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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

1. Keep it clean
2. No fighting
3. Respect the views of others.
4. US Political views, No Religious views
5. Have fun :)

The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Thanks for the responses:

Yeah, a wall helps to enforce borders, but it doesn't really solve the problem. Japan will face these questions as well, though the numbers of Chinese here have already massively increased, as students, laborers, tourists and business owners. The Vietnamese who staff my nearby convenience store put the Japanese staff to shame. A lot of young Japanese have grown up without much ambition, and even less in the way of social skills (I blame that partly on smart phones).

But what happens when a neighboring country devolves into war, or into Venezuela? Are you going to machine gun boats full of woman and children? (I'm talking about real refugees, not the masses of fake refugees flooding the EU and US.)

The idea of no passports is not pie in the sky stuff. A passport, when you think of it, is a kind of iron curtain in itself - or it can be. Try traveling without one. The USA is already depriving people convicted of no crimes of their passports. It's not some Kumbaya dream world, but reality that the planet is shrinking. There are a lot of older Japanese who wish the country could just shut its doors and they could continue without the world disrupting their perfect little culture. But that's not going to happen. They need to seriously address immigration and put rules into place. They are going to get immigrants one way or the other, so it should be on their terms at least. This is stuff people have to think about in the longer (but not so long) term.

For now, of course borders require defending. I think they will for some time yet. And immigrants should adapt to the culture they immigrate to. I don't see anything wrong with people celebrating their heritage. They should. But the host culture should predominate. That's a problem in the EU and US, where people are essentially dismantling and re-engineering their social systems along rather dubious lines.

I also agree that foreign aid mostly supports dictators and perpetuates poverty. There are micro-loan programs like those started by Mohammed Yunus that work rather well. People have to be helped to help themselves. (Teaching a man to fish, and all that...)

I think the best way to protect borders long term is to encourage the healthy growth of economies in other countries. That's a problem though when people are naturally inclined to vote for whichever demagogue offers them the most free stuff.
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Japan should kick you out back to America? You invader. It's funny some opinions in this thread, don't hold up to the people making them. You're not the only one.

I had you blocked, JB. But since your ghost appears in other's comments, I thought I would check to see if you have gained the ability to have a rational discussion, like a grown up. Apparently not. Just the usual non-sequitur responses I used to see from you, tinged with the usual malice. Back to "ignore" you go...

When Mr-x said, "Also, don't let people equate legal with illegal immigration," I thought seemed too obvious to even need saying. After reading your post, I guess he was right after all.
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I had you blocked, JB. But since your ghost appears in other's comments, I thought I would check to see if you have gained the ability to have a rational discussion, like a grown up. Apparently not. Just the usual non-sequitur responses I used to see from you, tinged with the usual malice. Back to "ignore" you go...

When Mr-x said, "Also, don't let people equate legal with illegal immigration," I thought seemed too obvious to even need saying. After reading your post, I guess he was right after all.

You never had me blocked, you don't have me blocked now. You really are dishonest. You know there is a way I can check that, don't you? You said you had me blocked after the "tsunami joke" but that was a lie as well because you were replying to me after that. There was a post where I exposed your lying.

And you don't have rational discussions. You post your usual drivel:

"I am getting a little tired of the misuse of this word to identify reactionary fascists and extremists."

"I am sick of people claiming to be enlightened as they push for fascism and police states. The same sort of "idealists" who brought the world Stalinism, Maoism and Pol Pot."

Big drama queen type posting. So you're equating Dems/Liberals/Protesting to .......... reactionary fascists, extremists, Stalinsm, Maoism, Pol Pot. I mean pick one.

It's like you have no clue of the words you're posting. So Liberals are:

Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of radical authoritarian ultranationalism.


Who does ultranationalism sound like? Let me give you a clue. Trump literally said that in tonight's speech:

Trump: 'You know what I am? I'm a nationalist'

You like to use a lot of words that end in ism, because I guess you feel it makes you look smart? When it just makes you look clueless.

All this anti-immigrant stuff from you and others, guess what that sounds like?

"The fascist view of a nation is of a single organic entity that binds people together by their ancestry and is a natural unifying force of people"

You, not liberals. Now the truth is you pretend you're not reading this because you can't defend your posts. It's hard to defend nonsense.

Fascism and Liberalism oppose each other**, so Liberals aren't Fascists. And even Antifa, who some of you called Fascist, are anti-Fascist. It's like you guys don't even know what the word means, but it's fun to throw around.

**"Fascism promotes the establishment of a totalitarian state. It opposes liberal democracy."
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Criminalize all those businesses that hire illegals.

Over the past 50 years 2.3 Trillion Dollars were given to Africa in Foreign Aid. What do they have to show with all that money? Very little. Most of it landed up in the overseas bank accounts of local super corrupt officials.

In my opinion, Foreign Aid should continue to be given to these countries, with one very important difference. That Aid money should be handled only under the supervision of the donor nations. Not one cent in foreign aid should go to any African official.

I'll give a couple of examples (there are many more) of how European generosity and donations end up:

Over the years millions of mosquito nets were given to many African countries to try and combat and reduce Malaria, Deng, Encephalitis, Zika etc. These nets were supposed to be distributed free to the population with instructions on how to use them.

Well guess what... Most of these mosquito nets ended up being sold in the streets of the cities in these countries.

Another rip-off is the tons and tons of clothes and shoes that people in Europe and probably North America kindly offered to help the poor in Africa.

Once again virtually all these items ended up being sold in the streets. They never reached the poor.

Good points.
1. For years, I have said criminalizing hiring even an illegal gardener or maid would deter the illegals in California, such they never could be hired then no reason to arrive in the first place. Work permits for farm workers, and merit based visas in time and proof of obeying laws. After Reagan era amnesty, that was sort of supposed to happen but never was enforced. No work, no jobs, no assistance, no welfare, no food stamps, nothing for illegal aliens. Period. Takes away the entire problem, yet highly unpopular draconian idea that would never fly.

2. Why doesnt that knucklehead do gooder Bono and Gates foundation volunteer to safeguard monies not going to corrupt African or other dictators around the world. I bet they do though. They are the on the ground people. Govts Sending money historically is easy, lazy and stupid for taxpayers. Mismanaged for years.

3. You know what happens to US donated clothes to Goodwill Industries. They get more than they can use, It gets sold at auctions. Years ago I had a friend who resold it! No idea where the cash goes. Some is purchased and sent to be resold by Chinese business owners open Ropa Americana shops in Latin America, Prices are decent, but not sure of the integrity of the system. At least private, as if a gov ran it would be bloated with overhead.
That's a problem in the EU and US, where people are essentially dismantling and re-engineering their social systems along rather dubious lines.

And that defines the entire problem.

The idea the EU countries with distinct cultures all become one happy family with one currency and one governing body in Brussels is a failure. Hence Brexit, a few nations dont agree to subsidize the rest. And Angela Merkel socialist by birth lets in incompatible people in and in the passport free Schengen area, migrants go where the most free stuff is like Sweden. I wonder how many build BMW’s?

In the US, so many different issues. The disappearence of entry level jobs for young people (taken by migrants, unskilled) to instill values of hard work ethics, independence to make a living and become self employed with little gov interference has deteriorated. Small business unable to compete with Amazon. The f ing worship of big business, big bloated “corporation” culture has helped ruin the true American Dream. So now, the nation is filled with Cubicle robots, taught by corporate sponsored liberal educators and institutions who believe in collectivism instead of economic independence. In student debt by the lies of colleges and government. No mass Shark Tank like thinking (except made in USA, not China) and entrepreneurial spirit is the best hope. The US afaiac has no cultural strength of family, traditions like the rest of the world, etc. its a fragmented society. Now the current 20-30 year olds were spoiled latchkey kids with both parents working, never had to work for anything are entitled jerks that want free stuff.

Now with all the idiocy of social media, instant everything, lack of patience, delegation of responsibility, too many chiefs overpaid CEO’s and underpaid blue collar service jobs, death of manufacturing jobs, monopolies of the FANG, on and on. “The Lie of technology.” Making life easier. Right.

Well, that was a rant unorganized but social issues and government are the problem.

None of the recent events of extreme behavior bode well for the future.
The US afaiac has no cultural strength of family, traditions like the rest of the world, etc. its a fragmented society.

That's really crucial. I read somewhere the observation that one can see a society's future by looking at their slums. Are the people with nothing killing and robbing each other, or are they fairly orderly and taking care of each other? Because sooner or later the government will fail to deliver, so the slums give a hint as to how the citizens will react when facing hard times, lack of law enforcement and government support.
Trump unleashes a flurry of false statements in run-up to midterm elections: Analysis

Trump claimed over the weekend that Democrats didn't help with his opioid bill (it passed 98-1 in Senate with one Republican "no" vote.

The number of jobs the president claims will be created from Saudi weapons contracts has evolved from 40,000 to 1 million in recent days.

He falsely claimed illegal immigrants are given luxury cars.

Providing no evidence, he suggested the Democrats organized and financially backed the caravan.

He falsely claimed there has been rioting in California over sanctuary city laws.

Sending troops to the border.........

"Middle Easterners"...........

Cutting off aid..............

New tax cuts...........

Farmers helped propel Trump to the White House. Their loyalty is being tested by his trade war.
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Trump unleashes a flurry of false statements in run-up to midterm elections: Analysis

Hey, you have to admit the current crazy climate with the Democrat behavior calling out protests in public by Holder, Waters, Hillary, etc. Trump needs something to get the vote out.

Truth? Please Pelosi, Schumer, Obama aren't they also liars? Previous statements years back about illegal aliens (yes they said Aliens- watched them on video last night- you want me to post it?) and now they flip flop like a political windshield wiper swishing back and forth- water side needs attention...ha.

It's going to be interesting election!!!! Keep smiling. The race is on.
Read the article, it's fake news. Calling things a lie because they are "hard to do" or require cooperation with states.

Click bait for people with TDS.

Hey, you have to admit the current crazy climate with the Democrat behavior calling out protests in public by Holder, Waters, Hillary, etc. Trump needs something to get the vote out.

Truth? Please Pelosi, Schumer, Obama aren't they also liars? Previous statements years back about illegal aliens (yes they said Aliens- watched them on video last night- you want me to post it?) and now they flip flop like a political windshield wiper swishing back and forth- water side needs attention...ha.

It's going to be interesting election!!!! Keep smiling. The race is on.
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Hey, you have to admit the current crazy climate with the Democrat behavior calling out protests in public by Holder, Waters, Hillary, etc. Trump needs something to get the vote out.

Truth? Please Pelosi, Schumer, Obama aren't they also liars? Previous statements years back about illegal aliens (yes they said Aliens- watched them on video last night- you want me to post it?) and now they flip flop like a political windshield wiper swishing back and forth- water side needs attention...ha.

It's going to be interesting election!!!! Keep smiling. The race is on.

He's taking it to another level. Stuff easily debunked. This alone:

"Trump claimed over the weekend that Democrats didn't help with his opioid bill (it passed 98-1 in Senate with one Republican "no" vote."

The only no vote was actually a Republican.

He knows most of his followers won't check, don't care if he lies.
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MSNBC covering important topics, President Trump ordered new towels for Air Force One.
He knows most of his followers won't check, don't care if he lies.
And if they do check they will justify the lies anyway. Politicians all lie so what's the deal ? Huh.
Yet there is a gap between bending the truth from time to time for political reasons, and full-time delusion.
The biggest idiots are not the liars but those buying lies (and asking for more).
He knows the media will call everything a lie no matter what. Obama lied his ass off to an anemic crowd in Nevada, wheres the outrage? The media used tight angles to make the crowd look bigger and repeated the lies.

And if they do check they will justify the lies anyway. Politicians all lie so what's the deal ? Huh.
Yet there is a gap between bending the truth from time to time for political reasons, and full-time delusion.
The biggest idiots are not the liars but those buying lies (and asking for more).

Hate makes you stupid.
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DNC has a new ad. Could be a game changer.

Our goal is to make our gov work for you so you don't have to work at all.
The biggest idiots are not the liars but those buying lies (and asking for more).

Here is a good example:

He knows the media will call everything a lie no matter what. Obama lied his ass off to an anemic crowd in Nevada, wheres the outrage? The media used tight angles to make the crowd look bigger and repeated the lies.

Hate makes you stupid.

No, he actually lies, a lot. So it gets covered, a lot.
Donald Trump so stupid!!

Also, biological sex is a "misconception" and "not a reality." but shocker; Surgeon Says Sex Change Regret Is 'On The Rise
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You set the bar pretty low for yourself.
You set the bar pretty low for yourself.

Look who's talking. Two liberals who called Trump ( and me ) bigoted for only recognizing two sexes. One of you called Kanye West a house negro and crazy b/c of politics.

Save me your perl clutching hypocrisy.
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Cows' milk has long been a symbol used by white supremacists. One more reason to #DitchDairy.

And all this time I never realized that I drank about 2 glasses of "white supremacy" daily for as long as I can remember...

Cows' milk has long been a symbol used by white supremacists. One more reason to #DitchDairy.

And all this time I never realized that I drank about 2 glasses of "white supremacy" daily for as long as I can remember...

Apparently, Chocolate Milk is OK though!
Apparently, Chocolate Milk is OK though!
LOL... Oh dear, I don't really like Chocolate Milk... Does that make me a racist?
Even he likes milk...

Replying to PETA...
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