
domains Record Number of Domain Name Cases filed with WIPO in 2023

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WIPO saw another record year in domain name dispute filings, administering nearly 6,200 complaints in 2023, an over 7% increase from 2022 and a 68% increase since the onset of the COVID pandemic.

These case numbers show that the WIPO‑designed UDRP continues to be an important tool for brand owners to fight abuse on the Internet. Trademark owners from around the world filed a record of a total of 6,192 cases in 2023 under the UDRP and national variations. The top filing country locations were the United States of America, France, and the United Kingdom.

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3% complaints denied seems low, but if the representative cases are really representative, then it's no wonder. Most cases are filed for blatant TM violations so the system is working as intended. Out of the six listed examples (5 transferred, 1 denied as rdnh), all six outcomes were 100% expected.
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