
Spaceship Spaceship
Has anyone had any experience with, or know anything about them? Pros and cons as opposed to just parking somewhere?
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Never seen it before, but it looks very interesting. Much more profitable than parking, I'm sure. But I doubt they would work with you unless you have a truly premium generic name.
Never heard.Anybody review?
This definitely seems interesting.. am ablogger as well as a domainer after all :D lol
gonna check this out... anyone know if there are any restrictions?
Never heard.Anybody review?
Prompted by this thread. I contacted them. They're mainly only interested in .com generics with existing traffic (understandably). So any notion that it might benefit your low traffic parked domains is probably fallacious.
stub said:
They're mainly only interested in .com generics with existing traffic (understandably). So any notion that it might benefit your low traffic parked domains is probably fallacious.
Good to know. Thanks for making the inquiry.
I'm one of the developers from and while looking through our stats, I noticed the traffic coming over from NamePros. After reading through the thread, I thought I might clarify what it is that we're looking for.

As was earlier noted, we do prefer generic domain names; however, traffic on the domain is not necessary.

For example, one site under our platform is It had almost zero type-in traffic when we took over control, but the name itself has potential and we're happy to build it out. Although development of is still in its infancy, it is now getting consistent traffic and generating income.

The same thing goes for names that are not particularly generic, but have some traffic. This type of domain is something that we would need to talk the owner about to determine the options and potential of the name.

An example of such a domain would be our current project: The tools in our platform weren’t quite built toward an automotive option when we were approached with this name, but we have since built a component on our platform that now gives us the option of working with that particular name.

A domain like would now fit perfectly within our system and we would gladly discuss partnership, even if your traffic numbers are low.

Regardless of your domain portfolio, we are always looking for the opportunity to get into a new niche so that we can offer our services to a wider group.

With our continuing expansion and development options, we encourage anyone to submit a list of their domains to us. Some of the greatest opportunities we’ve had have been ideas that crop up through conversation with people who have been in contact with us through our domain submission form.

So, by all means, please don’t assume that you don’t have anything of interest to us just because we are going a different direction at the moment. Going forward, we will be continually branching out what we offer.

If in a few months we begin work on a particular domain niche that has been submitted to us, we’ll be in touch with you.

Please submit your names here:

At worse, we let you know that we don’t have any options for you at the moment. At best, we begin development on your domain where there’s money to be made.

The Domainer Team.
Never heard.Anybody review?
domainercom do you have a list themes that you presently have completed I saw your example sites and just as an example i have a veternarian parked page that gets some traffic and income, like many I am a little hesitant because risk of losing a steady income that might be lost I realize to make it big you have to take chances so i will probably forward some names. should we give you a summary of the names traffic and do you accept typos of generics or should we leave them off the list. Thanks
Joe T
Just submitted a few pretty good ones - i'll see what they come back with. if accepted in i'll let you know what i think.
I submitted a list of names too! Looks very promising.
I had submited my list and even heard back from them on them...
The mail actually was encouraging, wasn't a typical automated one... have replied but haven't heard back from them...(which is not an issue with me really)
Joe T: We prefer real names, as opposed to typos, unless, it's a Flickr-type name that has, for example, an idea formed around it and will fit into our business model.

A typo could still be valuable if it has some relevance to another domain we're running with, but we really don’t look too closely at them.

Of course, this is the kind of thing that would need to be discussed.

This is a fast business. As we build out names, our focus changes to new ways to innovate. And we’re always open to new proposals.

The Domainer Team
fatter said:
domainercom do you have a list themes that you presently have completed

I second that question.
Thanks for coming aboard and answering questions, domainercom.

I have sent you three separate applications. Two have domain lists and the third is for a blog that we wrote but never promoted at all or monetized in any way.

You are only interested in .com at the moment right? No other tlds, like .tv?
fatter said:
domainercom do you have a list themes that you presently have completed
Our corporate site has the answer to this question. If I understand correctly, you're looking for a list of the different niches we develop in.

If you take a look at this page, it lists the content providers we currently work with.

I don’t want to be misleading because that page mentions a YouTube module that we built about eight months ago that we’ve yet to use on any domains. But that’s was something that was built because of an idea that didn’t pan out like we envisioned.

I mentioned earlier that we are working on a new platform - which is nearing completion - which further adds to the type of domain names we're looking to work with right now.

For example, if you have any automotive names like, that would fit in quite nicely with the component we are currently building.

DADomains said:
You are only interested in .com at the moment right? No other tlds, like .tv?
We’ve started to branch out on this front. I’ve said before that the domain doesn’t matter as long as it is generic enough and can be built under our platform.

Check out It’s the first .CA we’ve built. It’s been live for about a month but is already showing promising signs of growth.

Obviously .COM is one of the more powerful TLDs, but we’re not exclusive to it.

The Domainer Team

The site is very nice.
However, it's a wine domain, a specific one at that, which in itself assures decent value and also provides related traffic that is inevitable for a wine domain that depicts a certain sort of wine that is known and produced world wide.
Since you're running a store on this domain, i wonder about the "background" of
What's the revenue split in the event of a sale?
What's the revenue split on banner sales, leaderboard or large format ads sales?
Does the site owner have the option to determine pricing for RPM sales?
The site owner has influence on design and content decisions?
The site owner have to leave his/her domain with you for a minimum time frame?
Anything other than the NS have to be changed?
Who's responsible and carries the costs for advertising the site, arbitrage, and so forth?

Basically, if you find a minute, give us a run down of the options, pro's and con's of partnering with you. Also, in comparison to "regularly" parked sites, what's your percentage of traffic increase, conversion, etc.?


Intelbank I contacted them several days ago asking some similar questions about policies and transparency but have not received a response. Perhaps as a NamePros moderator you'll have better luck getting a response. I'm sure several of us are interested in domainer.coms answers to your questions.
••• said:

The site is very nice.
However, it's a wine domain, a specific one at that, which in itself assures decent value and also provides related traffic that is inevitable for a wine domain that depicts a certain sort of wine that is known and produced world wide.
Since you're running a store on this domain, i wonder about the "background" of
What's the revenue split in the event of a sale?
What's the revenue split on banner sales, leaderboard or large format ads sales?
Does the site owner have the option to determine pricing for RPM sales?
The site owner has influence on design and content decisions?
The site owner have to leave his/her domain with you for a minimum time frame?
Anything other than the NS have to be changed?
Who's responsible and carries the costs for advertising the site, arbitrage, and so forth?

Basically, if you find a minute, give us a run down of the options, pro's and con's of partnering with you. Also, in comparison to "regularly" parked sites, what's your percentage of traffic increase, conversion, etc.?



These are good questions.

Revenue and traffic is something that is determined on a ‘per domainer’/’per domain’ basis at this time and something that we determine on an individual basis as to what a potential plan of execution would be.

We certainly do allow participation in the development of your domains. And we would prefer that the domain is left with us for a period so that it is allowed the time to gain traction.

You are correct in that you simply point the NS over to us.

Costs are determined through conversation, but for the most part, we are doing all the work; buying Adwords, advertising, etc.

And finally, as far as a comparison to a parking engine goes – and keeping in mind that we are still a young company – one pattern we see is this: Any non-banned name put into our system is seeing a healthy dose of search engine traffic to supplement the direct type-ins.

The goal of our platform is to build something useful and valuable to the end-user instead of simply driving the traffic elsewhere; with minimal effort by you.

As mentioned before, our platform at the moment is only suited toward certain types of names. We do get back to everyone in this regard to let you know whether we’re interested in working with any of your assets. And we do database submitted names so that they are on hand for the future when we move in different directions.

Thanks for the questions, I hope my answers are sufficient for the time being.

Unfortunately, I need to gracefully bow out of this thread or else Domainer Inc. is going to need to hire a new programmer. I will, however, be keeping an eye on the forum in case anything pops up in need of our attention or a quick answer.

I would like to point out that we are getting your emails but the president of the company is a busy man. Please don’t be discouraged if it takes a few days for him to get back to you.

Nonetheless, feel free to send your questions to him directly at info(a.t)domainer[dot]com.

I would like to extent my thanks to everyone who has submitted their interest in us; once we get some time to catch up, we’ll be responding in turn.

The Domainer Team
While this service has many positive possibilities, and while domainercom was very pleasant in his posts, I am not encouraged by his last post about the company.

No clear-cut figures or stats were forthcoming. To say: "Costs are determined through conversation, but for the most part, we are doing all the work; buying Adwords, advertising, etc." tells me the domain owner doesn't make much of the fact, it seems this is more of a situation where a company negotiates a price to use (lease) a domain from the owner so they can develop and cash in on it. That's fine, but be up front about it.

I find it very hard to believe didn't get much traffic...same with

It's true the company sounds like a start-up...and it's true you should all be busy because of that...but to bug out of this forum with all kinds of important questions about your company left unanswered is probably not the best marketing strategy, especially since this thread is now easily picked up on the 'net.

Please come back...or have an officer of your company come back, and give us more information on your services. I'm very willing to be convinced to try you out, and a good review by any NP member would have positive consequences.
well they cannot answer all questions yet, because obviously they have just started this business.
Let's not be too negative, and wait for a while to see how this develops.
I too submitted a few domains, will see how it goes...
(Removed as duplicate entry)
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verbster said:
While this service has many positive possibilities, and while domainercom was very pleasant in his posts, I am not encouraged by his last post about the company.

No clear-cut figures or stats were forthcoming. To say: "Costs are determined through conversation, but for the most part, we are doing all the work; buying Adwords, advertising, etc." tells me the domain owner doesn't make much of the fact, it seems this is more of a situation where a company negotiates a price to use (lease) a domain from the owner so they can develop and cash in on it. That's fine, but be up front about it.

I find it very hard to believe didn't get much traffic...same with

It's true the company sounds like a start-up...and it's true you should all be busy because of that...but to bug out of this forum with all kinds of important questions about your company left unanswered is probably not the best marketing strategy, especially since this thread is now easily picked up on the 'net.

Please come back...or have an officer of your company come back, and give us more information on your services. I'm very willing to be convinced to try you out, and a good review by any NP member would have positive consequences.

This is just the kind of thing that gets me back here. :) And I admit that my last reply was a little fuzzy in terms of what we're doing. So to clarify:

I will point out that, to date, we have not 'leased' any domains. And for the most part, we have either given monthly revenue guarantees (with our best domain names) or shared 40%-60% of overall revenues; sometimes a combination of the two. As I’ve said, it depends upon what can be worked out between both parties.

As for the traffic of the two domains you mentioned, there are two completely different stories for that. really did have very few visitors as far as we can tell. I can’t specify numbers, but we were as surprised as anyone else. We did, however, love the name and developed it on those merits. It’s been live for a little over a month and traffic is going up. has been around for a few years and has been running it’s currently platform for most of that time, so it’s traffic is steady, as expected. Simply viewing the domain’s Alexa stats is proof of this.

I had no intention of being unclear about what I said before. I just did not want to make any promises that we couldn’t back up. The company is still in it’s infancy, y’know. Statistics are unreliable in something this young; although six months down the road, I’m sure we’ll be more comfortable disclosing that kind of information.

I will continue to keep an eye on the thread for anything else and will try to answer questions in my free time.

The Domainer Team
domainercom said:
This is just the kind of thing that gets me back here. :) And I admit that my last reply was a little fuzzy in terms of what we're doing. So to clarify:

I will point out that, to date, we have not 'leased' any domains. And for the most part, we have either given monthly revenue guarantees (with our best domain names) or shared 40%-60% of overall revenues; sometimes a combination of the two. As I’ve said, it depends upon what can be worked out between both parties.

As for the traffic of the two domains you mentioned, there are two completely different stories for that. really did have very few visitors as far as we can tell. I can’t specify numbers, but we were as surprised as anyone else. We did, however, love the name and developed it on those merits. It’s been live for a little over a month and traffic is going up. has been around for a few years and has been running it’s currently platform for most of that time, so it’s traffic is steady, as expected. Simply viewing the domain’s Alexa stats is proof of this.

I had no intention of being unclear about what I said before. I just did not want to make any promises that we couldn’t back up. The company is still in it’s infancy, y’know. Statistics are unreliable in something this young; although six months down the road, I’m sure we’ll be more comfortable disclosing that kind of information.

I will continue to keep an eye on the thread for anything else and will try to answer questions in my free time.

The Domainer Team
So, the question is; Who's got the big picture in your company? Any sales force, consultant, VP of Operations, Press Speaker, Customer Service Specialist,...anyone?
As a developer, it makes perfect sense that you have other things to do and that it's not quite your job, yet your company is dropping valuable chances to gain traction if no one is adequately representing

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