
The LLL.com sales report & discussion thread

Spaceship Spaceship
We need this one too guys :)

This guide will also help LLLL.com holders to understand more the value of their 4 letters .com based on how expensive the similar 3 letters .com are.



Pricing Guide for 3-Letter (Composed Of Letters Only) Domains:

Current Observed Minimum Wholesale Price (regardless of letter combo) as of February 1, 2008:

3-Letter .com - $6700 (+ $300 since January 1, 2008 report)

But I consider their guide a bit old since they are not taking in consideration the emergenging countries that appreciate other letters and as we have run a poll here several times lately, the majority of people consider the letters U
and W to be Premium letters.

Let`s have a look at some recent LLL.com sales as reported from NameBio.com :

nak.com $27,135 2007-12-22 SEDO.com
nyz.com $10,605 2007-12-19 tdnam
utw.com $10,100 2007-12-10 SEDO.com
via.com $157,500 2007-12-06 SEDO.com
cgf.com $14,500 2007-12-06 SEDO.com
vkx.com $6,200 2007-12-06 SEDO.com
mje.com $10,734 2007-12-06 SEDO.com
okf.com $8,500 2007-12-06 SEDO.com
our.com $60,000 2007-12-06 SEDO.com
kxr.com $7,101 2007-12-06 SEDO.com
lhg.com $13,613 2007-12-06 SEDO.com
wae.com $10,099 2007-12-06 SEDO.com
hya.com $7,499 2007-12-06 SEDO.com
yrd.com $9,100 2007-12-05 SEDO.com
vfk.com $15,750 2007-11-29 AfterNic.com
qee.com $10,882 2007-11-27 SEDO.com
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
another glitch of sedo,
i had my lll.com on great domain auction.
told them that reserver is 5.100 euro,
they mistakenly put the reserve at 5100 GBP
just some hours beforre auctions ends i receive a bid of 5000 GBP
and that stayed till the end of the auction.

If the reserve was put correctly now i d have sold my lll.com

First was Moniker that made a mistake for a domain i listed at ther auction, now its sedo.
ouch... That's a pretty serious mistake :td:

I'd get on the phone with Sedo and really encourage (to put it nicely) them to contact the bidder who placed the 5000 GBP offer. We know from the .mobi incident in December that Sedo can (and will) contact bidders if they feel obliged to do so.

on!SPOT said:
another glitch of sedo,
i had my lll.com on great domain auction.
told them that reserver is 5.100 euro,
they mistakenly put the reserve at 5100 GBP
just some hours beforre auctions ends i receive a bid of 5000 GBP
and that stayed till the end of the auction.

If the reserve was put correctly now i d have sold my lll.com

First was Moniker that made a mistake for a domain i listed at ther auction, now its sedo.
thank u Reece, i was planning to do this tommorow.
on!SPOT said:
thank u Reece, i was planning to do this tommorow.

Hi Makis, please let us know if it gets sold once it`s all done, thanks and good luck!
Spade said:
Interestingly enough - GNP.com sale gives us a decent comparison to .mobi - as GNP.mobi sold not too long back.

21k / 330 - which means if this was reasonably true for all domains - .mobi's value is about 1.5-2% that of the .com

BTW - a clerical error on my part. I put NameJet here, when I meant Afternic.... It was recorded properly in NameBio.com
Then again, what do you think JOL.com would sell for? Because it was just announced that JOL.mobi sold for $10,000... (verification by DNJournal to come in the next couple of weeks).

So if your method is accurate at all, we also might say that .mobi's value is a whole lot more than 1.5-2%.

Just wanted to point out the inaccuracy of making valuations like that... ;)
dag said:
Then again, what do you think JOL.com would sell for? Because it was just announced that JOL.mobi sold for $10,000... (verification by DNJournal to come in the next couple of weeks).

So if your method is accurate at all, we also might say that .mobi's value is a whole lot more than 1.5-2%.

Just wanted to point out the inaccuracy of making valuations like that... ;)

If Jol.mobi sold for 10k - and is to be verified, it would be an end-user sale. (As no Reseller would pay that amount for a LLL.mobi). Being that the case, it wouldn't apply to the standard valuations, because those are based on reseller prices and thus a terrible example if trying to refute my point.

Here is a rough valuation thought from me:

LLL.com's = $8,000
LLL.net's = $800
LLL.mobi = $190

These are based on the bottom tier of this class of domain name (reseller pricing). That being said - .mobi's have a 2.375% value of their .com counterparts. Even if you inflate the numbers of .mobi and drop down .com - your still looking at a fraction of the value.

My reason for comparison between GNP.com and GNP.mobi was because both are owned by resellers. (neither is a developed site).
From what I've seen, Justin's 1.5-2.5% or so seems to be quite accurate. I've seen many mobis go for 1% or even less, and likewise, some go for significant percentages of what the .coms go for. As a whole though, I think 1.5-2.5% is bang on.

Now back to LLL.coms... HLS is posted sold in the Namepros High Priced forum for $16000 + escrow fees.

My kind of sale -- buyer got a good deal and passes on a good deal to the new owner :tu:
Spade said:
If Jol.mobi sold for 10k - and is to be verified, it would be an end-user sale. (As no Reseller would pay that amount for a LLL.mobi). Being that the case, it wouldn't apply to the standard valuations, because those are based on reseller prices and thus a terrible example if trying to refute my point.
I agree with you to a point, actually...reseller can't be compared to end user, but unless you know GNP.com is definitely a reseller, it IS certainly possible that it was an end-user sale and they just haven't put anything up yet.

On the whole, though, you're correct -- the numbers do speak for themselves. And I certainly would be a happy man if I had as many LLL.coms as LLL.mobis!

I also concur with Spade's reseller LLL's ... ".mobi's have a 2.375% value of their .com counterparts", IMHO. In fact, many LLL .mobi's have been going in liquidation sales recently for mid - high $1xx and now for some time, in my observation! :red:

I am always suspect of any publicly claimed (and typically, without full consent from the buyer's), unverified :$: "sales" to End users ... in which the domain names - it seems - never become developed properly for those that "are on the go", and then promoted accordingly IMHO. I've seen 2 - 3 such LLL.mobi "reported sales", and as of this writing, I have not seen their respective corresponding developments (and promotions)! :| :imho:

Back to LLL.com's; some are genuine bargains at mid - high $X,xxx's, IMHO. :lala:
Have a nice weekend!
-Jeff B-)
Jeff said:

I also concur with Spade's reseller LLL's ... ".mobi's have a 2.375% value of their .com counterparts", IMHO. In fact, many LLL .mobi's have been going in liquidation sales recently for mid - high $1xx and now for some time, in my observation! :red:

I am always suspect of any publicly claimed (and typically, without full consent from the buyer's), unverified :$: "sales" to End users ... in which the domain names - it seems - never become developed properly for those that "are on the go", and then promoted accordingly IMHO. I've seen 2 - 3 such LLL.mobi "reported sales", and as of this writing, I have not seen their respective corresponding developments (and promotions)! :| :imho:

Back to LLL.com's; some are genuine bargains at mid - high $X,xxx's, IMHO. :lala:
Have a nice weekend!
-Jeff B-)
Yeah, whatever Jeff.

Escrow closed for this one, already, and the buyer was a business called Japan Online. It will be reported to Ron Jackson very soon.

But now, back to The LLL.com Show -- this isn't really the thread for this stuff, although I admit I helped by commenting.
bricio said:
QUD,com -> $18,500 (an end-user sale?)
Man, I used to own qud.us - sold it to fonzie I think for about $35 some time ago.
UMX.com - 7,350 (a deal in my opinion) NameJet
I was considering bidding on it. There were like 145 bidders, I was surprised it didn't go for more.

The letters them self are not great, but the combination of the letters I like.

Spade said:
UMX.com - 7,350 (a deal in my opinion) NameJet
bmugford said:
I was considering bidding on it. There were like 145 bidders, I was surprised it didn't go for more.

The letters them self are not great, but the combination of the letters I like.

Agreed. I had bid it up to 6700 - but I knew I would be away for the auction (NFL Draft)..... I was disappointed to see it go for so low.
Spade said:
Agreed. I had bid it up to 6700 - but I knew I would be away for the auction (NFL Draft)..... I was disappointed to see it go for so low.

week-end bargain prices
at sedo on april 28, 2008

VKO,com -> 6,100 EUR ($9,541)
DIW,com -> $12,500
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bricio said:
at sedo on april 28, 2008

DIW,com -> $12,500

See my signature :hehe:
Very nice mate :)

Exactly the kind of triple/quad which has massive future potential imho :)

domeinen said:
See my signature :hehe:
at sedo today

YRD,com -> $10,100 (two bids from two bidders)
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TSJ.com sold at sedo for $10,100
Interesting -- three $10,100 sales in a row. :cy:
Etab said:
Interesting -- three $10,100 sales in a row. :cy:

And more important, the number of sales under $10,000 is decreasing each month.

I consider $10,000 for a so called double premium a very good price...and of course I won`t include U and W in the 3rd letter......those are Premiums for me.
We are talking of J,Y,Z,Q for these $10,000 sales. Actually i think even Y should be over these prices.
jwy.com sold for 5000 GBP
on!SPOT said:
jwy.com sold for 5000 GBP

Congrats!! That`s about $10,000 :)

$9,870 as today (1.974 exchange rate)
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