
$1 per day from miniwebsites

Spaceship Spaceship
I've got a few unused domains. I'm thinking about building minisites on them. Let's say I wanted to get at least $1 per day per domain.

My approx. estimations (I didn't play with Adsense for a long time so I might be off):

- $0.25 per click (let's not be too optimistic) so I will need at least 4 per/day
- with CTR 5% that would be 80 visitors x 30 = 2400 v. per month
- I won't be at the first position probably, lets say 5% of people who search for that keyword will end up on my website =
1 keyword with 48000 searches per month
10 keywords with 4800 searches
100 keywords with... you get the idea

What do you think?
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
1 keyword with 48000 searches per month
10 keywords with 4800 searches
100 keywords with... you get the idea

What do you think?

I suggest you to work on single keyword , its little hard to work because of its high searches , but this will give you more benefit .

Wish you good luck .
true minisites (1 page) are death...

I know that because I had some 200+ sites recently de-indexed...

Now I am cutting down big time and will focus more on sites with at least 5 articles...

earning a dollar a day used to be not hard (I used to make + 50 Euro a day with a bunch of 1 page minisites alone) - Now it is hard and I can't blame Google for it LOL - filtering the junk is not a bad thing...

I suggest you pick a few names and put all your energy in them rather then massdeveloping...

Good Luck :)
Hey Toni,
We're all these sites on the same adsense account or using the same template? Just asking because i've heard similar situations happen to other people..
Hi Nanox,

If you need someone to develop your domains for you let me know. We also provide bulk orders for reasonable price.

BTW, I totally agree with Toni that you need to put at least five unique articles on your minisites so that it can perform well and prevent G00gl3 from de-indexing it.
Hey Toni,
We're all these sites on the same adsense account or using the same template? Just asking because i've heard similar situations happen to other people..

Yes they were all using the same adsense account but using mostly different templates (even 3 different hosts). I was not using privacy at that time perhaps that can be another layer of security (just started using who.is protection for some of my sites now)
If you work properly you can get more than $1 per day.
Gee that is rough. Do you think the main cause of the de-indexing is due to the fact that the websites were 1 pagers Toni?
Gee that is rough. Do you think the main cause of the de-indexing is due to the fact that the websites were 1 pagers Toni?

Yes I believe that... It affected a few 2 pagers (unique content) as well but all sites with 3 and more articles are doing fine...

It's all good I was planning to focus on fewer and bigger sites anyhow... My new minimum unique article count is 20 btw and each site get's a 100% unique template and adsense is going to be replaced by affiliate produts (and perhaps own e-products in the future) where it makes sense, if I deliver quality to my visitors I see little reason for google to attack me another time.

If you are reading this Google, I am sorry please give me another chance, I will behave from now on lol :loveyou:
That is very true. Recently Google has started focusing a lot more on quality content. It is penalizing a lot of website that are just placeholders for adsense. So, if you are really keen into making money through adsense, then you gotta focus more on providing some value to the visitors.
I suggest you to work on single keyword , its little hard to work because of its high searches , but this will give you more benefit .

Wish you good luck .

As you said work for single keyword, but it will years of time to get a position in Google. its long time process. if we need business instantly 10 keywords 4800 visitors is best.
A 5% click through rate is pretty optimistic.

Also, when you see those CPC numbers, those are for the search network. Adsense is the content network - content bids are usually lower.

Many advertisers either opt out of the content network or they only run their ads on specific sites they choose. Fewer advertisers = greater chance of poorer ad quality and irrellevant ads = lower CTR.

In any case, it's really hard to predict results without actually seeing how visitors interract with your content and the ads it pulls up.
Also, when you see those CPC numbers, those are for the search network. Adsense is the content network - content bids are usually lower.

This is huge, dont just gloss over this OP, assume low pay when considering a project.

Also the if I own X ammount of sites, isnt the way to go. Just build quality and dont worry about how many sites you own. And let them "season" Dont expect them to produce right away.
I don't think Google will deindex 1 or 2 pager websites. I have a dozen 1-2 pagers myself, and none of them has been deindexed (so far).

Evenif Google did so, deindexing 1-2 pagers is unfair and irrational. For example, i have 6 websites that are just 1-2 pagers built for companies who merely wanted to have a domain presence on the internet just posting their address, contact numbers, business offerings, and management profiles. it's like their calling card for the internet. Why would Google deny them the opportunity to show up on search results? Just because it's a 1 page? 2 page? Why should you be forced to write 5 articles to prevent your domain from getting delisted?

I think it's stupid to come up with 5-page articles of nonsense just to make Google happy, for a company website who merely wanted to post the branch addresses and contact numbers of their retail stores across the city.

A client comes up and say, 'hey, can you put up a website where we can post the names of our resident lawyers so people would know where to contact them?', and then you'll tell him 'can you write 5 articles about criminal law and some sh*t like that to make the website more encyclopaedic so Google won't delist it? Posting pictures, names, and phone numbers of your lawyers only eat up 2 pages'.
totally agree, Google wouldn't remove you from results based solely on the number of pages.
The question is not would google deindex a one page company "calling card" site, but instead a one page site loaded with ads like adsense.
The question is not would google deindex a one page company "calling card" site, but instead a one page site loaded with ads like adsense.
Now that would make more sense. The next question now is, would Google deindex the domain or would it rather suspend your Adsense account?

Deindexing the domain would have been a more preferrable penalty. But i was wondering why the need to deindex a website that can just be penalized by dropping it say 3,000 pages down the search results instead? I'm not sure how many people will actually sift down that far anyway.

My next question is, does Adsense algorithm try to match your Adsense Account and see how many domains are using that Adsense ID? Say for example, if your Adsense ID is tagged for 400 domains, will it flag that your account might be an MFA account, and thus put you under the Google microscope?
Yes Google doesn't have to make sense all the time, guys like me are colleteral damage for the greater good of search result optimization LOL (seriously I can't blame them, and I am glad I am finally building better and useful websites, thanks Goog :P)

As I mentioned earlier in this thread Google deindexed about 200 minisites of mine forcing me to my biggest drop ever (lucky that it happend just before renewal for most of the domains)

I kept a few of them because they are great domains, changed hosts, bought who.is privacy, dumped the minsite and changed it into WP with an unique template for each (have a program to build nice looking templates fast), have uploaded 5 more unique articles on average and STILL after 2 months or so they are not making their way back into the index.

They are blacklisted and I believe my only way back into the index is to get in touch with google, before I do this I am going to try adding some more backlinks to 1 or 2 of the sites and see if that changes anything.

And yes your Adsense account is in real danger if you build MFA now, I lost mine about 6 months prior to de-indexing and they even kept like $1k from me (they chose a date very close to payout I suspect), the reason was I had about 4-5 real old fashion minisites (the other deindexed ones had already privacy policy, contact us etc) in my network, which was a simple landing page with NO navigation, just an HTML site with a chuck of unique text and 3 adsense ads on it (black text on blue background with white 336x280 adsense ads = conversion dream :D), I can't complain, it worked for some time, 2 of these made me +$100 a month for a few years (these sites were my first "websites" ever), oh and I had been warned before that, they were probably monitoring my account, I used to have a forum which was overrun by spam at one time and people posting viagra, and sex ads there and my adsense was on these sites too, so yeah I needed 1 warning to lose my adsense account and 0 warning to lose my google traffic.

Lesson Learned! :wave:
sorry folks.....ok....i'm new......

what's MFA mean?


btw, great topic and discussion!
Somehow, i'm inclined to think that there is a certain threshold on how many domains you can add to an Adsense ID, before you trigger the suspicion flag on Google headquarters.

After all, how can any human build and maintain "quality" content for 200+ domains? lol
what's MFA mean?

in this context "made for adsense" :guilty:

Somehow, i'm inclined to think that there is a certain threshold on how many domains you can add to an Adsense ID, before you trigger the suspicion flag on Google headquarters.

After all, how can any human build and maintain "quality" content for 200+ domains? lol

yes I am sure you are right, there must be a threshold..

building 200 quality websites is not that hard, maintaining them, keeping them up to date is almost impossible if you are alone, but there are also set and forget type of sites (once you wrote 10-20 articles there is just not more to say about the subject and it's unlikely things change in the near future), I need about 2-3 days to build a high quality site from scratch, I no longer do any coding thanks to CMS (huge time saver)
But i was wondering why the need to deindex a website that can just be penalized by dropping it say 3,000 pages down the search results instead?

There are all kinds of penalties for various things. Removal (deindexing) is worse than a penalty. Just their heierarchy of dealing with infractions.

A large NUMBER of sites with Adsense might prompt them to take a closer look, but wouldn't in itself trigger a penalty (for all they know, you could have hired people to maintain and manage all those sites.)

Lately the PLACEMENT of ads in your layout has become a factor. Google has made it clear that they don't want more ads than content "above the fold", and that's something they can determine automatically.

Here's what they have to say on site layout and ads:

Avoid making sites that look like example #3.
But i was wondering why the need to deindex a website that can just be penalized by dropping it say 3,000 pages down the search results instead?
This is what burns me about Google (and Bing as well). If they don't like the site, fine. But why not just drop it to page 3000? By deindexing, they are hurting their own customers. If somebody searches for mydomain.com in Google, and it's deindexed, they won't find it. What's the point of that? Expecially when they offer up mydomain.net in its place, and it's a parked paged filled with Google ads. Or maybe that is the point.
building 200 quality websites is not that hard, maintaining them, keeping them up to date is almost impossible if you are alone, but there are also set and forget type of sites (once you wrote 10-20 articles there is just not more to say about the subject and it's unlikely things change in the near future)
I agree with you. However, if you have accumulated so many build-and-forget types down the road, it will make you look like a website factory that Google seems to be trying to eradicate.

---------- Post added at 05:13 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:05 AM ----------

A large NUMBER of sites with Adsense might prompt them to take a closer look, but wouldn't in itself trigger a penalty (for all they know, you could have hired people to maintain and manage all those sites.)
I wonder how many websites does Demand Media Inc. have? This is a website factory whose revenue is based on Adsense only. They seem to be a Google-approved adsense factory.

Lately the PLACEMENT of ads in your layout has become a factor. Google has made it clear that they don't want more ads than content "above the fold", and that's something they can determine automatically.
Based from my own experience, if you pepper your page with ads, the more people will try to be very careful that their mouse won't accidentally click on any of them.

Here's what they have to say on site layout and ads:

Avoid making sites that look like example #3.
Good link. Also can you comment on the Adsense on the EHow website? The Adsense header font color appear to be exactly the same size and color as the content headers. After reading their article, you continue on and accidentally click the Adsense header thinking it's a continuation link for the article.

I think it's a deceptive blending of ads with content.

---------- Post added at 05:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:13 AM ----------

If somebody searches for mydomain.com in Google, and it's deindexed, they won't find it. What's the point of that?
I think they are trying to send you a message. Pretty absurd, i agree. Especially if the domain was dropped and you were unlucky enough to pick it up.

I bought a dropped domain recently that i only found out was deindexed by Google because no matter how much pages and content i put in there (no Adsense), the Google bot won't pick it up. Although Yahoo and Bing gladly indexed it in no time. I bought so many dropped domains before and they were indexed as soon as i put content in them, even 1 page content was enough to get them indexed. But not this particular domain though.
I wonder how many websites does Demand Media Inc. have? This is a website factory whose revenue is based on Adsense only. They seem to be a Google-approved adsense factory.

They play by the rules well enough to get by. They did get hit by Panda though - I believe they admitted to a 20% drop in search referer traffic.

Ehow - the ads are well blended ... to me it looks like there's enough space to set them apart from the other content.

Of course, if you're a big, well-known entity you're more likely to get the benefit of the doubt than a complete unknown. Let's compare this to a company - company president's brother-in-law works there and screws up. Company president may fire him if it's REALLY bad (example: like Google did with JC Penney, Overstock and some others), but he's probably less likely to be fired by some low-level HR drone over something borderline or trivial :).
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