
analysis World War III

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SaveThyWorld.com Let's not leave anyone behindTop Member
I believe that President Biden was right when he said that Russia is going to Invade Ukraine.

Any intelligent person is going to come to the same conclusion knowing that Russia has already decided to pay any price imposed on it by the West through sanctions.

Short of full military confrontation by the West there is nothing that can make Russia to change its mind as they see this as a golden opportunity to resurrect the once powerful superpower that was equal to the USA.

But Russia’s ambitions are not going to stop with taking over Ukraine since it already has made plans to increase its sphere of influence to Asia, Middle East, and South America and perhaps the whole World knowing that the West is most likely not going to do anything beyond just imposing sanctions which ultimately will hurt the West itself by effecting the Global economy in an adverse way the longer that they go on.

I personally don’t like any of the old ideologies, philosophies, and doctrines of Capitalism, Communism, Socialism, Religious Fundamentalism and all the other “ism” that are derived from the bad human characteristics of Greed, Lust, Hate, Cruelty, Jealousy, Prejudice, and lack of Empathy and that have been infringing on our rights in one way or another throughout the history because they can only exist through supporting inequality, oppression, suppression, torture, killing, and War.

When it comes to saving the World the last thing that I want to see is the further expansion of these old systems that have all already proven to be a failure in dealing with the existential problems that are currently facing Humanity and the Environment.

We don’t want all these political, Religious, and Racial parties and groups to resurrect their past, we want something new that can propel the World into the next Era that is based on the Universal Principles and Values that have been derived through Logic and Compassion and not through Force and Violence.

By “We” I mean all the Intelligent, Righteous, and Peace loving people of the World.


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Something of possible importance regarding WWlll

Via Yahoo : Former Head Of State - Run Chinese newspaper claims “High Probability “ of War with USA
Perhaps not using a tactical nuke or chemical/biological weapon is logical, but starving them out is not exactly compassionate.
We got to take one step at a time,

For now we should be happy that they have not all been eliminated overnight.

The Logical step has been taken in dealing with those people, hopefully the Compassionate part will follow too and they will be taken care of not as fighters or Ukrainians, but rather as Human Beings.

I’ve not looked too much into it, but nuclear war is nuclear war, doesn’t matter if you drop 1 or 10 at once.

All know is (god forbid) it ever came to that Russia would be getting it from all directions, US/France and UK and Russian equipment/training etc is nothing to the big 4 of NATO (US/UK/France/Germany), Ukraine as shown us this.

Russia keep reminding the world that they would use nukes if they faced an ‘existential threat’, that says to me, they know they would be flattened if it came to conventional war, but keep holding the mutual self-destruction card, as it’s the only thing they have really to make NATO twice flattening Moscow now for what they've done.
I come from a long line of military service, back to the Revolutionary War, and my father was a Colonel and then served in a 'civilian' capacity until his death. Currently I have several relatives serving in both military and civilian roles.

The topic of nukes come up from time to time and a battlefield nuke would not automatically trigger a nuke response. I'm referring to a nuke tipped artillery shell that would do significant but limited damage. It would take a confirmed ICBM attack to set the automatic response(s) into motion, likely to the point of no return.

The only reason we (humans) have made it this far is due to MAD (mutual assured destruction) and the power it holds. It will not work as a deterrent against an unhinged ruler regardless of nation or origin. May God have mercy on us all should a lunatic gain the power and mindset to push the big red button.

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Something of possible importance regarding WWlll

Via Yahoo : Former Head Of State - Run Chinese newspaper claims “High Probability “ of War with USA
"Former" is important here, I'd pay closer attention to what sitting politicians have to say.

I feel that China would prioritize it's economy over everything else.

I also think America will try to avoid direct conflict.

But I don't think the world understands China enough, so anything is possible I guess.
"Former" is important here, I'd pay closer attention to what sitting politicians have to say.

I feel that China would prioritize it's economy over everything else.

I also think America will try to avoid direct conflict.

But I don't think the world understands China enough, so anything is possible I guess.
I would think it’s unlikely, but with how things have gone the last couple of years through out the world, I won’t count it out .
May God have mercy on us all should a lunatic gain the power and mindset to push the big red button.
I don't think any of the Nuclear Powers are going to launch a surprise Nuclear attack, but I can foresee a scenario that perhaps one Country might resort to using a Nuclear weapon or even launch an ICBM with advance notice to all the other Powers.

How and when such a situation might arise is subject to discussion, but I believe that the World has now changed so much with the recent events that we should consider all the different possibilities that a Nuclear weapon might be used or launched short of the mutual assured destruction scenario.

Let's hope that someday Humanity will evolve to the point that Nuclear weapons (or any other weapon for that matter) is going to be used as a defense system for this Planet as a whole rather than for killing people.

Just this morning I made out a list for the store...bread was the first item.

A picture and its story: A daughter's shock as a trip to buy bread ends her father's life​

KHARKIV, Ukraine, April 21 (Reuters) - Victor Gubarev stepped out to buy bread when he was killed by a fragment from a shell that landed in front of his apartment block in Kharkiv on Monday, minutes before his daughter arrived to find an ambulance crew standing over his body.

Crew members had to hold Yana Bachek back as they carried her father's body away following the blasts that hit the Soviet-era apartment complex where they live.

An English teacher, she said she had been preparing an online lesson in the kitchen of her one-bedroom apartment, close by her parents' flat, when the shelling started.

"I remember just the explosion," she said. "I just returned from shopping and crazy explosions, noise."

Immediately her mother, Lyubov, called, voice trembling, and said her father had gone to buy bread and was still outside. Her partner, Yevgeniy, stopped her from rushing out straight away in case there were follow-up strikes, as there were, seconds later.

"I began to call him and there was no answer," she said.

When she pulled on her coat and went out a few minutes later, her anguished reaction to the sight of her father's body was caught by photographers who had arrived with the ambulances, shortly after the blasts.


It's a miracle!

President Putin orders his defense minister not to storm the Mariupol steel plant where about 3000 Ukrainian soldiers and civilians have taken refuge.

I am very happy that a major Human Catastrophe has been avoided.

Although the steel plant is going to be under complete blockade, but as long as the people inside are provided with food and water they can effectively be considered to be out of the War and will have no effect on the rest of the operations.

I am glad that Logic and Compassion won at the end, because that's a win for the whole Humanity.

You must be kidding, right? Logic and Compassion won at the end?!!!!!!

Do you still think that Putler has an inch of Logic and Compassion!?? He just has seen that his troops can spend tons of bombs there with no effect. Putler's troops needed to enter there and directly fight against ukrainian troops in order to take it, and then there would be loses between Putler's soldiers.

Putler "orders blockade of Mariupol steelworks ‘so a fly can’t get through’".

So, do you think that if a fly can't get through, he is gonna let those people get food, water and medicines? Putler wants to starve them there.

Putin orders blockade of Mariupol steelworks ‘so a fly can’t get through’​


The Russian president described a plan to storm the Azovstal steelworks as “impractical” and called instead for Russian troops to blockade the area “so that a fly can’t get through”.

“This is the case when we have to think, that is, we always have to think, and in this case even more so, about preserving the lives and health of our soldiers and officers,” Putin said. “There is no need to climb into these catacombs and crawl underground through these industrial facilities.”

Russia had decided to blockade the plant because it cannot take it by force, Oleksiy Arestovych, Ukraine’s presidential adviser said. “They physically cannot take Azovstal, they have understood this, they have taken huge losses there. Our defenders continue to hold it.”

Olaf Scholz is becoming Putin’s most valuable ally​


"Olaf Scholz has been caught red-handed misrepresenting facts about weapons deliveries to Ukraine. Behind the scenes, he is busy frustrating efforts to help the country, while pretending to be outraged about Vladimir Putin’s aggression.

Double games work until they don’t. His policies are now being exposed by the media. Scholz said on Tuesday that Germany and Ukraine went through a list of weapons deliveries, and that Germany planned to pay for them. Ukraine denied this. It said that there were no weapons on the list that it needed right now. Bild managed to get hold of the list, and was shocked to find that the original list of 48 pages had been shrunk in half. The German defence ministries, on orders from Scholz, had removed all the heavy weapons.

Ukraine have been asking for rocket launchers, as well as anti-ship and anti-tank missiles. They also asked for transport tanks. Scholz’s office denied all of these requests."
It's a miracle!

President Putin orders his defense minister not to storm the Mariupol steel plant where about 3000 Ukrainian soldiers and civilians have taken refuge.

I am very happy that a major Human Catastrophe has been avoided.

Although the steel plant is going to be under complete blockade, but as long as the people inside are provided with food and water they can effectively be considered to be out of the War and will have no effect on the rest of the operations.

I am glad that Logic and Compassion won at the end, because that's a win for the whole Humanity.


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Just this morning I made out a list for the store...bread was the first item.

A picture and its story: A daughter's shock as a trip to buy bread ends her father's life​

KHARKIV, Ukraine, April 21 (Reuters) - Victor Gubarev stepped out to buy bread when he was killed by a fragment from a shell that landed in front of his apartment block in Kharkiv on Monday, minutes before his daughter arrived to find an ambulance crew standing over his body.

Crew members had to hold Yana Bachek back as they carried her father's body away following the blasts that hit the Soviet-era apartment complex where they live.

An English teacher, she said she had been preparing an online lesson in the kitchen of her one-bedroom apartment, close by her parents' flat, when the shelling started.

"I remember just the explosion," she said. "I just returned from shopping and crazy explosions, noise."

Immediately her mother, Lyubov, called, voice trembling, and said her father had gone to buy bread and was still outside. Her partner, Yevgeniy, stopped her from rushing out straight away in case there were follow-up strikes, as there were, seconds later.

"I began to call him and there was no answer," she said.

When she pulled on her coat and went out a few minutes later, her anguished reaction to the sight of her father's body was caught by photographers who had arrived with the ambulances, shortly after the blasts.


The picture is heartbreaking, and also the story behind, as many of the pictures that comes from Putler's massacre in Ukraine.
I saw this one yesterday but didn't know the story behind. Thanks for posting. (y)
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You must be kidding, right? Logic and Compassion won at the end?!!!!!!

Yes, I recommend that you give it a break and let us savor this victory for Humanity otherwise I hold you personally responsible if Russia changes its mind.

Those people are still alive and that's a big step in the right direction for Russia to take considering that they could have all been eliminated overnight.

As to whether they are going to be made to starve to death or not that's something that we have to wait and see, but I am very hopeful that now that Russia has chosen to follow the logical path here it will also follow up on this with Compassion and treat those people in a Humane way.

At this point lets just be thankful that those people are alive.

Yes, I recommend that you give it a break and let us savor this victory for Humanity otherwise I hold you personally responsible if Russia changes its mind.
You hold me responsible? Are you crazy or what man?

Have you read what I posted? Putler wants to starve that people. He doesn't want to enter there because then there would be deaths among Putler troops, not because he has an inch of Humanity.

And by the way, he keeps bombing it. Putler not only has not an inch of compassion, as you like to repeat that word so often, he is also a professional lier.
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You hold me responsible? Are you crazy or what man?

I hold you responsible for talking so much crazy shit in this thread, even if you have created it.

Have you read what I posted? Putler wants to starve that people. He doesn't want to enter there because then there would be deaths among Putler troops.

And by the way, he keeps bombing it. Putler not only have any inch of compassion, as you like to repeat that word so often, he is also a professional lier.
As I said give it a break and we shall find out soon enough how things are going to go with this situation.

Just be thankful that those people are alive, they could have all been killed overnight.

If you can't see the logic in this I have to seriously start considering your motives and agendas here.

I want to help save lives, I hope that that's the same with you.

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I am very hopeful that now that Russia has chosen to follow the logical path here it will also follow up on this with Compassion and treat those people in a Humane way.
If you can't see the logic in this I have to seriously start considering your motives and agendas here.
That Russia has chosen to follow the logical path? If I can't see the logic in Putler's actions?

Maybe it's you who has a hidden agenda here, if after seeing all the atrocities, tortures, massacre, rapes and murders by Putler troops and terrorists, you still think that Putler has chosen "logic and compassion" anywhere in this massacre.
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I want to help save lives, I hope that that's the same with you.
I want to help save lives, that's why I am rooting everyday here to Arm Ukraine now, as that's the only way to stop Evil, to stop Putler.

You, instead, don't stop talking about "Logic and Compassion" when talking about Putler, after seeing all the atrocities that monster has done and is already doing in Ukraine.
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That Russia has chosen to follow the logical path? If I can't see the logic in Putler's actions?

Maybe it's you who has a hidden agenda here, if after seeing all the atrocities, tortures, massacre, rapes and murders by Putler troops and terrorists, you still think that Putler has chosen "logic and compassion" anywhere in this massacre.
I am not denying all the atrocities that have taken place in this War,

But if we can have one small victory here for Humanity, why do you insist on trying to devalue it.

I am a Human Rights activist and as such I want to do whatever I can to help save lives, but you are beginning to act like a political pundit here who only wants to push a certain narrative no matter what.


Ukraine's Zelenskiy says 120,000 civilians blocked from leaving Mariupol​


"April 21 (Reuters) - Around 120,000 civilians are blocked from leaving the besieged city of Mariupol, Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said on Thursday.

Responding to remarks by Russia's defense minister Sergei Shoigu that its forces control most of Mariupol, Zelensky said that Russia controls most of the city, but Ukrainian troops remain in a part of it."
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Yes, I recommend that you give it a break and let us savor this victory for Humanity otherwise I hold you personally responsible if Russia changes its mind.

Hey @oldtimer, that's not fair!

When I posted the formal Papal apology for genocide against First Nations on Easter Monday, you minimized it as my own political agenda, only to go on about sugar ants. After hundreds of years of genocide, could you not SAVOUR THE MOMENT for humanity sake? This is not compassion.

I'm sorry you must be delusional if you think for a moment @Sutruk, myself or anyone here on this forum would have any chance of influencing Putin's decision. This is not logical.

I want to help save lives, that's why I am rooting everyday here to Arm Ukraine now, as that's the only way to stop Evil, to stop Putler.
I applaud your intellectual effort and continued moral support for Ukraine. This demonstrates logic and compassion (with a mix of emotion - we're only human). :xf.wink:

You, instead, don't stop talking about "Logic and Compassion" when talking about Putler, after seeing all the atrocities that monster has done and is already doing in Ukraine.
The earlier marketing of domains... I also am beginning to wonder if there are not other ulterior motives. Repeating the same lines over and over is gaslighting.

My assessment of everything, We need new world leaders through out , we need to set our differences down and put them aside and Unite. We have to put all of humanity first and foremost , Not Putin ,, Biden, Merkel or any of the world leaders , we have reached a point that Idols and hero’s should be our least concern , we have to first take care of one another before we can heal the wounds of the past , we have to move forward to better the world and each other IMO
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