Do you think the Russia-Ukraine crisis will cause any significant impact in the domain industry?

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Do you think the Russia-Ukraine crisis will cause any significant impact in the domain industry?

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Anees Ahmad

Established Member

The US government expanded sanctions against Russia. All US transactions with Russia's central bank is just cut off. SWIFT, Wise and remittance processor Remitly have suspended their services in Russia. Putin ordered a ban on foreign exchange loans and transfers by Russian residents to outside of the country.

Stock market and cryptos are already going crazy. Do you think these will cause any significant impact in the domain industry as well?

@Bob Hawkes @James Iles @iowadawg @briguy @GILSAN @johname @Silentptnr @mr-x @JB Lions @Kate @Samer
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Lukoil -

10/15/2021 - $67B
2/18/2022 - $55B
Today - $23B
Russia's second largest oil company has broken ranks with President Vladimir Putin.

Lukoil, which produces more than 2% of the world's crude oil and employs over 100,000 people, has called for an end to Russia's war in Ukraine.

The company's board of directors said in a statement to shareholders, staff and customers that it was "calling for the soonest termination of the armed conflict."

"We express our sincere empathy for all victims, who are affected by this tragedy. We strongly support a lasting ceasefire and a settlement of problems through serious negotiations and diplomacy," the board added.

Lukoil (LUKOY) chairman and CEO Vagit Alekperov is one of Russia's richest men.
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It could on a smaller scale, such as what is happening with Namecheap and Opensea which is more a targeted consumer IP approach, but on a larger scale the crisis would have to spread to physical damage to core infrastructure that supports the DNS in general, eg underwater cables running from continent to continent, server holding facilities and even satellites that can be used as a fallback. We're not there yet.

The fact that Ukraine has Europe's largest nuclear plant is cause for worry. A quick search shows Europe with 79 million internet users, over 90% of households with access. An impact on this would be catastrophic across the board. Nowadays a trickle effect grows quickly just on social media, let alone war.

There may be facilities scattered across the globe, but they are all interconnected in some form or other and I don't what kind of redundancies are in place in a scenario where the war spreads. These things can also be managed by switching. Like how countries have the ability to simply block off or contain access from the rest of the world in times of crisis. Which means some ccTLD domains can continue on within their respective geographic location.

Interesting question, and the impact is sure to be felt even in domains. Already is. This war in todays day and age where we know the value of human life and the tools we now have for communicating just obliterates centuries of learning and advancement when we move to physical force. It really exemplifies our rawness and barbarism. Without completely understanding the root cause though, from both sides, this is our world.
ICANN responded regarding domain names:

ICANN is an independent technical organization that manages the Internet’s unique identifiers. ICANN is a facilitator of the security, stability, and resiliency of these identifiers with the objective of a single, global, interoperable Internet. In our role as the technical coordinator of
unique identifiers for the Internet, we take actions to ensure that the workings of the Internet are not politicized, and we have no sanction-levying authority. Essentially, ICANN has been built toensure that the Internet works, not for its coordination role to be used to stop it from working.

As you know, the Internet is a decentralized system. No one actor has the ability to control it or shut it down. ICANN’s primary role, through the functions of the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), is to ensure the consistent and unique assignment of Internet identifiers in line with global policies.

Source :
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Ukraine is being liberated by Russia? WTF are you talking about.

Russia is invading a sovereign country that doesn't want them there and causing massive carnage, and paying a massive price for it. Their entire economy is in ruins. I wonder if most Russians think it was worth it...I sure doubt it.

The Ukraine people are against it. Russian people are against it. The entire world is against it.

It is a real warped view to see it as Russia liberating Ukraine.

Brad, as much as I understand your angle, I am a Nigerian (and African) and my sentiment towards this discussion would be different of course.

Therefore, I ask: Didn't the United States of America know that Libya (a country in Africa) was a sovereign state before attacking it?

Muammar Gaddafi, the deposed leader of Libya, was captured and killed on 20 October 2011 after the Battle of Sirte--Wikipedia

Libya has never remained the same after that incident in which Gaddafi was murdered. That country has retrogressed so much that the future looks so bleak for them.

Africa, especially West Africa has never remained the same again after Gaddafi was murdered, with terrorism spilling over.

Whatever Russia is doing right now, the United States did 20 times worse to a lot of countries, many of which haven't recovered decades after the carnage.

It is hypocritical and a double standard to accuse Russia of the same crime that the US has committed in other climes.

As a Nigerian, I know the role Obama played to bring in the current president that has succeeded in setting us 35 years back and almost wiped off the gains we have had since 1999. It will take us 35 years to get to the stage we were in 2015 because Obama interfered in our politics and it is a shame that he could be involved in setting the continent of his father backward (both in killing Gaddafi and our election), considering the fact that he is father was from Kenya (another country in Africa)

I do hope that Ukraine and Russia call for a truce soon so that innocent people do not suffer.
Therefore, I ask: Didn't the United States of America know that Libya (a country in Africa) was a sovereign state before attacking it?
There's a "small" difference. Libya was a DICTATORSHIP and its citizens wanted to live in a FREE country with FREE ELECTIONS and a real DEMOCRACY. Some countries under a dictatorship would have paid for an external country to have entered and expelled their dictator.
It is hypocritical and a double standard to accuse Russia of the same crime that the US has committed in other climes.
Whatever the US has done wrongly, it is quite hypocritical to justify something wrong with something else wrong.
A REAL DEMOCRACY and peaceful country is being BOMBED, ATTACKED AND MASSACRED by land, sea and air by a DICTATOR.
Thousands of innoncent civilians are being killed right now by a crazy dictator.
There's a "small" difference. Libya was a DICTATORSHIP and its citizens wanted to live in a FREE country with FREE ELECTIONS and a real DEMOCRACY. Some countries under a dictatorship would have paid for an external country to have entered and expelled their dictator.
Gadaffi was not a dictator... HE DID EXTREMELY well for his people to the point that a lot of other Africans were moving to Libya to live and work. It was the western propaganda to rope him as one in order to get him killed.

Go and ask Libyans about their lives after his death and stop propagating the lies of the U.S. I can see how killing him has made Libya better than when he was alive.
Gadaffi was not a dictator...
I see that you really don't have it very clear what is a dictator. A dictator don't let the people of his country vote and choose their political choices. A dictator leads a country without any other political parties. A dictator rules the country forever if he can. Gadaffi was a dictator during 42 years.

But yes, maybe some people in some countries prefer to be ruled by a dictator. Not everybody wants to live in a free country with freedom of choice and other liberties. Some seem to like living under the sword of a tyrant.
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Gadaffi was not a dictator... HE DID EXTREMELY well for his people to the point that a lot of other Africans were moving to Libya to live and work. It was the western propaganda to rope him as one in order to get him killed.

Go and ask Libyans about their lives after his death and stop propagating the lies of the U.S. I can see how killing him has made Libya better than when he was alive.
You are saying that you are from Nigeria, so let me know please how many times were you in Libya during Gadaffi ruling? I'm european and my father worked there 3 years when Gadaffi was in control and believe me, he was a dictator. My father was treated well and the same were like half of the local population, but the rest of them were treated as 3 hand peoples, something close to slaves( and I know this from my father, not from books or media)
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Brad, as much as I understand your angle, I am a Nigerian (and African) and my sentiment towards this discussion would be different of course.

Therefore, I ask: Didn't the United States of America know that Libya (a country in Africa) was a sovereign state before attacking it?

Muammar Gaddafi, the deposed leader of Libya, was captured and killed on 20 October 2011 after the Battle of Sirte--Wikipedia

Libya has never remained the same after that incident in which Gaddafi was murdered. That country has retrogressed so much that the future looks so bleak for them.

Africa, especially West Africa has never remained the same again after Gaddafi was murdered, with terrorism spilling over.

Whatever Russia is doing right now, the United States did 20 times worse to a lot of countries, many of which haven't recovered decades after the carnage.

It is hypocritical and a double standard to accuse Russia of the same crime that the US has committed in other climes.

As a Nigerian, I know the role Obama played to bring in the current president that has succeeded in setting us 35 years back and almost wiped off the gains we have had since 1999. It will take us 35 years to get to the stage we were in 2015 because Obama interfered in our politics and it is a shame that he could be involved in setting the continent of his father backward (both in killing Gaddafi and our election), considering the fact that he is father was from Kenya (another country in Africa)

I do hope that Ukraine and Russia call for a truce soon so that innocent people do not suffer.
No need to play with this agents, most of them are CIA agents, their purpose is to defend US actions of war in different countries, which had the purpose to grab their resources so they live in abundance.
This people will find anything only to defend that they are right in what they did in all this years, invading poor countries where there is a "dictator" and they come as "saviors" to grab resources.
Everyone knows 2001-11-September was an inside job, a excuse to invade Irak.
Where have you been hiding Frank? So you been laying low lurking not posting.

after having blocked so many namepros members
who haven't said anything of logic and value
namepros started to become more and more boring to me

the new version didn't improve on that feeling

thank you for not forgetting me.... ;)
I see that you really don't have it very clear what is a dictator. A dictator don't let the people of his country vote and choose their political choices. A dictator leads a country without any other political parties. A dictator rules the country forever if he can. Gadaffi was a dictator during 42 years.

But yes, maybe some people in some countries prefer to be ruled by a dictator. Not everybody wants to live in a free country with freedom of choice and other liberties. Some seem to like living under the sword of a tyrant.
Were the citizens' lives not better? Before you talk, please show us what Libya looked like before Gaddafi took over vs what it became during his reign and also tell us why people were trooping into Libya... show us.

You can't just be screaming "dictator", "freedom"

You are not from Libya, yet you talk as if you are from there. There are numerous videos and Quora posts of Libyans regretting the death of Gadaffi.

Hiding behind "dictatorship", "freedom","democracy" to disguise your evil will not erase your sins.

Russia has had Putin for more than 10 years now, I dare NATO to invade Russia, go on... go and invade Russia!
Were the citizens' lives not better? Before you talk, please show us what Libya looked like before Gaddafi took over vs what it became during his reign and also tell us why people were trooping into Libya... show us.

You can't just be screaming "dictator", "freedom"

You are not from Libya, yet you talk as if you are from there. There are numerous videos and Quora posts of Libyans regretting the death of Gadaffi.

Hiding behind "dictatorship", "freedom","democracy" to disguise your evil will not erase your sins.

Russia has had Putin for more than 10 years now, I dare NATO to invade Russia, go on... go and invade Russia!
A dictator can't be a dictator without at least 5%-10% are on his side, so for sure some are regretting it, there was no dictator in the world to not be regretted by a handful of peoples.
It takes 2 days to wipe off Russia, without her nuclear warheads, NATO army is 10 times stronger. By the way, an ex FSB agent was just talking about warheads, exactly how I was expecting, Putin has no power over nuclear warheads, there are a few generals who take the decision and a few other hundreds soldiers who need to obey, so not really possible. Also, most of that nuclear warheads are 40-50 years old and they need to be maintained and the plutonium needs to be replaced every 10 years at huge cost and they use expired food for their soldiers from 7 years ago, so for sure they didn't had money to replace it. All this is said by one of their own peoples, ex FSB agent, connected to everything there.
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Hiding behind "dictatorship", "freedom","democracy" to disguise your evil will not erase your sins.
Again, a dictatorship is a dictatorship. A dictator is a dictator. If you still don't know what is a dictator it's your problem.
Keep your evils and your sins for yourself. As I said, some people like to live under the sword of a dictator. Maybe they need a dictator to tell them what to do or how to live, to keep them happy. Some people don't kow to live under a democracy with personal freedom. I already understand it.
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Show attachment 210931

The US government expanded sanctions against Russia. All US transactions with Russia's central bank is just cut off. SWIFT, Wise and remittance processor Remitly have suspended their services in Russia. Putin ordered a ban on foreign exchange loans and transfers by Russian residents to outside of the country.

Stock market and cryptos are already going crazy. Do you think these will cause any significant impact in the domain industry as well?

@Bob Hawkes @James Iles @iowadawg @briguy @GILSAN @johname @Silentptnr @mr-x @JB Lions @Kate @Samer

If you are Russian you will be affected by the sanctions. The war in Ukraine is small but has potential to be catastrophic, I don't think that will happen.

We've had 30 years of war in the middle east, millions of people affected, the difference is the key players didn't have nukes.

War isn't bad for the world economy but energy shortages, supply chain problems and and inflation will have an effect.

The other short term problem I see is countries regulating crypto. Web 3 is going to make a lot of TM lawyers rich but that is a year or two off.

Blue chip .com's will retain their value. Everything else will depend on the world economy.
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Top level .UA domains are allowed for TM holders only.
It is true, that only trademark holders are able to register short .ua domains like, but there are many official subdomains like Anyone worldwide is able to register domain names like

We are an official registrar of .ua domains. You can register in spite of the war .ua domains and they will work.

The databases and technical infrastructure of the registry have been transferred from Ukraine to a Western country.

Hans-Peter Oswald
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I don't agree with what Russia is doing , but could this be a contrarian opportunity to invest in Russian companies? Their stocks have been crushed but the resources are still there.
Ukraine became a place for GMO seeds, organ harvesting, bioweapons, money laundering, terror against its own people, etc after Feb 2014 Maidan orange revolution. If you only watch mainstream media, you can't learn the truth.
these are good sources (but not perfect, because they pretend Biden is the real president).
There are many other sites, maybe better ones, giving info about this topic, but I intentionally chose ones which can't easily be classified as "fake news" by the mainstream system.

I'm not stoned enough for this shit.
I don't agree with what Russia is doing , but could this be a contrarian opportunity to invest in Russian companies? Their stocks have been crushed but the resources are still there.

If you are all for supporting war crimes and have no sense of morality and ethics, yes.
I don't agree with what Russia is doing , but could this be a contrarian opportunity to invest in Russian companies? Their stocks have been crushed but the resources are still there.
Maybe. But I would personally be morally against supporting their economy at this point.

There is also no easy mechanism to remove sanctions. It is not like foreign countries or companies are going to be rushing to do business with Russia any time soon.

US / Western countries have a history of not removing sanctions for many years.

Their currency will collapse (further) and they will likely default in short order. Also, their self-sanctions of not allowing foreign money to leave and threatening to nationalize private company assets there is surely not going to be appealing for any new investment in the future.

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I don't agree with what Russia is doing , but could this be a contrarian opportunity to invest in Russian companies? Their stocks have been crushed but the resources are still there.

interesting point even though many people wouldn't have enough money to buy companies. But if living expenses get cheaper, Russia would be more attractive to digital nomads who constantly seek for countries with low living expenses.
Dominating will be affected if economy is affected because startups and small business (which are main domains customers) will have hard time.

If this war continues for long enough then it will surely affect the global economy, take oil prices alone, the increase in oil prices will have an impact on every industry and will increase the prices of all goods including food and water! In the near future if things do not de-escalate then this war may lead to a global economic depression. Unlsess countries such as Iran and Venzualla (both are pro Russia) agree to increase oil production to compensate Russian oil.

That without even talking about the possibility of a large scale clash between the Nato and Russia.
Probably, depending on what NameCheap is going to do to those Russian domains, if they drop them it's going to be a frenzy
Buyers are now very cautious, especially in europe, and some of them have cancelled their purchases.
If people cannot renew domains they will go into pool so it effects.
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