
More on the Appraisal Joke

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
So I just purchased and I listed these two along with 16 other "Simpli" .com domains that I purchased this am. I got the idea from an add about security systems I saw on TV last night where their domain So this domain is appraised for $25,000 at several of the "so called" appraiser/registrars, and at the same time, the very same registrars appraise and SimpliVegas for zero. People here have been saying Estibot is far better than GoDaddy, but I'm beginning to wonder? How could an industry condone or allow this to continue. I've said before, I've been very involved in other industries where the members have demanded better solutions, and got them. What gives with this industry? Anyone?

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Who said estibot is better?
Who said estibot is better?

"Who said estibot is better"?

I don't recall, but who ever said it is just as criminal as Estibots statement on the first page of their site?

"EstiBot is the world's most trusted and widely used domain appraisal service, serving over 1.8 million domain appraisals per day. Our engine is trusted by registrars, parking providers, domain investors and the IRS to generate the most accurate fair market value based on historical sales and other reference points."

Joke? not even a Joke....Criminal IMHO!
What a coincidence -- I saw that same commercial yesterday and also noticed the spelling. I was contemplating checking for some word combinations (using the same spelling of the first "word"), but I got distracted and then fell asleep.
Estibot will immediately change the appraised price to the most recent sale. Estibot will ding your site for low traffic which unsold / parked domains generally have very little traffic.

I don’t even look at estibot much.
What a coincidence -- I saw that same commercial yesterday and also noticed the spelling. I was contemplating checking for some word combinations (using the same spelling of the first "word"), but I got distracted and then fell asleep. you, I thought it was pretty catchy, and just sort of went wild. I registered 18 "Simpli".com names similar to the SimpliSafe name, some that I believe are even better like, SimpliSexy and SimpliVegas. Afterall, com only sold for 90M and for just 13M, UnfreakinBelievable!!!

I've since bought a few more like; and

Have a Merry Christmas! and God Bless!!!


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Estibot is in business of selling paid memberships. Nothing wrong with it assuming that their customers find the service to be useful for whatever purpose. Since their automated appraisals, as well as any other appraisals, are in fact random, and do not (and can not) reflect potential $$$ amount of a future sale, I can think about the following usage types:

- To decrease sale price (if applicable) - a professional domainer may use their appraisal as an argument during negotiations with a "newbie" domainer in an (unlikely) event of a new domainer having something interesting for a pro. May work if estibot showed too low random value.

- To increase sale price (also if applicable) in a sale to an enduser, or to somehow prove the asking price. May work if the asking or desired price is lower and so-called "appraised value" it higher. A rare case, but also happens.

The only useful data estibot provides are comparable sales, but I found nothing special in this info feed so far. Namebio together with proper search @ dnjournal are better.
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I've just bid on a name with an Estibot value of $0. Did I do the wrong thing? :)
@Kuffy - I'd say that the only outcome of your action may be the following: should an exact sale amount be received by estibot from an auction house, they'll add this sale to their DB and re-appraise the domain name accordingly showing an exact amount it was sold for
Still - stepping back from the appraisal tools - just because for example sells for a lot does not automatically mean that is valuable. There may have been a specific unique need for a given domain.

As an aside I don’t like the domains you picked with the vowels right next to each other. ia ie etc.
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So I just purchased and I listed these two along with 16 other "Simpli" .com domains that I purchased this am. I got the idea from an add about security systems I saw on TV last night where their domain So this domain is appraised for $25,000 at several of the "so called" appraiser/registrars, and at the same time, the very same registrars appraise and SimpliVegas for zero. People here have been saying Estibot is far better than GoDaddy, but I'm beginning to wonder? How could an industry condone or allow this to continue. I've said before, I've been very involved in other industries where the members have demanded better solutions, and got them. What gives with this industry? Anyone?


They are worth zero as simply domains. would be worth zero just as a domain, except it's an actual business.

Not sure what you mean by condone or allow. It's an appraisal tool. Anybody can make one.
Estibot is useless estimate at $49,000 but still no one is paying $1 for this domain
Still - stepping back from the appraisal tools - just because for example sells for a lot does not automatically mean that is valuable. There may have been a specific unique need for a given domain.

As an aside I don’t like the domains you picked with the vowels right next to each other. ia ie etc.

Hey, I understand, but I don't need for you to like them. Take for you know how many Italian Restaurants there are in the world? And you don't think one might be interested in paying at least $199 for that domain? I think I saw where your friend said my domains are worth zero because they don't identify a business? Actually 70% of the domains that I've registered today in fact can and do identify businesses. Here are the last 12 I registered;

Finally...ever here of the Romantic Comedy and Hit Song "Simply Irresistible" well:wacky: that would be:

Two word domains that have two vowels next to each other - last letter of first word vowel before first letter of second word vowel - like that are generally low value. If I say I don’t like something I mean professionally not like matter of opinion. Two consonants together from the last letter of the first word to first letter of second word is usually bad too. Also when you must chop the first letter off the second word in order to avoid this double vowel or double consonant repetition is also generally not desireable.

You’re also working off a made up word Simpli which hasn’t taken off for domains. Unlike for example krazy or krack which have. That all those Simpli domains are simply available means that they are not in demand.
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Two word domains that have two vowels next to each other like that are generally low value. If I say I don’t like something I mean professionally not like matter of opinion.

You’re also working off a made up word Simpli which hasn’t taken off for domains. Unlike for example krazy or krack which have. That all those Simpli domains are simply available means that they are not in demand.

Ya think? I think no one even thought of it before now. Check this:
I'll be in touch with the founders next week to get the full story on their name. I'm sure glad I'm a businessguy first, a marketeer second and a domainer a distant third. It's a good thing I don't know what you guys know, it could be hazardous to my my wealth:xf.grin:

Bulloney...the DomainDrunk:wacky:

and if you're saying "that
S.O.B." about now, that's how I got into this business about a year ago by registering names like, SonOfaBuckeye, SonOfaBruin, SonOfBlessed for a Brand that I trademarked and started called

Merry Christmas and God Bless!
Hey, I understand, but I don't need for you to like them. Take for you know how many Italian Restaurants there are in the world? And you don't think one might be interested in paying at least $199 for that domain? I think I saw where your friend said my domains are worth zero because they don't identify a business? Actually 70% of the domains that I've registered today in fact can and do identify businesses. Here are the last 12 I registered;

Finally...ever here of the Romantic Comedy and Hit Song "Simply Irresistible" well:wacky: that would be:


Besides trying to run off the success of another company (not very original), as a business guy first, marketer second** you do understand it would fail the radio test, would not be good for a lot of businesses, simply/simpli because people are going to type in simply most of the time. Lots of other people tried to run off the success of Toy "R" Us, Babies "R" Us and register other keyword "R" us domains and it didn't quite work out for them.

Let's use one of your examples, Somebody hears that, guess where they're going? Here........... A developed site already. If somebody was dumb enough to dry to develop on, would enjoy the leakage, confusion etc. And it looks like they have a TM as well.

**just put that in your sig, I've lost count how many times you've posted that
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<<**just put that in your sig, I've lost count how many times you've posted that>>

Or he could have it on a sticky, ready for immediate within mouse’s reach Copy/Paste.

Which by the way Bulloney don’t try...copypaste dot com already registered and a Coming Soon website. You could try copipaste tho.
I'm not a fan of names like simpli------. I suppose you could try branding with it, Toys'R'us didn't do too badly with their name, well until the accountants started to rip off the company assets. I don't think it will pick up traffic as a mis-spelling either, rather the reverse in fact. I'm a bit ambivalent about typos and mis-spellings as well. I picked up recently, and that is a popular mis-spelling of "surrogate". I suspect the name has little resale value, but I'm hoping it will pick up a bit of traffic, and it will be a revenue earner. I'm deciding on the sponsors to use at the moment, so I don't have any stats yet.
Estibot is in business of selling paid memberships. Nothing wrong with it assuming that their customers find the service to be useful for whatever purpose. Since their automated appraisals, as well as any other appraisals, are in fact random, and do not (and can not) reflect potential $$$ amount of a future sale, I can think about the following usage types:

- To decrease sale price (if applicable) - a professional domainer may use their appraisal as an argument during negotiations with a "newbie" domainer in an (unlikely) event of a new domainer having something interesting for a pro. May work if estibot showed too low random value.

- To increase sale price (also if applicable) in a sale to an enduser, or to somehow prove the asking price. May work if the asking or desired price is lower and so-called "appraised value" it higher. A rare case, but also happens.

The only useful data estibot provides are comparable sales, but I found nothing special in this info feed so far. Namebio together with proper search @ dnjournal are better.

Tony...thanks so much for your input. Your reasoning and analysis is spot on. btw, I'm looking at arranging a possible meeting with the CTO at Namebio. It appears that he and I have a lot in common, and I see some areas where we may compliment each other.

On another note...I just registered two more names They are SimpliVino and SimpliKiss.
The "Vino" name would be an option for someone getting into the wine business either online via B & M.
The "Kiss" name would be for a consultant or a consulting firm that not only likes the name, but also because of the message it conveys...."Keep It Simple Stupid"

Again, thanks for your explanation, and would appreciate your thoughts on the names.

@Bulloney : I'd say that one should be careful with registrations of domains incorporating made-up terms in general and especially terms that are (or may soon) be strongly associated with just one particular business. Think of *Citi* as an example. Is it just "citY"? Probably no. If somebody has "citi" + <some financial term> domain, he will likely receive C&D letter from CitiBank earleir or later. And, if the domain is lets say "citi" + "pizza", the C&D is less likely, but who will buy it? Why would pizza shop owner elect to use "citi" in their branding, his customers will think about banking and not pizzas.
On linguistical issues and proper letter combinations, I 100% agree with @xynames .
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@Bulloney : I'd say that one should be careful with registrations of domains incorporating made-up terms in general and especially terms that are (or may soon be) be strongly associated with just one particular business. Think of *Citi* as an example. Is it just "citY"? Probably no. If somebody has "citi" + <some financial term> domain, he will likely receive C&D letter from CitiBank earleir or later. And, if the domain is lets say "citi" + "pizza", the C&D is less likely, but who will buy it? Why would pizza shop owner elect to use "citi" in their branding, his customers will think about banking and not pizzas.
On linguistical issues and proper letter combinations, I 100% agree with @xynames .

Thanks Tony...very helpful, but I think to compare SimpliSafe to CitiBank is sort of like comparing apples to oranges. The biggest difference is that CitiBank is a household name, SimpliSafe is a medium size business from Boston in the security space. That said, I intend to reach out to the founders of SimpliSafe to see if they may want to get involved in some capacity? Who knows, for their help and endorsement they may even deserve a healthy commission or royalty. And yes, I'm in agreement with you and xynames with regards to linguistical and proper letter combinations realizing full well there are exceptions to every rule.

Thanks again Tony,

Well thanks for starting this thread. I hadn't really thought about the prefix "simply", and I can see that it makes sense for a specialist business. I've just picked up "Simply Pho" for a very low price as an experiment. One of the things that I like about the domain name industry is that it teaches you all sorts on new things. "Pho" is a Vietnamese soup that is vitually a meal, and it looks quite healthy and tasty. I'd never heard of it before this thread, and I'm going to have a go at cooking it, although it looks as if proper preparation can take hours in some cases.
Getting more insight into how the Kuffy mind works. You should team up with Bulloney.

If I may offer an unwanted opinion - the Pho places (the restaurants) all have names. Been to many. Unless one decides to call itself SimplyPho - which few do they generally have Vietnamese names - your domain will be viable mostly as a general website about Pho. Such as: which I don’t see a near zero income blog type site ever paying much for a domain.

Even if a Pho place decides to call itself SimplyPho these places are generally mom and pop places which would never spend much on a domain name.

Sorry to hear that Kuffy. Guess some people can never get ahead no matter how early they start.

If you really started in 2000 I would advise you that its about time to research what sells, have value and whats going on in the domaining community. Your posts all bears evidence of very little knowledge/experience which you really should have amassed by now.
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It was worth paying the acquisition cost for just for the introduction to the soup. I'd never have tried it if I hadn't seen the name. So I don't really care if it sells or not. btw, the net is a developed site for a restaurant. Actually, I'll probably keep the name because I'm interested in healthy food as an alternative to the SAD ( standard American diet).
GoDaddy Beta appraisal is hilarious. For instance; it values at $ 1200 based on 'comparable' sales like,, & lolz
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