
debate Environmental Thread does anyone care that Amazon Rain Forest is burning down to the ground

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oldtimer Let's not leave anyone behindTop Member
This is a total catastrophe and failure for the World and humanity at large. There are some things that surpass national boundaries and borders like Human Rights and certain Environmental issues that affect the whole Globe which surely should be of concern to all of us. Whether it’s the Oceans and Rivers that have been polluted or whether it’s our air and soil that have been poisoned, it all has something to do with human activity like the Global Warming and the Melting of the Ice Caps and Glaciers which is going to put many coastal Cities and Communities under water soon. IMO

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AMAZON Trees.jpg
The common denominator in all this? Nope, not climate change. Did I mention, yes the climate changes? The common denominator is population growth. This should actually be a good thing. Means more hands on deck. But, we can't use our hands when we're too busy swiping, can we?
Exactly... Overpopulation is the biggest threat of all, just as I mentioned in many of my previous posts. And it's precisely in these countries with very high birth rates where the highest amount of pollution is being generated presently...
2/3 of the worlds population lives in Asia and Africa at the moment. In a decade's time those two continents will have 3/4 of the population worldwide.

Fertility Rates in Europe:
1.59 live births per woman in 2018,
Fertility Rates in Japan:
1.44 live births per woman in 2018,
Fertility Rates in the USA:
1.72 live births per woman in 2018,

Fertility Rates in ASIA:

2.2 live births per woman in 2018

Fertility Rates in AFRICA:
5.1 live births per woman in 2018

World Map with Fertility Rates

The replacement level of the population is 2.1. Anything below that means more people die than are born.

So it's really easy to see from the above stats and graphic, where the problems lie.
Africa is by far the continent with the highest growth rate in population and has been like that for a long, long time!
I don't really care because the World will be here long after us, thriving when the new iteration of our species exists.

Mostly the psyche is trying to over emphasize importance of humans in the planet


There is no appreciation or awareness for the chronology of evolution.

So yeh
We no longer get paper bills, yet our billing has skyrocketed. Mail doesn't get delivered to our homes, yet we pay more taxes. Communications is done via email or Internet, yet we pay exorbitant fees for the landlines and satellites required to communicate. Technology is smaller, cheaper, but now the prices are offset by "environmental fees". Banks tellers becoming obsolete, in favour of online banking. Yet banks are profiting in the billions, and charging us more and more. I could go on and on.

So true. I find it hard to believe that if you try to call a company and pay your bill with a credit card, you get charged a "convenience fee" of something like $5 or $8 U.S. Since when do you have to pay an extra fee to pay your bill? You used to be able to call up and do the transaction with a human for no extra charge.

I have to say companies are very innovative in coming up with ways to fleece us.
My neighbor has a Tesla. The other day he was bragging about how good it is for the environment. I had to explain to him that the battery pack in his car is doing more damage to the environment than my gas powered car.

It turns out the metals, lithium, nickel and cobalt are wreaking havoc on the environment in geographic areas that are exploited. In other words the politicians don't care what they don't see. As long as the pollution is not in their backyard.
My neighbor has a Tesla. The other day he was bragging about how good it is for the environment. I had to explain to him that the battery pack in his car is doing more damage to the environment than my gas powered car.

It turns out the metals, lithium, nickel and cobalt are wreaking havoc on the environment in geographic areas that are exploited. In other words the politicians don't care what they don't see. As long as the pollution is not in their backyard.
Climate hypocrite Schwarzenegger poses with Greta the Climate Puppet then drives off laughing in his Hummer....
Climate change hitting harder and sooner than originally forecasted,

Scientific report being submitted at the UN Climate Summit:

It shouldn't take a genius to see that things are getting worse in the Environment.
Climate change hitting harder and sooner than originally forecasted,

Scientific report being submitted at the UN Climate Summit:

It shouldn't take a genius to see that things are getting worse in the Environment.
The UN has lost all credibility in the climate debate. They have done nothing to stop pollution in third world countries. They are more of the problem and not the solution.
Climate hypocrite Schwarzenegger poses with Greta the Climate Puppet then drives off laughing in his Hummer....

By using newer and more efficient batteries in the future we might be able to make the Hummer more environmentally friendly by making these changes:

Reduce the overall weight in half by making an indestructible uni shell and frame combination that is made of light weight graphene composite and alloy layers that are reinforced with rubberized foam in between.

Make all the structural parts sturdy, but light so that they can last forever. This way the interior and instruments can be upgraded if they wear out, but the vehicle itself can continue to be used for generations.

Move the engine into the wheels in the form of four electric motors that can be charged by solar panels on top of the vehicle. (upgradable to newer motors when mass produced).

Reduce travel time and distances and only use the vehicle when absolutely necessary, try walking or bicycling when possible.

Drive slower and avoid using the vehicle for showing off by racing others.
Reduce the overall weight in half by making an indestructible uni shell and frame combination that is made of light weight graphene composite and alloy layers that are reinforced with rubberized foam in between.

Make all the structural parts sturdy, but light so that they can last forever. This way the interior and instruments can be upgraded if they wear out, but the vehicle itself can continue to be used for generations.

Move the engine into the wheels in the form of four electric motors that can be charged by solar panels on top of the vehicle. (upgradable to newer motors when mass produced).

Oldtimer, do you know if the technology is already in place to make these changes? They're all great ideas.
Oldtimer, do you know if the technology is already in place to make these changes? They're all great ideas.

Most are doable even if they haven't been put to actual use yet. Most products start with a concept first, so this Hummer might eventually be made sometimes in the near future.

(I should get one for free for coming up with the concept :)
Most fire's near forest happen due to irresponsible hawkers/beer bottle campers and they do it these days in the name of adventure. Even some tour companies are taking people to forest as a package, it's a thriving business and TV is airing programs of people left to survive in the forest. This eventually is not healthy to the forest. Most camp fire's are not properly extinguished spreads and later becomes uncontrollable. People don't realize that Mother Earth has enough to meet all our need and not our greed. Why go to forest when one can find adventure in the land/water? more so we, as a race we have propelled the mass destruction of nature and diversity in every possible way by using technology and call it technological progress. Even unethical whaling is hi-tech (sad, poor thing has no clue). Now, why not develop super technologies to reverse the whole thing. Provide financial aid / educational scholarships only to families having 1 or 2 children as this will encourage small family system (as we race towards to 10B mark, which the earth may not sustain.). Have stringent laws and enforcement in place. Education systems should stress on environmental wellness / Diversity along with Physical/Mental wellness in their school curriculum. Thanks for bring up this topic @oldtimer. Nice to see this 106 year old women who has planted and adopted trees as her children
Now, why not develop super technologies to reverse the whole thing. Provide financial aid / educational scholarships only to families having 1 or 2 children as this will encourage small family system (as we race towards to 10B mark, which the earth may not sustain.). Have stringent laws and enforcement in place. Education systems should stress on environmental wellness / Diversity along with Physical/Mental wellness in their school curriculum.

Great ideas, handpicked. I have a feeling that environmental practices and policies will be changing dramatically in the new few years, now that the media is finally focusing its lens on the problem. People are starting to wake up!

Funny thing, a lot of these ideas were floated around in the 70s. There was a "back-to-the-land movement in which families would buy a plot of land and try to live off of it sustainably. Also, a movement called ZPG -- Zero Population Growth -- encouraged couples to just have one or two kids to keep the populations in check. Sadly, these movements were drowned out by the culture of greed and wealth that has caused so much environmental decline.
A Lesson on Carbon Emissions and Common Sense...

Attention, students.
Because so many of you missed Friday’s classes, what with your little climate party and all, today I’m assigning extra work.

Let’s begin with mathematics. 558,400,000 is a really big number. Can anyone here tell me what it might represent?... No?

Well, that’s the amount in tonnes of carbon dioxide that Australia emitted last year.

I’ll just pause here for a minute until Samantha stops crying. By the way, Samantha, your sign at the climate rally needed a possessive apostrophe and “planet” was spelled incorrectly, so I’m putting you back in remedial English again.

Where were we? Oh, yes. 558,400,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide.

Let’s see how we can reduce that number. Ban coal mining? That’ll knock off a big chunk.
Ban petrol-powered vehicles? Good call. That’s another slab of emissions gone.

Does the class believe we should ban all mining? You do. Interesting. For your homework tonight, I want you all to design batteries that contain no nickel or cadmium.

Good luck getting to school in electric cars without those.

And there’ll be no more steel wind turbines once the iron ore mines are closed. It’s just the price we’ll have to pay, I suppose.

Even with all those bans, however, Australia will still be churning out carbon dioxide by the magical solar-powered truckload. Cuts need to go much further.

More people means more human activity which means more carbon dioxide, so let’s permanently ban immigration. Is the class agreed?

Hmmm. You’re not quite so enthusiastic about that one. Come on, students. Sacrifices must be made.

Speaking of which, how many of you have grandparents? Not any more you don’t.

And Samantha is crying again. Can someone please take her to the school safe space and let her “process some emotions”, or whatever the hell it is you kids do in there? Thank you.

Sing along with Kim Carnes: “All the world knows of her charms/She’s got/Stop Adani arms”

Who agrees we need to simplify our lives in order to reduce emissions? Returning to earlier times, when emissions were much lower, might help save our earth.

So goodbye to air travel, the internet and your cell phones. People got by without them in the past and they’ll survive without them in our sustainable future.

Still, those emissions will be way too high. Just for fun, let’s ban Australia and see what happens.

All factories, houses, streets, farms – gone. All people gone. Every atom of human presence on this land mass, completely erased.

At that point we’ll have finally cut our emissions to nothing. We’ve subtracted an annual 558,400,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Congratulations, children. By eliminating Australia, you’ve just reduced the world’s yearly generation of carbon dioxide from 37,100,000,000 tonnes to just … 36,541,600,000 tonnes.

Still, every tiny reduction helps, right? Maybe not. Let’s have a quick geography lesson. Tyler, please point out China on this map. No; that’s Luxembourg. China is a bit bigger. Try over here. There you go.

Here’s the thing about China. How long will it take for China to produce the equivalent amount of carbon dioxide that we’ve slashed by vanishing Australia? One year? Two years? Five years?

Not quite. Start the carbon dioxide clock on China right now, and that one enormous nation will have matched our annual output by October 10. China adds a whole Australia to the global emissions total every twenty days.

For that matter, China will have added another 1,190,953 tonnes by the end of this one-hour class.

Even a tiny increase in China’s output puts Australia in the shade. Various experts last year estimated that China was on course for a five per cent carbon dioxide boost.

This would mean an extra 521,637,550 tonnes – or basically what Australia generates. Our total is the same as China’s gentle upswing.
So maybe your protest was in the wrong country.

Here’s another assignment: write letters to the Chinese government demanding it stops dragging people out of poverty.

Make sure you include your full name and address, because the Chinese government is kind of big on keeping records. Send a photograph of yourself standing in front of your parents’ house.

You might repeat this process in India. In fact, rather than going to Europe for your next big family holiday, prevail upon your parents to visit India instead. The tiny village of Salaidih would be the perfect place to tell slum-dwelling residents they shouldn’t have electricity.

They’ll probably thank you for it. Or they should, if they aren’t stupid climate deniers. Indian paupers must avoid making the same tragic affluence mistakes as us, so we must keep their carbon footprints as tiny as possible.

Can you imagine how terrible is would be for the earth if all of India’s one billion-plus population owned cars and air-conditioners? It really doesn’t bear thinking about.

One further assignment: tonight, locate a clean, green alternative source for $66 billion in exports. That’s how much was raised last year by the Australian coal industry.

Working it out won’t be too much of a challenge, I’m sure. After all, you know science and stuff. About half of your signs on Friday claimed you know more about all these things than does the Prime Minister.

Show him how advanced your brains are by devising a brand-new multi-billion export bonanza.

Hey, look who’s back! Feeling better, Samantha? That’s nice. Feelings are the most important thing of all.”
Exactly... Overpopulation is the biggest threat of all, just as I mentioned in many of my previous posts. And it's precisely in these countries with very high birth rates where the highest amount of pollution is being generated presently...
I used to think that.

Overpopulation is
Climate change hitting harder and sooner than originally forecasted,

Scientific report being submitted at the UN Climate Summit:

It shouldn't take a genius to see that things are getting worse in the Environment.
The environment is getting warmer
Great ideas, handpicked. I have a feeling that environmental practices and policies will be changing dramatically in the new few years, now that the media is finally focusing its lens on the problem. People are starting to wake up!

Funny thing, a lot of these ideas were floated around in the 70s. There was a "back-to-the-land movement in which families would buy a plot of land and try to live off of it sustainably. Also, a movement called ZPG -- Zero Population Growth -- encouraged couples to just have one or two kids to keep the populations in check. Sadly, these movements were drowned out by the culture of greed and wealth that has caused so much environmental decline.
The world is warming regardless, but yes humans expedite the process
she should have traveled to Africa and especially Asia, where she could preach to the main polluters (China, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Indonesia etc)

Boy that little girl really put everyone to shame with her speech today at the UN Climate Action Summit.

I was surprised to learn that Australia, Brazil, and Saudi Arabia had not been invited to the Summit and that China was not willing to raise their commitment to reduce pollution beyond their modest Paris Accord pledge.
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A Lesson on Carbon Emissions and Common Sense...

As you mentioned it right @GILSAN "tragic affluence mistakes" is what the world over must avoid be it rich or poor nations. Forest burns / oil well burns / wars - accelerates the story by decades. unfortunately (you might say), all villages are electrified in the 70's and slums are only in the cities. Cars are everywhere now and personally, I'm too not in favor of disturbing nature for technology/development or luxury sake.

In a lighter vein, a south film director had shot these songs to get a romantic glimpse of village life in Bullock-Cart days
and Bus days (public transport in village)
people where happy too, though being poor but more in sync with nature. Thanks.
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Here is a simpler lesson that everyone can understand better:

People in the underdeveloped and developing countries want all the comfort and convenience that people in the already developed countries have been enjoying for the past 100 or so years ever since the age of Industrialization peaked and propelled their lives in to a much more active and exciting times. Now the people in underdeveloped and developing countries also all want to have cars, bigger and nicer homes that are air conditioned and condos and offices in high rise buildings that reach to the top of the clouds, and they want all the best clothes and food that money can buy and would like to be able to travel on jet planes and huge cruise ships to far away places that allow them to indulge themselves in all the luxury and excesses that life has to offer.

The problem is that this Planet is already being taxed beyond its capacity and cannot absorb any more pollution or human activity and so in order for the underdeveloped and developing countries to be able to increase their standard of living it requires for the already developed countries to reduce their standard of living and to limit their growth which obviously they are not very willing to do and in return expect the underdeveloped and developing countries to limit their growth and to be content with what they already have which they are not willing to do also as they believe that all countries around the World should have the same standard of living.

Meanwhile as all these countries and their pundits argue to get the upper hand the Global Warming and all the problems with the Environment are getting worse. The ice caps and glaciers have started to melt faster which is endangering the low lying areas and Islands of going under water and the oceans keep getting warmer which is hurting the coral reef and is causing algae overgrowth which is killing the planktons that the sea life depends on and as the oceans eco system become affected by the disturbances in the food chain and the acidification of the waters more and more species are becoming endangered. The birds and the bees are dying by the millions and polar bears are finding their home disappearing beneath their feet and are vanishing due to the loss of their habitat and hunger. Manmade materials such as plastics are accumulating both in the oceans and on land causing strangulation or digestive tract problems for many different animals, specially the micro plastic particles that have now entered the food chain. The pollutants and contaminants in the air, water and soil are making the people sick in addition to the increasing tropical diseases. Harmful substances such as mercury are contaminating the oceans and have entered the food chain and are damaging the genes and are causing mutations. More and more forests are being lost due to wildfires and there is evidence of lessening crop yields by every season. There is increasing loss of life and property due to worsening weather conditions and phenomena, and as all these countries are busy arguing with one another they fail at doing what does really matter which is to take the necessary actions to keep this planet from getting to the point of no return.

Now as everyone goes back from the Climate Summit to their lavish villas and mansions they all get a tranquil feeling for a while thinking that they have done their part in saving the planet, and so they push all the problems with the Environment to the back of their minds till the next Summit since there are more immediate and important things that they need to think about like how to get richer so that they can buy even bigger villas and mansions.

And so the younger generations need to keep reminding the grown ups to follow up on all their talks at the Summit with taking the right actions before it gets too late to save this Planet.
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so in order for the underdeveloped and developing countries to be able to increase their standard of living it requires for the already developed countries to reduce their standard of living and to limit their growth which obviously they are not very willing to do and in return expect the underdeveloped and developing countries to limit their growth and to be content with what they already have which they are not willing to do also as they believe that all countries around the World should have the same standard of living.
A noble idea but... it's really a "mission impossible"

And so the younger generations need to keep reminding the grown ups to follow up on all their talks at the Summit with taking the right actions before it gets too late to save this Planet.
Last Friday's world wide demonstrations were organized by the kids teachers and parents as well as activists.
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