
domains Microsoft calls blockchain domains the next big threat

Spaceship Spaceship


____Top Member
A Microsoft report raises alarm about a new kind of domain name that it says is ripe for abuse by cybercriminals.

The Digital Defense Report that Microsoft recently issued includes a typical rogue’s gallery of cyberthreats, including phishing, ransomware, and supply-chain attacks. But it adds an unusual villain to the list: blockchain domains.

“The next big threat” is how Microsoft’s latest annual security report characterizes domain names written into a distributed ledger maintained across a constellation of computers instead of stored in a traditional, centralized registry.

Storing domain names on a blockchain can make them difficult to shut down or even trace to their owners. It also leaves them inaccessible without special software or settings.

“In recent years, we have observed blockchain domains integrated into cybercriminal infrastructure and operations,” the report says, nodding to Microsoft’s experience last spring disrupting a botnet called Necurs.

read more (fastcompany)
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Same old thing... people denigrating some new tech because it affects their hegemony and they will say it's used for crime.

You can basically say it about anything... eg cold hard cash can be used to conduct crime.
I don't see how crypto domains are the next "big threat". They already admit you need special software and/or setting to use them. We face bigger threats from surveillance imho.
I think web 3, not a threat it will take some new things and from time to time we are progressing to more technologies. on other hand criminals and spammers are every where in technology things or non technology things so its not an issue
A Microsoft report raises alarm about a new kind of domain name that it says is ripe for abuse by cybercriminals.

The Digital Defense Report that Microsoft recently issued includes a typical rogue’s gallery of cyberthreats, including phishing, ransomware, and supply-chain attacks. But it adds an unusual villain to the list: blockchain domains.

“The next big threat” is how Microsoft’s latest annual security report characterizes domain names written into a distributed ledger maintained across a constellation of computers instead of stored in a traditional, centralized registry.

Storing domain names on a blockchain can make them difficult to shut down or even trace to their owners. It also leaves them inaccessible without special software or settings.

“In recent years, we have observed blockchain domains integrated into cybercriminal infrastructure and operations,” the report says, nodding to Microsoft’s experience last spring disrupting a botnet called Necurs.

read more (fastcompany)
Direct link to M.S. report please? cheers mate.
Direct link to M.S. report please? cheers mate.


MS DD Report (PDF) page 38-41 | read more
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Like Al Capone complaining about graffiti.

Just another reason to stop using insecure malware dressed up as an operating system.

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"it says a lot when an attack technique such as malicious macros in Microsoft Office docs, which has been around for more than a decade, still proves to be an effective end-point attack."
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