
information .LINK binge progress

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Top Member
Sorry to have to start another thread regarding .LINK, but i wasn't able to answer questions "if" there was a "link" of any kind in the text of the post/message I was responding to.

I was able to hand register slightly more than a thousand names with about 20 of them being "Premium" names that sold for $116 each, and one that I purchased for $478, the corresponding .com is valued at $8,800,000.

Since a host of individuals have confirmed that, ".LINK is no worse than .XYZ", I just knew .link was a good alternative to .com and a good rival for .xyz :xf.wink:

Curious anyone? Lets have some fun(y)
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
I like .link, which changed its owner this year, I think it is an extension in line with the spirit of the Internet. Earlier this year, we confirmed the large amount transaction about, which is encouraging.

Although according the information of namepros, the trading volume of link has not increased significantly, and the registration volume is also very stable. I choose to invest in .link and .xyz. I think they both have opportunities in the future.
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Whenever an extension is a single word it limits the domains logical use cases unless it's generic.

So a .link obvious use case is some kind of link portal or directory maybe or as a contact/get in touch page. There's probably a few brandable hacks that could be used as a more generic use case as well.

I'd say there are quite a few other extensions with more use cases than link but beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
I like .link, which changed its owner this year, I think it is an extension in line with the spirit of the Internet. Earlier this year, we confirmed the large amount transaction about, which is encouraging.

Although according the information of namepros, the trading volume of link has not increased significantly, and the registration volume is also very stable. I choose to invest in .link and .xyz. I think they both have opportunities in the future.
Thanks DN.....probably the biggest reason I'm binge buying .link domains is because of the change of ownership. The other reason is that I've been able to buy "Premium" domains like Comedy.xxxx and Invest.xxxx for just $116, and single word domains that are almost "Premium" for just $2.39. It boggles my mind that these domains are even available, and it feels as though I've discovered gold:xf.grin:

I see where you own that makes for an excellent domain, especially when SAW appraises for $2,700,000 and you learn where the .com takes you. It's this sort of information that makes a lot more valuable:xf.wink: imo.

I have more info about the new owners of .link I'd like to share with you, but I have to run. Thanks again DN.
Whenever an extension is a single word it limits the domains logical use cases unless it's generic.

So a .link obvious use case is some kind of link portal or directory maybe or as a contact/get in touch page. There's probably a few brandable hacks that could be used as a more generic use case as well.

I'd say there are quite a few other extensions with more use cases than link but beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Thanks for sharing, and with regards to "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", here's what our friend and domain analyst Bob Hawke's had to say about .link;

"I had not heard until your post that the new owners of .link had been announced, finally. Good to hear one is a successful domain investor. In my view .link was by far the most valuable of the auctioned TLDs from the former Uniregistry. I hope the new owners will manage the TLD well."

Domainers will always have their opinions, but they don't always match up with those of "end users". The one thing i do know is that few if any "end users" know that .link exists much less that a link acts as a conduit to a website. Having been a business guy myself since 1970, i tend to trust my gut/opinion about most things. Will these domains sell themselves?....not likely, but I'm not your typical domainer thank God :xf.rolleyes:

Finally, the new owners of .LINK have yet to officially roll out the new .link, but when they do I anticipate my portfolio will double in value....sure, i can't wait to here the jokes 2x0 still equals 0:xf.wink:
Chain.Link is a fun one.
almost as much fun as Helluva :xf.wink: link or

For $8.76 i binge purchased these .links today;

Despite thinking I know what I'm doing, I KNOW i'm having FUN!

Thanks for sharing.
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I like .link, which changed its owner this year, I think it is an extension in line with the spirit of the Internet. Earlier this year, we confirmed the large amount transaction about, which is encouraging.

Although according the information of namepros, the trading volume of link has not increased significantly, and the registration volume is also very stable. I choose to invest in .link and .xyz. I think they both have opportunities in the future.
so what do you think is happening with the new registry that owns .LINK?

"mums" been the word ever since i announced i was binging on .LINK domains? Of the 1,200 domains i own, most of them had been registered by by Schilling and his minions in 2014 and dropped by 2017. As an example, check out @Hosterstats where you'll find Uniregistry registered it in April 2017 and it was "deleted" in August of 2017 not to be registered again until today.

jim h.....i can't help but think there's a HUGE opportunity here and that's why I've been accumulating .LINK. What do you think? Thanks,
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so what do you think is happening with the new registry that owns .LINK?

"mums" been the word ever since i announced i was binging on .LINK domains? Of the 1,200 domains i own, most of them had been registered by by Schilling and his minions in 2014 and dropped by 2017. As an example, check out @Hosterstats where you'll find Uniregistry registered it in April 2017 and it was "deleted" in August of 2017 not to be registered again until today.

jim h.....i can't help but think there's a HUGE opportunity here and that's why I've been accumulating .LINK. What do you think? Thanks,

I would agree if there would be public data such as reported sales and total registrations that clearly shows there's a demand for .link domains.

You may close deals here and there, but you will inevitably lose money in the long run due to the fact that .link sales are possible, but very unlikely to happen.

Sad truth is that this extension is just not desirable enough to be sustainable from an investment standpoint.
so what do you think is happening with the new registry that owns .LINK?

Judging by the .link reported sales, basically nothing is happening with it.

Jumping from marginal extension to marginal extension (.realty, .online, .link, etc.) is a fool's errand IMO.

There are really only a handful of gTLD and ccTLD that have demand and strong resale value in a sea of almost endless extensions.

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I would agree if there would be public data such as reported sales and total registrations that clearly shows there's a demand for .link domains.

You may close deals here and there, but you will inevitably lose money in the long run due to the fact that .link sales are possible, but very unlikely to happen.

Sad truth is that this extension is just not desirable enough to be sustainable from an investment standpoint.
Thanks for your response. First, the reason i was able to register the Premium one word domain for $116 and for $2.19 today is because there's virtually zero demand for .link domains. Imagine what i would have to pay if there were demand:xf.eek:

Second, i'm keenly aware of all the facts surrounding .LINK, but none of that deters me. Why?....because i know I'm a far better salesman than 90% of the traditional domainers and members of NamePro's that sell domains what i refer to as the "old fashion way"

Bottomline. .LINK is a great alternative to .com when it's either too expensive or already in use. Who else knows that besides you and me?.....certainly not the rest of the world:xf.wink:

Thanks again.
The fact that you have found so many one-word .link domain names available for hand registration in 2022 is not good from an investment standpoint. For all intents and purposes, the extension is "dead on arrival" for an investor – there is little to no interest in the extension by end users.

It's the same with .ag. Look at all these great SLDs available for hand reg in .ag and how long they've been available for hand reg. Nobody has hand-regged them because there is hardly any end user market for them. Just because they are available for registration does not mean they should be registered, at least from an investment standpoint. Sometimes, it's better to let sleeping dogs lie.

ag hand regs.jpg

The situation for .link is not much prettier, with plenty of great SLDs available for hand reg for years:

link hand regs.jpg

Hardly any end users (and investors!) want to acquire .link domain names from domain name investors these days. To throw good money at .link domain names today is wild and rampant speculation, not value investment (e.g., acquiring domain names at prices well below their intrinsic values to end users). With .link, the risk is too high with too little reward. As an investment portfolio or a TLD tranche within an investment portfolio, .link is a negative ROI opportunity to be avoided.

For transparency, we do have one .link in our portfolio: It was available for hand registration less than two weeks ago. That SLD should not have been available for hand reg if the TLD were investable. We took it on as a wild speculation and we have expectations of negative returns accordingly. We fully understand we are likely to let it drop unsold within the next two to three years. Meanwhile, we are happy to be surprised by a gambling industry executive that goes crazy late one night after four glasses of wine and drunkenly decides to grab it at our BIN price. The odds of that happening are extremely low, and the house (the registrar) will likely win (again) in the end.
obviously you know nothing about the concept of risk vs. reward much less the naming of businesses. To show you just how screwed/fucked up this industry is you need to go no further than when Go Daddy sold me the domain for $5 (for which i have a receipt), then they took/stole it back from me and turned around and tried to sell it back to me for $500,000:xf.rolleyes:

And this isn't the only instance where similar things have happened.....Verisign, the monopoly that controls .com let the cat out of the bag a few years ago when they called out the secondary market for all their nefarious activities.

Fortunately Verisign is headquarted in my home state of Virginia/USA, and now that some of my legislators are in charge (Youngkin/Winsome/Miyaris), just maybe this industry can be called on the carpet to pay for their illegal and immoral and unethical behavior. What do you think?
obviously you know nothing about the concept of risk vs. reward much less the naming of businesses. To show you just how screwed/fucked up this industry is you need to go no further than when Go Daddy sold me the domain for $5 (for which i have a receipt), then they took/stole it back from me and turned around and tried to sell it back to me for $500,000:xf.rolleyes:

And this isn't the only instance where similar things have happened.....Verisign, the monopoly that controls .com let the cat out of the bag a few years ago when they called out the secondary market for all their nefarious activities.

Fortunately Verisign is headquarted in my home state of Virginia/USA, and now that some of my legislators are in charge (Youngkin/Winsome/Miyaris), just maybe this industry can be called on the carpet to pay for their illegal and immoral and unethical behavior. What do you think?
That all seems relevant to me. Well done Rich. I think you have another home run on your hands.
so what do you think is happening with the new registry that owns .LINK?

"mums" been the word ever since i announced i was binging on .LINK domains? Of the 1,200 domains i own, most of them had been registered by by Schilling and his minions in 2014 and dropped by 2017. As an example, check out @Hosterstats where you'll find Uniregistry registered it in April 2017 and it was "deleted" in August of 2017 not to be registered again until today.

jim h.....i can't help but think there's a HUGE opportunity here and that's why I've been accumulating .LINK. What do you think? Thanks,
Thank you for sharing. I agree with you. There may be a great potential opportunity of .link.
I don't have much infos about the new owner.
Thank you for sharing. I agree with you. There may be a great potential opportunity of .link.
I don't have much infos about the new owner.
Jim....basically you have "most" of the information i have, but i have reason to believe the new owners of .LINK will be announcing their plans for a rebirth of .link in the next 30 days. I can only hope that some of their plans will include me, some of my outbound marketing strategies, and my domain philosophy.

That all seems relevant to me. Well done Rich. I think you have another home run on your hands.
Thanks for your kind encouraging words Joe....i hit a home run every day i get up. Life itself is like a "home run" and in some cases like a "hole in one" for me.

And the binge continues with Makeover.:xf.wink: or is that .LINK.
Know who would really be into .link? This guy:

This guy even more so:


Alas, is taken.

Link the Sink.
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Know who would really be into .link? This guy:

Show attachment 220800

Thank you for sharing. I agree with you. There may be a great potential opportunity of .link.
I don't have much infos about the new owner.
i have it from a pretty reliable source the unveiling of the new .LINK will occur in the next 60 days. The binge buying continues with;
i have it from a pretty reliable source the unveiling of the new .LINK will occur in the next 60 days. The binge buying continues with;
Thar be gold in them thar hills!!
Know who would really be into .link? This guy:

Show attachment 220800

I like .link, which changed its owner this year, I think it is an extension in line with the spirit of the Internet. Earlier this year, we confirmed the large amount transaction about, which is encouraging.

Although according the information of namepros, the trading volume of link has not increased significantly, and the registration volume is also very stable. I choose to invest in .link and .xyz. I think they both have opportunities in the future.

I like .link, which changed its owner this year, I think it is an extension in line with the spirit of the Internet. Earlier this year, we confirmed the large amount transaction about, which is encouraging.

Although according the information of namepros, the trading volume of link has not increased significantly, and the registration volume is also very stable. I choose to invest in .link and .xyz. I think they both have opportunities in the future.

Thar be gold in them thar hills!!
You better believe it Joe.....i just got me some They want over a million dollars for and makes zero
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