
poll Opinion: Is it immoral to sell Coronavirus related domains & websites?

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Is it morally wrong to profit from Coronavirus domains and websites?

  • 81 votes
  • Ended 4 years ago
  • Final results
Just looking for open candid feedback as to whether you think it's okay or not to sell Coronavirus related domain names, websites, apps, and other related digital assets.

My personal take on it is that I myself will not be buying/selling anything with the word "coronavirus" or "covid" in it or work on anything related to Coronavirus but at the same time I'm not going to put down or shame anyone else in the domain community who does decide to attempt to profit from it.

I think it is better morally not to do so, but I don't think registering a domain name is nearly as bad as say hoarding essential supplies (physical products) that people need to survive. People can live if you register a bunch of domains, people cannot live if you hoard physical products like water, food, medicine, etc.

Waiting to hear from you guys about this issue.
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World Wide Top Headlines

... Domain Investors around the world are unleashing the power of domain names to have a positive impact on the world-in-crisis. The domain investors community donates/redirects a 5000+ coronavirus related domain names to WHO.int . This gesture also contribute to the fight against cybercrime (explanation) etc ...

@WhoaDomain.com the above can happen ... only in our dreams, - yesterday. (y)

WELL THERE YOU GO! see that? nice.

well you guys all know I'm 100% skeptical about everything. I'm a New Yorker! so never trust things at face value. lol

although this is a great gesture.

if any of these people did so without wanting recognition then ok then. that's adds more weight to the gesture and donation. but if they make any attempts to point out or make it some kind of PR boost.

then I don't know.

but who cares I guess? so long as the domains point to where needed? it is something to think about.
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If ... organized, If you want ..., put it in action. List DN's! If the number is greater than 1000, I will invite top journalists over to come and observe. (y)
If ... organized, If you want ..., put it in action. List DN's! If the number is greater than 1000, I will invite top journalists over to come and observe. (y)

lol I really had no ideas or plans for any domains for this situation. really didn't to the point I don't even know how many I have. but I'll have a look. but for sure it's not 1000.
1000 investors x 1 domain name = 1000 (y)
1000 investors x 1 domain name = 1000 (y)

sorry bro my brain is mush right now with everything I have to do. can't think. So don't get it. but okay?? lol

Stay safe friend. You and your family.
To profit from Coronavirus is immoral. If you register a domain then do the moral thing and create beneficial content for people that can help them cope with the pandemic. If you try to profit from the crisis then you are damaging the domaining community's public image.
If it helps worldwidevirus.com and coronainsurance.com Available?
Dan just started actively removing covid 19 related domain.Kudos to them.
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Is it immoral to profits from a doll?:bored: Just passed by...


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This thread compelled me to write an article on the subject. Maybe immoral is too strong of a word. My question is, is it ethical? My thoughts are too long to post here. You can read them here.
When acquiring trend-based names, domain investors typically hope for the trend to continue. The question to those registering disease domains - how do you feel, isn't some tiny part of your subconscious mind looking forward to the same as well in this case? Not sure whether other disaster names are relevant enough, so let's leave them out for now.

P.S. Sorry for bumping the thread after the discussion seems to be over in general; no blaming here as well - just interested in the psychological perception of this essence.
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I think that the problem is related to studies that show that there is a positive correlation between corona related domains and spam. On the other hand, it will be a precaution to disseminate public health information that is malicious or even harmful. Although formally legitimate there are some big companies that take the opportunity to "steal" money from countries while promoting real information or providing good quality services.
Pope Francis condemns those trying to make quick money off coronavirus.

Pope Francis dedicates the intention of his Mass, Wednesday morning, at the Casa Santa Marta, to the conversion of heart of those who take advantage of the needy.

“Let us pray today for people who during this time of the pandemic, trade at the expense of the needy and profit from the needs of others, like the mafia, usurers and others. May the Lord touch their hearts and convert them,” the Pope urged in the opening words of the Mass.

Source: Vaticannews.va
Is it immoral to profits from a doll?:bored: Just passed by...

hmmm just saw this. During this time. Children are stuck home. no school. and when they go out parents are already frustrated with all this. many furloughed and lost their jobs.

many can't handle or deal with having to explain to their kids why they can't go to school and see their friends. and why they can't touch things or pick up things off the floor. Kids love touching things.

or why they can't go outside and play.

And then finally why they need to wear masks outside or why they can't touch their face or wash their hands constantly. or stay 6 feet from people they know or love.

A doll like this helps to make the situation "cute" to a kid. like a game. to help parents deal with this situation to explain to their kids what is going on.

Kids follow by example. If they see this doll they might think they should wear a mask and stay safe. I mean the doll is wearing a mask. maybe the kid will think "I'll wear one".

I don't know man. Every little bit helps right? Stay safe. Stay healthy.
Pope Francis condemns those trying to make quick money off coronavirus.

Pope Francis dedicates the intention of his Mass, Wednesday morning, at the Casa Santa Marta, to the conversion of heart of those who take advantage of the needy.

“Let us pray today for people who during this time of the pandemic, trade at the expense of the needy and profit from the needs of others, like the mafia, usurers and others. May the Lord touch their hearts and convert them,” the Pope urged in the opening words of the Mass.

Source: Vaticannews.va

oh boy. Pope Francis just put a target on his back with that dedication. Mafia is not going to like that. I hope they don't try anything.

But surprisingly this is a "thing". Just did a Google "coronavirus italy mafia"


This is crazy.

I wonder if there are any Mafia coronavirus domainers?
This is true with pretty much every topic in life: If you have to ask if an action is immoral, then you betch you’re a— it is.
Pope Francis condemns those trying to make quick money off coronavirus.

Pope Francis dedicates the intention of his Mass, Wednesday morning, at the Casa Santa Marta, to the conversion of heart of those who take advantage of the needy.

“Let us pray today for people who during this time of the pandemic, trade at the expense of the needy and profit from the needs of others, like the mafia, usurers and others. May the Lord touch their hearts and convert them,” the Pope urged in the opening words of the Mass.

Source: Vaticannews.va

WAIT a minute: But it's ok for pop Francis and his system to sell INDULGENCES!!! No wonder why this world is how it's right now! Which one is more immoral/criminal - some people profiting from the "Coronavirus Pandemic" or pop FRANCIS and his SYSTEM SELLING INDULGENCES? No disrespect my friend but I don't see any DIFFERENCE. Do you? Ask the HISTORY if there is any difference between profiting from the Coronavirus and the church selling indulgences. I hope you already know they answer. I know this forum is to talk about the Domain Industry but I felt for a second that I needed to exercise my freedom of speech.
Totally ethical just like any other disease related domain. I got BuyQuinine.com

Think of it this way: since quinine is being promoted to be a cure for coronavirus, many would want to exploit the name and sell fake stuff or commit scams using it. Now that I own it, I get to choose the next owner (if anyone comes up) and will make sure they are legit.
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Totally ethical just like any other disease related domain. I got BuyQuinine.com

Think of it this way: since quinine is being promoted to be a cure for coronavirus, many would want to exploit the name and sell fake stuff or commit scams using it. Now that I own it, I get to choose the next owner (if anyone comes up) and will make sure they are legit.

Quinine was primary used as an anti malarial not coronavirus cure so I think you are safe.

Although I like the word "buy" I like slapping an "s" at the end of everything lol

like AntiMalarias.com
I wonder how many people had ideas for corona sites that would have raised awareness and saved lives, shared important information around the world, disproven some of the soup-brained conspiracies going around, allowed independent journalists and writers to document this whole disaster, enabled storytellers to celebrate the heroes on the front lines, and to hold the powerful bad actors in our world accountable.

I wonder how many people were going to selflessly put their dev time and resources into creating something that benefited all of us, but got discouraged when the name they wanted to buy costs $2,888 instead of $8.50, so that it can just sit there doing nothing until it's dropped next February. But hey, at least domainers can try to make a quick buck while contributing nothing beyond putting up obstacles, doing the exact opposite of empowering people.

Maybe the number is 0 and that didn't happen a single time. Who knows. Either way, it sure is interesting to see the hoops some people will jump through to justify the barriers they've created for others.

You don't have to pretend that what you're doing is good or virtuous, you can just admit that it's selfish. That's okay. You're allowed to behave this way, just be honest with yourself about it.

I think of domain names as dogs at the pound. Being developed is like seeing that dog get adopted into a loving family. It's the best thing that can happen to a domain name and a pound dog. Most of these corona names will get taken into the shed and given the Old Yeller treatment in about a year when their window of being useful is closed.

Now, if you want to make the argument that you're not stopping somebody from developing something useful by making quality names inaccessible to them, I don't think anyone here wants to make the argument that quality names don't matter lol.
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I booked coronavirusprecautionarymeasure(s).com to launch an educational website for the same but don't how to proceed with it.
That's a big name. Not sure about its SEO value though.
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