discuss I Was Reported For A "Hurt Feelings Report"

I have been a name pros members for about 7 years now and have been browsing here for at least a decade. While I don't call myself as a "professional domainer" I do own a portfolio of names, either developed, for development or tactical moves. Most of my domains that I develop are around the two businesses I know most about, firearms and finance. I have been a financial advisor for over 14 years and have been involved in the world of guns from running my gun communities, consulting and cover the largest publicly traded companies.

Recently I put out a request for some domain names, https://www.namepros.com/threads/wtb-guns-outdoors-prepping-ufo-disclosure-one-word-com.1117301/

I have purchased about 5 names so far, passed over many of them however did my best to respond to everyone, whether I was interested or not. Overall, the westerners I have spoken with, based on command of English language, all had quality to solid names, some of which I liked, others that I passed up and for the most part, very reasonably priced.

Got a good amount of spammers sending in unsolicited names that had nothing to do with my request... but then there was this "winner."

It was not necessarily that it was a shockingly awful name... but rather the audacity...

So as per my request... Guns, Outdoors, Prepping, UFO Disclosure and One Word.coms.
Exact Budget Range: Total budget is around $1k but can be raised for true quality, generally though will be between $1 and $100 per name.

This was the PM I received...


First of all, out of the 50+ requests sent in, this was the ONLY one trying to sell me on it.

True Quality.... Solid name for cheap! Unique Opportunity?!?!

Wow... I cannot pass this up... :facepalm:

Generally I just respond with a Thanks but not where I am going or would offer some advice.

In this case, I was just shocked by the audacious request for what I believe is a very mediocre name.

Here is why...

1. GunsBusiness does not make sense. First, no gun company would call or brand themselves "GunsBusiness". It is grammatically incorrect and in fact is "Gun Business." Beyond that, stylistically with the environment, the more appropriate name would be Firearms Business as that is how it is referred to. Once again, to anyone who has any clue about the industry, this is common knowledge.
2. No one I know would put "business" in their brand name. In either case, there are thousands more better brandable domains.
3. As a Keyword domain... IT SUCKS.

Beyond that...
4. Yes... it was a hand reg a few years ago and only has a total history of 8 years.
5. The price is both, out of my requested budget... and really out of the world.
6. The audacity to push this domain rather then letting it speak for itself.

Or maybe the price is not bad? After all it is listed on Afternic for $50,000.

So... I responded in what I believe to be a helpful manner to the seller...


So I thought that was the end of that....


Next thing I know the seller is involving NamePros staff!


And then I get....


So I had to respond...

Overall I am just in shock... snitched on for apparently hurting someone's feelings when they make a hard push to someone who actually would be a buyer in the business.

Seriously, there are LOTS of great domainers coming out from Asia and Latin America... but OMFG the audacity of some.

OR I suppose every grammatically incorrect two word domain registered for $10 or less is worth $500 and I am just stupid.


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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
OMG. Thank you for good afternoon LULZ!

But why on Earth did you start discussing with him at all?

Neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you. (Matthew 7:6).
OMG. Thank you for good afternoon LULZ!

But why on Earth did you start discussing with him at all?

Glad it gave you a laugh.

Why did I respond? I guess audacity and I really hoped to impart some industry knowledge. Let me give you an example...

I know nothing about pot except that from an investment standpoint, I think there are some potentials there. As result of knowledge imparted I was able to pick up one decent name and have some education on the space.

In return, I have seen at least 2 or 3 domainers I consider friends pick up some gun related names. I also know that neither of these two people have a good understanding of how the gun industry works and pointed them in how they would go about finding end users.

Part of the reason I responded, and I did for a few others whom generally had good understanding about domaining but tried to apply it to the gun world, is to help them understand in the future, what type of names the industry goes for and generally what is considered the proper etiquette. i.e. Weapons generally has a negative connotation if you are trying to market to retail consumers, but is okay if you specialize in military and law enforcement. "Firearms" is generally what is used for civilian markets. Examples... your local mom and pop is going to be called "Bob's Firearms, or Bob's Gunshop"... it is not going to be "Bob's Weapons".... as such a business would be quickly targeted by liberals and anti-gun groups.

In this case, I thought letting him know that "business" as part of the domain is kind of a silly idea. Hopefully saving the next person from such a strong sales pitch pushing a really mediocre handreg.

I feel bad the admins were called on it.

Seriously... and this guy even has quite a few transactions here... brand new newbies have a thicker skin when we discuss their portfolios.

If I have crappy names... I would want someone to tell me they are crappy. lol.
You where not rude in your response, it was blunt and to the point.

Just another example of someone who can't handle constructive criticism - quite pathetic bringing in a Mod on this, sounds like a child who dropped an ice cream and can see it melting before their eyes (just like the value of his name)

I agree if it's crap let me know why - only way your gonna learn
You where not rude in your response, it was blunt and to the point.

Just another example of someone who can't handle constructive criticism - quite pathetic bringing in a Mod on this, sounds like a child who dropped an ice cream and can see it melting before their eyes (just like the value of his name)

I agree if it's crap let me know why - only way your gonna learn

You called my messages blunt? You hurt my feelings and I feel disrespected. Someone should give you a warning. =P
When someone sends you names they aren’t asking for a detailed opinion of their domain. A yes no thanks or ignore the pm would be more productive. Even when you are right the tone of your response can come off condescending.

I do think he had no business reporting it and that was petty. You should have reported him for sending names above your stated budget.
When someone sends you names they aren’t asking for a detailed opinion of their domain. A yes no thanks or ignore the pm would be more productive. Even when you are right the tone of your response can come off condescending.

I do think he had no business reporting it and that was petty. You should have reported him for sending names above your stated budget.

I agree... and to every other name was a simple thanks.

In this case, it was simply the person's audacity in their advertising. If you call your name Quality, Unique, and "cheap"... you are inviting others to call BS on it... this is how the community polices itself.

Or do we let people run wild?

I believe everyone is entitled to make mistakes, we all have and I would all hope we are open to getting feedback, solicited or not. In this case... when you message someone and try to sell them something, I think you should expect to be called out for BS. To give an example...

If this was a regular public auction or post I would simply bypass it, not my place. When it is in my inbox however... different story.

As far as reporting? I suppose I could have although I generally would not. (exception, completely unrelated, out of left field requests).
Many members here obviously have English as a second language (ESL). So when they register a domain, but do not understand the nuances of the English language, they often reg a poor version of what the name should be. Things like word pairings, plurality/singularity, tense, etc, when done incorrectly creates a word that looks good to them, but to a natural English speaker, does not work or is awkwardly phrased or something. This is even more complicated if the ESL person is educated in British English, but is selling a domain to an American English market.

Now if you point that out to them, some get very defensive and an argument starts and it escalates into something where one or both members get a warning or worse.

I was on a computer repair forum for techs, not end users. A new user who was obviously ESL got into it with me because he was "teaching" other members in broken English but leaving off critical info. He ended up saying I was ridiculing him for his English, and I got a time out. I had to make it public and then others agreed that I was not at fault. The resolution was to ignore this new user and move on, even though I was right to criticize his posts.

One thing that I see here almost daily is in domain appraisals. I have given up offering an opinion on domain values because there are so many of them that are pretty much worthless, because the person that reg'd them thought they were valuable, but the incorrect phrasing, tense, plurality/singularity, etc makes them worthless. If you explain that to some people they often become defensive or angry, and its just not worth bothering. Same is true for countless domains put up for sale here. Some domains get re-listed over and over, but no offer or sale is made because the domain simply has no value. Since you cannot comment in a sales post, the seller may remain unaware of what is wrong with the domain and continues to try to sell it forever.
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Many members here obviously have English as a second language (ESL). So when they register a domain, but do not understand the nuances of the English language, they often reg a poor version of what the name should be. Things like word pairings, plurality/singularity, tense, etc when done incorrectly creates a word that looks good to them, but to a natural English speaker, does not work or is awkwardly phrased or something. This is even more complicated if the ESL person is educated in British English, but is selling a domain to an American English market.

Now if you point that out to them, some get very defensive and an argument starts and it escalates into something where one or both members get a warning or worse.

I was on a computer repair forum for techs, not end users. A new user who was obviously ESL got into it with me because he was "teaching" other members in broken English but leaving off critical info. He ended up saying I was ridiculing him for his English, and I got a time out. I had to make it public and then others agreed that I was not at fault. The resolution was to ignore this new user and move on.

One thing that I see here almost daily is in domain appraisals. I have given up offering an opinion on domain values because there are so many of them that are pretty much worthless, because the person that reg'd them thought they were valuable, but the incorrect phrasing, tense, plurality/singularity, etc makes them worthless. If you explain that to some people they often become defensive or angry, and its just not worth bothering. Same is true for countless domains put up for sale here. Some domains get re-listed over and over, but no offer or sale is made because the domain simply has no value.

Agree 100%.

I am just shocked that non-native speakers would get defensive when offered actual sound advice.

I WANT to get into Chinese names but it is all Chinese to me... lol. If I regged something that I thought was right, but did not actually make sense, I would be highly appreciative of anyone helping me. After all, why would someone lie about something as easily verified as language?

I am a native Russian speaker but have not lived there in over 28 years so it is rusty, or at least Americanized Russian. So when I don't want to sound stupid... I ask my wife or inlaws who still live there and understand the language... I don't argue with them that they are wrong.

In the world where 99% of the end users you reach out to you will tell you "No"... you need a thick skin. I am just shocked domainers don't realize that this is a Sales job.

Happens all the time in daily life, somebody feels Snubbed, retorts - escalates -

When in doubt - Say nowt.
The temptation on a board, chat, email, everything is at a distance and safe - I try to stick to the rule (with some exceptions) of If I was standing next to this stranger - would I say or use those words.

If somebody is ignoring your advice or instructions, then they are already off the leash, and more likely to bite
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I truly believe that these people really think their domains are more valuable than they are. They are convinced of it.

Have you seen the ''beerwithdear.com'' guy starting an auction at 6 figures? I've noticed that a lot of Indians (I think) use ''dear'' when speaking to you. It probably works in Indian, but it sounds like they want to make love to me. Likewise, ''guns business'' might make a lot of sense in the spirit of this guy's first language.

The point is, I think it's the lack of experience that leads people to overprice their domains more times than not. This is exactly what I did when I started out. I hand regged bad domains and hoped for at least $xxx.

Fortunately, I had the wherewithal to realize my mistakes and move on. I personally just ignore the names which break my request rules.
I truly believe that these people really think their domains are more valuable than they are. They are convinced of it.

Have you seen the ''beerwithdear.com'' guy starting an auction at 6 figures? I've noticed that a lot of Indians (I think) use ''dear'' when speaking to you. It probably works in Indian, but it sounds like they want to make love to me. Likewise, ''guns business'' might make a lot of sense in the spirit of this guy's first language.

The point is, I think it's the lack of experience that leads people to overprice their domains more times than not. This is exactly what I did when I started out. I hand regged bad domains and hoped for at least $xxx.

Fortunately, I had the wherewithal to realize my mistakes and move on. I personally just ignore the names which break my request rules.

I am wondering however...

1. Are they pricing them so high hoping someone will be stupid enough to buy it?
2. They really believe it themselves and they spent that much money on it?

I do wonder... are most domains end up being sold to other domainers or actual end users? I would think domainers... the reason why is... outside of the Fortune 500, your regular small business owner cannot afford $5,000+ for a domain name, nevermind $50k.

Yes, a 1 word .com will go to a business who can justify it... but the vast majority of end users cannot.
Domaining is very tricky when you do it outside your familiar space, whether it is language, religion, business or others that require a solid understanding of the words being used and the target market you are going for.

And here is the valuable lesson for ALL domainers.

Woohoo, and that was my 1,000th post.
2. They really believe it themselves and they spent that much money on it?

I believe this is it. The reason everyone except for the first guys got into domaining is because they read about domain flips. They read about paying $10k for a domain and selling it for $500k or even someone hand regging and selling for $20k. It is possible but very unlikely.

Of course, this is flawed reasoning but I would be willing to bet this is what they go by.
And just to add...

As a "community" we decided that this is not the place to sell obvious trademark infringements...

Where does the obvious overpricing come in? Or can we control it?

I even had the idea that NamePros can charge the NP points or say $.10 to $.25 to list a posting... that would surely cut down on the stupid names? Right?
I even had the idea that NamePros can charge the NP points or say $.10 to $.25 to list a posting... that would surely cut down on the stupid names? Right?
If they will charge for each auction, then they have to charge for each PM sent to "WTB" topic starters..
I believe this is it. The reason everyone except for the first guys got into domaining is because they read about domain flips. They read about paying $10k for a domain and selling it for $500k or even someone hand regging and selling for $20k. It is possible but very unlikely.

Of course, this is flawed reasoning but I would be willing to bet this is what they go by.

And WE know that... that is highly unlikely.

And just to point out, you messaged me with a wonderful name and I had a very tough time with it.

From one perspective It was memorable, does well in searches and was reasonably priced.
On the other hand... I know the amount of potential end users was very small as it would be inappropriate for 99.9% of the industry out there for it and the best and most appropriate use for the site would be as a reference/entertainment type site which meant development... and that reads more time and money.

Yet... your name, if I did NOT have knowledge of the industry or potential end users, I would easily justify throwing out $500 or even $1,000 because it "Seems" like the type of name that can be sold for $20k.... but it would NOT be someone in the industry but likely some domain investor with too much money.

I do also think we see this regularly in the various "Show me your XXXXX Theme domains." Right now it is pot names, 2 years ago it was Crypto names, before then it was Drones, 3d Printing, 4k, etc. How many of those names were sold to end users? Less than 1%?
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@NYJimbo is so spot on - many members would need grammar lessons before domaining lessons :)
But even before: courtesy lessons.

However, if the amount you're willing to pay per domain is more or less capped to $100 - then I don't think you are going to receive lots of quality submissions.
I have stopped replying to buyer requests a very long time ago, because the requests are most of the time too imprecise and the incentives are low.
Even if I had quality names I would refrain from submitting them because they would most likely be over your budget.

I know that advertising a bigger budget is not always the solution either. You are going to get an onslaught of PMs from newbies who think they found their savior who will relieve them of their financial burden due to the awfully bad purchases they made.
This is what is sad imo, that the buyers section has turned into a venue where suckers are looking for bigger suckers and the people who post buyer requests are preys. It's almost like a pack of wolves trying to hit at your wallet and yet you have to reject them politely :)

This person is clearly delusional. It is funny how he's arguing with you in broken English. Poor Amanda :)
Personally I would use a canned response. Don't offer appraisals or friendly advice over a sales channel but I know it's hard to resist.
Have you seen the reactions in the appraisal threads ? If people have stepped up to outbound or are replying to buyer requests they are already convinced their names are good. It's going to be difficult to argue the opposite.

This thread also exemplifies one thing: there are many pitfalls when you're buying names pertaining to an industry you don't know. You may land names that look good to an outsider, but the feeling is deceptive because they are not names that a real pro end user would use.
That's why I advise newbies to start with niches they are familiar with. They are more likely to buy names that at least make some sense, and could even be usable.
We’re not supposed to comment one way or another publicly on for sale or want to buy threads other than with dollar figures, but what you did was via PM and it wasn’t that you were insulting the member himself was it? just commenting on the domain itself which via PM is OKAY. Also he says he reported you to NP but were you warned or sanctioned?

I think where you stepped into the wrong was when you started saying things like “stop crying to admins.” That was insulting. Prior to that point you were in the clear and should’ve just left it alone after he claimed he had reported you.
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We’re not supposed to comment one way or another publicly on for sale or want to buy threads other than with dollar figures, but what you did was via PM and it wasn’t that you were insulting the member himself was it? Also he says he reported you to NP but were you warned or sanctioned?

I think where you stepped into the wrong was when you started saying things like “stop crying to admins.” That was insulting. Prior to that point you were in the clear and should’ve just left it alone after he claimed he had reported you.
he just told him the truth to avoid him be dreaming, it was not public comment until he began to report it to staff
Is this still Omar’s name?
Guy crapping all over mike mann name?

People get upset if you dont reply to their pm, and if you do.

I see nothing wrong with what you did.
Serms to be a crooked line when it comes to infractions, heated debates and mods deleting posts.
@NYJimbo is so spot on - many members would need grammar lessons before domaining lessons :)
But even before: courtesy lessons.

However, if the amount you're willing to pay per domain is more or less capped to $100 - then I don't think you are going to receive lots of quality submissions.
I have stopped replying to buyer requests a very long time ago, because the requests are most of the time too imprecise and the incentives are low.
Even if I had quality names I would refrain from submitting them because they would most likely be over your budget.

I know that advertising a bigger budget is not always the solution either. You are going to get an onslaught of PMs from newbies who think they found their savior who will relieve them of their financial burden due to the awfully bad purchases they made.
This is what is sad imo, that the buyers section has turned into a venue where suckers are looking for bigger suckers and the people who post buyer requests are preys. It's almost like a pack of wolves trying to hit at your wallet and yet you have to reject them politely :)

This person is clearly delusional. It is funny how he's arguing with you in broken English. Poor Amanda :)
Personally I would use a canned response. Don't offer appraisals or friendly advice over a sales channel but I know it's hard to resist.
Have you seen the reactions in the appraisal threads ? If people have stepped up to outbound or are replying to buyer requests they are already convinced their names are good. It's going to be difficult to argue the opposite.

This thread also exemplifies one thing: there are many pitfalls when you're buying names pertaining to an industry you don't know. You may land names that look good to an outsider, but the feeling is deceptive because they are not names that a real pro end user would use.
That's why I advise newbies to start with niches they are familiar with. They are more likely to buy names that at least make some sense, and could even be usable.

Great post.

Generally I agree with the budget, but I am not asking for a quality chip 3L .com or a short one word dictionary. For those there is definitely a standard so to speak.

For keyword, niche specific 2 word domains, $100 is more than fine. In fact the names I picked up for under $100 are far better then the general ones being submitted or solicited for more than that.

There was one domain offered for around $1k that i am still tossing around which has two potential end users to whom it would be worth between $5 and $10k... however if they do not take it... I would be lucky to break even.

Names under $100 offer a far better risk reward profile. While their upside may not be $5 to $10k.... there are far more potential end users in the $1,500 to $2,500 range. Worst case, I should not have too hard a time reselling then for $25 to $50 or just use them as an affiliate or parking page.

So personally, again depending on the space, there is plenty of quality two word names avail in any price range and even some that were recently dropped and overlooked.

As others pointed out... it is all about knowing your niche inside and out and having potential end users identified.
Great post.

Generally I agree with the budget, but I am not asking for a quality chip 3L .com or a short one word dictionary. For those there is definitely a standard so to speak.

For keyword, niche specific 2 word domains, $100 is more than fine. In fact the names I picked up for under $100 are far better then the general ones being submitted or solicited for more than that.

There was one domain offered for around $1k that i am still tossing around which has two potential end users to whom it would be worth between $5 and $10k... however if they do not take it... I would be lucky to break even.

Names under $100 offer a far better risk reward profile. While their upside may not be $5 to $10k.... there are far more potential end users in the $1,500 to $2,500 range. Worst case, I should not have too hard a time reselling then for $25 to $50 or just use them as an affiliate or parking page.

So personally, again depending on the space, there is plenty of quality two word names avail in any price range and even some that were recently dropped and overlooked.

As others pointed out... it is all about knowing your niche inside and out and having potential end users identified.
So you try to buy xxx-xxxx domains for a few bucks and crying because of too much spam..
If all PMs make you so upset, maybe better search for domains on Sedo, GD, Afternic etc?
I get it and have felt the same way at a time about liberals. lol. BUT you have to realize that 1. People are entitlted to their own beliefs. 2. Why do you even care? Worry about your own life first before changing someone elses.

I.e. I love learning about different cultures and religions, I even enjoy talking and learning different view points from people who fundamentally disagree with my stances. Once you accept that you cannot convert someone and that it doesn't even matter... life gets better. Heck, I would even love to talk to a fundamentalist follower of Islam just to understand them because it is all about furthering yourself by learning what drives other people.

So to tie this back into domaining.... even though I have little interest in brandables/NNNNN, gTlds, or no experience in like CHIPS, I take in all I can about the space to understand buying behavior.

I do agree
But, If your going to spend a lot of time understanding others, Your going to spend a hell of a lot of time in Just nodding your head, just in case you upset someone
Is this still Omar’s name?
Guy crapping all over mike mann name?

People get upset if you dont reply to their pm, and if you do.

I see nothing wrong with what you did.
Serms to be a crooked line when it comes to infractions, heated debates and mods deleting posts.

I can neither CONFIRM or deny that.
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