Fu*k Flippa for accepting bids after auction ends...

Spaceship Spaceship
I was the highest bidder for a domain at the deadline. Why are pending bids allowed when the auction ends and seller is given up to 72 hours to accept? This is not "make offer" but this is a dang auction!!!! A deadline is a deadline.

If a bid isn't accepted before the deadline then it shouldn't be legitimate. I've been watching this name intently for a while. When an auction closes it means it closes.. It is not legal anywhere in the world to be accepting bids when an auction is over.

If you bid last minute then you should cut out the approval process.. Because I would see that a bid beat me and then respond with a higher bid. All i see is that I am the Top Bidder Now i get a messaging said there are pending bids blaa blaaa Flippa

You motha ffers need to be more transparent...Even ebay is better because if someone outbids you with little time to go you can know instantly that u are outbid.. and respond as fast as you can. I know about sniping.. but the auction is live and u see instantly. Flippa auction is almost like a backdoor deal.. where you send secret bids while shile showing another person as top bidder. This shiiit still shows you as the highest bidder...

What the fu*k is this seller approval about? Clear people to bid and if they are cleared then let them bid and let live be live..If they have a bad history and then close them out all together...

Never heard of an auction where you don't know who won until up 72 hours after the auction ends... that's the message they gave me. I would and back door some motha fuxxers but i won't add another penny to them..

Then to complicate things whenever i bid with under an hour left it seems like time gets added. So why wasn't time added then, even five minutes to prevent this scam. This is worst than sniping. And it might not be added unless the seller is around to accept bids/offers.. to show you have been outbid... Thus you can't respond or get time added because the seller might be home taking a sheet on the toilet or jak n offf in the back room.

It starts with integrity Flippa.. That platform will fail because of a lapse in integrity. Bad practices.

Mark my words: will Fail as a platform. It's a matter of time before anew platform comes into play.
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
What i believe happens is this.Even a stopped clock is right twice a day. Bidders value many of the same names but some more than others of course so what they do is bid up to what they would be willing to pay one name at a time if they dont win the succede in driving up price since most people have limited resources so by bidding you up they drain your resources and attention from other domains .Just my opinion because i used to see that happen on Snapnames you could figure where some bidders dropped almost like clockwork.
First off, re.

Wow So No Response from Flippa at all...

Is Flippa remaining silent on this? Sometimes not saying anything speaks volumes.

Even if just for a temporary response "We're aware of this, an official response is coming soon" etc

Unfortunately, silence does speak volumes in problematic scenarios. Doesn't mean you don't have a good reason etc, but without it being public silence remains the response

Those of you who know me relatively well know that I'm in here a lot and I will always respond to any inquiry or statement about Flippa. If you do not hear from me after an hour, or 12, or even a day or two does not mean that I'm avoiding the discussion. I have (a little bit of) a life that sometimes extends past being online all day. Thanks to those of you who understand that. ( i.e. @wwwweb )

And please don't mistake this statement as dismissing these issues as unimportant. These are serious product issues. That said, the changes to these processes won't all be simple, and won't all be swift. There are reasons for all of this, and I hope a larger explanation will shed some light on where we've been with these things, where we are now and where we hope to be.

One last thing I want to add, before I start dissecting regarding this:

Of course everyone's entitled to days off, but thebusiness never sleeps surely? And when there's a thread with the title "F*CK [YOUR_COMPANY_NAME]" in the most popular forum for the business' industry, and lots of people posting negative feedback, I would have expected someone to respond, fairly quickly.

The OP's title to this thread, while not the worst I've ever seen, is not the best way to start a productive dialogue with me.

I get how dissatisfied and frustrated many of you are, but if you have no respect for our company, an ounce of respect in here goes a long way -- I'm the one responding to you, and appreciate it.

I want to break this down into a few different sections.

Pending Bids vs. Auto-Accepted Bids

The Bidder Alias Debate

Recap of Changes @FlippaDomains is pushing towards

Pending Bids vs. Auto-Accepted Bids:

I was the highest bidder for a domain at the deadline. Why are pending bids allowed when the auction ends and seller is given up to 72 hours to accept? This is not "make offer" but this is a dang auction!!!! A deadline is a deadline.

A seller should have to set their requirements on who can bid before the auction even starts but not after each bid.

Thus if seller is not around you are screwed. The auction basically ended with me as the top bidder but people got approved after.

Who is working at flippa all these years and don't have the common sense to devise a simple working system???? I hear about them working on this and that but I don't see it...

The reasons behind this product decision came from a well-intentioned, and "legacy" place.

Given that Flippa is almost 7 years old and was predominantly a websites marketplace for more than half this amount of time, it's become quite clear to us that this rule is most apt in the websites marketplace.

The idea behind allowing sellers to "manually" accept their bidders was one of due diligence and security: if a buyer had no history and/or otherwise looked dodgy, the seller could reject their bid.

Our Director of Websites finds that those he interacts with consider this useful because it "encourages conversation between the buyer and seller and there are traditionally a lot of deal terms to be hashed out in advance of a website sale."

On the Websites side of the coin, there are bids *rejected* due to a seller not feeling comfortable with the buyer.

As you all reading this know, it's quite different on the domains side of the coin.

From my vantage point, the issues regarding bids being accepted post-auction far outweigh any benefits a domain seller may have in doing due diligence / rejecting someone's bid.

I'm in agreement that this is an outdated product choice, and should be revoked immediately. (please see my proposed solutions, below)

higher bids = higher commissions

So basically that seller didn't give an opportunity to other potential buyers to place their bids and as a result might lost some profit. Accepting bids after auction ends isn't good for both, sellers and buyers

I loathe that pending bid policy. I'll spend a month watching a domain and bidding and in that last minute I'll have to throw a Hail Mary of a bid, hoping I get the highest bid.

I imagine flippa is well aware of the policy, it's only because they know bidders have to bid more than usual if they really want to win an auction, which means more commission for them.

And how is the bidder supposed to know what are the amounts of the pending bids? He never gets a chance to beat that price and that is ridiculous.

Well - and if you are playing with proxy bid - as most do ? How can you know that the pending bid is higher ?

I happens with me for one of my auction. Someone placed Bid 2 minutes before cut off time. Auction ended and last bidder becomes winner. It is unfair for the highest previous bidder because it did not give them any time to place anymore bid.

I think people have grown too comfortable and acceptable with Flippa. We become aware of these pending bids and so we just overtime work with it. But it's bull and we need to call them out. Once bidding starts things should already be set.

Flippa needs to change bidding policy.

1) Pending a bid is bad. How can a seller verify a buyer? Flippa is in a better position to verify the buyer, not the seller. If a seller does not like the buyers first bid coz it is too low, they don't approve and even a no reserve auction remains unsold!

Another problem with pending bid is, if a seller is is not around to approve new buyer close to the closing time, the bid is not placed. Seller loses out the higher bid and buyer though willing to pay more, still does not win the auction.

What other auction platform has a seller approval process for bids? Flippa is not friendly to buyers. I don't even go there anymore. Make the platform better for buyers, and in turn it will become better for sellers.

Yes, I read you all loud and clear.

To clear a few things up -- @FlippaDomains (not me, but the product) is actually going against its own best interests with this rule.

It is true that a "solution" is to simply "bid the highest you can" in an attempt to break through the existing proxy in place, so that when a seller approves your bid POST-auction, you actually win -- instead of seeing "Your bid has been approved / you lost" messages that come through.

As has been stated above, the ability to COUNTER would result in not only a better (and normal!) experience for the buyer, but potentially a better sales price for the seller. And guess what, more commission for Flippa.

Another possible solution to this -- instead of deciding pending bids POST auction -- was to have the pending bid be "cancelled" if it wasn't decided before auction's end.

Would you appreciate this instead of the *chance* to actually win? I wouldn't.

I think the ONLY solution is to auto-accept all bidders for a domain auction. If you feel safer utilizing the "manual accept" option, that should still be available to you. As a last resort, you can message our support team and request we monitor the auction for you.

I know asking for patience is a futile request with many of you -- but it's important for me that you know that I'm really trying to get it pushed through. Prior to responding to this post, I spoke to an Australian colleague who's getting this spec'd out as I type.

The Bidder Aliases Debate

I have been vocal about our exploration into doing this, and I think we're getting closer to enacting it. I agree with the following:

Anyone know why flips hides usernames but gives clues to total spent beside the name, what's the big secret?

I really think they should introduce bidder usernames like namejet and others have.

That is why usernames are super important, but they are still absent from the platform. It will open up alot of bidding reform.

...and yet, I do very much appreciate @Joe Styler 's comments below:

I would say in many cases it is pretty easy to see who is bidding against you by simply watching the whois for the new owner. Some use privacy but many bidders do not and it is fairly easy to see who the winners are after the fact if you watch their patterns.

We know because it happens at other marketplaces, and they get complaints for having the usernames exposed

My personal leanings are to highly encourage our userbase to utilize an alias, though am unsure as of yet if this will be a compulsory change. I can see some disliking the removal of anonymity, though I personally feel it's a step in the right direction for transparency and increased trust within the marketplace. It's part of our User Verification revamp, which I'll mention below...

Recap of Changes us at @FlippaDomains are pushing towards

I've stopped posting product roadmap/changes preemptively on this forum, because I know people get frustrated with me - feeling like I'm always in here posting about all the great changes we'll soon be making. But where are they?

If I could tell you I know when everything is going to happen, I'd be lying. But what I can tell you is that there is a reason you haven't heard from me as often. The things we are working on behind the scenes are going far beyond fixing bugs, outdated product issues or enacting feature requests. We're scratching at the very core of the marketplace, its current state with all its flaws, and how we can transform it moving forward.

I don't think it's fair to speak about things that I don't have a timeline on yet, but I am hoping that all of the following will be addressed in the second quarter of this year. We have a new, and very solid, team in Australia making product and development changes -- and I am confident we're going to be addressing these in a more timely manner.

- Domain auctions need to default to auto-accept all bidders. If a seller wishes to manually accept, they can toggle this in their listing settings. Website and app auctions will remain defaulted to manually accept bidders.

- "Pending" bids decided post-auction will be a thing of the past. This change will kill the instance of a bid being accepted *after* the end of an auction.

- The 60 minute extension time for an auction is being reviewed.
Good suggestion:
2) Extending the auction by one hour is way too long...Extending the auction by 5 minutes is sane. How long are most buyers going to wait around if auction is extended by an hour every time. Seller loses out again if buyers leave the auction due to such long extensions.

- When you click "Buy it Now," it means "BUY IT NOW" ! In other words...I'm hoping that the rule of a seller being able to *reject* a BIN offer rides off into the sunset. A reject on a BIN basically's not a BIN.

- User Verification & Bidder Aliases:
- The former is something we're going to be completely re-doing. We're at least 3-4x better than where we were a mere two years ago, but we must - and will - do better with how we onboard and verify new users. I'm hoping to see a publicly visible "score" or marker of sorts, that shows the transacting party just how "verified" the other one is. An alias is one such step a buyer or seller can complete to become further "verified." This - our user verification revamp - is in progress.

- Employee Involvement Clarifications: I have teased about this, but it is coming very soon.

Some final thoughts:

1. Flippa let's after auction bidding and if you win, you don't know if you won and you don't get chance to bid higher.
- Addressed above.

2. Flippa ignores ticket from seller that it has removed reserve by mistake and that results in $60K sale not going through. Ref
- The sale did not complete and was reversed. That's really all it comes down to.

3. Flippa sells a name for $40K, the buyer doesn't honor the deal, but instead of the name going to the second highest bidder, it goes to a new non-participating bidder that was on "waiting list"? Ref.

- There is no such thing as a "waiting list." Again, lots happening behind the scenes with this one.

4. Flippa let's obvious fraud listings like be. And someone claimed that they have reported similar deals and moderators have told him they are fine.

No one reported this to our CS / Marketplace Integrity teams, nor myself. Not even on the other thread, which I found via a Google Alert. I brought it to the attention of our team and it's since been suspended.

We cannot monitor the hundreds of auctions that sprout every single day, so in these instances, a quick note to [email protected] (or if you feel you're not being listened to / you do not agree with the decision they responded with, reach out to me directly).

And finally:

I have joined Flippa couple months ago; but after hearing so many negatives from this company I never visited their site anymore. Peace of mind and stress free are better than few bucks gain. This company it need of some serious transformation; and it will start from top to bottom. Get rid of those trouble makers, they are toxic for the business. Auctions should be clean and be managed by people with clean hand. Just a thought..

I encourage and invite you to speak to one of us personally. If there's something you're looking to buy, we can assist in due diligence. If you're seeking to sell, we can help with best practices. With so many product changes forthcoming, if we aren't able to ease your concerns at this very moment, I will be back when more has transformed to see what we can show you then.
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Well there we have it folks... some clarity on the concerns that many have raised.

@Flippa - Kudos for taking the time to respond in detail to everyone's queries.
Thanks for the warning, I'll be sure to stay away from them!
I had a good experience with GoDaddy auctions. Near the close, when somebody bids you get 1min extra and it's clear who is winning and how much time is left. On the mobile app anyways, I don't think the web version autoupdates, which is stupid...

Yes you are right, and godaddy increments its pointer to 5 minutes, and if any body try to steal in the last second it again increments to 5 mins. This is very good strategy.
I think it is time for Flippa to revisit bid approval. As a seller I personally have no interest in filtering the bidders. For a 10% commission Flippa should be doing the filtering and verifying.

I would be interested to know how many sellers value the ability to approve bids?

It seems like an outdated feature left over from the old Sitepoint marketplace structure.
All sellers are interested to approve all bidders. They don't have enough info not to. More bids means more interest, higher ranking etc. So it is a dumb feature...
I am yet to discover a fair auction let alone an ideal system secure to buy sell domains. $25 Escrow for one domain is too much to use to sell low end domain.
I would be interested to know how many sellers value the ability to approve bids?

I'm curious, as well...

All sellers are interested to approve all bidders. They don't have enough info not to. More bids means more interest, higher ranking etc. So it is a dumb feature...

Ultimately, domain auctions will default to auto-accept all bids. Those who value bidder screening can toggle their auctions to manually accept bids. Trying to get this changed ASAP. Standby.
I am to discover a fair auction let alone an ideal system secure to buy sell domains. $25 Escrow for one domain is too much to use to sell low end domain.

I'm sensing that $25 fee is an international wire fee - which is fairly standard in the escrow/payment space. If that is not your experience, I'd like to understand why you were charged that. Can you PM me? /ot
I think I watched this auction, actually...left me wondering what I was missing, but didn't think too much of it since I don't know the platform that well.

It was a no-reserve auction and after it ended, I got an e-mail from flippa saying that it sold for $___.

The next day, I got an e-mail from flippa saying it had been relisted. I clicked on the link, went to the listing, and saw that it had sold via BIN for 1.5x the number quoted in the 1st e-mail from flippa.
The 60 minute extension time for an auction is being reviewed.

From a seller standpoint this is nice since it gives other buyers a chance and prevents auction sniping.
Just received a first bid on my auction and it was accepted automatically :) Looks like I don't need to sit for hours waiting to accept a last minute bid :)

Thanks, @koskov - Yes, I can confirm that this change has been pushed through:

All bids on Domain Auctions will now automatically be accepted.
- "Pending" bids decided post-auction will be a thing of the past. This change will kill the instance of a bid being accepted *after* the end of an auction.
Has this been implemented?
In an aution that ended today, I was the highest bidder until the auction end. Now the status shows Public Auction is finished but waiting on seller to accept bidders.
Yeah Flippa auction is Deeply Flawed IMO..they complicate something simple...

People hate sniping, but in all honesty there is no such thing as sniping..atleast we have the definition wrong.

It's called being the highest bidder...

Like on Ebay: You can bid with seconds to go? So what?

If an action ends at 7pm, it is your responsibility to be present at that time.

It's fair because anyone can bid with seconds to go...And at the end of the day it doesn't matter.. the highest bidder will always win.

You are at fault to bid $20 and nothing more.. and you see high bid at $20 with 30 seconds to go.

It's fair game for someone to bid until the clock hits zero.

This is better because the the most responsible, highest bidder and better strategist wins.
It says the auction ends at 7pm, and the auction ends at 7pm. So you hve the right to bid at anytime until the clock hits 7pm. That's not sniping.

NOW TO Flippa:

It's pure non sense.

1. There is no end times
This means the time get extended over and over. So if you bid last to win the auction. You stayed up and you were responsible. But with the extensions... it allows new people, people who knew of the name but came late and people who are not crazy about the name but they have cash to burn.. they can just overbid and snatch a name. This is what I call snatching or sniping!!! This is what I call bullshit. An auction should end when it says it's gonna end. END of fuking story.

2. People should be approved way before they can bid. Approving bids is non sense. Or I should say being allowed to approved bids after an auction ended is bullshiiiit. I lost a name I was the high bidder at the end of the auction. I got a congratulations. And then I got concerned just wondered why they were bids waiting to be approved.?

When an auction ends, it should end!
No approving of bids after...

What's sad is I was willing to pay way more than the winning bidder...if he outbid me.
But you an't see when someone outbids you because this crazy place called Flippa allows people to take bids after the auction as ended.

A bidder has the right to know when they got outbid..You cannot say congrats you are the high bidder when they are not the high bidder???

If there are bidders you want to avoid then there should be a way for Flippa to make that possible before you even make the auction live.

I'll leave that there.
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