Do you think teenagers are steriotyped across the internet?

Spaceship Spaceship

Do you think teenagers are disrespected on the internet?

  • This poll is still running and the standings may change.
  • Yes - And we should do something about it

  • No - But it would be nice to have a system where teenagers can gain a status that people can trust

  • Yes - But I don't think its right to start a system

  • No - And I don't think any type of system is good!

  • This poll is still running and the standings may change.


Soon to be RICHdoggie!VIP Member
Do you think that teenagers are frowned apon across the internet?

I do... but what can we do?

I was thinking... maybe we could start up a website/system where teenagers come and register as a business. We monitor their services and provide full reports on the running of the business. They can have a free logo to put on their site as well, saying they are certified!

Who thinks this is a good idea? Only for teenagers remember! :)

The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Qwert said:
Well here are valid reasons for drinking and voting

Drinking - Brings in money, the bars pay taxes and the more they make the more they pay in taxes helping fund other things, such as schools. You know the school system in US, as well as UK, and most of Europe is shit, more money might help...

I am sorry Qwert, that is the most pathetic excuse for drinking that I have ever heard. Please check out the tax figures to see exactly how much the Gov gets in from taxes on alchoholic beverages and compare that to other areas of taxation, I think that you will find that only a small amount comes from alchohol.

Qwert said:
Voting - Definatly a difference between US and UK. You guys don't have Bush as your president. And no Tony Blare isn't just as bad. Which is more money, 25 Billion USDs or 4 Trillion USDs?

btw, this country's gov't has a yearly budget of over £500bn (= approx $961bn) which is one hell of alot more than the $25 bn that you assume.
You are right however, most people are not voting atm mostly because the economy is running well, Gordon Brown just announced that Britain has had 50 Quaters of grwoth only. People tend to mostly vote in a time of need.
I nulled since i wanted to vote "Yes - but i don't care"
why is it that you don't care?
Zeeble said:
btw, this country's gov't has a yearly budget of over £500bn (= approx $961bn) which is one hell of alot more than the $25 bn that you assume.
You are right however, most people are not voting atm mostly because the economy is running well, Gordon Brown just announced that Britain has had 50 Quaters of grwoth only. People tend to mostly vote in a time of need.

25B debt not ecenomy...
PoorDoggie: I recommend letting people see the posts without signing up. Just my opinion.

To address a few things so far ^_^

First, yes, teens are stereotyped over the internet. Honestly, I think it's a justified stereotype. For instance:

Just spend a couple minutes and take a look around. It's hard to expect someone to respect you when "u type liek dis" - or in all capitals, or capitalize every other word, or show zero knowledge in the basics of english. Respect is a combination of someone respecting your ability, your image, your personality - if the majority of teens (and it problably is the majority) can't (or choose not to) type properly, what does that say about the image as a whole?

Thats not to say all teens are like that. I avoided this forum like the plague till I decided to go exploring a bit. I was actually a bit shocked at how intelligent the posts here were. Most people here are problably the exception to the rule, though. So, while not all teens act, type, or are stupid, the majority (i.e. the stereotype) - is that they do.

Okay I might as well make this post extra long ...

I don't think teens should have businesses, I would prefer the right to drink, vote, and say whatever I want without it being "disturbing the peace" (Thanks for your help Bill or Rights) For one, if I **** up, I ****ed up and I wouldn't be able to do anything about it, neigher would you guys. If teens were just allowed to just have businesses and they scammed you you can't sue them or anything. And another thing, as teens we have school, we should concentrate on school instead of a business which will most likly fail anyway.

I strongly disaggree with that. First of all, a business created by a teen will almost definitely fail. That doesn't really mean anything though. We're not involving any venture capitalists, banks, or loans of any other sorts. We're involving our own and each other's time, and maybe a few dollars from our pockets. One out of ten businesses fail within their first years, but nobody gets it right the first time. (Okay maybe some lucky bastard.)

I've been studying "success" since I was about 14-15. I'm not personally going to go into business (even though it interests me,) I want to be a real estate investor. Even so, though, the skills you need to succeed in business, real estate, or anything really is pretty similar. (They're actually more values than skills.) It doesn't really matter who's success "theory" you listen to - Napolean Hill, Robert Kiyosaki, Steven Coffee, Anthony Robbins - it's mostly about the attitude. Not giving up is a basic.

In other words, just because you'll fall flat on your ass isn't a good reason not to try. If you'd succeed 1/10 times, all you need to do is try 10 times. (Of course it's not that simple - most people just try once and give up. A person that keeps trying and trying already has the right quality(s). A person who's failed a business 5 times is alot more likely to succeed than someone who's only tried once.)

And the school thing. (I love starting sentences with and ^_^) "Go to school, get good grades, go to a good college, get a good job?" Please. Getting a job with good "security" and good plans are a thing of the past. Companies don't last as long as they used to, job security is no security at all. The best security is the security to know that you have skills and knowledge that will let you survive in the real world. Real security is knowing that you can go into business, make nothing, and know you still have the graphic design and programming skills to feed yourself freelancing. Even better is knowing you have the skills to find a preforclosed house, purchase it and flip it in 3 months should your business fail.

A degree is a piece of paper someone else gives value. It gives you the right to sell your time for someone else's money at a certain exchange rate. (10/hr, 30/hr, etc.) Don't work for someone else, have someone else work for you. Don't work for your money, have your money work for you. (Thats what investing is.) Have your brain work for yourself instead of someone else.

And the voting thing, I don't think most people really make a responsible or well informed decision anyway, so I don't see how teens being irresponsible is a good argument. A democracy should be the voice of the public, and that should include teenagers, african americans, prison inmates, women, presidents. (Actually, I've been wondering - can the president vote? o_o)

Anyway, thats it. Good job if you read this far ^_~ :bingo:
As I have said to PoorDoggie via MSN, this is not really a good idea. This is because, it would take many years you'd need for the teenager's clients to trust them just because of the certification. It would be difficult to implement, you'd probably need licences from the government, permission etc. It would just be more trouble than it is worth. For that reason, I am against it (and I'm sure I'm gonna get flamed for this ;))

Also, this could work against the teenager. If they display the "certification logo" then any potential clients would know that they are a teenager and not wish to do business with them.
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will7 said:
Also, this could work against the teenager. If they display the "certification logo" then any potential clients would know that they are a teenager and not wish to do business with them.
I thought about this... but then I hoped that the clients would trust it. Also, we are looking to do client surveys to get some independant quality reports. Clients can come to our website and see the reports and stuff given to the business from other clients. Therefore making it more trustable.

Another idea was given above (i think) was to have a forum to start it off. Teenage entrepreneurs could go and chat about stuff.

It all seemed like a good idea at the start, but its kinda reering its ugly head! :lol:

CelestiaLegends said:
Okay I might as well make this post extra long ...
I don't want to... so go read above for the rest of CelestiaLegends post! :lol:

I think you are right. Getting a good job and whatever is more important than running a business, but wo says we can't try. I have dreamt about it for ages. I have my life practically planned out in front of me...

Pass GCSEs
Pass A Levels
Do course in animatics and 3d animation
Get a job at Pixar or Blue Sky Studios (or whatever)
Run a small business in the background (just for some extra pocket money..)

There will always be that small thing in the backgound. I feel as though I want to make something of myself. I want to be successful. I don't know why this is, but its there. I like knowing that People respect me for the service I provide. I think this isn't the case with oher teenagers though. I think that the majority (as you said) want to make a bit of extra cash. It seems [you were right] people here at namepros are in my half of things. They aren't doing it for the money, they are doing it for that sense of gratification, the knowledge that they have made something of themselves without someone elses help, and thats what drives them on.

The subtle diffferences between these two groups are:

- The way they speak, I try to keep everything I say professional
- The way they manage their time. I split my time, so I have enough time for school, and then what is left I spend on my business, others will be different.
- The modesty with which they run their business. I mean, I will advertise my business wherever and whenever I can, but these people who just want money will boast about it, and will "show off" and then say it was advertising.

There are differences. I suppose this is something we should watch out for really.

I [as I am sure others here are] am very concious about school, and getting good grades. If I feel I am slipping I try harder. My business is very small at the moment, and I havent had many clients, but when I do, I will always put my schooling first.

I am having second thoughts about this idea. Just reading through my post here, I am worried about provoking teenagers to neglect school. I felt that all teenagers must be sensible, but again I am having second thoughts on that.

Oh well... the purose of this thread was really to have a poll... :D It worked!

I dunno why I hid the forum items really. I suppose I just wanted it for members only, but forgot that anyone can join! :lol:

teens are steriotyped, i think little script kiddie hackers etc start the trust issues, i try to help as much as i can, people dont seem to mind im only 15, im openly honest with them, some teens lie, the response i get is "im XXyears old and i cant do that" etc, they dont seem to mind, but i would be interested in helping out on a site of that sort, maybe people can host there portifolios on there, and they can like link companys, colleges etc to there, i dont know lol, pm me if you need any help with anything
a nice though XF... we are talking about it at "" if you want to have a look. You need to login to see the forums! :)

CelestiaLegends said:
PoorDoggie: I recommend letting people see the posts without signing up. Just my opinion.

To address a few things so far ^_^

First, yes, teens are stereotyped over the internet. Honestly, I think it's a justified stereotype. For instance:

Just spend a couple minutes and take a look around. It's hard to expect someone to respect you when "u type liek dis" - or in all capitals, or capitalize every other word, or show zero knowledge in the basics of english. Respect is a combination of someone respecting your ability, your image, your personality - if the majority of teens (and it problably is the majority) can't (or choose not to) type properly, what does that say about the image as a whole?

Thats not to say all teens are like that. I avoided this forum like the plague till I decided to go exploring a bit. I was actually a bit shocked at how intelligent the posts here were. Most people here are problably the exception to the rule, though. So, while not all teens act, type, or are stupid, the majority (i.e. the stereotype) - is that they do.

Okay I might as well make this post extra long ...

I strongly disaggree with that. First of all, a business created by a teen will almost definitely fail. That doesn't really mean anything though. We're not involving any venture capitalists, banks, or loans of any other sorts. We're involving our own and each other's time, and maybe a few dollars from our pockets. One out of ten businesses fail within their first years, but nobody gets it right the first time. (Okay maybe some lucky bastard.)

I've been studying "success" since I was about 14-15. I'm not personally going to go into business (even though it interests me,) I want to be a real estate investor. Even so, though, the skills you need to succeed in business, real estate, or anything really is pretty similar. (They're actually more values than skills.) It doesn't really matter who's success "theory" you listen to - Napolean Hill, Robert Kiyosaki, Steven Coffee, Anthony Robbins - it's mostly about the attitude. Not giving up is a basic.

In other words, just because you'll fall flat on your ass isn't a good reason not to try. If you'd succeed 1/10 times, all you need to do is try 10 times. (Of course it's not that simple - most people just try once and give up. A person that keeps trying and trying already has the right quality(s). A person who's failed a business 5 times is alot more likely to succeed than someone who's only tried once.)

And the school thing. (I love starting sentences with and ^_^) "Go to school, get good grades, go to a good college, get a good job?" Please. Getting a job with good "security" and good plans are a thing of the past. Companies don't last as long as they used to, job security is no security at all. The best security is the security to know that you have skills and knowledge that will let you survive in the real world. Real security is knowing that you can go into business, make nothing, and know you still have the graphic design and programming skills to feed yourself freelancing. Even better is knowing you have the skills to find a preforclosed house, purchase it and flip it in 3 months should your business fail.

A degree is a piece of paper someone else gives value. It gives you the right to sell your time for someone else's money at a certain exchange rate. (10/hr, 30/hr, etc.) Don't work for someone else, have someone else work for you. Don't work for your money, have your money work for you. (Thats what investing is.) Have your brain work for yourself instead of someone else.

And the voting thing, I don't think most people really make a responsible or well informed decision anyway, so I don't see how teens being irresponsible is a good argument. A democracy should be the voice of the public, and that should include teenagers, african americans, prison inmates, women, presidents. (Actually, I've been wondering - can the president vote? o_o)

Anyway, thats it. Good job if you read this far ^_~ :bingo:

You sound like my parents...

And they have come really bad moderators over at that site.
Qwert said:
And they have come really bad moderators over at that site.
eh? :-/

gaia online is an awful board. It looks well presented, but then you see the have posts upto like 8000 pages long, and you can tell that people are just fooling around.

The moderators are bad, but they don't need to be too good. My dad spammed it and put a website up in the chat room board. He went back later, and it was buried below about 100 new threads. :hehe:
lol, i dont like forums too heavily active, or too quiet, this is a forum i can handle, and last time i was annoyed with a forum, i know it was wrong, i joined a proxy, and done mass spam attacks :O i never got caught though :o
Qwert said:
25B debt not ecenomy...

Britain is actually over £400bn in debt, if you compare that to the size of the US and the UK economy, the £400bn is far more serious.
Zeeble said:
Britain is actually over £400bn in debt, if you compare that to the size of the US and the UK economy, the £400bn is far more serious.
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