poll Would you take the Covid Vaccine when it becomes available

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Are you willing to get vaccinated for Covid

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  • Yes but only if required by my employer

  • This poll is still running and the standings may change.


SaveThyWorld.com Let's not leave anyone behindTop Member
The only way to end this Pandemic is if the majority of the people around the World get vaccinated.

It's amazing that several vaccines have already been developed in record time and thus far they all show very good results as far as creating some level of immunity against Covid19 without causing any major side effects and supposedly even if those who have been vaccinated come down with the disease it won't be at the more severe levels that require hospitalization.

There are many companies that are working on the vaccine although the top contenders currently are Moderna, Pfizer, and AstraZeneca:


I personally would be first in line to get the vaccine as I am in the older category with some history of heart problems and although I believe that everyone should be free to make their own choices, but this will only be effective in stopping the Pandemic if the majority of the people (like over 80% or so) get vaccinated.

Please do your own research about the vaccines and indicate your choice in the poll (visible to all) and post any justification for your decision as to whether you are going to get the vaccine or not below.


Thread rules: everyone is invited to participate as long as things are kept on topic and are on the constructive, professional, and respectful side.

If you provide a link to anything make sure that it pertains to the subject of this thread and give a brief description as to what it is about, and if you are just expressing your own personal opinion make sure to put IMO an the end of your comment (In My Opinion).
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Can you post a picture of you visiting a nursing home and teaching the elderly that they are better off not getting vaccinated and are not going to catch Covid if they just use some natural remedies.

I honestly don't believe that you have ever walked inside a nursing home to check and see how those people were doing.

There is nothing wrong to make money off of your rich clientele after all that's what capitalism is all about, but at least be honest about it.


That is very antagonistic.

I know people in nursing homes are being neglected because of this scamdemic
AND unable to freely interact with friends and family...


Did you see this?

.......20 residents gathered outside Fairacres Manor, many in wheelchairs, holding signs that read “Rather die from COVID than loneliness,” and “Prisoners in our own home,” and “Give us freedom.”

The scamdemic fallout kills people (not covid)
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That is very antagonistic.

I know people in nursing homes are being neglected because of this scamdemic
AND unable to freely interact with friends and family...


So how many of those people in the nursing homes would not be alive today if they had listened to you and had not gotten vaccinated because you told them that there was no Pandemic and that they had nothing to worry about.

Talking on the forum here is one thing, but in the real World where the advice that you give to the elderly people can determine whether they live or die how can you in good conscious tell them not to get vaccinated.

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It's really shameful that Greed has to drive Innovation.

If for things going back to normal means that everyone is going to pick up where they left everything before the Pandemic with all the flaws and shortcomings that made the World plunge into such devastating situation then that means that no one has learned any lessons from the ordeal that we have been going through thus far.

Instead of Humanity ascending to a higher level it seems that some people are doubling down on the status quo.

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The COVID-19 puzzle: deciphering pathophysiology and phenotypes of a new disease entity


(This is the first in a Series of four papers about COVID-19)

"We are only beginning to understand the dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 infectivity and transmissibility—a pressing goal with the emergence of new variants of concern—and the clinical intricacies of multiple COVID-19 phenotypes. Although acute respiratory manifestations are the most common feature of severe COVID-19, many non-respiratory effects have been reported in the acute phase of the disease, and emerging evidence points to various long-lasting complications after SARS-CoV-2 infection (the post-COVID syndrome or long COVID). Such a complex clinical picture suggests that SARS-CoV-2 generates a dysregulated host response to infection, including wide-ranging immuno-inflammatory derangements. Understanding of the pathophysiology and phenotypes of COVID-19, including the host response to SARS-CoV-2, will be key to developing personalised management strategies for patients."

Warning: The situation in India is going to present a clear danger to the rest of the world.

We must help keep India from plunging further into this catastrophic situation that currently is unfolding in front of our eyes.

Not only that India can drag the rest of the World down economically and make us lose all the successes that we have gained in containing the virus, but the bigger danger is that if a hostile political environment developes in India that puts different factions at each others throats then that can put the World at greater risk of getting into more turmoil and disarray.

And to think that all this is because of a virus,

We need to wake up and see what it is that we are dealing with here before it's too late.


Dr.SHIVA LIVE: The Tragedy of India: Pfizer, "Mahatma" Gandhi, Beggars, & Bulls***

Does the VAX provide immunity? Only to the manufacturer
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@Compassion ,

You keep referring to this website for most of your counter arguments and so in the interest of fairness I believe that you should provide a disclaimer indicating that you are not having any financial gains or benefits through any relationship with this website since you have been in a way promoting it so heavily on this thread.

By the way as a medical practitioner that you claim you are do you have any original thoughts of your own on the subject of the virus and vaccines.

Impact and effectiveness of mRNA BNT162b2 vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 infections and COVID-19 cases, hospitalisations, and deaths following a nationwide vaccination campaign in Israel: an observational study using national surveillance data

From TheLancet.com :

"Two doses of BNT162b2 are highly effective across all age groups (≥16 years, including older adults aged ≥85 years) in preventing symptomatic and asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infections and COVID-19-related hospitalisations, severe disease, and death, including those caused by the B.1.1.7 SARS-CoV-2 variant. There were marked and sustained declines in SARS-CoV-2 incidence corresponding to increasing vaccine coverage. These findings suggest that COVID-19 vaccination can help to control the pandemic."

Gates Foundation reverses course on COVID-19 vaccine patents

"Mark Suzman, CEO at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, announced Thursday that the foundation is supportive of temporarily lifting coronavirus vaccine patent protections.

“No barriers should stand in the way of equitable access to vaccines, including intellectual property, which is why we are supportive of a narrow waiver during the pandemic,” he wrote in a statement, which was an about-face for the world’s largest private foundation."

My thoughts on the subject:

Although philanthropic foundations, charitable and religious organizations, and a lot of the NGOs are trying their best to help people across the Globe, but the fact that they are forced to ignore 10 people for every 1 that they save is really not going to be acceptable any longer considering the great number of people who need help in so many impoverished or war and disaster stricken places around the World.

The status quo policies of Live and let Die are not compatible with the kind of Universal Principles and Values that are derived through Logic and Compassion.

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Pfizer COVID vaccine protects against worrying coronavirus variants

"Data from Qatar provide strongest evidence yet that COVID-19 vaccines can stop strains thought to pose a threat to immunization efforts."

A few thoughts about what we should prepare for if Covid is going to continue beyond the Pandemic:

- Healthcare (and eventually food, shelter, and education) should be recognized as a Human Right and should be provided universally to anyone who needs help without putting any obstacles in their way.

- There needs to be more public education programs in schools and on TV and the Internet about how to stay healthy and keep good hygiene so that we can reduce the number of preventable diseases before they turn into more serious conditions.

- We need to change our eating habits from consuming so much junk foods to eating more whole and natural foods that can make our bodies stronger against disease and the food and restaurant Industries need to be reformed to promote and provide more healthy and environmentally friendly choices. (Also we need to pass laws to make tampering with people's food and health a hate crime.)

- We need to reform our unhealthy and unsafe habits and lifestyles in order to not cause or contribute to disease, sickness, and injury anymore.

- If Covid is going to become a permanent part of our lives and if people are going to be shedding virus particles from their bodies then perhaps we need to reform the way that we dress and avoid wearing the kind of clothes that leave our bodies exposed. (Maybe we should all start wearing specially designed one piece protective clothing with elastic bands at the ankles, wrists, and neck and with a hoodie.)

- We need to look beyond just pharmaceutical cures and remedies and use other branches in technology such as nano robots and artificial white cells or special frequency waves to contain the viruses and other harmful microorganisms and particles that cause disease and to also repair or replace damaged cells and organs.

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FDA Authorizes Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine for Emergency Use in Adolescents in Another Important Action in Fight Against Pandemic

"Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration expanded the emergency use authorization (EUA) for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine for the prevention of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) to include adolescents 12 through 15 years of age. The FDA amended the EUA originally issued on Dec. 11, 2020 for administration in individuals 16 years of age and older."

The myriad ways sewage surveillance is helping fight COVID around the world

"Wastewater tracking was used before the pandemic to monitor for polio and illicit drug use, but interest in the field and its applications has now ballooned."

Vaccine deserts: Some countries have no COVID-19 jabs at all

"N’DJAMENA, Chad (AP) — At the small hospital where Dr. Oumaima Djarma works in Chad’s capital, there are no debates over which coronavirus vaccine is the best.

There are simply no vaccines at all.

Not even for the doctors and nurses like her, who care for COVID-19 patients in Chad, one of the least-developed nations in the world where about one third of the country is engulfed by the Sahara desert.

“I find it unfair and unjust, and it is something that saddens me,” the 33-year-old infectious diseases doctor says. “I don’t even have that choice. The first vaccine that comes along that has authorization, I will take it.”

While wealthier nations have stockpiled vaccines for their citizens, many poorer countries are still scrambling to secure doses. A few, like Chad, have yet to receive any."

Coronavirus variants are spreading in India — what scientists know so far

"Evidence is growing that one variant first detected in India might be more transmissible and slightly better at evading immunity than existing variants. Animal models also hint that it might be able to cause more severe disease. Researchers want to know if this variant and others might be driving the second wave and what kind of danger they pose globally.

In just a few weeks, the B.1.617 variant has become the dominant strain across India and has spread to about 40 nations, including the United Kingdom, Fiji and Singapore."

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Experts Call for Sweeping Reforms to Prevent the Next Pandemic

(logging in might be required)

"The next time the world faces an outbreak of a fast-spreading and deadly new pathogen, governments must act swiftly and be ready to restrict travel or mandate masks even before anyone knows the extent of the threat, according to a pair of new reports delivered to the World Health Organization.

The studies are intended to address missteps over the past year that led to more than 3.25 million deaths, some $10 trillion in economic losses and more than 100 million people pushed into extreme poverty."

My thoughts on this subject:

As I have mentioned before we need to address all the problems and threats that are facing Humanity and our Home Planet (and perhaps the Universe at large) at the same time. And we need to find a way to predict and preempt the problems and threats that haven't even materialized yet which we might be facing in the future.

One thing is for certain,

The way that the World currently functions and operates has failed to protect us on many fronts and so we need to come up with some fundamental changes in the way that everything is being run and managed and in essence we need to close this Era in the history of Humanity and start a whole new Era that makes it possible for everyone to be able to live a righteous, safe, healthy, happy, and productive life and be at peace with the Earth and the Universe at large.

Making some changes here and there is not going to be enough, we need to change the whole World.

And that requires for us to ascend to a higher level of thinking and existence that is based on the Universal Principles and Values that are derived through Logic and Compassion.

(The other alternative is to just sit by and watch our World as it plunges into more chaos and disarray day by day.)

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My thoughts on easing off the mask mandate:

Now that most of the people in the World have gotten in the habit of paying more attention to their health and have learned to abide by certain social and personal hygiene, sanitizing, and distancing guidelines and protocols we should be very careful not to change those habits too much because not only they have helped us in containing the Coronavirus, but they have also helped us keep many other diseases at bay like flu.

In my opinion regardless of being vaccinated or not we should continue wearing masks in crowded places even after this pandemic ends just for the sake of preventing the flu which has been killing thousands of people every year.

People should be taught to wear a mask in public if they are coughing or sneezing or showing any kind of cold or flu symptoms.

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US will share more vaccine doses globally

More than 157 million Americans have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, and 123 million are full vaccinated against the virus.

To date, the U.S. has shared about 4.5 million doses of AstraZeneca vaccine with Canada and Mexico. Additional doses of the Pfizer vaccine manufactured in the U.S. have begun to be exported as the company has met its initial contract commitments to the federal government.

The U.S. has faced growing pressure to share more of its vaccine stockpile with the world as interest in vaccines has waned domestically.

It would mark the first time that U.S.-controlled doses of vaccines authorized for use in the country will be shared overseas, as domestic demand for the shots has dropped significantly in recent weeks.

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