The $2.74 Conspiracy?

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Mug RuithTop Member
Message to the average domainer. Stop obsessing about selling and start obsessing about developing. You only need to earn $2.74 each day to profit $1000 in a year from your domain names. So if you have 10 domain names it would be $10000 profit each year. Stop listening to all the hype about selling because it will most likely NEVER happen for you, and you will only realise this once you've lost all your money. Take heed NOW. Register, develop and monetise. Listen clearly, most domainers will FAIL. Nobody wants you to know this because they want to sell you their domains. This message will either be moved, deleted or down-voted or a combination of all three because the sellers can't profit from you. You can free yourselves by investing your time to learn how to develop your domain names into profitable revenue streams and sell later if you so desire. STOP LOSING MONEY, Stop buying worthless domain names. Stop dreaming and start WINNING.
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I have taken the OP's post and swapped the terms for development and sales.

You see how it works? Lacking any specifics makes the statement pretty hollow.

AKA anyone can say anything, but without examples or data to back it up it doesn't really have much value.

Message to the average domainer. Stop obsessing about developing and start obsessing about selling. You only need to earn $2.74 each day to profit $1000 in a year from your domain names. So if you have 10 domain names it would be $10000 profit each year. Stop listening to all the hype about development because it will most likely NEVER happen for you, and you will only realise this once you've lost all your money.

There are plenty of people on NamePros who have experience with development, myself included. I don't think there is some magic effortless formula that doesn't require some combination of time, money, knowledge, and experience.

Not to mention many of the most valuable types of domains, like brands, short domains, etc. are not that suited for development.

Development also really hurts potential sales of a domain. It would not make much sense to develop a valuable domain to make $100/year.

I feel like this is a discussion from a decade ago honestly, where people cranked out poorly done mini-sites with article spinners on long-tail domains. They were far more popular then.

If it works for you, great. However, people are skeptical for a reason.

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I have taken the OP's post and swapped the terms for development and sales.
Why? That's called timewasting.
You see how it works? Lacking any specifics makes the statement pretty hollow.
That's not true. Here are the specifics. Or go to Google and search how to develop domain names for profit. The more you post the higher it goes. So you're helping market the thread which will help more people. Nice one!
AKA anyone can say anything, but without examples or data to back it up it doesn't really have much value.
That's not true. I have explained the process in a guide and have given examples of developed domain names. You are asking me to provide confidential information which I'm legally bound not to provide you. We can jump in circles, you can retain your skepticism, doesn't change the fact this process works for thousands of people.
There are plenty of people on NamePros who have experience with development, myself included. I don't think there is some magic effortless formula that doesn't require some combination of time, money, knowledge, and experience.
You're twisting my words and making things up. To be honest, I find that surprising as well as disappointing. I have never said it's magic, I have never said it's effortless, and I have never said it doesn't require time to develop, money to buy a domain name, acquired knowledge and experience of finding out what works and what doesn't work.
Not to mention many of the most valuable types of domains, like brands, short domains, etc. are not that suited for development.
That's off-topic mate.
Development also really hurts potential sales of a domain. It would not make much sense to develop a valuable domain to make $100/year.
Again, off-topic. If you lose money on your domain names currently then earning $ 100 is better than nothing.
I feel like this is a discussion from a decade ago honestly, where people cranked out poorly done mini-sites with article spinners on long-tail domains. They were far more popular then.
That's a false narrative. Read the guide, ask technical questions.
If it works for you, great. However, people are skeptical for a reason.
I think you are spreading the skepticism mate. I'm happy if people start developing their domain names and start earning a profit. Seems like a lot of people don't like my ideas but happy to post off-topic comments aimed at derailing the thread. A voice of reason, I thought better of you, honestly @bmugford.
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It would take an hour for a smart domain name developer to clone my sites and ruin all my hard work, hundreds of hours. Not a chance.
A smart domainer hmm...Interesting thought but why would you mind if they cloned your site? It wouldn't cause you to lose any money would it?
That's a more balanced reply mate. I'm talking only about making profit from domain name registrations instead of registering and letting them expire with zero profit. So, again, I'm talking about spending $ 10s and earning $ 100s from every registration. Nothing more. I'm saying I've done it, thousands of others have done it, and thousands more can do it. If it's not true then why does Adsense exist?
Hello @redemo,

@branding asked you two important questions, that you've not answered yet.

Those questions are:

1. What data did I make up?
2. Where am I lying?
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That's a more balanced reply mate. I'm talking only about making profit from domain name registrations instead of registering and letting them expire with zero profit. So, again, I'm talking about spending $ 10s and earning $ 100s from every registration. Nothing more. I'm saying I've done it, thousands of others have done it, and thousands more can do it. If it's not true then why does Adsense exist?

Being blunt here. I don't care about giving balanced comments. I'm here to learn, and help others... While profiting from it myself by gaining insights.

As a business I know making $10/h in revenue(!) isn't gonna put food on the table. There's far more expenses you'll have to take into account when you want to scale up and even if you don't (when done legally) you'd actually be better off flipping burgers.

I can't speak for the UK but that $10$/h in revenue will leave me with almost zero profit profit... Taxes, social security, insurance, pensions... Energy, working space.

You think it's free... It isn't.

So unless you can scale up , the numbers don't work. In the UK you'd need what? 3K Net/month to be considered a moderate income? That's a lot of domains to find, develop and maintain.
Why? That's called timewasting.
My post simply illustrates how broad your statement is.

You are asking me to provide confidential information which I'm legally bound not to provide you. We can jump in circles, you can retain your skepticism, doesn't change the fact this process works for thousands of people.
You are not bound to provide anything, but don't get all offended when people are skeptical.

You're twisting my words and making things up. To be honest, I find that surprising as well as disappointing. I have never said it's magic, I have never said it's effortless, and I have never said it doesn't require time to develop, money to buy a domain name, acquired knowledge and experience of finding out what works and what doesn't work.
No you didn't specifically say that there is some magic formula, you just made it seem that way with how easy you make it sound.

That's off-topic mate.

Again, off-topic. If you lose money on your domain names currently then earning $ 100 is better than nothing.
Pointing out that many types of domains are unsuitable for development either because of format or value is clearly on topic.

I think you are spreading the skepticism mate. I'm happy if people start developing their domain names and start earning a profit. Seems like a lot of people don't like my ideas but happy to post off-topic comments aimed at derailing the thread. A voice of reason, I thought better of you, honestly @bmugford.

Oh well, you can't please everyone. When people make broad claims based on scant details, you can expect plenty of questions and skepticism.

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I was responding to an accusation. I stand by my response.
You are trotting through the forum like an elephant. Success with it.
This approach ends the same as it does with bad domain investments: An Internet full of bargain-bin websites with no real contributions with original information.

Development should take time and an ongoing commitment produce an end-result that provides an actual service or trustworthy and meaningful content.

If you can produce a site in an hour or two, than what's the sense of directing people to develop DNs vs registering domains that they'll drop in in year? Both of these models suggest throw-away endeavors.

Development and domaining are not the same thing, but I think the approach to how we choose to populate either field is reflective of our expectations: attempting profiting at all costs in the cheapest possible way, vs true sector improvements that takes time and lays a good foundation.
My post simply illustrates how broad your statement is.
No, it illustrates your opinion.
You are not bound to provide anything, but don't get all offended when people are skeptical.
I'm not getting offended. If I said I flip cars would you ask for the registration plates? No. You'd ask for the method. Then let's discuss the method. You seem to be stuck on first base mate.
No you didn't specifically say that there is some magic formula, you just made it seem that way with how easy you make it sound.
No, you invented something. Don't twist my words and then start a new argument based on your new additions.
Pointing out that many types of domains are unsuitable for development either because of format or value is clearly on topic.
Nothing to do with this thread. Cats may have 18 toes but you can discuss it in the breakroom.
Oh well, you can't please everyone. When people make broad claims based on scant details, you can expect plenty of questions and skepticism.
That's your opinion. I think my guide was very detailed given it was my first and only e-book. Keep the questions coming, especially keen to know what you thought of my guide. Did you actually read it or not?

That's called a direct question which requires and answer @Future Sensors.
I was responding to an accusation. I stand by my response.

They are rather bold claims though. I don't mind but think it's a missed opportunity.

You're passionate. You could be onto something most of us are missing. Who's to know without running the numbers?
That's called a direct question which requires and answer @Future Sensors.

I read your post. It is basically just points that are common sense.
If you have absolutely no experience whatsoever in the field, it could have some value as a starting point.

But, as I read down the first page I saw quickly that you started facing the exact same skepticism in that thread as well.

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I read your post. It is basically just points that are common sense.
If you have absolutely no experience whatsoever in the field, it could have some value.

But, as I read down the first page I saw quickly that you started facing the exact same skepticism in that thread as well.

Aristotle summed it up quite nicely. There is only one way to avoid criticism. Do nothing, say nothing and be nothing.
This approach ends the same as it does with bad domain investments: An Internet full of bargain-bin websites with no real contributions with original information.

Development should take time and an ongoing commitment produce an end-result that provides an actual service or trustworthy and meaningful content.

If you can produce a site in an hour or two, than what's the sense of directing people to develop DNs vs registering domains that they'll drop in in year? Both of these models suggest throw-away endeavors.

Development and domaining are not the same thing, but I think the approach to how we choose to populate either field is reflective of our expectations: attempting profiting at all costs in the cheapest possible way, vs true sector improvements that takes time and lays a good foundation.

Nailed it.
@HotKey you said Development and domaining are not the same thing. An apple and a orange aren't the same thing. What's your point? Developing domain names for profit is a part of domaining. Or are you disagreeing with Godaddy?
@HotKey you said Development and domaining are not the same thing. An apple and a orange aren't the same thing. What's your point? Developing domain names for profit is a part of domaining. Or are you disagreeing with Godaddy?
This is different than apples and oranges. Domains are a means to end, development is a continuation of that end. Even if someone chooses a domain name that isn't up to par to our investor standards, they can still develop it into something meaningful because of what it brings to the table in terms of content or services. And once that's done, are you not going to commit to all your hard work?

My point is suggesting to monetize is fine and dandy, but what happens when we want to sell the domain? These are two different beasts. You've presented and established a website to the net and now just abandon it? Some domains take years to sell, do we assume we want the baggage of a 2-hour build site to go along with it?

A developed site should be dependable to those who visit it. A domain name is the prelude to that. If you're an investor, you're interested in the latter.

It takes a LOT of hard work to have a developed site speak above all the rest of the noise; similar to just domain names, and advising people to simply develop for monetization is the same as advising people to register domains in bulk or keeping to trends or sticking to just a certain extension, without adherence to a ton of other factors that determine things like quality or longevity or probable sales in due course/traffic.
My point is suggesting to monetize is fine and dandy, but what happens when we want to sell the domain?

Unfortunately monetizing became the most difficult part for even experienced developers. I develop websites for almost 2 decades. I still run aged websites with stable organic traffic which I developed in 2000's. Frankly, domains of those developed websites are worth more than websites. If I didn't develop those domains, I could sell those domains easier. Domain buyers look like less interested once you develop a domain or maybe I know it wrong. If I know it correct, then developing a domain has one more risk: if you change your mind later, the chance of selling a developed domain will be lower.
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My point is suggesting to monetize is fine and dandy, but what happens when we want to sell the domain?
You've worked on it intermittently for a year, earnt $ 100 and should be happy. Anything else is a bonus.
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If your domaining skills are not good then you may not be able to recoup your costs on purchases/renewals, and developing websites might then be a way for you to recoup your costs, if you have that skill.
If your domaining skills are not good then you may not be able to recoup your costs on purchases/renewals, and developing websites might then be a way for you to recoup your costs, if you have that skill.
I prefer to buy and build than just buy and sell. Personal choice. Developing is a facet of domaining, unless you define domaining otherwise.
A lot of moaning on this forum about what you can't do, what isn't possible, what doesn't work. I say to hell with circumstances, I create opportunities. Now downvote this post and downvote Bruce Lee.
Message to the average domainer. Stop obsessing about selling and start obsessing about developing. You only need to earn $2.74 each day to profit $1000 in a year from your domain names. So if you have 10 domain names it would be $10000 profit each year. Stop listening to all the hype about selling because it will most likely NEVER happen for you, and you will only realise this once you've lost all your money.
A lot of moaning on this forum about what you can't do, what isn't possible, what doesn't work. I say to hell with circumstances, I create opportunities. Now downvote this post and downvote Bruce Lee.
In fairness, you have done a lot of moaning about selling domains, while many people are successful at doing it. It started with the first post.

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In fairness, you have done a lot of moaning about selling domains, while many people are successful at doing it. It started with the first post.

I'm trying to help. How many help guides have you posted on the forum?
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