discuss Thank you Radix, NamesCon(.)Online and NamePros

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Anyone here go to the NamesCon Online conference? While I didn't, I plan to go later because it was virtually online. So why would I be thanking Radix? Because Radix is the registry behind the extension .online.

Here is what the good folks at NamesCon said about Radix;

"The Right Extension for the Right Message"

NamesCon also said this;

"the .online extension remains a total no-brainer for us! We love .online because it both conveys and strengthens our message: it’s easy to remember, simple to share, and powerful in its storytelling. This is what a domain name is supposed to do, after all.

So thank you again, Radix, for helping us smoothly transition NamesCon from offline to .online!"

While nothing is in concrete, I'm looking to partner in some capacity with the fastest growing new gTLD in the world. I see .online as serious competition for the millions of .com domains hiding in the wine cellar just collecting dust because the average business consumer just can't afford them. Someone, not me, but I agree there are literally BILLIONS of dollars of perfectly good domains in the cellar that an even better extension is ready to replace.

Finally I want to thank NamePros for giving me a voice and letting me share my opinions with thousands of domainers the world over.
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
They gave you a 50k domain for $1, this is obviously a "gift" to get you to put the whistle away. They aren't in the business of giving away $49,999.

I'm disappointed that you'd accept that.
No, it was 500K, or at least that's what they were asking for it before I called the
Makes sense now that Radix has been exposed for being a hoarder themselves.

Question for you Brad.....if I own Office Suites Online, how much do you think they may rent for either furnished or unfurnished. Right now I have some vacancies and people are asking. Thanks in advance for your endorsement.
Have you considered adding a hyphen to your typo .online domain? Could it be the name of your next billion-dollar business?
So Doc....when the general public and businesses learn they can buy Quality Domains Online, what sort of reaction do you think they'll have? Have you ever taken Dale Carnegie Training. Do you know what it is?
Do you mean with you and Brad stuck to me like glue? We've talked about it, and you've even said you're here to protect the innocent and newbies from throwing their money down the tubes. A little like me selling Quality Domains Online and sharing with consumers and businesses that .com is essentially out of business, and all they really have left is a few overpriced domains like seen at the Domain Market, Huge Domains, Sedo , Go Daddy, and Dan. Like your agenda, overpriced hoarders are almost an sort of like Say Joe, would you like to do anything to help prevent suicide with me? It's sort of a thing of mine, and if you dare insinuate that I don't really care to save lives, when coming home from a 5 mile run a few years ago my neighbors son was hanging from a tree having overdosed the night before. Do you dare challenge that Joe? Think about it.
That's a very abnormally personal thing to share in a public domain name forum. And quite a leap from explaining what you think my agenda is, which you still haven't done.

You do know that many of the domain names listed for sale on Sedo, DAN, and GoDaddy are owned by individual domain investors like you and me, right? And you previously stated that investors like you and me are not hoarders ("I know them when I see them"). Yet here you've said that names listed on the marketplaces are hoarded names. You've talked yourself in a complete circle.
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I've spent a little over $800 for 800 .online domains, and that was for

What's the hold/renewal strategy here?

I ask with sincerity. As you may have some real gems in that 800, but spotting them within 800 other gems might be tough. There's here's always the reg, drop, re-reg on promo game. Which works for bulk domain fisherpeoples. But if the thought is a 10 year old, curious to how a visionary .online :xf.rolleyes: will handle the long game?

Example Registrar:



I assume you have GoDaddy DDC, and the renewal is more manageable?
What's the hold/renewal strategy here?

I ask with sincerity. As you may have some real gems in that 800, but spotting them within 800 other gems might be tough. There's here's always the reg, drop, re-reg on promo game. Which works for bulk domain fisherpeoples. But if the thought is a 10 year old, curious to how a visionary .online :xf.rolleyes: will handle the long game?

Example Registrar:
Show attachment 181979

Show attachment 181980

I have to assume he has the same plan for the hundreds of domains he owns in .Realty as well.

He seems to have moved on from those. .ONLINE is the new flavor of the week.

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That's a very abnormally personal thing to share in a public domain name forum. And quite a leap from explaining what you think my agenda is, which you still haven't done.

You do know that many of the domain names listed for sale on Sedo, DAN, and GoDaddy are owned by individual domain investors like you and me, right? And you previously stated that investors like you and me are not hoarders ("I know them when I see them"). Yet here you've said that names listed on the marketplaces are hoarded names. You've talked yourself in a complete circle.
Yeah I know that....i wasn't born yesterday. You're essentially hoard partners. btw, unless you forgot you told me a number of times your agenda was to protect the innocent newbies who may be influenced by me, when in fact I've been a mentored many a youth on entrepreneurship.

Finally, unlike most people on this message board, I'm an open book and sharing experiences like I shared about my neighbors kid hanging himself is the honest truth and all the more reason to do some good with the domain I purchased earlier Suicide Prevention. Do you have a problem with that Joe other than you thinking it's abnormal? You sir are Palicchio:xf.frown:....just regged #823 Oh, one last don't see an ethical issue with the likes of GD attempting to stiff me for $500,000 for or Domain Market wanting to stiff anyone crazy or stupid enough to pay $294,888 for And Joe, I have a lot more stories just like these, but I'm sure you don't want to here them for they shed a very dark cloud over the domain industry:xf.frown:
With all due respect, I think questions about the renewal fees should be directed towards the end users who acquire these domain names online over the course of the next year. OP isn't responsible for renewing a domain once it's already been sold.
With all due respect, I think questions about the renewal fees should be directed towards the end users who acquire these domain names online over the course of the next year. OP isn't responsible for renewing a domain once it's already been sold.
It's a moot point anyway...renewals haven't been a problem at all for me, but your traditional domainer thinks it must be:xf.confused: When I first discovered this industry three years ago, I was led to believe I was going to have to spend a fortune on reg fees. .online domains reg after the first year for from $29 to $49 which like you said the "end user" is responsible. Also, I can do all sorts of things for an "end user" to be able to afford my names, and with a registry working with me the sky is the's all about the art of negotiation:xf.wink:
It says a lot about hoarders that they're more concerned with the renewal fees than the transaction fees, don't you think?

If I'm planning on selling names, I'm thinking about about payment processing fees, commissions, and other transaction costs.

If I was planning on not selling names (hoarding), then I would be thinking about renewals.

"A domainer with a large portfolio is just somebody who buys more names than they can sell."
So Joe...i'm again the proud new owner of the domain Reservations.Online. You wanted me to tell you when GD lowered their price from $500,000 to a buck again to keep me happy, but I'm still not happy and they know it. I've spent a little over $800 for 800 .online domains, and that was for and I won't ask for your comments because I know your agenda:xf.wink:

When I first started exploring buying and selling domains, it was 2016. The new gtlds made sense to me on a user level, but I had found over the years that it took my students a while to not type .com at the end of .me or .education.

I picked up a handful of hand reg's and probably for the same reason that you bought it, I bought It seemed obvious, right? You go to the addiction help website, what could be more natural. I didn't really understand GoDaddy auctions and someone bought it for $20 when i tried a 7 day auction.

Anyway, I had to search my records when I saw your Great minds think alike, or something like that.
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Money talks. Bullshit walks.

Put up some results and maybe then people will start to care.

How are your hundreds of .realty regs going?

Did you already sell all of those to end users, or are you still "hoarding" them?

Having spent a mere $500 for 500 .Realty domains I've only recouped $500 in a little over the three months I've owned them. That said however, I've done absolutely nothing to sell them. I'm not concerned however, for all sorts of reasons that you don't understand. Oh Brad...did I tell you that I sold Skyline,homes last week for $1,799 and in the last six months I've sold a little over $6,000 of domains between GD and Epik. And here again, I've done very little to sell those name. Brad, you are really wasting your time with me. I don't know how much I'm costing you, but I sure wouldn't be wasting the kind of time your wasting on anyone:xf.rolleyes:
Having spent a mere $500 for 500 .Realty domains I've only recouped $500 in a little over the three months I've owned them. That said however, I've done absolutely nothing to sell them.

So you are still "hoarding" them. Got it.

When I first started exploring buying and selling domains, it was 2016. The new gtlds made sense to me on a user level, but I had found over the years that it took my students a while to not type .com at the end of .me or .education.

I picked up a handful of hand reg's and probably for the same reason that you bought it, I bought It seemed obvious, right? You go to the addiction help website, what could be more natural. I didn't really understand GoDaddy auctions and someone bought it for $20 when i tried a 7 day auction.

Anyway, I had to search my records when I saw your Great minds think alike, or something like that.
Thanks, any sort of help you can get "online" works, and it's not just "help" either. My wife gives piano lessons .online. We bank .online, we do Reservations .online and the list goes on. .online makes 10x more sense than .com, and all that's needed is to get the word out about .online:xf.grin:
What's the hold/renewal strategy here?

I ask with sincerity. As you may have some real gems in that 800, but spotting them within 800 other gems might be tough. There's here's always the reg, drop, re-reg on promo game. Which works for bulk domain fisherpeoples. But if the thought is a 10 year old, curious to how a visionary .online :xf.rolleyes: will handle the long game?

Example Registrar:
Show attachment 181979

Show attachment 181980


I assume you have GoDaddy DDC, and the renewal is more manageable?

While no guarantee....I generally flag what I believe to be my Gems based on the .com exact equivalent, and Go Daddy's Valuation tool. For example, the .com equivalent for adddictionhelp is valued at $13,231, and for now that may be a keeper. The "average" exact match .com equivalent for all 800 is a little over $6,000 so I flag all that are over $10,000,and i believe I have about 150 that fall into that category. The renewal fees I've verified are $29.99 but as I said I'm not concerned. I own enough domains in a particular category that it's worth my time to get to know the registry that sells them. In the case of Radix, i haven't officially met them, but they know what I'm capable of doing. I'd like to partner with them in some capacity and I think I've provided them good reason to want to partner with me.....we'll
So you are still "hoarding" them. Got it.

You and other members like Joe must be absolutely scared to death that an extension like .online will become a serious credible challenger to king .com. Why else would you be following me 24/7?

Now here's where it even gets better, it was NamesCon who properly introduced to me and the domain world the .online extension by holding their annual conference ONLINE(y) Way to go

I know now that when talking with prospective "end users" I will use NamesCon's endorsement to promote names like and Then I'll leave Brad's followers and fans with this.
Have you ever heard of the STEM programs being used by educators all over the US? S.T.E.M. stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, and btw, there is another program called STEAM that includes the "arts" The way I know a lot of this is because my Kiwanis Club adopted an elementary school here in Virginia Beach in order to work with kids after school to promote STEM. We host all sorts of contests involving all sorts of things like building robots and transportation and logistical challenges. It's because of this program and the pandemic my Kiwanis can now provide services like;
or even invite the kids to attend
or even

Are the .comer's scared of .online? I know I would be:xf.wink:
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Hey @ThatNameGuy

Good that you're participating here in this online thread.

You've shown that you're a big fan of .online. Do you think the .com extension is more for the 'offline' world, like business cards, fax headers, and TV ads, but not for serious websites and doing business online? A lot of domain investors will be very disappointed, so please formulate carefully.
Hey @ThatNameGuy

Good that you're participating here in this online thread.

You've shown that you're a big fan of .online. Do you think the .com extension is more for the 'offline' world, like business cards, fax headers, and TV ads, but not for serious websites and doing business online? A lot of domain investors will be very disappointed, so please formulate carefully.
Future Sensors, i actually started this thread. I'm as big a fan of .online as i am an enemy of .com. My initial thoughts are for .online extensions to be the "go to" extension for pure online businesses, but now I've expanded it to things like education, finance, real estate etc. because most of them transact much of their I'm thinking we'll leave .com for pure play Bricks and Mortar operations. Make sense?
Yeah I know that....i wasn't born yesterday. You're essentially hoard partners.
So you're also a hoard partner, since you've said many of your names are listed with Afternic and Epik. Yes?
btw, unless you forgot you told me a number of times your agenda was to protect the innocent newbies who may be influenced by me
Nope. I said my agenda was to inform, discuss, and learn. But that's what I said. What do you think my agenda is?
Finally, unlike most people on this message board, I'm an open book and sharing experiences like I shared about my neighbors kid hanging himself is the honest truth and all the more reason to do some good with the domain I purchased earlier Suicide Prevention. Do you have a problem with that Joe other than you thinking it's abnormal?
It just adds no relevance to the discussion, and only serves to take it completely off-topic.

If you're going to be an open book, do it in the one area that counts here: your domaining experience. Ironically, it's the one thing you're not open about.

You say you've sold $6,000 in domains in the last six months? That's great, but it's a fraction of the story. How much have you spent on domains and domain-related costs? How much time have you spent on domaining? How many domains do you own?
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So you're also a hoard partner, since you've said many of your names are listed with Afternic and Epik. Yes?

Nope. I said my agenda was to inform, discuss, and learn. But that's what I said. What do you think my agenda is?

It just adds no relevance to the discussion, and only serves to take it completely off-topic.

If you're going to be an open book, do it in the one area that counts here: your domaining experience. Ironically, it's the one thing you're not open about.

You say you've sold $6,000 in domains in the last six months? That's great, but it's a fraction of the story. How much have you spent on domains and domain-related costs? How much time have you spent on domaining? How many domains do you own?
NO it doesn't Joe because I own the domain and it has everything to do with saving lives, and I don't believe that's abnormal at all.

Then as for me generating 6K in income in the last 6 months I would say I've spent out of pocket maybe $2,500, however my time is pretty valuable based on my past business and startup experience and if i were to be paid for that I guess you would say it cost about 100K. They call that "Sweat Equity" Joe in case you've never started a business before. Maybe you'll want to come an work for
Then as for me generating 6K in income in the last 6 months I would say I've spent out of pocket maybe $2,500
Surely you mean $2.5K in the last 6 months only... I was talking about the entirety of your domaining career.
Maybe you'll want to come an work for
You mean carry you? I'll pass. I prefer getting paid for my work.

I wanted to say that the strategy you mentioned above in a reply to @Grilled is a solid place to start in determining which .online names to keep. GD valuation doesn't do much for me on it's own, but by using the $10K bar as a starting point you at least have some metric to go by in order to easily weed out a lot of names when renewal time comes around. What other factors will you look at?
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Surely you mean $2.5K in the last 6 months only... I was talking about the entirety of your domaining career.

You mean carry you? I'll pass. I prefer getting paid for my work.

I wanted to say that the strategy you mentioned above in a reply to @Grilled is a solid place to start in determining which .online names to keep. GD valuation doesn't do much for me on it's own, but by using the $10K bar as a starting point you at least have some metric to go by in order to easily weed out a lot of names when renewal time comes around. What other factors will you look at? that case, maybe 12-15K which is nothing compared to the education I'm getting, and to think you've been part of that education:xf.wink:

Then there's the "Common Sense" "Gut Feeling" and my past experience Joe. Regardless, i still need a little help in the way of a technical partner and maybe a little financing. In that regard, i believe I could start/launch a 10M company in the domain space with about 200K. That's what I'm seeking now, but I can't talk my wife into lending it to me mostly because she thinks the domain/name business is stupid. Unlike me she's a hoarder and she's worth a couple million bucks. Joe, i don't need to be doing this but I love a challenge, and it's FUN!!!
••• that case, maybe 12-15K which is nothing compared to the education I'm getting, and to think you've been part of that education:xf.wink:

Then there's the "Common Sense" "Gut Feeling" and my past experience Joe. Regardless, i still need a little help in the way of a technical partner and maybe a little financing. In that regard, i believe I could start/launch a 10M company in the domain space with about 200K. That's what I'm seeking now, but I can't talk my wife into lending it to me mostly because she thinks the domain/name business is stupid. Unlike me she's a hoarder and she's worth a couple million bucks. Joe, i don't need to be doing this but I love a challenge, and it's FUN!!!
Thanks for being so forthcoming. There's a lot of value in sharing those details. And the fact that you made back half of your investment in only a few months goes to show how quickly things can turn around when one starts making more discerning choices of name quality and purchase cost (which, clearly, you've been doing).

If you really believe in your vision, then it might be worthwhile to hire a developer to build out a proper website for you. I know that your ideal situation is to have a technical partner, but I think any really good technical partners are going to need to see proof of concept (and domain industry track record) before giving a lot of their time to a venture that might not pay out. If you pay the money up front to develop your online presence, and have them teach you to maintain the site, then you have built-in online credibility when approaching potential buyers. I really think it's important to plant those roots and grow it out from there, especially if your focus is going to be marketing and selling new gTLDs.
Thanks for being so forthcoming. There's a lot of value in sharing those details. And the fact that you made back half of your investment in only a few months goes to show how quickly things can turn around when one starts making more discerning choices of name quality and purchase cost (which, clearly, you've been doing).

If you really believe in your vision, then it might be worthwhile to hire a developer to build out a proper website for you. I know that your ideal situation is to have a technical partner, but I think any really good technical partners are going to need to see proof of concept (and domain industry track record) before giving a lot of their time to a venture that might not pay out. If you pay the money up front to develop your online presence, and have them teach you to maintain the site, then you have built-in online credibility when approaching potential buyers. I really think it's important to plant those roots and grow it out from there, especially if your focus is going to be marketing and selling new gTLDs.

Now we're talking, but not quite on the same level. My main focus is to be able to "outbound" market/sell any domains to the consumers/businesses that need them or might like to rebrand. In case you haven't noticed from 10 to 20% of all companies rebrand themselves at one time or another. That said, if a .com were available and it weren't outrageously priced I might recommend it. The problem however is they're mostly not available, and if they are they're outrageously priced. This is where an extension like .online might come in. Of the 800+ .online domains that I own maybe 50% of those lead to a .com business/website. And probably 80% of those who do some business "online". So potentially, 320 of my 800 domains are prospects for my .online domains right away, and in most all cases their equivalent .com is already valued from $5,000 to $15,000 or more. Will they buy from me? Maybe, if they like me/us, if the domain is priced fairly, and they see value. I think when I tell them a percentage of the domain cost and it's annual renewal will be pumped back into promoting and exposing the .online extension, we'll be off and running.
Now we're talking, but not quite on the same level.
Rich, you're killing me. It's like you can't be happy unless you're putting someone down.

My main focus is to be able to "outbound" market/sell any domains to the consumers/businesses that need them or might like to rebrand. In case you haven't noticed from 10 to 20% of all companies rebrand themselves at one time or another. That said, if a .com were available and it weren't outrageously priced I might recommend it. The problem however is they're mostly not available, and if they are they're outrageously priced. This is where an extension like .online might come in. Of the 800+ .online domains that I own maybe 50% of those lead to a .com business/website. And probably 80% of those who do some business "online". So potentially, 320 of my 800 domains are prospects for my .online domains right away, and in most all cases their equivalent .com is already valued from $5,000 to $15,000 or more. Will they buy from me? Maybe, if they like me/us, if the domain is priced fairly, and they see value. I think when I tell them a percentage of the domain cost and it's annual renewal will be pumped back into promoting and exposing the .online extension, we'll be off and running.
It's definitely an interesting plan! Recommending .com when it's available will go a long way to maintaining credibility, I think. If you were so inclined, you could even open your buyers up to all the ngTLDs and/or ccTLDs that might be relevant for their needs. Pushing .online could be a bit transparent if you're heavily invested in them. As a broker who is putting your clients first, it could really benefit them to have a wide array of options and prices.
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