
.tv The week in review

Spaceship Spaceship


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TheDomains Staff
Starting off with trends,

A lot of travel names got dropped and picked up on the drop.

All these names were regged for five years at Godaddy.

A few premium names dropped

All picked up. sold for $7000 sold for $601 sold for $4000 by Jimbo sold for $7500 by Manos Thanks to Ammudamus who broke story and was first reported on

One major article on a top domain blog, The Domains mentioned

A decent week for .tv overall.
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Nice piece Ray.

I'd love to see a piece like this every week. It seems so much is happening these days with regard to sales and developments - and the vast majority of stuff is away from, or not reported on NP.

I think everyone here knows you or, at least, knows of the high-standing and good reputation you have in this industry. I think a concise piece like this would easily become required reading.

Looks like and went fairly cheap!
For how much?

And congrats to Manos and Jimbo!
Check the backorder prices at Name. They're just a bit more than the actual registration fee.
Every week there are some nice .TV acquisitions some which I'm sure aren't publicized.
Starting off with trends,

A lot of travel names got dropped and picked up on the drop.


All these names were regged for five years at Godaddy.

i checked 5 or 6 of these and none of them appeared to be regd for 5 years. just a year each.

Korea was a nice catch for someone.
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i checked 5 or 6 of these and none of them appeared to be regd for 5 years. just a year each. about half of them have been listed available for purchase at the following prices:

Buy 1 $199
Buy 2 $350
Buy 5 $600
Buy 10 for $1K

maybe some good deals, eh? i have noticed the .tv market picking up a bit lately.

Very Interesting.

A few weeks back we saw the all of the's have been picked up on the drop.

Will they sell for those prices???
The prices sure sound very fair.

Who knows what the next trend wil be?

Some great sales to start out the New Year also. Congrats Manos, and Jimbo.

2011 is the year of .TV!!!

No Fin I meant they were regged for five years and then dropped.

the majority of 'this weeks activity' was my drops.


the were all dropped by me.

equity is right - i had them for 5 years - and then decided I did not particularly like them any more and deleted them.

I am not particularly interested in the small flips (due to time constraints mostly so that only happens if I have a free spell) and I realized i was never going to really spend any development energy on a domain with two negatives [two words plus .tv]

this is not to say that there is not some value there - they are OK domains and probably worth exactly what they are priced at -- about $100 / piece in bulk. but i would wonder exactly how much risk-adjusted upside there is from there for a domaineer purchaser.

i would not read too much into this in either direction - it is not opportunities galore and it is not 'omg, .tv sucks' and I am not sure it is a trend either since it is the sum total of 5 minutes of thinking by me, one night, a couple of months ago.

-- was also my drop and that one is an easy one - the renewal was absurd given the current environment.

with the elimination of renewals, we have market-clearing prices on great domains and, for better or for worse, they are generally a lot lower than they would need to be to justify high renewals
Funny how news of a whole lot of drops and selling for $7000 can somehow form the basis of "a good week".
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First off can you read ? Who said good ? Do you know the difference between decent and good ?

Secondly wasn't even the top sale for the week as sold for $7500 along with at $4000.

What is really funny is how you have no life.
First off can you read ? Who said good ? Do you know the difference between decent and good ?

Means much the same thing last I looked,

[dee-suhnt] Show IPA
conforming to the recognized standard of propriety, good taste, modesty, etc., as in behavior or speech.
respectable; worthy: a decent family.
adequate; fair; passable: a decent wage.
kind; obliging; generous: It was very decent of him to lend me his watch.
suitable; appropriate: She did not have a decent coat for the cold winter.
of fairly attractive appearance: a decent face.
Informal . wearing enough clothing to appear in public.
Slang . great; wonderful.

Secondly wasn't even the top sale for the week as sold for $7500 along with at $4000.

What is really funny is how you have no life.

I was suggesting was an unimpressive sale. Similarly a whole lot of drops by a .tv domainer isn't a sign of "a decent week".
Not quite but keep trying.

good   /gʊd/ Show Spelled
[good] Show IPA
adjective, bet·ter, best, noun, interjection, adverb
1. morally excellent; virtuous; righteous; pious: a good man.
2. satisfactory in quality, quantity, or degree: a good teacher; good health.
3. of high quality; excellent.
4. right; proper; fit: It is good that you are here. His credentials are good.
5. well-behaved: a good child.
6. kind, beneficent, or friendly: to do a good deed.
7. honorable or worthy; in good standing: a good name.
8. educated and refined: She has a good background.
9. financially sound or safe: His credit is good.
10. genuine; not counterfeit: a good quarter.
11. sound or valid: good judgment; good reasons.
12. reliable; dependable; responsible: good advice.
13. healthful; beneficial: Fresh fruit is good for you.
14. in excellent condition; healthy: good teeth.
15. not spoiled or tainted; edible; palatable: The meat was still good after three months in the freezer.
16. favorable; propitious: good news.
17. cheerful; optimistic; amiable: in good spirits.
18. free of distress or pain; comfortable: to feel good after surgery.
19. agreeable; pleasant: Have a good time.
20. attractive; handsome: She has a good figure.
21. (of the complexion) smooth; free from blemish.
22. close or intimate; warm: She's a good friend of mine.
23. sufficient or ample: a good supply.
24. advantageous; satisfactory for the purpose: a good day for fishing.
25. competent or skillful; clever: a good manager; good at arithmetic.
26. skillfully or expertly done: a really good job; a good play.
27. conforming to rules of grammar, usage, etc.; correct: good English.
28. socially proper: good manners.
29. remaining available to one: Don't throw good money after bad.
30. comparatively new or of relatively fine quality: Don't play in the mud in your good clothes.
31. best or most dressy: He wore his good suit to the office today.
32. full: a good day's journey away.
33. fairly large or great: a good amount.
34. free from precipitation or cloudiness: good weather.
35. Medicine/Medical . (of a patient's condition) having stable and normal vital signs, being conscious and comfortable, and having excellent appetite, mobility, etc.
36. fertile; rich: good soil.
37. loyal: a good Democrat.
38. (of a return or service in tennis, squash, handball, etc.) landing within the limits of a court or section of a court.
39. Horse Racing . (of the surface of a track) drying after a rain so as to be still slightly sticky: This horse runs best on a good track.
40. (of meat, esp. beef) noting or pertaining to the specific grade below “choice,” containing more lean muscle and less edible fat than “prime” or “choice.”
41. favorably regarded (used as an epithet for a ship, town, etc.): the good ship Syrena.
42. profit or advantage; worth; benefit: What good will that do? We shall work for the common good.
43. excellence or merit; kindness: to do good.
44. moral righteousness; virtue: to be a power for good.
45. (esp. in the grading of U.S. beef) an official grade below that of “choice.”
46. goods,
a. possessions, esp. movable effects or personal property.
b. articles of trade; wares; merchandise: canned goods.
c. Informal . what has been promised or is expected: to deliver the goods.
d. Informal . the genuine article.
e. Informal . evidence of guilt, as stolen articles: to catch someone with the goods.
f. cloth or textile material: top-quality linen goods.
g. Chiefly British . merchandise sent by land, rather than by water or air.
47. the good,
a. the ideal of goodness or morality.
b. good things or persons collectively.
48. (used as an expression of approval or satisfaction): Good! Now we can all go home.
49. Informal . well.

Puerto sold for more than and cost nowhere near as much.
A lot of travel names got dropped and picked up on the drop.

I see the recycling continues. Guess this pattern will continue repeating again and again.
I see the recycling continues. Guess this pattern will continue repeating again and again.

I think we all see the recycling continuing now you are back. Snoop says it, Giraffe-boy says it, you say it. Mantra-time!

But, no, you don't have to repeat and repeat again, you could just unfocus on some crappy two-worders that were dropped and picked up and instead deal with the facts.

And the facts are that, following a truly game changing year, in first few days of 2011 there have been some very healthy sales and no abatement in demand from the people who actually count as far as .Tv is concerned... the endusers.

It must be hard to be negative when genuine multi-thousand dollar sales are happening every day, but I wish you and your bedfellows all the best in your endeavours.
••• sold for $7000 sold for $601 sold for $4000 by Jimbo sold for $7500 by Manos
Like flowers a nice bunch of names sold !
And the facts are that, following a truly game changing year, in first few days of 2011 there have been some very healthy sales and no abatement in demand from the people who actually count as far as .Tv is concerned... the endusers.

Enduser demand was never strong if the first place though, yes the regular two sales in dnjournal each week has not abated though. (..and don't forget the NDA's!)

It must be hard to be negative when genuine multi-thousand dollar sales are happening every day, but I wish you and your bedfellows all the best in your endeavours.

"Genuine multi-thousand dollar sales", is that supposed to sound impressive?
I enjoyed this post. Rep added.
what happened to the next week in review ?
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