
domains NameCheap Terminating Services to Russian Customers

Spaceship Spaceship
Namecheap is apparently terminating services to Russian customers:

Namecheap is asking that customers from Russia transfer their domain names to another registrar by March 6, 2022:

"Unfortunately, due to the Russian regime's war crimes and human rights violations in Ukraine, we will no longer be providing services to users registered in Russia. While we sympathize that this war may not affect your own views or opinion on the matter, the fact is, your authoritarian government is committing human rights abuses and engaging in war crimes so this is a policy decision we have made and will stand by.

If you hold any top-level domains with us, we ask that you transfer them to another provider by March 6, 2022. "
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Fair enough, but that still doesn't mean they have not been honest about it.

They are a private company and can largely do business with who they want, but at the same time there is a registrant/digital rights issue. That is why I tweeted (I rarely use Twitter) the NameCheap CEO who clarified in no uncertain terms that they won't delete any domains.

Thanks for the information.
So Namecheap is forcing people to transfer out the domains they paid for? How about refund Namecheap? You remind me "professional thieves" from GoFundMe.

Did Namechep break their contract with ICANN etc.? BBB?
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Namecheap isn't freezing assets; they're asking that certain customers transfer their domains to another registrar.

Imagine if NameCheap did this to Iranians or Chinese. I fear this precedent will be used against other groups, political dissidents in the future.
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For it to be discrimination it has to be either unjust or prejudicial. Both are not applicable to this situation.
I've already had enough of all this, support Ukraine supply them guns, tanks, bombs, missiles, bullets, grenades, mines, nukes, planes... That makes you a war funder which isn't about peace but money. Obvious if you stand for nothing you fall for anything. All men created equal but not when it comes to intelligence.
Prejudicial, Bias etc.. Exactly!
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Namecheap is either a NAZI's controlled company OR they are managed by brainless human-like beings.
Here's a comment I wrote in another thread. Perfectly apt in this one too.

We know for sure 100% that Russians/Chinese/Venezuelans/North Koreans/Iranians etc are all totally brainwashed, and that's because our trustworthy western TV and governments have told us so. Right?

But how many people here have looked deeply into whether that same western TV/government does to YOU what they say is being done to the people of (insert enemy/demonized country here) ???? A few people have done so, as evidenced by some comments above, but still many people have not, will not, or can not.

Try it some time... look for news/info sources outside the control of MSM/govts, and then compare. Deep, logical, scientific thinking and research is needed (which sadly is a big part of the problem). You never know - your whole world might just be turned upside down.

Wouldn't it be "hilarious" if you realized that the real enemy is not that far away country looking after its own interests, but rather the people/companies/governments up close that have gotten hold of your mind?!?!?! It ain't so funny really, it's quite a shock.

For me at least I get to see which companies expose their hand with their Russia bashing, and I can now avoid doing business with them.

Addendum: Those same companies also attack/ban/silence/punish you if you manage to break out of their mind control; all the more reason to not do business with them, and starve them of their revenue like they do to others who don't obediently follow and parrot.
You're so american, that you don't remember World Trade Center and other stuff made by terrorist's from Afghanistan. Again, who was bombed by terrorist in Ukraine, excluding the defense of their territory? It's the same as attacking Sweden, Switzerland or Australia. Now he started threatening Sweden, Finland and prepares for Moldova(part of it, where are russians minorities asked for independence, exactly now). So, where and who should stop him? There are two choices, either this, affecting his citizens also or a nuclear war. Believe me, if Trump would have attacked in the same manner, let's say Canada, for some corner that was owned by US 300 years ago, the world would have treat him exactly the same, affecting US citizens.
Boker, yes I am so American that I did not forget 9/11, in fact I have been researching and studying it since 2012 when I finally woke up to the actual BS of politicians in power. I beg of you to get in the ring with me about 9/11. I don't suffer fools but I do often watch arrogant fools suffer. You appear to be a prime example of garbage in, garbage out, just a parrot of what you hear on corporate controlled TV...re-read my original post..
Saved for posterity, in which you will be seen as much a fool as you have proven here. I am not against any people (unfortunately you clearly are), I am against corrupt govt's of which there are many in this "latest" BS military activity. If you want to push a cause, begin to push truth, then you may actually help people and the world, instead of just running your mouth in some twisted extension of your bloated ego. Peace out.
Here's a comment I wrote in another thread. Perfectly apt in this one too.

Addendum: Those same companies also attack/ban/silence/punish you if you manage to break out of their mind control; all the more reason to not do business with them, and starve them of their revenue like they do to others who don't obediently follow and parrot.
Do you listen to yourself? Who said that venezuleans, iranians and chinese are brain washed? Every chinese knows exactly that they are run by the communist party and they are forbidden to say some things, but they are left to do whatever they want with most things and they are ok with it. Also, Iranians are what they choose to be, nobody is saying that they are brain washed, don't invent things. Also, venezuleans are not, they are just run by a party voted by the poor people, thinking that they will escape being poor, the one's who are not happy are students and entrepreneurs, who want more and are deprived by lot's of things. North Koreans and russians are brain washed, because they are told for ages things that are very different than reality and these will be confirmed by lot's of millions of russians abroad and by the reality. Stop dreaming.

Look at these: https://www.themoscowtimes.com/ https://novayagazeta.ru/
and there are a few others. When you have hundreds of journalists killed or arrested because they were talking about things that they are not allowed, when you are forced to use 'special operation' and not 'war' or 'invasion' that means dictatorship and brain washing and you go to prison for up to 15 years for it and thousands of stuff like these, this is happening for ages and this is the result, to change the reality in the minds of a few.
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Who said that venezuleans, iranians and chinese are brain washed?

Your TV and governments say it all the time. But of course THEY are the only ones who are honest and you can trust them. /end_sarc

And those same TV and governments have been flatly denying the existence of US bioweapon labs in Ukraine, yet (on top of the evidence presented by Russia to the UN) your good buddy Victoria "F the EU" Nuland just a few days ago admitted that they DO exist, while displaying intense alarm that those pesky Russians will take all the bio material in Ukraine labs and release it upon the world (setting them up for a false flag).

Oops, Washington has been caught with its pants down, so too have all those people who believed their lies and thought the west was/is so righteous. Wake up call.

You thus might want to re-examine everything you think you know... or just continue blindly attacking Russia and especially innocent Russians simply trying to buy domains and websites. If you haven't worked it out already, THIS is how they foment hatred (by people against each other) and create wars. They've been doing this for longer than you've been alive. If you choose to go down this path of (un)learning, you have a steep curve ahead of you. Good luck.
Your TV and governments say it all the time. But of course THEY are the only ones who are honest and you can trust them. /end_sarc

And those same TV and governments have been flatly denying the existence of US bioweapon labs in Ukraine, yet (on top of the evidence presented by Russia to the UN) your good buddy Victoria "F the EU" Nuland just a few days ago admitted that they DO exist, while displaying intense alarm that those pesky Russians will take all the bio material in Ukraine labs and release it upon the world (setting them up for a false flag).

Oops, Washington has been caught with its pants down, so too have all those people who believed their lies and thought the west was/is so righteous. Wake up call.

You thus might want to re-examine everything you think you know... or just continue blindly attacking Russia and especially innocent Russians simply trying to buy domains and websites. If you haven't worked it out already, THIS is how they foment hatred (by people against each other) and create wars. They've been doing this for longer than you've been alive. If you choose to go down this path of (un)learning, you have a steep curve ahead of you. Good luck.
Can you point out the evidence showed at UN by Russia? You are so brainwashed that you can't even follow basic news. Even your propaganda media, interfax said that Russia at UN talked about a reasonable suspicion, without showing even the smallest evidence, but you can't see the difference between a bio lab, existing in all countries and bio weapons, used to kill innocent peoples, like the one's used by Russia, you can't read even your own media, but you are talking about media from over 50 countries, stup*d moron, go back to your cave and listen to your Stalin tapes.
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You are so brainwashed that you can't even follow basic news. Even your propaganda media

Here is step one in your learning. Try to spot the remarkable similarity to what our dirty western media presents to you. You're welcome. Congrats if you learnt anything from it.

Here is step one in your learning. Try to spot the remarkable similarity to what our dirty western media presents to you. You're welcome. Congrats if you learnt anything from it.

An example of plain stupidity, this is not Russia.
seriously people actually use nc? that's mental
The National Guard of Ukraine prisoner of war told about the crimes of "Azov" in Mariupol

The serviceman reported that population in Mariupol serves as a "human shield" for nationalists, they also use civilian facilities as strongholds.

"They ordered not to let civilians out. Don't let people out. We saw these cars, crowds. The inscriptions “children”, “civilians”. White flags. Everyone just fled. They knew what would happen. Everyone knew," he said.

The "Azov" militants also influenced the militants of the National Guard of Ukraine, urging them to fight the Russians to the end, talking about the superiority over the Russians.

Yevgeny also told that he was forced to form 3 platoons, being a lieutenant. Then, the Azov command ordered them to dig trenches right in the cemetery under threats of execution. And after, the Azov fighters allegedly by mistake began to attack the positions with mortars and KPV-14.5 heavy machine gun installed on an APC.
Ukrainian militants kill men in Mariupol. They disguise as civilians to escape with hostages

As it became known, Ukrainian nationalists kill male civilians, change into their clothes, and their wives and children are taken hostage.

Under the threat of slaughter of their children, women are forced to say at roadblocks that servicemen are their husbands.

In this way, the Azov militants try to get out of the surrounded city to a safe territory.

Doesn't anybody notice the trail of ISIS??
The situation in Ukraine is assessed (
) by a former NATO colonel, French military expert Jacques Bo.

“…What we need to know is that the Russian strategy is to avoid big cities. You studied the history of the Second World War, you should know about all great battles. Russians avoid city streets not because they are afraid of resistance, but because it is pointless and a waste of time. They move in that direction where they can go through.

Looking at the map, we see that the Russian army bypasses all big cities and continues to move. They move very fast. I have never seen such a rapid advance in history. For 4 days, they occupied the territory equal to Great Britain. We must remember that Ukraine is a large country (the largest in Europe in terms of area). In addition, there are other cities that they encircle. For example, Kharkov and Mariupol are not held by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, but by complete scumbags and extremists, such as militants of Azov Battalion. They are responsible for the massacres of civilians in Mariupol in 2014, they committed atrocities throughout the Donbass and in other regions of the South-East of Ukraine. But nobody talks about it!

In Mariupol and Kharkov, Nazi units such as Azov Battalion engage in unthinkable atrocities. They do such horrible things that you can't even imagine. There is such vivid evidence of these atrocities that I would not show them here. They are real brutes”.
I was thinking that Putin is crazy, but looks like his supporters are even worse, no cure for stupidity.
I am not Putin's supporter. Imho, this person was very inefficient in managing economic processes in Russia since his inception in 2000. Russia like the USA has everything to flourish - bright people, resources, and proper size to scale in.

The key point is that majority of European and Northern American residents are eating US propaganda instead of trying to get raw data and process it. It is hard.
I am not Putin's supporter. Imho, this person was very inefficient in managing economic processes in Russia since his inception in 2000. Russia like the USA has everything to flourish - bright people, resources, and proper size to scale in.

The key point is that majority of European and Northern American residents are eating US propaganda instead of trying to get raw data and process it. It is hard.

hard to me is
reading your bS here
This all is getting out of control. 50% russians are Putinists but the other 50% are not!
My buddy is russian & american (both nationalities) and he has ukrainian employees in the US,
they all just don´t understand what´s happening in Europe, and how badly I hate Putin and
his puppets, I can´t accept the rushian bashing all over the place. We speak about human beings
who were BORN in that country BY NATURE! they didn´t have a choice.
Otherwise please bash ALL GERMANS for world war 2 because 95% of Germans were REAL NAZIS
and just 5% resisted Hitler. So all native Germans today have therefore Nazi-genes so genes of
Massmurderers. If this all is "Political correctness" - bashing innocent people - because this correctness
is toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo dumb to bash the right people, those who initiated the issues,
than I am definitely Political "Uncorrect" and I´m proud of it.
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