
An Epik Statement on Racism and Injustice

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Rob Monster

Founder of EpikTop Member
Epik Founder

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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
s Epik still going to not only host, but court the far right wing extremists, which often include racism as shown over and over again?

Even racists have the right to free speech. But racists are not really the target as bmugford
shows us. He also wants to silence "far right extremists." I suspect that bmugford would be
quick to define almost any Republican as a far right extremist. A Registrar is just a register
for domain names and should not interfere with any legal speech in the domain names
in its registry.
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Even racists have the right to free speech. But racists are not really the target as bmugford
shows us. He also wants to silence "far right extremists." I suspect that bmugford would be
quick to define almost any Republican as a far right extremist. A Registrar is just a register
for domain names and should not interfere with any legal speech in the domain names
in its registry.

You can suspect what you want. I believe in free speech.

I am however against people accepting disgusting, racist behavior under the guise of "free speech".

People have a right to criticize racism just as much as people have a right to spout it. I know which side I would rather be on.

If you are going to embrace racist people, then don't be surprised when people use their free speech when it comes to business, and refuse to do business with you.

I am still waiting on Epik's list of actions they plan to take...

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You can suspect what you want. I believe in free speech.

I am however against people accepting disgusting, racist behavior under the guise of "free speech".

People have a right to criticize racism just as much as people have a right to spout it. I know which side I would rather be on.

If you are going to embrace racist people, then don't be surprised when people use their free speech when it comes to business, and refuse to do business with you.

I am still waiting on Epik's list of actions they plan to take...

Emote how you like but hbd is a thing.
I live in a predominantly white neighborhood in Old Town Alexandria Virginia. You sound just like my white friends. They have been very apologetic and borderline obsequious since the recent turn of events. I have to constantly remind them that we were once business partners. I AM an integral part of the problem. I am not an isolated case. It is a widespread cultural phenomena. I AM a part of that group that I am blaming. It is always far too convenient for us to blame someone else for our home-grown problems.

I am a Fanti, a tribe of elitists who pride themselves in being fluent in the 'Queen's English' and frown upon anyone who cannot construct grammatically impeccable sentences. 75% of us have English full-names. Please explain to me how this illustrates national or cultural pride?

You are on the outside looking in. You have to live as a black person who has been exposed to various facets of the black culture to appreciate where I'm coming from. It is not the responsibility of the people outside the group to value us more than we value ourselves.
Don't tell me who I sound like or what I think. You don't know me anymore than I know you. And I'm not claiming to be able to appreciate what it's like to be you.

All I'm saying is that when you try to heap a problem like racism on the shoulders of a single group of people, you do a disservice to all people, and to the magnitude of the problem.
You can suspect what you want. I believe in free speech.

I am however against people accepting disgusting, racist behavior under the guise of "free speech".

People have a right to criticize racism just as much as people have a right to spout it. I know which side I would rather be on.

If you are going to embrace racist people, then don't be surprised when people use their free speech when it comes to business, and refuse to do business with you.

I am still waiting on Epik's list of actions they plan to take...


Heaven forbid we see you take this tough stance on Godaddy’s statement, Brad.
Who’s letting their actions do more talking?
The one spent 2 seconds, 2 sentence also late June announce and wit all resources disposal, No GD action, fight social injustice; spent half billion stock buybacks, with money left over to buy Uni, Neustar. GD could have more action;

Stop pick on epik; more action than Godaddy

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What action Samer? They are all flowery prose and pretty speech with action that at times looks bad to most outsiders. I don’t want a lecture, a prophet, religious convictions or politics pouring out of my registrar or as part of my business.

Epik seems hell bent (excuse the pun) on combining religious conviction and political stances and controversies into their business. Something most of us are wise enough not to combine.

Just be a good reliable registrar with transparency is all anybody wants. Stop being part of repeated controversies while at the same time preaching love. We don’t need a preacher we need a registrar who is not constantly in the middle of some controversy or another.
The reality is that services like Whatsapp, Twitter, Faceache, snap, insta host exactly the same bad stuff as everyone else. It's just that the media and the giant corps decide to highlight the bad stuff when it comes to rival services like gab, infowars etc. by banning them from their own app stores/services when the mob comes knocking. Generally the things that they accuse these services of will take 2 seconds to find on their own services as well.

Unfortunately it isn't possible to police everyone's speech on the Internet, it's a nice aspiration but it's impossible. Holding every service to such a high standard stifles innovation. The small guys don't have the resources that the big guys do and those that do have the resources, no matter what they do it seems to fail to satisfy everyone, the speech sanitisation bar gets lifted higher and higher every day.

Life isn't like that - it contains bad stuff. Companies can't shield you from bad things all the time in real life or online and unless it's illegal in my mind they shouldn't bother.

In truth is that the big guys like holding themselves to higher and higher levels of speech control and they want regulation, it will prevent new services entering the market because they'll have to meet such regulations first thus preventing their loss of dominance.

I am still waiting on Epik's list of actions they plan to take...
I'm not holding my breath that any of the companies that decided to jump on this particular bandwagon to do anything. In most cases just kids managing their social media feeds espousing meaningless platitudes to appease today's particular mob.

The aspiration is great, the reality is nothing achieved other than alienating a section of the population.
No one can take the moral high ground here.

We ALL have inherited biases.

Those aware of this don’t criticise, they help those who are honest and willing to facilitate change.
No one can take the moral high ground here.

We ALL have inherited biases.

Those aware of this don’t criticise, they help those who are honest and willing to facilitate change.
HBD. Human Biodiversity
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See Matthew 7:1-5 for context.

See Matthew 7:15 (remove your dash) for added context.

Or you can learn it the hard way. Your call.

That same sentiment applies to yourself and the company you appear to lead. Specifically speaking to Matthew 7:15, with regards to epiks marketing practice's.

Anybody can say I love you. But not everybody means it, or has the same intent. So please pardon me for calling a spade, a spade. I'm sick of harmful people and companies preaching love when that is not their true intent. (Either that, or we have different definitions of love. Such as love for others. Maybe, to epik, love means to love of one's one self serving purposes and greed?) #marketingwithoutethics #epik
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I believe most the comments in this thread are way off target and completely ignore the statement that Epik released.

The issue of rather you believe in someone's personal politics or agree with how they view the world does not give anyone a right to think they have moral superiority to call out and brow beat people into submission and acceptance of their views.

If you want to avoid a company because you don't have the same view, do so. But if a company releases a statement against racism and discrimination in any civil world that is not a point that you ask them to bow and kiss your boots. It should be accepted for what it is, even if your politics affect your views of people.

The truth is, and you guys will admit it if you are honest - is there is nothing Epik could do that would actually make you like them. You would only feel personally victorious in your battle to beat them into submission or nonexistence - once again all over politics.

In full disclosure: I don't even have any names with Epik, or any stake in their success or failure, but I do not like to see people or companies bullied based off political differences IN EITHER DIRECTION. That is not professional or civil.
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The truth is, and you guys will admit it if you are honest - is there is nothing Epik could do that would actually make you like them

I disagree. I actually like them but they get suckered into controversy after controversy which makes them neglect their core business.

I disagree with them on some things, agree with them on others. However, I do feel they are wasting way too much words and time where actions (or non actions) would suffice.

They should stop feeding their trolls and haters and hire a decent PR guy. If you want to mix business with religion and politics you better make sure you find common ground and try to unite people.

So some people at Epik made some (arguably) racists comments. It's highly unlikely their empty words (in reverence to their press release) will change anyone's mind. Time wasted. Trolls fed. More bad press.

It's really just that simple.
They should stop feeding their trolls and haters and hire a decent PR guy. If you want to mix business with religion and politics you better make sure you find common ground and try to unite people.

So some people at Epik made some (arguably) racists comments. It's highly unlikely their empty words (in reverence to their press release) will change anyone's mind. Time wasted. Trolls fed. More bad press.

It's really just that simple.

I see your point, and don't disagree that a shorter sweeter statement would have probably been the best direction to go with this one. But, I still think that would have been enough food (or maybe lack of enough) for the people who replied regardless.

But being a domain forum, I can always have hope maybe we can lower the tone a little and stay on topic in the future. Talks on politics never end up going well here.
But being a domain forum, I can always have hope maybe we can lower the tone a little and stay on topic in the future. Talks on politics never end up going well here.

100% agree. It's a fine line to walk and untill they haven't mastered it it's better to stay on topic and mention religion/politics briefly when appropriate.

That being said, there is a splendid Multi Faith Prayer Requests threat started by Rob. For those interested and in need of some Divine support, search for it and feel free to join.
Brad, to be fair, I don't see how Rob can respond to your charges unless you are more specific. Vague charges of racism are thrown about daily. What exactly has Epic done that contradicts Rob's statement?

From my point of view, free speech includes racist speech. All ideas on the table where they can be seen in the light. If one starts putting limits on free speech, it is no longer free. Understandably, there are exceptions (shouting "fire" in a crowded theatre), but these exceptions must be as few as possible and justified by stringent terms. Being unpalatable, offensive or hateful are not acceptable reasons to block free speech. All one achieves by silencing opposition, even opposition with disgusting ideas, is to create a pressure cooker where those ideas will explode. Unless one wants to be a Stalinist, and just kill them all.
Brad, to be fair, I don't see how Rob can respond to your charges unless you are more specific. Vague charges of racism are thrown about daily. What exactly has Epic done that contradicts Rob's statement?

From my point of view, free speech includes racist speech. All ideas on the table where they can be seen in the light. If one starts putting limits on free speech, it is no longer free. Understandably, there are exceptions (shouting "fire" in a crowded theatre), but these exceptions must be as few as possible and justified by stringent terms. Being unpalatable, offensive or hateful are not acceptable reasons to block free speech. All one achieves by silencing opposition, even opposition with disgusting ideas, is to create a pressure cooker where those ideas will explode. Unless one wants to be a Stalinist, and just kill them all.

This will be my last post on this.

In my view there have been a lot of scumbag moves involving racism, bullying, spreading conspiracy theories, etc. involving either Rob or Epik employees. Many of these controversial incidents have been highlighted on domain blogs, NamePros, or other media.

Just a few links -

(Spreading conspiracy theories and hosting a video of a mass murder)

(Spreading conspiracy theories and bullying some random Wikipedia editor)

(Racist comments shown from Epik employees.)

I know Rob and his supporters will call this a "hit piece" to dismiss it, but you can make your own judgement -

Let me be clear, people have the right to be a scumbag, just as other people have a right to call out this behavior.

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Let me remind everyone what type of trickle effect that thread lead to:

<< Link removed as a courtesy to @Samer following a DM discussion >>

I have yet to see an apology from Rob or Epik to @Molly White

@Braden Pollock -- if that thread resulted in further harassment or if God forbid anything had happened to Molly would you or the << name removed >> law firm stick up for Molly or reach out to her via Twitter with sincere hopes to right any wrongs and/or represent her pro Bono?

Why does your company write statements for gab yet turn the cheek to stopping any trickle effect epik judgement errors may have lead to in its tracks? I don't believe I heard a statement from you about her doxxing. Do you not take the doxxing of women seriously at the law firm you represent?

Sometimes taking action can mean taking accountability for the trickle effect that freespeach can lead to if/when it's not practiced responsibly or with ethics.
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@Silentptnr did a magnificent job in the Molly white petition thread Bravo debating with facts
Thank you for providing the links @bmugford
As a person of whiteness, I think it's very important to treat people of color and people of whiteness on the color of their character.
Let me remind everyone what type of trickle effect that thread lead to:

I have yet to see an apology from Rob or Epik to @Molly White

@Braden Pollock -- if that thread resulted in further harassment or if God forbid anything had happened to Molly would you or the Lisa Bloom law firm stick up for Molly or reach out to her via Twitter with sincere hopes to right any wrongs and/or represent her pro Bono?

Why does your company write statements for gab yet turn the cheek to stopping any trickle effect epik judgement errors may have lead to in its tracks? I don't believe I heard a statement from you about her doxxing. Do you not take the doxxing of women seriously at the law firm you represent?

Sometimes taking action can mean taking accountability for the trickle effect that freespeach can lead to if/when it's not practiced responsibly or with ethics.

Grilled, kiwifarms’ worse than a million Gabs.
kiwifarms tolerant allowed murdered victim photo to thread, photo taken and uploaded to social media by murderer, still up i bet.
Stop citing this God-awful source that has no "censor" standards.
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Give me 5 likes and I'll open a thread on NP to counsel those with anything like, white guilt, white self loathing on any other such nonsense.
I believe most the comments in this thread are way off target and completely ignore the statement that Epik released.

The issue of rather you believe in someone's personal politics or agree with how they view the world does not give anyone a right to think they have moral superiority to call out and brow beat people into submission and acceptance of their views.

If you want to avoid a company because you don't have the same view, do so. But if a company releases a statement against racism and discrimination in any civil world that is not a point that you ask them to bow and kiss your boots. It should be accepted for what it is, even if your politics affect your views of people.

The truth is, and you guys will admit it if you are honest - is there is nothing Epik could do that would actually make you like them. You would only feel personally victorious in your battle to beat them into submission or nonexistence - once again all over politics.

In full disclosure: I don't even have any names with Epik, or any stake in their success or failure, but I do not like to see people or companies bullied based off political differences IN EITHER DIRECTION. That is not professional or civil.
When you talk about a corporate statement, what do you think any company would say publicly? What do you think most racists do. They hide it. That's what they do. So, forget the statement. It's useless.

If Epik wants to take a stand, they should donate to worthy causes that diligently and actively work to stamp out all forms of hate based on race, religion or otherwise. They should paint their site black and stop the dancing around where they stand.

There is no "dark force" going after Epik as far as I can see. Epik sponsors gab. A known racist organization. They should have directly addressed how they intend to sever the relationship. That's what that letter should have said.
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When you talk about a corporate statement, what do you think any company would say publicly? What do you think most racists do. They hide it. That's what they do. So, forget the statement. It's useless.

If Epik wants to take a stand, they should donate to worthy causes that diligently and actively work to stamp out all forms of hate based on race, religion or otherwise. They should paint their site black and stop the dancing around where they stand.

There is no "dark force" going after Epik as far as I can see. Epik sponsors gab. A known racist organization. They should have directly addressed how they intend to sever the relationship. That's what that letter should have said.
What is a racist?
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