
Dot COM is king, every other extension sucks.

Spaceship Spaceship
" Dot COM is king, every other extension sucks, Your name isn't worth anything, if only it was dot com"

I'm so tired of hearing this same line being said over & over again on this forum by myself and the mass majority here. Even for great one word names that people have registered on other extensions, the same thing is continuoulsy said in the domain appraisal thread.

I will no longer refer to dot com as being a good extension, and only support the weaker extensions for use for now on. That's one of my goal for 2009, to bring out the public awareness of the awesome other extensions that are available.

I'm disappoinited in ICANN for designating dot com as the only extension for widespread use, and all of the people involved with making that one extension the leader when it comes to domains. I dare any registrar to not even include dot com on their list of tld's to choose from, and to only support the exotic extensions. Seriously.. start supporting the other extensions! Put the rare beauties at the top of your list, and put dot com on the bottom. These 60+ other extensions are just as good, and the only way they will become players in the domain world, is to start using them, developing hot sites on them, and opening people's minds to realize dot com isn't the only extension...

For now on the dot com extension is dead to me. :bah:
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
-REECE- said:
If your site is even "okay", you should have plenty of repeat visitors and that's where the difference between parking and development begins to show. I don't mean to be rude, however anyone who thinks most generics are better parked than developed has clearly been brainwashed by a few "top domainers" who clearly stumbled upon domaining by chance or haven't updated their knowledge in 10 years and have no marketing common sense.

If that was true all those top domains would have been bought by the people who can make better use of them many moons ago. Personally I have bought domains with websites on them ranked No.1 for the term to use as park pages. If it was so luractive to develop all the time why would the website owner sell to someone who basically want to turn the site into a parking lot?

Development is a long hard road, it is hit and miss. For the "top domains" development via just adsense and content would need to result in a huge traffic increase to make up for the very low CTR that would result.

-REECE- said:
Cnet (now owned by CBS) -- now that's a domain company we can all be proud of. They recognized the value of direct navigation traffic and instead of being lazy like pretty much all the so called "top domainers", they turned their portfolio into something worth $1.8 billion to CBS. For those who have trouble with math, that's a larger number than Kevin Ham's, Frank Schilling's, Rick Schwartz's, and likely every other domainer featured over the years on DN Journal Cover Stories portfolios combined.

Cnet parks alot of their domains, eg kids.com. There is a whole heap of similiar examples. It isn't their main business but they do park.

-REECE- said:
According to Wikipedia, "Domaining is the business of buying, selling, developing and monetizingInternet domain names not for primary use as a website, but with the goal of profit generation with the intent of resale, like real estate. The noun form is domainer. A domainer is a person who engages in domaining."

I don't know where the idea that domaining doesn't mean developing came from -- I only know that most domainers don't know how and don't want to learn and are for some reason "above" using a CMS like Wordpress for their websites despite it being used by many successful websites.

Wikipedia isn't a dictionary nand indeed that quote seems to be contradictory,

"Domaining is the business of buying, selling, developing"

"not for primary use as a website"

Developing (domains) has always been known as "webmastering" as long as I have known it.
You're right about developed websites converting to clicks a lot lower than parked domain under most circumstances... Personally, I fail to understand why someone with a high traffic website would use Adsense to begin with -- maybe they're not aware of alternatives, maybe they don't want to deal with advertisers.

I do know plenty of people who buy developed websites and turn around, monetize them better, and resell them. That seems like domaining to me.

Doesn't really accomplish much to argue about the definition of domaining and domain developing when neither seem to have a dictionary definition in any reputable dictionary... Anyway, I still stand by my point that I don't believe most domains are better served parked than developed. And that's not to say all domains should be developed -- surely someone with thousands of domains has no choice but to sell most of them, park them, or heavily scrape content, however at least in the case of generics, I really fail to see the logic in generics being better off parked. People with the money to purchase generics do have the money to pay for proper development and the whole idea that endusers like generic .coms would seem somewhat ironic if we're now going to go against that and say generics are better off parked.

snoop said:
If that was true all those top domains would have been bought by the people who can make better use of them many moons ago. Personally I have bought domains with websites on them ranked No.1 for the term to use as park pages. If it was so luractive to develop all the time why would the website owner sell to someone who basically want to turn the site into a parking lot?

Development is a long hard road, it is hit and miss. For the "top domains" development via just adsense and content would need to result in a huge traffic increase to make up for the very low CTR that would result.

Cnet parks alot of their domains, eg kids.com. There is a whole heap of similiar examples. It isn't their main business but they do park.

Wikipedia isn't a dictionary nand indeed that quote seems to be contradictory,

"Domaining is the business of buying, selling, developing"

"not for primary use as a website"

Developing (domains) has always been known as "webmastering" as long as I have known it.
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metrisoft said:
Also, I have never understood why someone in a foreign country like Denmark would choose an English word coupled with a .dk extension. Why not just use the Danish word?

In many countries of the world, English is a common second language. Even where people don't speak it, they know a few words. As such, the sue of English may display a certain level of international awareness, education or just plain snobbery. The closest to this that I know of is the use of French in the UK and too a degree in the US. So some English words work fine under ccTLDs.

The key is "some."

I see too many people buying up .cn or .jp names with English words that not one in a thousand will understand in those countries. Even though some of those phrases get resold at a profit, they are ultimately worthless, in my opinion, because they are useless to end-users.

If you know which English words will fly in which country, then go for it.

ccTLDs have a good future, depending on the country. So does dotcom. The rest all fall in various places in between.
DotComIsKing.info is for Sale :)
com and org

greggish said:
I like .com and .org. I'm not interested in owning any of the other extensions, not even .net, although I do own just one of those.

The above statement is made by someone who has figured it out. Why is he right in most respects? Because .com and .org are the most publicly promoted domain extensions there are. However, many of the customers at Whypark.com are building out their ccTLD's and other extensions and seeing that content can work just as well for a non.com domain name for SE traffic.

Don't write off any domain with a nondotcom extension until you've worked on it "Content and Action", my new phrase for 2009! :wave:
Revenue is King :D No matter what the extension is :D

Revenue could be from parking or from development. Who cares in end when the dollars are rolling in.
I'm not going to give an opinion either way - But do encourage Everyone to follow Sportomoney's lead ....

Leave the .Com's alone - They are Evil and not worth your time :guilty:
Wow!...This thread has even made it on to the domaining.com newsletter.

Mark said:
I'm not going to give an opinion either way - But do encourage Everyone to follow Sportomoney's lead ....

Leave the .Com's alone - They are Evil and not worth your time :guilty:

:lol: :lol: :lol:
equity78 said:
These threads are just over and over. I would bet if the op owned top keyword .coms he would be touting something different. Its all agenda, if you are Frank Schilling you blog about how .com is thee defacto standard, Rick Schwartz who wrote he would never develop a .net, if you have no great .com but great .mobi, then .mobi is the hot new extension to become the next great extension, if you own great idn then its all about IDN. Its natural its only human to support your agenda.

FACT DOMAINING is NOT DEVELOPING, DOMAINING is registering domains and selling them, or parking them and earning PPC.

Developing is starting a business if it is real development, Putting 3 adsense blocks on a page with an article you paid $10 for and an affiliate banner is not development IMO, again IMO.

FACT the most money has been made "DOMAINING" in .com, one just needs to review DN Journal or Namebio or any other sales site.

FACT the most money lost "DOMAINING" has been in .com 70million out of 78 million registrations have got to be low quality. $560,000,000 down the drain at $8 a reg.

.com is the extension of ecommerce so it will remain #1 in the public eye, of course there will be successes in other extensions. A greater chance for that success is to actually go out and do something and not pontificate in domain forums because at the end of the day no one is changing anyone's mind in the agenda based ideology of the domain industry. Look at the Cover Story on DN Journal, one of the guys top 3 tips only reg .com the domain dog just keeps going in a circle chasing its tail. .com>cctld>vanity>.com>vanity>cctld>.com etc.......... Again IMO
Well, that about says it all. Everytime these boring "DOT COM IS KING/DOT COM IS NOT KING" threads show up, this post should be added somewhere in the thread. Rep added. :)
All the new extensions only strengthen the .com brand.

Think about this. Hollywood is the movie capital of the world. Everyday new places arrive claiming to be the next Hollywood. Only Hollywood becomes more popular.

They're making new islands outside of Dubai, will Hawaii and Caribbean become less popular?

They tried to make a new NFL but history matters.

I have countless examples like this in life.

People still talk about and IBM compatible computer. Wow..

What has replaced Windows? Linux? Linux is nice option but the business world uses Windows. History matters.

The fact is this, in life who comes first matters. .Com was first and it matters, and .Com was advertised more than any other tld and that matters. No one can change history. .Com will not go anywhere and it will only gain popularity as other tld's are introduced.

How many people use .jobs? How about .coop? Think about this. .Jobs is a perfect fit for Monster but they stayed with .com. Did priceline.com go to priceline.travel? Nope, they simply redirect it to the .com. .travel is fit for priceline, that's their business but they stuck with the .com. expedia.travel doesn't even exist.

Those that ignore these facts will lose money. I lost money and tried to develop and promote other tld's. In many cases it is cheaper to buy the .com than to spend the money to advertise a new tld when you will still leak traffic to the ,com regardless. I like other tld's but the fact is they will never be .com.
Excellent Post Acronym 007
-REECE- said:
I think anyone who's spent anywhere near as much time on search engines as I have (hardcore nerd :] ) will find that just about all known content is already online -- you might not be able to find it, but that doesn't mean it's not there. Other than new discoveries and the latest news/sports scores, there's not really much other reason to justify having hundreds/thousands of sites on the same topic. That doesn't mean they aren't useful and aren't fully capable of making loads of money for their owners however.

Take a minute to read about the Deep Web: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep_web if you haven't done so already -- there's so much content on the web already that people aren't aware of and likely never will be.

You don't need to create tons of new content to be useful to people -- you just need to present existing content in a way that makes it useful for people. That could be as simple as making it easy to access, navigate, and trimmed of verbose garbage like etymologies that nobody other than a college student writing a paper is interested in.

I agree with your opinion. And REECE you have a very good informative blog on domains, very appreciated! And the best is that you are not monetizing it, meaning you are maximizing your blog for reader value, amazing! *Thumbs Up!*
think said:
Dot Museum is king!!!!!!!!! :hehe:

Sorry, but from my point of view 'museum' is a bad choice:
1) abiguities in terms of writing it
2) confusion even when recalling
3) too long for an extension

I don't think you can proclaim a King without 'that king' having the required and desired 'traits' of a real King.
wakish said:
Sorry, but from my point of view 'museum' is a bad choice:
1) abiguities in terms of writing it
2) confusion even when recalling
3) too long for an extension

I don't think you can proclaim a King without 'that king' having the required and desired 'traits' of a real King.

When Dot Museum dethrones Dot Com you will bow to me!
acronym007 said:
In many cases it is cheaper to buy the .com than to spend the money to advertise a new tld when you will still leak traffic to the .com regardless.
Great point.

This is due to learned behavior and is unlikely to change anytime soon. Internet Traffic flows upstream, with the highest-level domain (aka HLD, aka .com) receiving the greatest amount of natural traffic.

An experienced Internet user has a tendency to enter name.com. Tell him your site is name.tld and this programmed behavior will remain quite unchanged. It's as natural as driving in the correct lane of traffic, eating with a fork, or adding a period to the end of a sentence.
So if Facebook buys .facebook and everyone has their own username.facebook domain name, that is going to strengthen the .com brand?

How about if MySpace uses .myspace, Apple uses .apple, Microsoft uses .ms, YouTube uses .youtube, eBay uses .ebay, etc.?

Surely the best thing is to have your own .™TLD and if you can't afford it then go for the .com?

Won’t .com be relegated to 2nd best option, maybe even 3rd or 4th or 5th in some cases, if this happens?

I mean lets face it, most of you here are invested heavily into .com so for your own personal agendas are going to keep saying that .com is KING and is going to be KING forever. Unfortunately nothing lasts forever and IMO .com domains will become synonymous with “the old web” or “my grandpa’s web”.

Cool new extensions will become a HUGE hit with the youngsters. .TV will be the number 1 choice for online video / television, .mobi will be the number 1 choice for mobile sites, etc. In fact I’d say that it is already happening in those areas…

.music and .game will most likely make a huge impact on the web. All musicians will want to have their own ‘Eminem’.music site! Game developers will want to release their own ‘OnlineGame'.game
TheDeathof.ComTheory said:
.mobi will be the number 1 choice for mobile sites, etc.

You almost had me going until I got to this part. :talk:
TheDeathof.ComTheory said:
So if Facebook buys .facebook and everyone has their own username.facebook domain name, that is going to strengthen the .com brand?

Yes, people will still type .com out of habit. The more people on the web, the more people on the .com. The more people remember .com. People won't remember all of these new tld's.

I mean lets face it, most of you here are invested heavily into .com so for your own personal agendas are going to keep saying that .com is KING and is going to be KING forever. Unfortunately nothing lasts forever and IMO .com domains will become synonymous with “the old web” or “my grandpa’s web”.

I personally invested in many extensions, idn's, etc.. In fact I have dot.es at auction on Sedo right now. The thing you miss is right in front of you. The largest companies in the world have branded the .com. There are no personal agenda's. They have ingrained the .com into the minds of the public so that it had become synonymous with the Internet itself.

Cool new extensions will become a HUGE hit with the youngsters. .TV will be the number 1 choice for online video / television, .mobi will be the number 1 choice for mobile sites, etc. In fact I’d say that it is already happening in those areas…

It's already happening? You couldn't be more far off than with this statement. Name me the top video site? youtube.com. How about the top ecommerce site? Amazon.com. How about the top social sites? Myspace,facebook, all .com. Top news sites? .com. There are no changes. .com is leading in all of those places, in fact even when these companies make another website with another tld it's not long before they seek the .com and the .com becomes very valuable due to the huge traffic increase. The .com is an essential part of every major company's portfolio.

.music and .game will most likely make a huge impact on the web. All musicians will want to have their own ‘Eminem’.music site! Game developers will want to release their own ‘OnlineGame'.game[

Again, if you are correct about this than why wasn't monster.jobs a huge hit? Instead here comes indeed.com, a new jobsite. Who uses a .travel site daily? Why do I need cnn.cnn or cnn.news when I can go to cnn.com? This may change but it will take a long, long time and in that time, all the traffic to these new tld's will go the .com. .com is branded and well established. I guess grandpa was right to stick with the .com.
Surprisingly, end-users love .net and I have had very good success with the extension. End users do not have the same mind frame was domainers. Hyphen dot coms are the same scenario. It's good that domainers underrate it, better deals for me :)
I agree with both points. I said earlier in this thread that .NET offers the best ROI for me. End users do love .net in general. It allows them to acquire keywords that are out of reach in .COM

Some domainers have no clue about end users. They just buy from and sell to other domainers.


.h2o. said:
Surprisingly, end-users love .net and I have had very good success with the extension. End users do not have the same mind frame was domainers. Hyphen dot coms are the same scenario. It's good that domainers underrate it, better deals for me :)
Any monkey can create a website, it is making money aka monetization

All websites are BS...chances are your sites fall into

BullShitWebsites dot com

Dot com is KING!!! :sold:
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Correct me if I am wrong but aren't big business end users? So, when Apple bought iphone.com. They bought it as a domainer and not an end user?

Some domainer's too are end users, like me. :)

I own both .net's and .com's but make no mistake about it, I would prefer every .com over .net if I could obtain them.
bmugford said:
NET/ORG offer way higher ROI for me than .COM, because it is easier to find bargains to start with.

Also keywords in those extensions are in the price range of most end users. Most end users don't have tens of thousands of dollars for a domain.

When you can pick a domain up for $20 - $25 and sell it for mid $XXX, it is a nice ROI.


End users respect .net, and that is all that matters. NET is my highest ROI of any extension.


I totally agree and have had similar experiences.
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