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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

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4. US Political views, No Religious views
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I"m not talking about Pence stupid. Where do you see Pence in this:

Those for conversion therapy, anti-LGBT, anti-women's rights, anti-gay marriage.

I've already went over this about 3 times today alone, many times in the past, still you struggle.

Still going on about Pence, lol.

"I don't have a problem with decent Christians. I have them in my family and as friends. I only have a problem with the more crazy, fundamentalist types. Those for conversion therapy, anti-LGBT, anti-women's rights, anti-gay marriage. You and Pence fit into that category. You actually said gay marriage was harmful to society."

You've repeated the accusation multiple times.
"I don't have a problem with decent Christians. I have them in my family and as friends. I only have a problem with the more crazy, fundamentalist types. Those for conversion therapy, anti-LGBT, anti-women's rights, anti-gay marriage. You and Pence fit into that category. You actually said gay marriage was harmful to society."

haha, I didn't say they have to be against all 4 for me to have an issue. Any of them, they're all bad. He is anti-gay marriage, women's rights. He's a fundamentalist Christian. Not all are.
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haha, I didn't say they have to be against all 4 for me to have an issue. Any of them, they're all bad. He is anti-gay marriage, women's rights. He's a fundamentalist Christian. Not all are.

Then you don't understand Christianity or are just making things up. It's all fundamental, liberal Christianity isn't.
Then you don't understand Christianity or are just making things up.

I do. Not everybody is a fundy like you. I've told you many times I have friends and family members that are Christian. Just checked out your Snopes link. First, it's funny as hell to me you using Snopes after whining about it many times in this thread. Then from that link:

What's True
Mike Pence once supported the use of federal funding to treat people "seeking to change their sexual behavior."

And there are actual Live and Let Live Christians. They can have their beliefs but understand people are different and might not share those same beliefs. They don't spend their time protesting, trying to keep rights from people or take them away.
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I do. Not everybody is a fundy like you. I've told you many times I have friends and families that are Christian. Just checked out your Snopes link. First, it's funny as hell to me you using Snopes after whining about it many times in this thread. Then from that link:

What's True
Mike Pence once supported the use of federal funding to treat people "seeking to change their sexual behavior."

You don't know what your talking about. Homosexual sex is a sin, Abortion is a sin, Sex outside of marriage is a sin, Adultery is a sin.

The entire point of Christianity is to be converted, born again and follow Christ. I could get deep about it and will if you want but in short, the old person dies. Everyone has a cross to bear.
You don't know what your talking about. Homosexual sex is a sin, Abortion is a sin, Sex outside of marriage is a sin, Adultery is a sin.

The entire point of Christianity is to be converted, born again and follow Christ. I could get deep about it and will if you want but in short, the old person dies. Everyone has a cross to bear.

Sex outside of marriage is a sin. How many so called Christians actually waited until marriage to have sex?

I do understand. I've said it many times, you are a fundy Christian. You're not saying anything I don't know.
Sex outside of marriage is a sin. How many so called Christians actually waited until marriage to have sex?

Quite a few but most people come to Christ latter in life.

I do understand. I've said it many times, you are a fundy Christian. You're not saying anything I don't know.

I don't think you do.
Quite a few but most people come to Christ latter in life.

I don't think you do.

I do. What part of friends and family are Christian do you struggle with? The Christians I know are actually decent tho. You're the hateful type.
I do. What part of friends and family are Christian do you struggle with? The Christians I know are actually decent tho. You're the hateful type.

They have to be to put up with you. I'm trying to remember what you said about the Masterpiece Cake lawsuit. Was Jack Phillips the right kind of Christian?
They have to be to put up with you. I'm trying to remember what you said about the Masterpiece Cake lawsuit. Was Jack Phillips the right kind of Christian?

Are these - https://www.godhatesfags.com/

Those are just your views amplified. Do you support the Westboro Baptist Church?

To me, those are hateful type Christians.

They have to be to put up with you. I'm trying to remember what you said about the Masterpiece Cake lawsuit. Was Jack Phillips the right kind of Christian?

Don't remember saying anything. Instead of trying to remember stuff, if I did say something, you can use NP search and quote it.

If you want to talk religion, go bump the Religious thread we have here.
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Are these - https://www.godhatesfags.com/

Those are just your views amplified. Do you support the Westboro Baptist Church?

To me, those are hateful type Christians.

Those aren't Christians. They claim the title but have nothing in common with the Word of God. Is that what you're comparing me and VP Pence too?
Those aren't Christians. They claim the title but have nothing in common with the Word of God. Is that what you're comparing me and VP Pence too?

No, I just said it's your views amplified. Please, learn to actually read, it'll save time. They consider themselves Christian. They read the same book you do. With gay marriage, you'll point to some Bible passage against being gay. So do they, they're just more direct. They literally quote Bible passages on the site. Are they making those up? Even right in the logo Lev. 20:23
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No, I just said it's your views amplified. Please, learn to actually read, it'll save time. They consider themselves Christian. They read the same book you do. With gay marriage, you'll point to some Bible passage against it. So do they, they're just more direct.

So the only good Christians are the ones who ignore the bible?

Aren't you similar to the Westboro zealots with your lies about VP Mike Pence supporting conversion therapy?

Here is the truth about what he supported:
"By contrast, an anti-HIV program helping gay men reduce or eliminate high-risk sexual activity seems almost quaint."
So the only good Christians are the ones who ignore the bible?

Aren't you similar to the Westboro zealots with your lies about VP Mike Pence supporting conversion therapy?

Here is the truth about what he supported:
"By contrast, an anti-HIV program helping gay men reduce or eliminate high-risk sexual activity seems almost quaint."

"Established in 1955 by Pastor Fred Phelps, the Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) of Topeka, Kansas still exists today as an Old School (or, Primitive) Baptist Church. We adhere to the teachings of the Bible, preach against all form of sin (e.g., fornication, adultery [including divorce and remarriage], sodomy), and insist that the sovereignty of God and the doctrines of grace be taught and expounded publicly to all men."

Compare that to what you posted above:

"You don't know what your talking about. Homosexual sex is a sin, Abortion is a sin, Sex outside of marriage is a sin, Adultery is a sin."

Sounds the same. You said they aren't Christians, but you sound just like them.

"So the only good Christians are the ones who ignore the bible?"

I'm not going to keep repeating myself. Just reread what I already posted.

BTW, hop on in:

The official *religious* discussion thread

It's a topic you're interested in, there is the thread for it.
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... They read the same book you do. With gay marriage, you'll point to some Bible passage against being gay. So do they, they're just more direct. They literally quote Bible passages on the site. Are they making those up? Even right in the logo Lev. 20:23

Leviticus 20:23 "You must not live according to the customs of the nations I am going to drive out before you. Because they did all these things, I abhorred them."

Nothing in the bible about gay marriage John.
Backed yourself into another corner.

"Established in 1955 by Pastor Fred Phelps, the Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) of Topeka, Kansas still exists today as an Old School (or, Primitive) Baptist Church. We adhere to the teachings of the Bible, preach against all form of sin (e.g., fornication, adultery [including divorce and remarriage], sodomy), and insist that the sovereignty of God and the doctrines of grace be taught and expounded publicly to all men."

Compare that to what you posted above:

"You don't know what your talking about. Homosexual sex is a sin, Abortion is a sin, Sex outside of marriage is a sin, Adultery is a sin."

Sounds the same. You said they aren't Christians, but you sound just like them.

"So the only good Christians are the ones who ignore the bible?"

I'm not going to keep repeating myself. Just reread what I already posted.

BTW, hop on in:

The official *religious* discussion thread

It's a topic you're interested in, there is the thread for it.
She's wants to rebuild every building in the USA but without fossil fuels it's going to be hard to mine the materials.

My favorite part was everyone get's a living wage even if they are unwilling to work. Sounds like a great side-gig for domainers.

Spoiled Millennials will love it. "Learn to Coders"

You read the Green New Deal PDF of all the nonsense? Could have been written by a fantasy writer. What does anyone expect from a bartender anyway.
Yet he made this ruling on Koran 9:29 and others in his most important work Bidayat al-Mujtahid wa-Nihayat al-Muqtasid. His interest in Greek philosophy did not conflict with his opinion of IS&J:

"According to the majority of scholars, the compulsory nature of the jihad is founded on sura 2:216: ‘Prescribed for you is fighting, though it is hateful to you.‘... Scholars agree that all polytheists should be fought; This founded on sura 8:39: “Fight them until there is no persecution and the religion is God’s entirely"… the Muslims are agreed that the aim of warfare against the People of the Book... is twofold: either conversion to Islam, or payment of poll-tax (jizya). This is based on (9:29)... There is, however, controversy with regard to polytheists who are not People of the Book: is it allowed to accept poll-tax from them or not?” More Averroes

Islamic Holy war against followers of other religions, such as Jews, is required unless they convert to Islam or pay the poll tax. There are twelve conditions required in paying the poll tax.

First condition: According to some Mojtahids those possessing Holy Scriptures, such as Christians, Jews and Zoroastrians, living in Moslem territories are obliged to pay the poll tax, (in lieu of conversion to Islam)...


Fifth condition: Those possessing Holy Scriptures must not deceive Muslims or debunk what they [the Muslims] believe in.


Ninth condition: Those possessing Holy Scriptures must not disrespect the Muslim Faith.

Tenth condition: Those possessing Holy Scriptures are not allowed to practice any un-Islamic behavior such as drinking alcohol, eating pork...

Eleventh condition: Those possessing Holy Scriptures must not establish any temples or churches in the Dar al-Islam (Muslim territory), preach or read their religious books loudly, ring their church bells, or build their houses higher than Muslim houses.

Twelfth condition: Those possessing Holy Scriptures must be distinguished from Muslims by being attired differently. They must also ride on different animals, sit on one side of the animal [i.e., side-saddle] while riding, and are not permitted to carry any weapon or sword with them. They must also not walk on the road. They cannot hold any title nor can they reside in Mecca or Medina. They are not supposed to buy the Koran or Hadith (collections)...


A Muslim is allowed to kill the dhimmi unless the dhimmi follows the twelve conditions that are mentioned above in the Jihad section, or the dhimmi converts to Islam. More Al-Amili
Supporting BLM.

To Muslim immigrants attending: She says
"You are the new Black people of America"

"revolution" "over throwing the government"

The Group of Peace.

Certainly JB Ignorance.

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Backed yourself into another corner.

No I didn't, you simply misread my post. Me pointing out what was in the logo, had nothing to do with gay, I don't even know what that passage says. It had to do with you saying they're not Christian. I'm saying they're so Christian, they even put stuff like that in the logo. That site is dripping in Bible passages, they use them to back up their beliefs.

I noticed you skipped over the part where I pointed out your post is saying the same stuff he does. Want to tackle that one? I literally quoted both of you. You're the same.

Some other stuff.

I think you're a really poor Pence supporter. You like him, want him to be President but the only way that is going to happen is for Trump to go. Yet, you support that heathen Trump on a daily basis.

Something else you said that made no sense. You were basically posting that to be a true Christian, people would have to be like you. I would point out:

Some gays are Christian and go to Churches that accept them and are nice to them. Some churches aren't.

Some Christians take the Bible literally, some don't. Some say they're just stories to illustrate a belief.

I had a boss that was a Deacon, told me the Earth was 2,000 - 3,000 years old. That dinosaurs didn't exist. You would disagree with him on the dinosaur part. Even hard core Christians disagree on subjects.

There are 10's of thousands of denominations from what I've read. So sorry, not everybody thinks like you.

@offthehandle responds posting a lot of dumb shit. You are part of the problem, again, just a basic, ignorant, conspiracy nutter, hate peddler. Hate to break it to you, it doesn't annoy me. I think it's funny how you out your ignorance. You come across as a really sad/hateful person. If it's not this, your anti-Muslim nonsense, it's you whining about gov. workers. You simmer in it.
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Bezos putting it out there, accuses National Enquirer of extortion/blackmail:


"Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos accused the parent company of the National Enquirer, which first reported on his alleged affair, of threatening him with the release of embarrassing photos unless he dropped an investigation of owner David Pecker."

"Not to be lost in the Jeff Bezos story is the fact that the publisher of the National Enquirer is very very afraid of the information that Bezos’s investigator had uncovered."

"HOLY COW. In a medium post, @JeffBezos says that David Pecker and AMI threatened to release embarrassing photos unless Bezos agreed to stop investigating them and released a statement saying he didn’t have anything on them! He included emails in the post."

https://twitter.com/search?q="National Enquirer"&src=tren&data_id=tweet:1093661596688109568&lang=en
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No I didn't, you simply misread my post. Me pointing out what was in the logo, had nothing to do with gay, I don't even know what that passage says. It had to do with you saying they're not Christian. I'm saying they're so Christian, they even put stuff like that in the logo. That site is dripping in Bible passages, they use them to back up their beliefs.

Keep pretending and gaslighting. I said, many people claim to be Christians but they are not. There are ZERO main stream Christian churchs that recognize Westboro as a legit church of Jesus Christ.

I noticed you skipped over the part where I pointed out your post is saying the same stuff he does. Want to tackle that one? I literally quoted both of you. You're the same.

Zealots take a piece of information out of context or ignore the complete books of scripture for their own reasons. I don't know why Westboro acts like they do.

It's like you and other liberals repeating the lie that Mike Pence supports conversion therapy. Making crazy memes and telling bigger and bigger lies about shock therapy, etc.

Or you taking a single sentence and using it to associate me with a church well known for it's false doctrine. You have your own reasons for lying.

Some other stuff.

I think you're a really poor Pence supporter. You like him, want him to be President but the only way that is going to happen is for Trump to go. Yet, you support that heathen Trump on a daily basis.

1 Peter 2:13, Daniel 2:21 Why do you think Christians only support other Christians? President Trump believes in America and our constitution. People on the left call the constitution outdated and failed.

Something else you said that made no sense. You were basically posting that to be a true Christian, people would have to be like you. I would point out:

That's not what I said and you twisting my words isn't an accident, it's an MO. I said a true Christian will follow God's word as written in the Bible.

Some gays are Christian and go to Churches that accept them and are nice to them. Some churches aren't.

Matthew 7:1-3

Some Christians take the Bible literally, some don't. Some say they're just stories to illustrate a belief.

I had a boss that was a Deacon, told me the Earth was 2,000 - 3,000 years old. That dinosaurs didn't exist. You would disagree with him on the dinosaur part. Even hard core Christians disagree on subjects.

I believe the world was created in six days.

There are 10's of thousands of denominations from what I've read. So sorry, not everybody thinks like you.

I never said the did. I never said Christians don't disagree. You're assuming the worst and twisting my words for your own reasons.

I said you really don't like Christians and you've proved it.

@offthehandle responds posting a lot of dumb sh*t. You are part of the problem, again, just a basic, ignorant, conspiracy nutter, hate peddler. Hate to break it to you, it doesn't annoy me. I think it's funny how you out your ignorance. You come across as a really sad/hateful person. If it's not this, your anti-Muslim nonsense, it's you whining about gov. workers. You simmer in it.
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