
analysis World War III

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oldtimer Let's not leave anyone behindTop Member
I believe that President Biden was right when he said that Russia is going to Invade Ukraine.

Any intelligent person is going to come to the same conclusion knowing that Russia has already decided to pay any price imposed on it by the West through sanctions.

Short of full military confrontation by the West there is nothing that can make Russia to change its mind as they see this as a golden opportunity to resurrect the once powerful superpower that was equal to the USA.

But Russia’s ambitions are not going to stop with taking over Ukraine since it already has made plans to increase its sphere of influence to Asia, Middle East, and South America and perhaps the whole World knowing that the West is most likely not going to do anything beyond just imposing sanctions which ultimately will hurt the West itself by effecting the Global economy in an adverse way the longer that they go on.

I personally don’t like any of the old ideologies, philosophies, and doctrines of Capitalism, Communism, Socialism, Religious Fundamentalism and all the other “ism” that are derived from the bad human characteristics of Greed, Lust, Hate, Cruelty, Jealousy, Prejudice, and lack of Empathy and that have been infringing on our rights in one way or another throughout the history because they can only exist through supporting inequality, oppression, suppression, torture, killing, and War.

When it comes to saving the World the last thing that I want to see is the further expansion of these old systems that have all already proven to be a failure in dealing with the existential problems that are currently facing Humanity and the Environment.

We don’t want all these political, Religious, and Racial parties and groups to resurrect their past, we want something new that can propel the World into the next Era that is based on the Universal Principles and Values that have been derived through Logic and Compassion and not through Force and Violence.

By “We” I mean all the Intelligent, Righteous, and Peace loving people of the World.


Thread rules: everyone is invited to participate as long as things are kept on topic and are on the constructive, professional, and respectful side (personal attacks and demeaning of others will not be tolerated). Do not overwhelm this thread with memes and if you provide a link to an article you must give a brief explanation as to what it is about so that people know ahead of time what they are clicking on.
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Mind can be a strange place …. Do you have the time on the peace discussion?
You can see my stance on this situation by reading this entire thread,

I don't have anything new to say until I see what happens to the peace talks today,

From what I am hearing in the news both sides are willing to talk towards ending this conflict,

Maybe there is some hope for peace after all.

We'll see soon.


Pregnant woman, baby die after Russia bombed maternity ward​

MARIUPOL, Ukraine (AP) — A pregnant woman and her baby have died after Russia bombed the maternity hospital where she was meant to give birth, The Associated Press has learned. Images of the woman being rushed to an ambulance on a stretcher had circled the world, epitomizing the horror of an attack on humanity’s most innocent.

In video and photos shot Wednesday by AP journalists after the attack on the hospital, the woman was seen stroking her bloodied lower abdomen as rescuers rushed her through the rubble in the besieged city of Mariupol, her blanched face mirroring her shock at what had just happened. It was among the most brutal moments so far in Russia’s now 19-day-old war on Ukraine.

The woman was rushed to another hospital, yet closer to the frontline, where doctors labored to keep her alive. Realizing she was losing her baby, medics said, she cried out to them, “Kill me now!”

Surgeon Timur Marin found the woman’s pelvis crushed and hip detached. Medics delivered the baby via cesarean section, but it showed “no signs of life,” the surgeon said.

Then, they focused on the mother.

More than 30 minutes of resuscitation of the mother didn’t produce results,” Marin said Saturday.

Both died.”

In the chaos after Wednesday’s airstrike, medics didn’t have time to get the woman’s name before her husband and father came to take away her body. At least someone came to retrieve her, they said — so she didn’t end up in the mass graves being dug for many of Mariupol’s growing number of dead.

Biden adviser warns China will face consequences if it helps Russia evade sanctions​

"Joe Biden’s national security adviser Jake Sullivan, who is due to meet China’s top diplomat, Yang Jiechi, in Rome on Monday, warned on Sunday that Beijing will “absolutely” face consequences if it helps Moscow evade sanctions over the invasion of Ukraine.

“We are communicating directly, privately to Beijing, that there will absolutely be consequences for large-scale sanctions evasion efforts or support to Russia to backfill them,” Sullivan said. “We will not allow that to go forward and allow there to be a lifeline to Russia from these economic sanctions from any country, anywhere in the world.”

Allies of the Ukrainian president Voldymyr Zelenskiy say Vladimir Putin will only accept a compromise on Ukraine’s future neutrality if he is facing a credible threat to his economic power base by a rapid and permanent exclusion of Russia’s oil and gas exports from its lucrative European markets.

The Russian government receives 40% of its budget revenues from energy exports.

But Ukraine is meeting stubborn resistance from Germany, which insists its economy would be plunged into recession if it suddenly lost access to Russian gas and oil.
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As peace talks are underway it is only fair that there will be no new strikes by either side.

As of this minute the World community is going to keep a score card that can show who is working towards achieving Peace and who wants to make the hostilities and killings to continue.

In the interest of helping to make the current diplomatic talks successful we will start with a blank score card,

But the leaders of both sides will be held personally accountable by the World community for any further strikes or killings while the diplomatic talks are underway.

Britain warns Putin of ‘war with Nato’ if Russia steps a ‘single toecap’ on its territory

Should god forbid things esclate between Russia and Nato (still well away from that scenario), i do fear one of the first targets would be London. Financial capital of Europe and arguably the world. Putin hates the UK just as much as the US and more than any country in Europe, a preemptive strike on the UK would be far more devestating than on the US (bigger land mass).

Still the UK has the capablity to strike back at Russia, within 10 mins, I'm sure one of our Vanguard nuclear subs armed with Trident is out there right now (one is always out at sea and no one knows where it is), locked onto Russia just incase, so hopefully that should be enough of a deterrent.
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Britain warns Putin of ‘war with Nato’ if Russia steps a ‘single toecap’ on its territory

Should god forbid things esclate between Russia and Nato (still well away from that scenario), i do fear one of the first targets would be London. Financial capital of Europe and arguably the world. Putin hates the UK just as much as the US and more than any country in Europe, a preemptive strike on the UK would be far more devestating than on the US (bigger land mass).

Still the UK has the capablity to strike back at Russia, within 10 mins, I'm sure one of our Vanguard nuclear subs armed with Trident is out there right now (one is always out at sea and no one knows where it is), locked onto Russia just incase, so hopefully that is enough of a deterrent.
No one doubts Western power, in this case Britain's, not even Putin. It's not about their capability to strike, it's more about what your societies are willing to accept, take, deal with etc. My guess is non of it, & because this would be unlike recent wars against terrorists, militias etc, this potential enemy would be capable of reaching you, like you said, & so that's mainly why your leaders are avoiding direct conflict.

I'm 1 quarter Irish/British, my maternal side of the family are British, grandma was Irish by blood, & British by birth/citizenship, so I would hate for anything to happen over there.
Judge for yourself -

Ukraine war: Fact-checking Russia's biological weapons claims​

Also, even if these were "biolabs" that does not mean "bioweapons" which is an absurd leap that a bunch of people carrying Putin's water on this conspiracy theory seem to make.

"Biolab" is not some dirty word. That is where people make advancements in chemistry, medicine, etc.

I know people who work in biolabs here. They are doctors and scientists and have nothing to do with weapons.


Sen Tulsi Gabbard was a LTC in the army. Mitt Romney refused to register for the draft or even serve in the National Guard like the rest of the privileged sons of America's powerful and wealthy. He wrote a letter saying he was too important to our country to risk his life.

Gabbard didn't mention bio-weapons. She mentioned bio-labs with dangerous pathogens and we should take action to secure those labs. We know they are there from Senate testimony by other public government documents.

Does that sound like treason to you?


I suggest you read her full rebuttal.


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Their "aid" will come in the form of China buying up all their assets at discounts when their economic collapse is complete.


Don't be surprised if China aids Russia. They are partners.
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Also, please list any untrue statements in this video. If telling the Truth helps Putin, so be it.
All in that video is BS. As simple as that, pure Russian pathetic and fake propaganda.
Also, please list any untrue statements in this video. If telling the Truth helps Putin, so be it.
Those are pathetic Putin's fake propaganda, like the following one:

Russia Is Now Claiming the US Trained Birds to Deliver Ukrainian Bioweapons​

"The Kremlin’s efforts to convince its citizens that Ukraine is the real aggressor are becoming increasingly desperate.

That call is likely very premature at best, but it’s clear the Russian government’s efforts to convince its own citizens that Ukraine is the aggressor, and that the Kremlin is justified in bombing a sovereign nation, are becoming increasingly desperate."
All in that video is BS. As simple as that, pure Russian pathetic and fake propaganda.

So you're saying there are no bio-labs in Ukraine? They were not funded in part by the USA?
So you're saying there are no bio-labs in Ukraine? They were not funded in part by the USA?
They may have bio-labs, like every country out there, but they are NOT BIOWEAPONS. There's a difference, you know.
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Those are pathetic Putin's fake propaganda, like the following one:

Russia Is Now Claiming the US Trained Birds to Deliver Ukrainian Bioweapons​

"The Kremlin’s efforts to convince its citizens that Ukraine is the real aggressor are becoming increasingly desperate.

That call is likely very premature at best, but it’s clear the Russian government’s efforts to convince its own citizens that Ukraine is the aggressor, and that the Kremlin is justified in bombing a sovereign nation, are becoming increasingly desperate."

Tucker didn't say anything about this. Please quote Tuckers lies.
What about Ukrainians for their own? Not every revolution has to be supported by external countries, you know.

It was supported by the USA. That's not a lie.


United States involvement[edit]​

In December 2013, Republican Senator John McCain in company with Democratic senator Chris Murphy visited Yatsenyuk and Tyahnybok and later addressed the crowds:

Ukraine will make Europe better and Europe will make Ukraine better, we are here to support your just cause, the sovereign right of Ukraine to determine its own destiny freely and independently. And the destiny you seek lies in Europe, What we're trying to do is try to bring about a peaceful transition here, that would stop the violence and give the Ukrainian people what they unfortunately have not had, with different revolutions that have taken place – a real society. This is a grassroots revolution here – it's been peaceful except when the government tried to crack down on them, and the government hasn't tried that since. I'm praising their ability and their desire to demonstrate peacefully for change that I think they deserve. These people love the United States of America, they love freedom – and I don't think you could view this as anything other than our traditional support for people who want free and democratic society.[342]
In a recorded phone conversation leaked on 4 February, Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt are heard discussing their wishes for a Ukraine transition to an interim government, and specifically, the roles in which they hoped to see the prominent opposition leaders:

Nuland: "I don't think Klitsch (Klitschko) should go into the government. I don't think it's necessary, I don't think it's a good idea."
Pyatt: "Just let him stay out and do his political homework and stuff."
Nuland: "I think Yats (Yatsenyuk) is the guy who's got the economic experience the governing experience. I just think Klitsch going in… he's going to be at that level working for Yatseniuk, it's just not going to work. We want to try to get somebody with an international personality to come out here and help to midwife this thing."[343]
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They may have bio-labs, like every country out there, but they are NOT BIOWEAPONS. There's a difference, you know.

OK. If you believe anthrax isn't a bio-weapon.
his article is about the 2014 Ukrainian revolution

I wonder who supported the revolution... it wasn't Russia.

Revolution of Dignity​

"The Revolution of Dignity (Ukrainian: Революція гідності, romanized: Revoliutsiia hidnosti), also known as the Maidan Revolution,[2] took place in Ukraine in February 2014[2][1] at the end of the Euromaidan protests,[1] when deadly clashes between protesters and the security forces in the Ukrainian capital Kyiv culminated in the ousting of elected President Viktor Yanukovych and the overthrow of the Ukrainian government.[1][2]

In November 2013, a wave of large-scale protests (known as Euromaidan) erupted in response to President Yanukovych's sudden decision not to sign a political association and free trade agreement with the European Union (EU), instead choosing closer ties to Russia and the Eurasian Economic Union."


Where do you see that those protests were supported by the US?

Ukrainians simply wanted to join EU instead of Russia. That's why they were revealed.

Everything else is just Putin's fake propaganda to justify his INVASION first of the East Ukraine and Crimea, and now of all Ukraine.

Revolution of Dignity​

"The Revolution of Dignity (Ukrainian: Революція гідності, romanized: Revoliutsiia hidnosti), also known as the Maidan Revolution,[2] took place in Ukraine in February 2014[2][1] at the end of the Euromaidan protests,[1] when deadly clashes between protesters and the security forces in the Ukrainian capital Kyiv culminated in the ousting of elected President Viktor Yanukovych and the overthrow of the Ukrainian government.[1][2]

In November 2013, a wave of large-scale protests (known as Euromaidan) erupted in response to President Yanukovych's sudden decision not to sign a political association and free trade agreement with the European Union (EU), instead choosing closer ties to Russia and the Eurasian Economic Union."


Where do you see that those protests were supported by the US?

Ukrainians simply wanted to join EU instead of Russia. That's why they were revealed.

Everything else is just Putin's fake propaganda to justify his INVASION first of the East Ukraine and Crimea, and now of all Ukraine.

United States involvement[edit]​

In December 2013, Republican Senator John McCain in company with Democratic senator Chris Murphy visited Yatsenyuk and Tyahnybok and later addressed the crowds:

( not an accident or unplanned visit )

Ukraine will make Europe better and Europe will make Ukraine better, we are here to support your just cause, the sovereign right of Ukraine to determine its own destiny freely and independently. And the destiny you seek lies in Europe, What we're trying to do is try to bring about a peaceful transition here, that would stop the violence and give the Ukrainian people what they unfortunately have not had, with different revolutions that have taken place – a real society. This is a grassroots revolution here – it's been peaceful except when the government tried to crack down on them, and the government hasn't tried that since. I'm praising their ability and their desire to demonstrate peacefully for change that I think they deserve. These people love the United States of America, they love freedom – and I don't think you could view this as anything other than our traditional support for people who want free and democratic society.[342]
In a recorded phone conversation leaked on 4 February, Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt are heard discussing their wishes for a Ukraine transition to an interim government, and specifically, the roles in which they hoped to see the prominent opposition leaders:

Nuland: "I don't think Klitsch (Klitschko) should go into the government. I don't think it's necessary, I don't think it's a good idea."
Pyatt: "Just let him stay out and do his political homework and stuff."
Nuland: "I think Yats (Yatsenyuk) is the guy who's got the economic experience the governing experience. I just think Klitsch going in… he's going to be at that level working for Yatseniuk, it's just not going to work. We want to try to get somebody with an international personality to come out here and help to midwife this thing."[343]
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