said, healthy people can die of covid just the same. It doesn't scare me, it's just reality, fact.
Agreed. Given my age and health status I would not be very likely to die from covid. I've got my guilty pleasures but within limits. Less positive things to be said about my parents who are of age, deal with age related health issues.

But why so egocentric? It's not about me and you, it's about people you can protect. The decision is yours. People who lack the education and/or knowledge to live a healthy life or are just unlucky to have health issues don't deserve to die because I lack the decency to abide by some regulation that can save their life.

In the grand scheme of things you could argue it's survival of the fittest but I don't want to go there as that opens up the box of pandora, although it would be an interesting debate and I'm sure from a philosophical point of view we would agree on a lot of things.

That being said, healthy people can die of covid just the same. It doesn't scare me, it's just reality, fact.

Protection comes from developing strong immune function and living a clean lifestyle; ingesting as few toxins as possible.

Being around people who raise our vibration rather than squash it.

This is a spiritual battle we are enduring - in it's simplest sense - a battle of frequency.

Can you raise your vibration so you are impenetrable to pathogenic invasions?

People are confusing bacteria and viruses. Viruses are actually inside all of us and are part of the detoxification process.

I'm not sure where you draw your sources, however thousands of doctors around the world do not echo the narrative being propagated by the governments and mainstream media.

Also, for those who are perpetually in a sympathetic fight-or-flight state because of the trauma induced mind control we have all been subjected to - the ability to heal has been diminished.

We both know if the body is in a constant state of panic/anxiety/fear - the ability to be whole and balanced is substantially reduced.

This is why the PROGRAMS around the world are scaring the bejesus out of people - intentionally.

Since when has the media and government ever authentically cared about our health and well-being? :xf.rolleyes:O_o:wideyed:
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people laid off the sodas, alcohol, fast food, cigarettes, pornography addiction, lethargic lifestyle, iphone addictions, etc . . .

This would save live IMHO.

As a sidenote, I hope people will ultimately understand this ^ and changing of the way we shape our world and society today ultimately is the only way to save humankind. Giving it our best shot actually as eventually humankind is doomed to be eradicated, and we deserve it.
This is why the PROGRAMS around the world are scaring the bejesus out of people - intentionally.

Bit too Qanonesque for me if you get what I'm saying but not all nonsense :)
Gentleman's wager that they will be struggling in a few years?

I will agree with you here. Although the course is beautiful and it is a secret that a few pros visit on a regular basis to work on new swings/clubs, the flood of money coming in now is due to covid19.

They are looking at all offers and if the right number is hit, it will change hands quickly. After the books are finalized and a certified P/L statement is available in January, the majority owners may sell. I do know most of the senior members (been there the longest) want it to go back to 'normal' which is about half the play it gets now.
The 'evidence is clear': Hydroxychloroquine doesn't help Covid-19 patients

Researchers at the University of Oxford in the U.K. have concluded that hydroxychloroquine does nothing to prevent Covid-19-related deaths

The study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, examined the outcomes of 1,561 patients hospitalized with Covid-19 who received hydroxychloroquine and compared them to 3,155 patients who served as a control group.

Within a month, about a quarter of the patients in each group had died.
"The scientific evidence is clear," said Dr. Caleb Alexander, a professor of epidemiology and medicine at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. "There is no convincing evidence of its effectiveness for treating Covid."
The 'evidence is clear': Hydroxychloroquine doesn't help Covid-19 patients

Researchers at the University of Oxford in the U.K. have concluded that hydroxychloroquine does nothing to prevent Covid-19-related deaths

The study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, examined the outcomes of 1,561 patients hospitalized with Covid-19 who received hydroxychloroquine and compared them to 3,155 patients who served as a control group.

Within a month, about a quarter of the patients in each group had died.
"The scientific evidence is clear," said Dr. Caleb Alexander, a professor of epidemiology and medicine at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. "There is no convincing evidence of its effectiveness for treating Covid."

"Among patients hospitalized with Covid-19, those who received hydroxychloroquine did not have a lower incidence of death at 28 days than those who received usual care."

Crystal clear.
I dare you armchair wannabe doctors to call this real doctor who actually treats covid patients and ask him about his evidence.

Really man, I am trying to ignore you, if you still don't get it.
You have already demonstrated, at every of your posts, that you are just a denier, a misinformation spreader and a science denier.

You will find yourself among a rapidly shrinking populous as many people on the East coast are awake to the plandemic scam and are fleeing the city for greener pastures where freedom and common sense exist.


This thread is intended to post useful and scientific information, not ridiculous nonsense and other ridiculous conspiracy stuff about "jesuits, plandemic scams" and other nonsense.

This pandemic is so serious, to spread this kind of nonsense and disinformation in a public forum. Although luckily the most of the people have the minimum common sense and the minimum knowledge to identify this ridiculous disinformation and conspiracy stuff.

I understand that you have to come here because nobody gives a f*ck about your Conspiracy thread you have already started, but please don't flood this thread with your nonsense Conspiracy and Denier stuff.. and let the people post usefull information about covid-19, and not about Alice in Wonderland and other parallel universe nonsense.

And the following is just one of your "hits", just to put in place my words, about your "science knowledge":

If viruses transferred on money, by sneezes, by air....would not there have been an HIV pandemic by now?

So, in your opinion, a virus cannot be transferred by sneezes or by air, because HIV cannot be transferred by air... very good!
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Really man,

Ever tried meditation? yoga? tai chi? kung fu? qigong?

I sense some internal training for your emotions may increase your lifespan and boost your immunity.

Did you listen to the MD over here in Cali who successfully treated 1700 patients with HCQ?
Did you listen to the MD over here in Cali who successfully treated 1700 patients with HCQ?
In what medical or science publication appears that one? I guess that's just not a serious medical study, you know, with half placebo patients... etc, I mean, a really clinical study.
By the way... Trump also claimed that hydroxychloroquine works, until he got infected... then the doctors gave him real medication, dexamethasone, aspirin, the experimental Regeneron's REGN-COV2 Antibody Cocktail, still not in use by the common of the infected people by the way.
And I guess they forgot about.. you know, hydroxychloroquine!
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Bit too Qanonesque for me if you get what I'm saying but not all nonsense :)

QAnon is a Psy-Op. Trump playing 5D chess and caring about humanity? Who would believe that? :facepalm:
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In what medical or science publication appears that one? I guess that's just not a serious medical study, you know, with half placebo patients... etc, I mean, a really clinical study.
By the way... Trump also claimed that hydroxychloroquine works, until he got infected... then the doctors gave him real medication, dexamethasone, aspirin, the experimental Regeneron's REGN-COV2 Antibody Cocktail.
And I guess they forgot about.. you know, hydroxychloroquine!

What does Trump have anything to do with medicine?

Just give that Cali MD a look - he's legit - he treated 1700 people with HCQ - Successfully.
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really clinical !

Being on the "front lines" and actually treating Covid patients trumps all other sources IMHO.

I'll listen to the doctors who do not have hidden agendas and are being honest with their data and experiences.
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Just give that Cali MD a look - he's legit - he treated 1700 people with HCQ - Successfully.
Before he starts claiming he has treated 1700 people successfully with something, he should already know the fundamental before claiming something works, and the fundamental is to do a correct clinical study with half of placebo patients. That's how you know if some drug works or not. And this is known by every serious doctor out there.
No placebo = No serious study = Cannot claim something works. As simple as that.

For a serious clinical trial, see here:

Effect of Hydroxychloroquine in Hospitalized Patients with Covid-19


In this randomized, controlled, open-label platform trial comparing a range of possible treatments with usual care in patients hospitalized with Covid-19, we randomly assigned 1561 patients to receive hydroxychloroquine and 3155 to receive usual care. The primary outcome was 28-day mortality.


Among patients hospitalized with Covid-19, those who received hydroxychloroquine did not have a lower incidence of death at 28 days than those who received usual care.
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Before he starts claiming he has treated 1700 people successfully with something, he should already know the fundamental before claiming something works, and the fundamental is to do a correct clinical study with half of placebo patients. That's how you know if some drug works or not. And this is known by every serious doctor out there.
No placebo = No serious study = Cannot claim something works. As simple as that.

For a serious clinical trial, see here:

Effect of Hydroxychloroquine in Hospitalized Patients with Covid-19


In this randomized, controlled, open-label platform trial comparing a range of possible treatments with usual care in patients hospitalized with Covid-19, we randomly assigned 1561 patients to receive hydroxychloroquine and 3155 to receive usual care. The primary outcome was 28-day mortality.


Among patients hospitalized with Covid-19, those who received hydroxychloroquine did not have a lower incidence of death at 28 days than those who received usual care.

So you'll post all of this rhetoric repeatedly and stand firmly in that as the truth!??? :wtf:

......rather than watch the five minute clip of Brian Tyson MD who is actually treating people and has FIRST HAND EXPERIENCE HEALING 1700 COVID PATIENTS!? :xf.laugh::xf.laugh::xf.laugh:

And then compute your newly found data to form a clearer opinion about the parameters being discussed....!?
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So you'll post all of this rhetoric repeatedly and stand firmly in that as the truth!??? :wtf:

......rather than watch the five minute clip of Brian Tyson MD who is actually treating people and has FIRST HAND EXPERIENCE HEALING 1700 COVID PATIENTS!? :xf.laugh::xf.laugh::xf.laugh:

And then compute your newly found data to form a clearer opinion about the parameters being discussed....!?
No clinical trial, nothing.
He says from the 1700 patients treated with hydroxychloroquine, all have been saved! wow!

So the clinical trial I have already reported, with more than 4,500 patients, 1561 using hydroxychloroquine and having not noticed ANY different ending in number of deaths... is just nonsense, right?

And by the way, I just stopped watching that video at the very first second I heard this:
"if we had used hydroxychloroquine, we could have saved 75% to 80% of the 200,000 people who have already died from COVID-19."
It's just unbelievable, that doctor has the guts to say that.
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No clinical trial, nothing.
And by the way, I just stopped watching that video at the very first second I heard this:
"if we had used hydroxychloroquine, we could have saved 75% to 80% of the 200,000 people already died by covid-19."
It's just unbelievable, that doctor has the guts to say that.

Do his 1700 patients count as a evidence?

I understand many like to turn away from information that does not gratify confirmation bias.

None of us are perfect, but you can feel that Dr cares about his patients and did the best he could and got great results and he is sharing his experience.
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While the jury was out, I left for greener pastures, got lots of sunshine, plenty of fresh air and peace of mind. I for one cannot tolerate incarceration or mind control. When the Atlantic bubble burst, I headed farther north - away from the scene. Now I'm about as isolated as it gets, living on the edge - where I like it. I'm still battling - against my own doubts, and the overuse of common household cleaners wherever I go. I feel drained in the debate. How can society go on like this? I agree it is a spiritual battle for energy.
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