
opinion Numeric Domains ... Uncover The Secret

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DataGlasses.ComTop Member
The Secret to Numeric Domain Name Investing

There is a trick to looking at numeric domains when comparing them to other categories of domain names. The maximum length of a domain can actually be 253 characters (characters are digits, letters and hyphens) Although, of course you would not wish to type in, or remember a domain that is this length! So let’s consider what is a reasonable number? I think it’s fair to say that the maximum numbers we ever really need to remember are perhaps a phone number. Be it mobile or a landline. Even then it is most likely that we will only ever remember a few of these? (The most important, family, friends, etc) So how does this effect the value of numeric domains? Well the simple truth is that in our busy lives the less we have to deal with, the better! So a short domain can be an asset simply because of its length.

The other factor to consider is the placement of the numbers in our numeric domain. Which is easier to recall, 8888 or 5253? We all know the answer to that question. So at this point we are going to give this first pattern (8888) a title of “ Premium” For two reasons, one is the length (Four Digits) the other reason is the quality of the digits. The number 8 is surely the most popular number in the world and if possible should be included in the domains of your choice. The inclusion of the number 8 will also increase the opportunity to sell the domain to investors in the Asian markets. Due to their affinity with Numeracy in their life, 8, means luck and good fortune. A quality we all desire! The security of a good investment comes with wise choices at the start. The number 4 is frowned upon by many of the Asian folk due to the association it has with the word “Sie” (death in Cantonese) However in certain circumstances it is a good thing? When the number 8 precedes the number 4 in a combination they sound the same as saying “Forever Prosperous” So now we have established that the number 4 can actually become an asset! It all depends upon the placement of the frowned upon digit (4) Yet again I will ask what is easier to remember 4444 or 5243? Of course the first option is easier than the second. Of course due to the repeating number sequence. I would actually suggest that the 4444 is “Gold Glass” due to the length and the repetition of the numbers.

We are now starting to see conflicting evidence as to what is the best choice? There is more than just one factor to consider when registering or buying a numeric domain name. The content (numbers) The amount of characters (Length) and now the other important feature (possibly the most important) This is the extension, the .Com extension is considered “King” Simply put, this was the first of the extensions to be embraced worldwide, which means it is part of our lives and the next generation’s lives. Even if the New Gtld’s take hold you will always see a .Com address associated with most businesses due to the familiarity of the extension. You could consider it to be a “Safe Bet” The new Gtld’s will only become well known when the next “Facebook” or something else that changes the world comes along. Even then there is a good chance that this new entity will use a .Com address because of the world’s acceptance of this extension! At this point we have the knowledge that content, length and extension are the most important things to consider when entering the numeric domaining realm.

A little bit more on the extension aspect to numeric domain name investing. Even though China have their own extension of .Cn over the years it has been an up and down ride. There has been some restrictions that in the past has scared off many possible investors (Myself Included) The stability of an extension is crucial and it is only now that .Cn maybe be worth investigating into? It was only recently that when you searched for a .Cn you would get a notice stating “Requires a Chinese Presence” Meaning you needed a real Chinese Based Address to register these names. In some circumstance you could use an “Agent” who would supply their business address on your behalf. Still a little bit risky (The rules can change) So, once again we find that the .Com choice remains the best. Also it opens up the numeric domain sale to the entire globe. Most investors will not buy into a numeric cctld (Country Code Top Level Domain) unless they live in that country. I have just tried to register a .Cn domain name and after indicating I am an individual and not a business the registration appeared to go through? Here the message I received from Dynadot after the registration (Basically it means you can’t easily park this name)

The CN central registry, no longer requires documentation to register a .Cn domain. However if you want to set name servers for your .Cn domain, you will need to submit the following documentation:


If you are an individual, please provide a photo ID, such as a Passport or Identification Card, along with its ID number.


If you are a business, please provide a copy of your business license, such as Articles of Incorporation, along with the license number.


The name on your ID or License must match exactly with your Whois contact information. If that is not the case, please update your Whois contact record information. If that is not the case, please update your Whois information.

As you can see even now, it is slightly involved and do I feel confident that my new registration is safe and remain in my possession? Not entirely, but for the purpose of this article I have gone through the process. Plus the registration fee was under $10. Point being, I now have a name that has an element of uncertainty! You do not get that when using .Com domain name. I would suggest perhaps keeping an eye on the Chinese Market as time goes by, but it’s worth remembering …you are at the governing body’s mercy (CNNIC) So once more we learn the extension plays a large of the value in a domain name.

Ok Here’s the Big Secret

You need to partially discard the information of the previous paragraphs! Yes I am saying to forget some of the reasons of a numeric domain name’s value that have just been explained to you (Well not entirely) But for what the following paragraphs are going to explain I need you to open you mind and look at the Numeric Domain Name market from a different viewpoint, yes some lateral thinking is now required. Consider the way to look at Numeric Domain Names as businesses? Yes a business, but a public shareholder owned business! Each numeric domain name is basically one share. Just like any business on the Stock Market there is a certain value associated to each share. Some businesses trade high and some low. Our Numeric Domain Name businesses are just the same. So what exactly are Numeric Domain Name businesses called? That easy, we will break them up to length increments. (N represents the amount of numbers)

N.Com< there can only ever Ten available, 0-9

NN.Com< there can only ever be One Hundred available, 00-99

NNN.Com< there can only ever be One Thousand, 000-999

NNNN.Com< there can only be Ten Thousand, 0000-9999

NNNNN.Com< only ever One Hundred Thousand, 00000-99999

NNNNNN.Com< only One Million available, 000000-999999

NNNNNNN.Com< I think by now you get the point

Each of these “Numeric Domain Name Businesses” offer a limited amount of shares to be traded! This means some of our Numeric Businesses have a certain amount of “exclusivity” Especially the first three businesses, N.Com to NNN.Com. You will definitely need a sizable amount of money to buy a “Share” in these Numeric Domain Businesses! The NNNN.Com business values are also growing as I write this, soon possibly out of reach for many of the financial average folk? This is where it gets a little different to the Stock Market. It most unlikely that you would be earning revenue off any of these businesses, yep consider there are no dividends when investing in these Numeric Domain Name Businesses. You view it as being all about the capitol growth of each share! Basically as more folk enter the Numeric Domain Name Market the desire for this style of domain name increases. This desire transfers over to the value of the domains. Everyone wants an NNN.Com Domain Name. Can everyone afford one? No! So now we have a situation of supply and demand.

The demand is now outstripping the supply and just as with real world property the value goes up! Yes the less availability means more value for the Numeric Domain Name investors. But don’t panic if you are not yet involved, there are opportunities a plenty. The NNNNN.Com market is vibrant and there is currently a lot of domains being traded. Let’s just catch our breath for a second and consider the value of the number 4 in a domain again? Does it normally detract from the price? The answer is yes, so how come the owners in the NNNNN market with a number 4 in their domain are making money? The answer is simple, because just like the Stock Market they invested over a number of years (They held onto the names for a few years) Now that the market has caught up with the NNNNN.Com market there is profit to be had even with the domains that contain the number 4 The supply and demand situation has changed, there is now strong demand for all NNNNN.Com’s. Including domains with the number 4 because the next Numeric Domain Name Business which is NNNNNN.Com has many more shareholders and it will be harder to get value from your shares.

There will be value down the road but the wait increases with each number added to the length of the Domain Name Business! Are there exceptions? The answer is yes indeed, as mentioned earlier the domains with the number 8 will always be more accepted as a “Good Investment” over Domains excluding this number. So where do we stand on all this? Well there is a lot to be said for repeating numbers and patterns. Yes a Numeric Domain will have its value increased when it contains repeating numbers and repeating patterns. Which means although our “Share Prices” (Reg Fees) are the same for everyone, some share/domains will be a better investment. A domain with 888 at the start or end will be higher valued than a domain with just one 8 in the middle or at the start or end. A single 8 will increase value, but the more the merrier! The reason for the massive change in Numeric Domains can be put down to one main factor. The Asian folk (Especially The Chinese) They have now entered the market and are trading names in massive volume, yes they have created a new wave of demand for all Numeric Domain Name Businesses. N.Com to NNNNNN.Com and beyond! We are now seeing sales of repeating numbers and patterns well beyond the NNNNNN.Com market. There are still many opportunities at this point of time. Repeating patterns of some 9 number domains are getting attention/sales.

So what does this mean if I am just starting out? Good news is that there are still many Numeric Domain Names business shares available, depending on what you are seeking? You can still purchase in the aftermarket and in the forums for a reasonable price. There are still many opportunities in the NNNNN.Com to NNNNNNN.Com markets. Yes even the 7 number businesses are steadily growing at this point of time. Again, it is the repeating numbers and patterns that dominate the prices and desirability of our Numeric Domain Name Business Shares. Keep it in mind we are still speculating and there are situations where a good pattern of 6 or 7 numbers may outweigh a 5 number numeric domain name with the number 4 in it? Yet the shares in the 5 number business are much more limited. So a choice will still have to be made in regards as to what is the best investment? What we should also consider is that the Internet is only basically 25 years old and quality Numeric Domains Names are now commanding great prices. Even if you are not in a position to buy the best Numeric Domains, be content to know that your investment in a Numeric Domain Business always has a limited number of shareholders, unlike the businesses on the Stock Market which can sometimes “Allocate More Shares Over Time” They do this to create capitol to make further investments but it adds to the amount of shares being held in that company. No matter what Numeric Domain Name Business you invest in NNN.Com to NNNNNN.Com or longer, there can only ever be a certain amount of shareholders in each Domain Name Business, this is a fact.

Will all this investment and interest in Numeric Domains possibly change at sometime in the future? It certainly is something worth pondering. However you have to acknowledge the amount of money (Millions) currently going into these Numeric Domain Businesses? It really is hard to consider all this money would add up to nothing over time. I would say that this newly found entry into the Numeric Domain Businesses by the Asian Folk has cemented the future of Numeric Domains in the best possible way. If you still don’t get what I am saying I will put it all into one simple sentence “Treat Numeric Domains the same as you would with Shares are being traded and held onto for a period of time for their capitol growth” It’s just up to you what your budget and risk you’re willing enter with that determines the eventual outcome. Remember the Internet is only going to grow! Join a forum and ask questions, visit the links supplied in this ebook and learn. Not sure about the best number combinations, ask a Chinese person.

Back from the dead!

Ok the dreaded number 4 gets a bad rap! Yet if you go to namebio.com and do a search for sales with number 4 (in all extensions) and you will soon discover there has been over 4000 recorded sales! In just .com alone there are over 300 which is only growing from when I checked a few weeks ago. With 44 the numbers drop dramatically but many of the sales are This Year! If you go even further and do a check for 444 (only .coms) you will see that there are only 19 But wait something is happening? Well of the 19 there has been 13 this year? I smell a trend! You see this is the point when you must consider “Supply and Demand” Some of the “Triples” are with letters and at the start or the finish. Some are in different Numeric Domain Business being 4N up to 6N. The point here is that the 4N holders would have purchased these names for quite cheap in the past due the attitude towards this number! So let’s just say that these “Share Holders” realized the value would increase and the supply would diminish. As we head towards the final buyout of the 6N Domain Name Business Shares we can still find many 4’s alongside some great numbers and patterns. At this point I am suggesting to consider not to completely ignore this situation. It may be worth the punt if you can find a good pattern and a number 8. As mentioned there are now people making good money because they did not shy aware from the stigma associated with this digit. There will be some good sales with this number in the future. It may be a case of waiting for a while, but the end result could outweigh the overall cost (3-4 Years Of Reg) Recently I have been looking at many sites that use a 4 and they are Asian based, the fact that 4.cn exists as a Numeric Domain Name Shares sales platform should tell you something. As Forest Gump says ........ "That's all I got ta say on that"

The other numbers such as 5,2,7 and 0 are also possible opportunities? Many folk do not like the 0 at the start of a Numeric Domain Name Business Share, but yet what would 0044.com be worth today? Or perhaps 00444.com? Repeating numbers and patterns contribute to these domain being “Ordinary Shares” possibly “Gold Class?” Because if not now, in the near future there value will surely grow beyond expectations of only a year or so ago! There does seems to be some conjecture over what is a good number, even now that a lot of info is shared on the forums and blogs. Again I suggest ….. ask a Chinese Person if in doubt. People are people and it is a little flattering to be considered “An Expert” I am sure you will the best info from the horses mouth …… so to speak. The 4N Numeric Domain Name Business Shares are a classic example of “Value Over Time” You need to consider your motives? Quick Flip? Or Long Term? Remember the Internet is very young and there is a lot of money going into each and every day! It may be a case of buying the “Worst House” in the “Best Street” and letting the value catch up to your investment.

Oh So Long ……. The 7N - 9N Numeric Domain Name Markets

In a world of “Short Domains” I think there is many opportunities to be had in the longer Domain Name Business Shares. The secret will be the “Readability” of these Numeric Domain Name Business Shares. It’s not too hard to imagine that a domain like 222666999 will be more desirable than 2269926996 …… The first example is obviously much easier to read and therefore much more memorable! I believe that the 9N Numeric Domain Name Business Shares that have repeating patterns of triple numbers will one day become a sought after commodity. Especially if they match a persons/businesses phone number. It could be a case of “Here is my domain” Ring it or use it to get to my Facebook page. This could become an important class of Numeric Domain Name Shares. Examples like 7766550 or 666100100 may become shares holding a good value? Because of their “Readability” I think that when you register a longer Numeric Domain Name Share you need to consider will it pass the “Readability Test” Will you know what is within less than a second? Or will you have to take a second look to confirm the numbers and pattern? I recently considered registering a Numeric Domain Name Share that was a 9N , the domain was 888 800 800 Lot’s of 8’s but I decided against it? Why because when I put it all together it became 888800800 I felt the beginning contained an element of “Confusion in the Readability Test” It takes a moment to acknowledge the presence of four number 8’s In the end I decided that 888008008 was slightly easier to read. Although the previous night I registered a Numeric Domain Name Share that to me was really easy to read. The domain in question was 000800800 Although not an exact example of repeating triple 9N to me it is much easier to comprehend than 888800800. Perhaps you may consider this when searching for this class of Numeric Domain Business Shares. I really do believe the look of a long domain has to “Feel Right” I have come across many combinations and sometimes after staring at a name for 5 minutes I decide against, it doesn’t look right.

I do have one or two 10N domains but only because of the “Readability Factor” They are easy to read and remember when using a pattern like AABBCCDDEE. Perhaps the use of only odd or even numbers can come into play? I have one 8N Numeric Domain Name Business Share that is descending .. DDCCBBAA and it contains the dreaded number 4 However it is very memorable, a positive fact that I believe outweighs the negative. Numbers such as 828 are popular and can add value to Numeric Domain Name Business Share. I implemented this element into a recent registration for the domain 800200800. Again very easy to read and remember. Food for thought is that patterns will add some value when registering your longer Numeric Domain Name Business Shares. Perhaps it is the way we are programmed to remember longer numeric sequences because of the “Phone Number” part of our brains? The simple fact is the amount of use for the internet is only going to grow and what we call “Short” now may not be the same in only the next five years. Remember all those folk that owned the dreaded 4 in a short Numeric Domain Name Business Share. Now consider the rewards coming to them. I hope you understand what I am trying to point out. “Demand will one day exceed the supply of quality longer Numeric Domain Name Shares!

Hope You Enjoyed The Read

Please note these are only my opinions, there are many links to external information relating to Chinese Numbers and their different permutations in the various threads listed in the Niche Domain Forums here at NamePros. I think we can sort them into three standards, Ordinary (random numbers) Gold Class (repeating numbers or preferred numbers) Premium (repeating numbers, patterns and premium numbers such as 8) Your task is figure out what is the best choice, Premium 9N’s or Gold Class6N’s and 7N’s … or perhaps ordinary 5N’s …. Please remember this speculating but we seeing exciting times and just possibly the opportunity to plan your investment of reasonably solid ground! When it comes to pricing you may consider that Namebio/Com is your best friend, you will be able to access recent sales data and trends. This will help you decide on how to price your names, is it a growing trend? Or a one off? Again, you must consider your motives? Quick Flip or Longterm Investment? As for the dividends? Well they do get paid, except by us…. To the registrars!
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