
oldtimer Let's not leave anyone behindTop Member
Around 3700 passengers and crew are currently being quarantined due to the coronavirus that has already infected around 135 people aboard the ship.

What do you think should be done in this situation, is it fair for the healthy passengers and crew to be confined in such tight quarters with no fresh air or sunlight along with those who have already been infected.

I believe that it's best to find an uninhabited Island and move everyone there. China recently built a Hospital for coronavirus patients in less than a week and so it's doable to make some facilities on an uninhabited Island quickly and make it into a quarantine space for these poor people which many of them although being healthy but are condemned to being in close contact with the virus aboard the ship.

So lets move these people somewhere that they can have more space and be able to get fresh air and sunlight, and perhaps the same ship can be used to bring others to the quarantined Island.

What do you all think

PS: it's situations like this that also shows how important it is to have free access to adequate and timely medical care and attention for all people around the World. And in retrospect maybe the UN should have anticipated a problem such as this and had already built some quarantine Islands in different parts of the World.

Thread Rules: All constructive and helpful opinions and suggestions are welcomed. Keep the conversations respectful and on topic. Be sensitive to all the people involved and their families.
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I agree an uninhabited island is the best option, I think the passenger confinement on that cruise ship makes the spread more likely than if there was more separation and ventilation for the passengers.

hopefully the UN will prepare for such things as the Corona virus in the future
Sounds like a fun trip to the beach.

Sounds like a fun trip to the beach.


Let's hope it turns out that way for them.

It makes me wonder why the medical profession hasn't been able to find a cure for so many diseases that have been around for so long such as the flue or the common cold or even cancer, I personally believe that maybe they are going about it the wrong way as far as concentrating their efforts on pharmaceuticals perhaps they should focus their attention more on mechanical devices such as nano robots that can act as white blood cells and hunt those viruses down inside the body, another way might be to find the resonance frequency for each kind of virus and hit them with a wave that disrupts their lifecycle, one way or another it's time that they came up with a cure or some kind of a defense mechanism to keep this diseases under control, perhaps if the World at large didn't spend so much money on instruments of war and killing they could put more resources towards keeping people healthy.

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Maybe China should stop feasting on wild animals.

Why beef, chicken, fish, pork are not enough anymore beats me.
Maybe China should stop feasting on wild animals.

Why beef, chicken, fish, pork are not enough anymore beats me.

They believe that animal parts have certain medicinal values. It's things like rhino horns or shark fins or even tiger parts that they grind into powder or add to their foods which ends up exposing them to dangerous diseases that they then spread to the rest of the World.

The World community should demand that they stop these practices for the good of the Humanity and the Environment (which includes all the animals and plants).

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No Country will let this ship, or exposed foreigners enter their territory. It is an unfortunate situation, but looks like it is stuck where it is until this matter is resolved. Being stuck on a confined ship, is not helping anyone for sure, but best everyone return to their country via charter, and go thru a 14 day isolation period. It looks like many people who show no symptoms are getting thru borders undetected, but hopefully the awareness is slowing the spread long enough to find a vaccine. Even ICANN cancelled their conference, and that was in Cancun, not exactly a epicenter, so those execs are on edge of just travelling alone.
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just wondering if the Covid-19 (Coronavirus) could bring the World closer together as far as the Global cooperation that is needed to contain this pandemic.

It's times like these that we realize how inefficient and inadequate the current state of the World is when it comes to dealing with situations that affect the Humanity as a whole (or even the Environment and our Home Planet).

The systems that we are born into and that are etched into our minds as something that has to be and that can never change are perhaps exactly what needs to be addressed if we are going to be able to survive such things as Global Pandemics, Climate Change, or Automation and AI.

It's time to abandon the old mindsets that have ruled our World with fanatic and extremist ideologies, doctrines, and philosophies that are no longer able to answer the needs of Humanity and this Planet in this new era.

We need to come together and find common grounds over the Universal Values and Principles that are derived from Logic and Compassion and Ascend to a Higher Level that allows us to change the dangerous and destructive situation that the World is currently in before a Global Catastrophe or Disaster whether Natural or Man Made wipes us all out.

Meanwhile it's very important to keep good personal Hygiene specially when it comes to washing our hands frequently in order to prevent the spread of this virus.

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Here are some helpful tips that might be surprisingly effective in containing the virus:

Keep washing your whole hands thoroughly and often by rubbing around and between fingers, wrists, and under fingernails, sneeze or cough into your sleeve and Not into your hands, avoid touching your face (eyes, mouth, ears, and nose) as much as possible, if you have to do it wash your hands both Before and After. Keep a few feet away from people who are coughing or sneezing, or who are talking loud so that microscopic droplets won't reach you through the air, you might want to wear surgical or other appropriate masks if you have to be in close proximity of people who are showing symptoms or if you don't want to take any chances when out in the public in already contaminated areas and regions. Also don't walk right behind people who are coughing or sneezing.

Also if you are showing symptoms it's best to call ahead to get some advice and instructions before you show up unexpectedly at a medical facility which might put others at risk.

You can help prevent further spread of the virus by passing these tips around to friends, co-workers, and family members.

I am sure that everyone is working around the clock to come up with a vaccine for the Coronavirus (Covid-19), hopefully it will be made available soon. IMO

Being on a domaining forum I registered the domain names below which could become the place to go to once the Coronavirus vaccine is ready for mass distribution.


The UN news website:

The situation reports:
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At this time it's logical to assume that there might be cases of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) out there in many different places that perhaps have not been detected yet due to the lack of adequate testing and awareness and so it's prudent for all cities and communities to have a certain level of preparedness and not to wait to actually find a person that is diagnosed with this disease before they put their public safety plans into gear.

It's also logical to assume that the virus might be capable of transferring through many other ways in addition to person to person contact and so everyone should be educated to take the necessary precautions to limit the virus from spreading whether it's through actual contact with an infected person or being exposed to contaminated objects and environments which have somehow allowed the virus to survive for several days out in the open.

Preempting the spread of the virus through proper education and by taking the appropriate precautions and safety measures should be the number one priority for every city and community around the World if we want to minimize the global fatality rate and economical effects of this pandemic.

It's better to meet this virus head on and do what it takes to contain it irregardless of any short term social or economical effects rather than to ignore it and let it drag on and then have to deal with much bigger and longer disruption of our daily lives and the economy later on.

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We need to have Global cooperation to defeat the Coronavirus (Covid-19)

It's very disappointing that there are still some Countries and groups out there who are distracting the World attention at this critical and crucial time by their warmongering and self serving behaviors and who are wasting the energies, resources, and efforts that should be used for containing the virus.

Those who want to betray the Humanity by adding to the already complex and stressful situation that many people around the World have to deal with will not be forgotten by the World community.

I stopped reading after their 2nd point: "Maintain at least 1 metre (3 feet) distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing."

I'd want to distance myself much further:

I recommend that you read all advices and instructions from all different channels as each website might provide a new perspective that might have been overlooked by others. Remember that this is still a work in progress and might be a learning experience even for the experts themselves.

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Some important info about the effects of the Coronavirus (Covid-19)

Currently it looks like there is a global fatality rate of around 3.5% for those who are infected by this virus and within that percentage rate people are affected as shown in this graph:

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I recommend that you read all advices and instructions from all different channels as each website might provide a new perspective that might have been overlooked by others. Remember that this is still a work in progress and might be a learning experience even for the experts themselves.


Reading further the advice: "follow advice given by your healthcare provider. Why? National and local authorities will have the most up to date information on whether COVID-19 is spreading in your area. They are best placed to advise on what people in your area should be doing to protect themselves.?

A pharmacist to my wife when she asked the other day if they had hand sanitizer: 'We're not an international destination, so we shouldn't need to worry here'. ?????????

We're a city of a few hundred thousand, with a few international destinations within 1 hour flight time from us.

Who is an 'expert'? People who others say are experts - but that doesn't make them a real, effective expert. As a favourite educator has said, Many people of high intelligence turn out to be poor thinkers.

The rest of the advice on the WHO site is what I expected. Already highly regurgitated information, advice. I'll spend available time reading elsewhere 1st, if looking for new info on this.
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(re-posting from another thread)


This price-gouging situation on eBay is ridiculous & is putting our communities as a higher risk.

Opportunists are clearing store shelves around the country & re-selling $1 bottles of hand sanitizer for $10+, and $5 bottles for $30+. It particularly angers me to see sellers with dozens or hundreds of bottles in stock at these prices - many doing this from areas that are being especially affected, such as WA and CA. I've seen many sellers in my area also.

eBay does have a policy prohibiting this, but it seems to barely be enforced. Meanwhile, eBay is collecting ~10% of every sale in fees.

PLEASE, EVERYONE ~ take 30 seconds and go sign the petition.
Sharing this with your friends/followers would be incredible also!

If this can gain momentum, I really think we can force eBay's hand in doing what needs to be done, thereby cutting out this vast market for flipping these essential products at a massive profit.

I found eBay CEO's email address & will be forwarding the petition once it gains traction. It can also be forwarded to media outlets.
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If there is one positive aspect to this situation it is the fact that people are becoming more aware about the importance of such simple things as coughing and sneezing into their sleeve and not into their hands, washing their hands thoroughly and frequently, and not touching their faces in the fight to contain the Coronavirus (Covid-19) which should also help to prevent the spread of other viruses such as the common cold or the flu in the future.

It is possible that we might also be able to lower the spread and fatality rate of the flu due to the community awareness that has been created in the recent weeks about containing the Coronavirus.

The precautions and safety measures that people are learning to take for containing the Coronavirus might have very positive and lasting effects when it comes to preventing diseases in general.

This could be a good opportunity for people to expand their knowledge when it comes to preventing other communicable diseases such as sexually transmitted diseases and paying attention to their overall health in general.

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I believe that keeping good personal hygiene and disease prevention should be made a part of the school curriculum all across the World. People need to be consciously aware of how to keep themselves healthy and safe.

I am hoping that there will be a vaccine for Coronavirus (Covid-19) soon.

It's important to plan ahead to make sure that such vaccine is distributed equally and fairly all around the World and that it is made available free of charge to those who can't afford it.

I registered the domain

with the thought to make it into a public resource and guide that can help people find free vaccination centers for Coronavirus in their community.

In the long run it might be a good idea to make all vaccinations and other prevention methods free of charge in order to prevent pandemics from starting in the future.

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