
Tutorial: Getting started with PHP (The Basics)

Spaceship Spaceship
      //Tutorial by deadserious - © [url]http://www.webdesigntalk.net[/url]
     //© 2003 [url]http://www.webdesigntalk.net[/url] 
   //[email protected] 
This is a simple introduction tutorial to help you get started as well as give you some ideas on what you can do with PHP. PHP is a server side html embedded scripting language that can be used to create dynmaic web pages and many other things. Some benefits of using PHP are it's free, it's fast, it's fairly easy to learn, and you can embed it into your regular html pages.

To use PHP you'll need to have access to a web server with PHP installed on it. Most Web Hosts offer PHP support. You can also install PHP and run it on your own system which can make it easier to learn and test PHP scripts. CLICK HERE for a tutorial on setting up PHP to run on your own computer.

Okay we'll begin with a simple PHP script for an example.
<title>PHP TEST</title>
echo 'PHP is easy!'; 
Copy that code into your favirote text editor, note pad will work just fine. Save it as test.php. Make sure it ends with a .php extension. Upload it to where you store your web accessible files and call it up in your browser. If you see "PHP is easy!" then you know PHP is installed and working on your server. Notice the <?php and the ?> these are the start and end tags, they say hey parse up some PHP and hey stop parsing now. You can just use <? for the start tag if the short tag is enabled on your server. Also notice the semicolon at the end of the echo statement. This tells the parser where one line of code ends and the next one begins. You could do this just as easily with regular html, but we needed an example to show you how it works right? :D
If you look at the source code for that page it will look like this:
<title>PHP TEST</title>
PHP is easy!
You can't view the sever side scripts source code from your browser. It will be removed by the time it gets to your browser for viewing. The only code you'll be able to see is the regular html that was included in the script and/or generated by it. :D

PHP Comments
Comments are used for helping the user and/or the developer remember and understand what the program does and/or provide instructions. You can use single or multiline comments. Comments will be stripped out of the program and ignored by the interpreter.
// This is a single line comment.
/* This is a multiline 
comment. */
echo $var; // Another single line comment.
PHP Variables.
You can define a variable to store for later use. Variables start with the $ sign and are assigned with the = operator . To use a variable you need to assign a value to it.

$snowboarding = 'fun';

The name of the variable is on the left of the = sign and the value is on the right. In this case $snowboarding has the value of fun. Variables can contain numbers, letters, and underscores, but may not begin with a number.

Some examples of using variables.
$snowboarding = 'fun and sometimes painful';
<font color="green">Snowboarding is really <?php echo "$snowboarding"; ?></font>
The output of this code would be:
Snowboarding is really fun and sometimes painful

echo prints the output to the browser. You can also use print, but there is slight difference between the two. Also notice how you can jump in and out of PHP mode when ever you wish, and how the variable contains it's value through out the script, but only when you are in PHP mode. Okay so now you get the idea of mixing PHP in with HTML.

More examples of using variables.
$snowboarding = 'Snowboarding is really fun and sometimes painful';
<font color="green"><?php echo $snowboarding; ?></font>
The out put of this code would be the same as above:
Snowboarding is really fun and sometimes painful

If you are just echoing a variable you don't need to surround it with quotes.

The difference betweeen single and double quotes

If you want to print out the value of a variable within a string you need to surround the string with double quotes otherwise the actual variable name will be printed out.

$name = 'Web';
$lastname = 'Design';
echo "My first name is $name and my last name is $lastname";
The output of this would be:
My first name is Web and my last name is Design

If we do the same with single quotes:
$name = 'Web';
$lastname = 'Design';
echo 'My first name is $name and my last name is $lastname';
The output would be:
My first name is $name and my last name is $lastname

The same thing is true when assigning variables.
$name = 'Web';
$lastname = 'Design';
$fullname = "My first name is $name and my lastname is $lastname";
echo $fullname;
The output would be:
My first name is Web and my last name is Design

If we assign the vaules to $fullname with single quotes:
$name = 'Web';
$lastname = 'Design';
$fullname = 'My first name is $name and my lastname is $lastname';
echo $fullname;
The output would be:
My first name is $name and my last name is $lastname

In summary variables aren't replaced with their value unless they are surrounded by double quotes with a few exceptions.

Using Basic Operatros

Comparison operators compare two values.
== is equal to
!= is not equal to
< is less than
> is greater than
<= is less than or equal to
>= is greater than or equal to

Arithmetic Operators
Just like on a calculator.
+ Addition
- Subtraction
* Multiplication
/ Division

Logical Opertators
&& and (The first and the second is true)
|| or (The first or the second is true)

Some basic math.
$monthly = 10;
$yearly = 20;
echo $total;
The output would be 30.

echo 2+2;
The out put would be 4.

$monthly = 10;
$yearly = 20;
$monthly+=10; //Same as $monthly=$monthly+10;
echo $total;
The out put would be 50.

$monthly =10;
$monthly++; //Adds one to monthly. The same as $monthly=$monthly+1;
echo $monthly;
The output would be 11.

The same would work with - and --

Note: ++ and -- are Incrementing/Decrementing Operators and += is an Assignment Operator just like the = sign.

Easy enough right?

Yes it's that easy. :D For the basics anyways.

String Operators.
. concatenate (put two strings together) Returns the concatenation of its right and left arguments.
.= (concatenate and assign) Appends the argument on the right side to the argument on the left side.

$name = "Web";
$fullname = $name . "Design";
echo $fullname;
Now $fullname contains WebDesign. The . is used to put two strings together.
The output of this would be WebDesign

If we wanted to put a space in there we could do it like this:
$name ="Web";
$fullname = $name ." " ."Design";
echo $fullname;
Now the output would be Web Design. To make it even easier we could write the variable like $name = "Web "; so that the space is already there. :D
$name = "Web ";
$name .= "Design";
echo $name;
Now $name would contain Web Design. So the output would be Web Design.

PHP Control Structures
Using if, elseif, and else, to check for certain conditions.

$howmuch = 10;
if ($howmuch == 10) {
print 'how much is 10';
This checks to see if the variable $howmuch is equal to 10. If it is it goes on and executes the code between the curly braces. In this case the result would be how much is 10.

Sometimes you may want to make the script do something if the if condition is not true.
$howmuch = 5;
if ($howmuch >= 10) {
print 'how much is 10 or greater';
} else {
print 'how much is not enough';
This checks to see if the variable $howmuch is greater than or equal to 10 and if it is then it prints how much is 10 or greater. If $howmuch is not greater than or equal to 10 then it bypasses the code in in the first set of curly braces and executes the code within the else statements curly braces. In this case the result would be how much is not enough.

You can also check for mutltiple conditions with elseif.
$howmuch = 10;
if ($howmuch <= 7) {
print 'how much is less than or equal to 7';
} elseif ($howmuch == 6) {
print 'how much is 6';
} else {
print "how much is actually $howmuch";
Scince $howmuch is not less then or equal to 7 and it doesn't equal 6 the result would be how much is actually 10.

Now you get it right? :D You can add as many elseif statements as you need. You use the else statement for when all else fails.

Using Switch

First an example of an if elseif statement.
if ($day == 'Monday') {
echo 'Monday';
} elseif ($day == 'Thursday') {
echo 'Thursday';
} else {
echo 'Not today';

Now we can get the same results using switch.
switch ($day)
case "Monday":
echo 'Monday';
case "Thursday":
echo 'Thursday';
echo 'Not today';
You can use switch as an alternative for if elseif statements. It's good to use switch when you're checking for alot of conditions rather than having huge elseif statements.
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hm If you can just make things in HTML, why go out of theway to create them in PHP? I don't get it. I like the idea of PHP scripts, something that HTML can never do, but why bother mixing HTML/PHP? I really liked this tutorial. I just thought that you're going out of your way mixing PHP and HTML, you can just use HTML for much of what you mentioned.
Very good tutorial, deadserious! I've read many tutorials, but this was by far the easiest to understand. Where's the rest? :)
Nice tutorial Deadserious!


Thanks.. Great tutorials..
great tutorial,

is there any chance of a new one. maybe showing how to save information from forms and call it up in a certain way?

crud3w4re said:
hm If you can just make things in HTML, why go out of theway to create them in PHP? I don't get it. I like the idea of PHP scripts, something that HTML can never do, but why bother mixing HTML/PHP? I really liked this tutorial. I just thought that you're going out of your way mixing PHP and HTML, you can just use HTML for much of what you mentioned.
Some things can't be done in just HTML, and some things are just faster in PHP, eg, a list of even numbers up to 1000:

for($i = 0; $i <= 1000; $i ++)
    if($i % 2 == 0)
        echo "<li>{$i}</li>";
very good tutorial man!!! really rocks!!
Very good tutorial for newbies who wana learn PHP
Very helpful information!!
I'll need it for sure!
It illustrates the big picure in two posts!!!

Excellent tutorial! What I found most valuable was that it explains the "big picture" as to how the the elements of a basic page using php relate to each other. For example, how the header and footer fit into the index page as includes.

That was awesome! I have been pounding my my head to get around the basic concept of how a php page works and this answered it in a few pages. ++karma to you :)
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