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randypendleton.comTop Member
This thread was created to bring a local new story to light, which can be viewed below:

JACKSON, Ohio (AP) — An Ohio school district decided Tuesday night to keep a portrait of Jesus hanging in the school where it's been 65 years, denying a federal lawsuit's claim the portrait's display unconstitutionally promotes religion in a public school.

The Jackson City Schools board offered a constitutional justification of its own in voting 4-0 to keep the portrait up in its middle school, saying it must protect students' free speech rights. The vote drew cheers and applause from the dozens of people gathered in the elementary school gymnasium.

Read all of it here: http://news.yahoo.com/ohio-school-b...xzBHB0A3N0b3J5cGFnZQR0ZXN0A1Rlc3RfQUZD;_ylv=3

I posted his here @ NP to see what ppl had to say on the issue. As it turns out, this sparked many debates. I've considered closing this thread but after multiple suggestions, I decided to keep it open. Feel free to join in the topics but per forum rules, please refrain from obscene, threatening, rude, or insulting posts.
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
How many times does it need to be explained that they can marry already. It just needs to be with someone of the opposite sex, just like straight people.

Poor Gilsan, the world is moving on and not waiting for you to catch up :wave:

Gays can't procreate so they have to find a different solution.
You mean marriage is only for people who procreate ?
I thought marriage was about love too.

In your books infertility disqualifies one for marriage ?
You mean marriage is only for people who procreate ?
I thought marriage was about love too.

Bisexuals must be really confusing to this issue.
As for Edith Windsor, why did she go to Canada to get married? Apparently she and her partner were smart, well off people. Didn't they know the law in the US?

Did you even read the article or just the parts you could argue with? They got married in Canada because it was not an option in NY. Her partner was dying of MS they wanted to get married before she died because they were committed couple who loved each other and being married meant something to them both.
Did you even read the article or just the parts you could argue with? They got married in Canada because it was not an option in NY. Her partner was dying of MS they wanted to get married before she died because they were committed couple who loved each other and being married meant something to them both.
Yes I read the article. My point is; Surely when they got married in Canada they knew fully well that their marriage was not recognized in New York and it could eventually have negative implications for them. Would have been better for them to probably get Canadian citizenship and lived there.

---------- Post added at 09:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:09 AM ----------


Poor Gilsan, the world is moving on and not waiting for you to catch up :wave:
You can keep your Sodom and Gomorrah world you're moving into and I'll keep my sane world.

---------- Post added at 09:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:12 AM ----------

Question (not a leading question, just for information): would you agree to giving gay couples all the same rights (hospital visitation, adoption, tax status, etc., etc.) as heterosexual married couples, as long as the term "civil union" was used instead of "marriage"?
Yes, they should give civil unions all the rights afforded to everyone else except for adoption

I haven't read every entry in this thread, but I haven't seen anyone say that kids raised by gays would be "perfect citizens". Nor, for that matter, do kids raised by heteros all turn out to be "perfect citizens" - do they?

I think it's good for a child to have parental figures of each gender (which don't necessarily have to be the child's parents). On the other hand, countless kids are brought into this world by parents who didn't want to have them but had either poor judgment or ineffective birth control; those kids are more likely than others to be neglected and/or abused, and thus probably more likely to cause problems for society.

If a gay couple raises a kid, they almost certainly went to great effort to add that kid to their family (through adoption, artificial conception, whatever), so the kid is likely to be raised with more care and affection than many unplanned "oops" kids.

If you read the Liberal Media it's a constant barrage of biased propaganda against traditional families and in favor of Gay families.

Just look at these past few days as an example; the Liberal Media are interviewing the pro-gay crowds most of the time and virtually ignoring the anti gay marriage crowd. This is pure biased propaganda. There's an argument to both sides, but they are only listening to one side and if anyone denies this then they are living in Sodom and Gomorrah Land.

Adoption in my opinion should only be for straight couples. A child also has his/her human rights. A child has the right to be bought up by a Father and a Mother as God intended, NOT 2 fathers nor 2 mothers as the Liberals want.
A child also has his/her human rights. A child has the right to be bought up by a Father and a Mother as God intended, NOT 2 fathers nor 2 mothers as the Liberals want.

What about a single parent families (via death or divorce)?

And if God is omnipotent, then God could surely fix things so that nobody was gay if (s)he wanted to do so - save everyone the speculation of what was or was not intended. It would appear that's not a priority.
Adoption in my opinion should only be for straight couples. A child also has his/her human rights. A child has the right to be bought up by a Father and a Mother as God intended, NOT 2 fathers nor 2 mothers as the Liberals want.

Should we not ask the kids?
Adoption in my opinion should only be for straight couples. A child also has his/her human rights. A child has the right to be bought up by a Father and a Mother as God intended, NOT 2 fathers nor 2 mothers as the Liberals want.

And what if ... as in the case of many "special needs" children ... no straight couples want to adopt them? Should they just remain in some facility, or might two gay parents be better than no parents at all?


If marriage is all about procreation, I suppose all those senior citizen marriages become invalid the minute the old ovaries implode.


I need to address this, in parts.

1.) Your 1st argument is very weak. It's like saying, "There is food but it's all meat. If a veterinarian doesn't like it--screw them. They have food. If they refuse to eat it, that's their fault." If a gay doesn't wanna marry the opposite sex, are you suggesting they should 'suck it up' & just marry straight, to appease ppl like you?

2.) They do not want to make a mockery -- they just wanna be treated equal. Aside from that, who's to say it's a mockery? Who is to say that gays are trying to destroy anything? The word marriage, defined by m-w.com:

Definition of MARRIAGE
a (1) : the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law (2) : the state of being united to a person of the same sex in a relationship like that of a traditional marriage <same-sex marriage>
b : the mutual relation of married persons : wedlock
c : the institution whereby individuals are joined in a marriage
: an act of marrying or the rite by which the married status is effected; especially : the wedding ceremony and attendant festivities or formalities
: an intimate or close union <the marriage of painting and poetry — J. T. Shawcross>

Even dictionaries define marriage as a union of same-sex couples. Gays trying to make a mockery of marriage is your opinion. And opinion, alone. Fact trumps opinion, thus you have no grounds for much.

3.) Again, you are making an opinion that gays are trying to lower the age of consent so as to molest little boys. You have no proof of this -- you simply want us to believe you.

And you were talking about others brainwashing us when really, it is ppl like you who want to do the brainwashing.

4.) I know straight ppl who live far more wild than gays do. You are implying that gays aren't safe ppl. As always, you have no facts to support it though I know you'll read this and throw some links at me. I will then remind you that the links you've sent about gays and STDs are very weak since STDs are rampant in heterosexuals, too, and that you are trying to back up your claims with whatever you can -- since you are wrong and had been from the start & you need to make any defense ya can, no matter hoew feeble. I know, I know.

5.) You actually raised a point of interest: would gays be good parents? It's a though to ponder. But there are no studies or legal cases to which a typical child raised by gays came out poorly. And don't bother to say, "Yes, all of these kids do. I know because a lotta them turn out gay!" That is simply saying that gays are bad ppl & really, that's what you are saying, so I suppose it'd make sense, you saying that.

6.) "Every single living creature on this earth hooks up with the opposite sex to procreate. Why are liberals trying to change the laws of nature? " I don't. None of my friends do. No one I've ever heard from--even in the news--had ever hooked up with the other sex just to procreate. A billion ppl don't even wants kids -- that's a good thing about being gay (they can't reproduce). I think your statement could be read, as well, as opposite sexes procreate & ppl don't do same-sex with the hopes of having kids. That's likely. My question to you: And your point is...?

How many times does it need to be explained that they can marry already. It just needs to be with someone of the opposite sex, just like straight people. Gays can't procreate so they have to find a different solution.

They already have Civil unions, but no, that's not enough for them. They want to make a mockery of the word Marriage. They want more rights than everyone else. Pretty soon they will demand the reduction of the age of consent, which they are already trying hard to get into law. Their goal is to have legal sex with very young boys. Perverts!

And yet all you brainwashed lefties are OK with this?

Mayor Bloomberg had, in my opinion a sensible idea in banning large sodas for health reasons. He should also consider banning sodomy as it's an even bigger health hazard. Look at the enormously disproportionate amount of gays with AIDS, rectal cancer and other STD's. Seems like they have too much of a care-free, anything goes sexual relationships, without looking at the consequences of their actions.

If Archangel can think (when referring to abortion) and I quote him "the vast majority of crimes and murders that take place are done by ppl who were raised by shitty parents and never were instilled with ethics of any sort. I'd rather a dumb, irresponsible teen to abort a child than to have one, raise it to welcome drugs and violence, and then unleash it upon the world. Not ALL kids from unfit parents turn out bad but most do." then I can also think that Gays and their lifestyle are not a very good idea to get married and to raise adopted children.

Every single living creature on this earth hooks up with the opposite sex to procreate. Why are liberals trying to change the laws of nature? And yet people are supposed to support this type of lifestyle?

---------- Post added at 03:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:46 PM ----------

Thanks. I wasn't looking closely. It's still a good quote though.

And I follow him on FB :Lp

Looks like a fake to me on 2 counts: 1- Morgan Freeman using the account name @ morgonfreeman , I don't think so...... and 2- Someone follows Morgan Freeman? :zzz:
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Should we not ask the kids?
The most sensible suggestion from a Liberal in the last century :tu:

Finally someone reminding us that children also have human rights, because in the end they are the ones that will be mostly affected by this tug-of-war

Hope you don't get upset, but ?m gonna have toI give you a Like for that

---------- Post added at 12:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:18 PM ----------

What about a single parent families (via death or divorce)?
Fine with me, as long as they meet the criteria
The most sensible suggestion from a Liberal in the last century :tu:

Finally someone reminding us that children also have human rights, because in the end they are the ones that will be mostly affected by this tug-of-war

Hope you don't get upset, but ?m gonna have toI give you a Like for that

---------- Post added at 12:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:18 PM ----------

Fine with me, as long as they meet the criteria

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VnEexIhBTU"]Gay parents - YouTube[/ame]

"A child has the right to be bought up by a Father and a Mother as God intended"

You would think he would do something about that 50%+ divorce rate? Seems Christians are all about traditional marriage, instead of being anti-gay, should be anti-divorce, take their vows a lil more seriously?*

*devil's advocate

"Finally someone reminding us that children also have human rights, because in the end they are the ones that will be mostly affected by this tug-of-war"

I would imagine it's pretty much the same, regardless if somebody's parents are gay or straight. They all go thru the same stuff. It's not like everybody who had straight parents, just got along great all the time. You could find examples of both, just hate their parents/love their parents. Good and bad parents with both.
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If marriage is all about procreation, I suppose all those senior citizen marriages become invalid the minute the old ovaries implode.


Didn't realize that ovaries imploded when reaching a certain age. D-: Gonna have to warn my wife about that one. Learn something new everyday :)
My wife and I did not implode, explode of plode.

What is funny about the whole gay./lesbian/tranny thing from the liberal side?
They forget that the one bunch of people they love so much and will protect so much (the muslims)....

Why liberals to me are such hypocrites, they love one side and just ignore the other side of the same coin.
"They forget that the one bunch of people they love so much and will protect so much (the muslims)....
KILL GAYS!!!!!!"

Really? Because there are millions of Muslims here in the U.S., don't remember a lot of gay killing going on. The hatred I see towards gays in the U.S., typically comes from Christians.

You saying that, you're in Gilsan territory with that one. Having to use extreme examples, instead of typical. It's what happens when you don't have a good case/argument to begin with.
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Well guy,
Try reading about Iran, Iran, Afghan, blah blah...

Where there they kill gays.

Am sure, if the muslims in the USA could get sharia enforced, they would go on a gay killing spree.
When they are not too busy with their honor killings.

Oh, forgot...cair.....check them out.
Because as the voice of muslims in the USA, they stated many times, gays are to be eliminated.
Well, we're talking about gay marriage in the U.S. I know a lot of fanatic/fundamentalist types that don't like gays, even to the extreme of wanting to kill them.

"if the muslims in the USA could get sharia enforced"

C'mon, be serious. Muslims in those other countries you mentioned don't even like that. But nice of you to generalize a whole religion.
What criteria? That the parents are "straight because gays would be terrible parents"? Who is to make this criteria?

Fine with me, as long as they meet the criteria
Fine with me, as long as they meet the criteria

But those children wouldn't have a mother AND a father either?

Actually, since this is the religious thread, I'd like to hear what you have to say about the other half of my comment:

enlytend said:
if God is omnipotent, then God could surely fix things so that nobody was gay if (s)he wanted to do so - save everyone the speculation of what was or was not intended.

As for Muslim and gay - this is an interesting interview ...
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On a somewhat lighter note.

Actually, since this is the religious thread, I'd like to hear what you have to say about the other half of my comment:

Free will and all that; however, on judgment day thou will be accountable for your own actions.

A true God could make people to be free of God's omnipotence because being free is the ultimate and greatest reward that can be bestowed upon a soul.

When we get to heaven we will be able to experience and enjoy God directly without influence or knowledge of sin and evil that was given to us by Adam failing to put his trust in God.

Or something like that.

Maybe God got addicted to his subjects and wanted to see more and more depraved acts... I mean think about it, the world is essentially the internet to him... perhaps he got addicted to voyeur porn and needs an intervention.
Well, I see someone has no clue about muslims in America, in Canada, in Europe, and the rest of the world.

Oh well, to liberals ignorance is really bliss.
God gave us all free will. We are not as 'puppetized' as some think.

Free will and all that; however, on judgment day thou will be accountable for your own actions.

A true God could make people to be free of God's omnipotence because being free is the ultimate and greatest reward that can be bestowed upon a soul.

When we get to heaven we will be able to experience and enjoy God directly without influence or knowledge of sin and evil that was given to us by Adam failing to put his trust in God.

Or something like that.

Maybe God got addicted to his subjects and wanted to see more and more depraved acts... I mean think about it, the world is essentially the internet to him... perhaps he got addicted to voyeur porn and needs an intervention.
Well, I see someone has no clue about muslims in America, in Canada, in Europe, and the rest of the world.

Oh well, to liberals ignorance is really bliss.

That would be you. The reality is most people in this world, whether they're Muslim, Christian, Atheist, whatever, wake up each day just wanting the best lives they can possibly have for themselves and/or their families. You make it seem like Muslims just want to run around the earth, enacting Sharia law and killing gays.

I'm curious, what percentage of Muslims do you think are just good decent, people? Do you think decent Muslims exist, or are they all just evil in your mind? Looking for a number.
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