
domains ICANN has launched the Registration Data Request Service

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The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has launched the Registration Data Request Service (RDRS). The RDRS is a new service that introduces a more consistent and standardized format to handle requests for access to nonpublic registration data related to generic top-level domains (gTLDs).

Due to personal data protection laws, many ICANN-accredited registrars are now required to redact personal data from public records, which was previously available in "WHOIS" databases. With no one way to request or access such data, it can be difficult for interested parties to get the information they need. The RDRS helps by providing a simple and standardized process to make these types of requests.

The RDRS can be an important resource for ICANN-accredited registrars and those who have a legitimate interest in nonpublic data like law enforcement, intellectual property professionals, consumer protection advocates, cybersecurity professionals, and government officials.

read more (PR) | about RDRS | access RDRS
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for the Registration Data Request Service (RDRS) for Requestors

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What do the request categories mean?
When submitting a new request, you’ll be asked to choose a request category indicating the ‘type’ of your request: law enforcement, security researcher, computer security incident response team (CSIRT), cybersecurity incident response team (non-CSIRT), consumer protection, research (non-security), domain investor, IP holder, dispute resolution service provider, litigation/dispute resolution (non-IP), or other.

Are all ICANN-accredited registrars required to use the RDRS?
No, use of the system by ICANN-accredited registrars is voluntary. Requestors seeking data from non-participating registrars should contact them directly.

When a domain name is utilizing a proxy service, registrars must publish the full registration data of the proxy service. In such cases, the registration data is not redacted in the RDDS. When a domain name is utilizing a privacy service, registrars must publish the alternative, reliable contact information of the privacy service, but the identity of the registrant (in this case the privacy customer) may be shown as redacted in the RDDS. In the case of privacy services, the redacted registration data is subject to disclosure requirements under the applicable provisions, including response requirements for requests submitted via the RDRS. If you are seeking the privacy or proxy customer’s underlying information behind the provider’s data, you may wish to contact the provider directly to determine the circumstances under which it will reveal the customer’s identity and/or contact information.

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Initial impression. Like most ICANN initiatives, this one provides no real benefits for the community, including registrants. Any John Doe with a gmail address can claim to be a security researcher, and so what? Why give them a chance to access non-public data? If I'm enduser with a good domain, I already have enough requests from domain inverstors whether my domain is for sale, and giving domain investors a chance to access my non-public data is the last thing I want. The last but not the least, most domains are now regged under proxy services such as Domains By Proxy (GoDaddy) with separate terms...
How to exclude ourselves from this unwanted RDRS crap?
For me is no problem to share info with Gov and other legal entities but to share my data to others, which most are lazy grabbers, no thank you.
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Maybe registrars can create a privacy service that opts us out from having our personal information revealed. ;)
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